A datablock that specifies an Animation Clip effect.
A datablock that specifies an Animation Lock effect.
A datablock that specifies an Area Damage effect.
A datablock that specifies an Audio Bank effect.
A Billboard effect as defined by an afxBillboardData datablock.
A datablock that specifies a Billboard effect.
A 3rd person camera object.
A datablock that describes an afxCamera.
A datablock that specifies a Camera Puppet effect.
A datablock that specifies a Camera Shake effect.
Base class used by choreographers.
Datablock base class used by choreographers.
A datablock that specifies a Collision Event effect.
A datablock that specifies a Console Message effect.
A datablock that specifies a Damage effect.
A datablock baseclass for afxEffectWrapperData and afxEffectGroupData.
A datablock that describes an Effect Group.
A basic effects choreographer.
Defines the properties of an afxEffectron.
An Effect Wrapper as defined by an afxEffectWrapperData datablock.
A datablock that describes an Effect Wrapper.
A simple but useful GUI control that propagates all events to its parent control.
A datablock for specifiying AFX drag forces.
A datablock for specifiying AFX gravity forces.
A datablock that specifies a Foot Switch effect.
A datablock that specifies a Gui Controller effect.
A customized variation of GuiInspectorField.
A datablock that specifies a Gui Text effect.
afxLightData is a legacy datablock which is not supported for T3D.
A datablock that specifies a Machine Gun effect.
Magic-missile class used internally by afxMagicSpell. Properties of individual missile types are defined using afxMagicMissileData.
Defines a particular magic-missile type. (Use with afxMagicSpellData.)
A magic spell effects choreographer.
Defines the properties of an afxMagicSpell.
A Model effect as defined by an afxModelData datablock.
A datablock that specifies a Model effect.
A Mooring effect as defined by an afxMooringData datablock.
A datablock that specifies a Mooring effect.
afxMultiLightData is a legacy datablock which is not supported for T3D.
An AFX customized particle emitter that emits particles within a cone shape.
A base datablock inherited by AFX Particle Emitter effects.
An AFX customized particle emitter that emits particles within a disc shape.
An AFX customized particle emitter that emits particles along a path.
An AFX customized particle emitter that emits particles along a 3D vector.
A ParticlePool object as defined by an afxParticlePoolData datablock.
A ParticlePool datablock.
A datablock for specifiying a 3D path for use with AFX.
A datablock that specifies a Phrase Effect, a grouping of other effects.
A datablock that specifies a PhysicalZone effect.
A datablock that specifies a Player Movement effect.
A datablock that specifies a Player Puppet effect.
A Projectile effect as defined by an afxProjectileData datablock.
A datablock that specifies a Projectile effect.
A class that manages certain AFX effects that can persist for long durations.
A datablock for defining RPG aspects of a spell.
A datablock that specifies a Script Event effect.
A choreographer for selection effects.
Defines the properties of an afxSelectronData.
A spellbook object.
A spellbook datablock.
A GUI button with some special features that are useful for casting AFX spells.
A GUI progress bar useful as a spell casting bar.
A StaticShape effect as defined by an afxStaticShapeData datablock.
A datablock that specifies a StaticShape effect.
A GUI status bar for tracking and displaying health and energy of ShapeBase objects.
A simple GUI control used to contain player status bars and a label.
A simple GUI control used for a player status label.
A datablock baseclass for afxT3DPointLightData and afxT3DSpotLightData.
A datablock that specifies a dynamic Point Light effect.
A datablock that specifies a dynamic Spot Light effect.
A customized variation of GameTSCtrl.
afxVolumeLightData is a legacy datablock which is not supported for T3D.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
An xmod datablock.
A datablock that specifies a decal-like Zodiac effect.
A render bin for zodiac rendering on GroundPlane objects.
A render bin for zodiac rendering on MeshRoad objects.
A ZodiacPlane effect as defined by an afxZodiacPlaneData datablock.
A datablock that specifies a Zodiac Plane effect.
A render bin for zodiac rendering on polysoup TSStatic objects.
A render bin for zodiac rendering on Terrain objects.
Allows legacy AudioDescription datablocks to be treated as SFXDescription datablocks.
Allows legacy AudioProfile datablocks to be treated as SFXProfile datablocks.
Allows legacy sgLightObjectData datablocks to appear in scripts.
Activates an effectron that was started with postponeActivation=true.
Activates a magic spell that was started with postponeActivation=true.
castSpell(afxMagicSpellData datablock, ShapeBase caster, SceneObject target, SimObject extra)
Instantiates the magic spell defined by datablock and cast by caster.
