


Public Variables


If true, Joystick devices will be automatically opened.


If true, the pov hat will be treated as 4 buttons and make/break events will be generated for upov, dpov, lpov and rpov.


If true, the pov hat will be treated as a single input with a 4 bit mask value. The povmask event will be generated with the current mask every time the mask value changes.


Split axis inputs on 4 axis joysticks. This has no effect on any other device.


If true, any Joystick device that SDL recognizes as a Game Controller will be automatically opened as a game controller.

Detailed Description

Public Variables

bool JoystickEnabled 

If true, Joystick devices will be automatically opened.

bool JoystickPOVButtons 

If true, the pov hat will be treated as 4 buttons and make/break events will be generated for upov, dpov, lpov and rpov.

bool JoystickPOVMask 

If true, the pov hat will be treated as a single input with a 4 bit mask value. The povmask event will be generated with the current mask every time the mask value changes.

bool JoystickSplitAxesLR 

Split axis inputs on 4 axis joysticks. This has no effect on any other device.

4 Axis joysticks use IDs 0-3 which get mapped to xaxis, yaxis, zaxis and rxaxis. When true, this will increment IDs 2 and 3 so the inputs map to xaxis, yaxis, rxaxis and ryaxis.

bool sdlControllerEnabled 

If true, any Joystick device that SDL recognizes as a Game Controller will be automatically opened as a game controller.