


Public Variables


How much larger the mWorkingQueryBox should be made when updating the working collision list.


The maximum number of ticks that go by before the mWorkingQueryBox is considered stale and needs updating.

Detailed Description

Public Variables

float workingQueryBoxSizeMultiplier 

How much larger the mWorkingQueryBox should be made when updating the working collision list.

The larger this number the less often the working list will be updated due to motion, but any non-static shape that moves into the query box will not be noticed.

int workingQueryBoxStaleThreshold 

The maximum number of ticks that go by before the mWorkingQueryBox is considered stale and needs updating.

Other factors can cause the collision working query box to become invalidated, such as the rigid body moving far enough outside of this cached box. The smaller this number, the more times the working list of triangles that are considered for collision is refreshed. This has the greatest impact with colliding with high triangle count meshes.


Set to -1 to disable any time-based forced check.