Clear out any ShapeBase-derived object associated with the status-bar.
ColorScale(LinearColorF color, float scalar)
Returns color scaled by scalar (color*scalar).
Get the capacity (total number of spell slots) in a spellbook.
Returns ID of the spell's caster object.
getColorFromHSV(float hue, float sat, float val, float alpha)
Coverts an HSV formatted color into an RBG color.
Returns the current location of the free target.
GetGhostIndex(NetObject obj)
Returns the ghost-index for an object.
Returns ID of impacted-object for the spell.
getMaxF(float a, float b)
Returns the greater of the two arguments.
getMinF(float a, float b)
Returns the lesser of the two arguments.
Returns ID of the spell's magic-missile object.
Get the 3D position of the mouse cursor.
Get the 3D direction vector for the mouse cursor.
getPageSlotIndex(Point2I bookSlot)
getPageSlotIndex(Point2I bookSlot)
getRandomDir(Point3F axis, float thetaMin, float thetaMax, float phiMin, float phiMax)
Get a random direction vector.
getRandomF(float a, float b)
Get a random float number between a and b.
Returns the velocity of a scene-object.
getSpellData(Point2I bookSlot)
Get spell datablock for spell stored at spellbook index, (page, slot).
getSpellRPGData(Point2I bookSlot)
Get spell RPG datablock for spell stored at spellbook index, (page, slot).
Returns ID of the spell's target object.
Get the current targeting-mode.
Interrupts and deletes a running effectron.
Interrupts and deletes a running magic spell.
Interrupts and deletes a running selectron.
Interrupts the current stage of a magic spell causing it to move onto the next one.
Called before a series of datablocks are reloaded to help distinguish reloaded datablocks from already loaded ones.
MatrixInverseMulVector(MatrixF xfrm, Point3F vector)
Multiply the vector by the affine inverse of the transform.
moveTransformAbs(MatrixF xfrm, Point3F pos)
Move the transform to the new absolute position.
moveTransformRel(MatrixF xfrm, Point3F pos)
Move the transform to the new relative position.
Pop the targeting-mode off a statck of modes.
pushCastingEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to a spell's casting phase.
pushDeliveryEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to a spell's delivery phase.
pushEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to an effect-group.
pushEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to an effectron's phase.
pushImpactEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to a spell's impact phase.
pushLaunchEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to a spell's launch phase.
pushLingerEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to a spell's linger phase.
pushTargetingMode(uint mode, uint checkMethod)
Push a new targeting-mode onto a statck of modes.
Resets an effect-group datablock during reload.
Resets an effectron datablock during reload.
Resets a spell datablock during reload.
Resets a selectron datablock during reload.
ResolveGhost(int ghostIndex)
Resolves a ghost-index into an object ID.
rolloverRayCast(Point3F start, Point3F end, uint mask)
Performs a raycast from points start to end and returns the ID of nearest intersecting object with a type found in the specified mask. Returns -1 if no object is found.
setProgress(float percentDone)
Set the progress percentage on the progress-bar.
setProgress(float percentDone)
Set the progress percentage on the status-bar.
setSpellBook(afxSpellBook spellbook)
Associate a spellbook with an afxTSCtrl.
setStartingVelocity(float velocity)
Set the starting velocity for a magic-missile.
setStartingVelocityVector(Point3F velocityVec)
Set the starting velocity-vector for a magic-missile.
setTimeFactor(F32 factor)
or (string phase, F32 factor)Sets the time-factor for the spell, either overall or for a specific phrase.
setTimeFactor(float factor)
Sets the time-factor for the effectron.
setTimeFactor(float factor)
Sets the time factor of the selectron.
startEffectron(afxEffectronData datablock, string constraintSource, string constraintName, SimObject extra)
Instantiates the effectron defined by datablock.
startSelectron(SceneObject selectedObj, unsigned int subcode, SimObject extra)
Instantiates a selectron.
Stops and deletes a running selectron.
Called after a series of datablocks are reloaded to trigger some important actions on the reloaded datablocks.
Returns true if script compiler had a syntax error. Useful for detecting syntax errors after reloading a script.
Detailed Description
Activates an effectron that was started with postponeActivation=true.
Activates a magic spell that was started with postponeActivation=true.
castSpell(afxMagicSpellData datablock, ShapeBase caster, SceneObject target, SimObject extra)
Instantiates the magic spell defined by datablock and cast by caster.
Clear out any ShapeBase-derived object associated with the status-bar.
ColorScale(LinearColorF color, float scalar)
Returns color scaled by scalar (color*scalar).
color | The color to be scaled. |
scalar | The amount to scale the color. |
echoThru(string passthru, string text...)
Like echo(), but first argument is returned.
errorThru(string passthru, string text...)
Like error(), but first argument is returned.
Get the capacity (total number of spell slots) in a spellbook.
Returns ID of the spell's caster object.
getColorFromHSV(float hue, float sat, float val, float alpha)
Coverts an HSV formatted color into an RBG color.
hue | The hue of the color (0-360). |
sat | The saturation of the color (0-1). |
val | The value of the color (0-1). |
alpha | The alpha of the color (0-1). |
Returns the current location of the free target.
GetGhostIndex(NetObject obj)
Returns the ghost-index for an object.
Returns ID of impacted-object for the spell.
getMaxF(float a, float b)
Returns the greater of the two arguments.
getMinF(float a, float b)
Returns the lesser of the two arguments.
Returns ID of the spell's magic-missile object.
Get the 3D position of the mouse cursor.
Get the 3D direction vector for the mouse cursor.
getPageSlotIndex(Point2I bookSlot)
getPageSlotIndex(Point2I bookSlot)
getRandomDir(Point3F axis, float thetaMin, float thetaMax, float phiMin, float phiMax)
Get a random direction vector.
getRandomF(float a, float b)
Get a random float number between a and b.
Returns the velocity of a scene-object.
getSpellData(Point2I bookSlot)
Get spell datablock for spell stored at spellbook index, (page, slot).
getSpellRPGData(Point2I bookSlot)
Get spell RPG datablock for spell stored at spellbook index, (page, slot).
Returns ID of the spell's target object.
Get the current targeting-mode.
Interrupts and deletes a running effectron.
Interrupts and deletes a running magic spell.
Interrupts and deletes a running selectron.
Interrupts the current stage of a magic spell causing it to move onto the next one.
Called before a series of datablocks are reloaded to help distinguish reloaded datablocks from already loaded ones.
MatrixInverseMulVector(MatrixF xfrm, Point3F vector)
Multiply the vector by the affine inverse of the transform.
moveTransformAbs(MatrixF xfrm, Point3F pos)
Move the transform to the new absolute position.
moveTransformRel(MatrixF xfrm, Point3F pos)
Move the transform to the new relative position.
Pop the targeting-mode off a statck of modes.
pushCastingEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to a spell's casting phase.
pushDeliveryEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to a spell's delivery phase.
pushEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to an effect-group.
pushEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to an effectron's phase.
pushImpactEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to a spell's impact phase.
pushLaunchEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to a spell's launch phase.
pushLingerEffect(afxEffectBaseData effect)
Adds an effect (wrapper or group) to a spell's linger phase.
pushTargetingMode(uint mode, uint checkMethod)
Push a new targeting-mode onto a statck of modes.
Resets an effect-group datablock during reload.
Resets an effectron datablock during reload.
Resets a spell datablock during reload.
Resets a selectron datablock during reload.
ResolveGhost(int ghostIndex)
Resolves a ghost-index into an object ID.
rolloverRayCast(Point3F start, Point3F end, uint mask)
Performs a raycast from points start to end and returns the ID of nearest intersecting object with a type found in the specified mask. Returns -1 if no object is found.
setProgress(float percentDone)
Set the progress percentage on the progress-bar.
setProgress(float percentDone)
Set the progress percentage on the status-bar.
setShape(ShapeBase shape)
Associate a ShapeBase-derived object with the status-bar.
setSpellBook(afxSpellBook spellbook)
Associate a spellbook with an afxTSCtrl.
setStartingVelocity(float velocity)
Set the starting velocity for a magic-missile.
setStartingVelocityVector(Point3F velocityVec)
Set the starting velocity-vector for a magic-missile.
setTimeFactor(F32 factor)
or (string phase, F32 factor)Sets the time-factor for the spell, either overall or for a specific phrase.
setTimeFactor(float factor)
Sets the time-factor for the effectron.
setTimeFactor(float factor)
Sets the time factor of the selectron.
startEffectron(afxEffectronData datablock, string constraintSource, string constraintName, SimObject extra)
Instantiates the effectron defined by datablock.
startSelectron(SceneObject selectedObj, unsigned int subcode, SimObject extra)
Instantiates a selectron.
Stops and deletes a running selectron.
Called after a series of datablocks are reloaded to trigger some important actions on the reloaded datablocks.
warnThru(string passthru, string text...)
Like warn(), but first argument is returned.
Returns true if script compiler had a syntax error. Useful for detecting syntax errors after reloading a script.