Volumetric Fog Object class. Main class defining the Volumetric Fog objects in the scene. Used in conjunction with the VolumetricFogRTManager class which is responsible for the required rendertargets.
The source shape asset.
Fog color RGBA (Alpha is ignored)
Overal fog density value (0 disables the fog).
Set to true if volumetric fog should continue while submerged.
Min size (in pixels) for fog to be rendered.
Object size in pixels at which the FX-fading kicks in (0 disables fading).
A texture which contains Fogdensity modulator in the red channel and color with 1-green channel. No texture disables modulation.
How many times the texture is mapped to the object.
Overall strength of the density modulation (0 disables modulation).
Overall primary speed of the density modulation (x-speed(u) y-speed(v))
Overall secundary speed of the density modulation (x-speed(u) y-speed(v))
Set to true if volumetric fog should be reflected.
Strength of the reflections (0 disables the fog).
Set to true if volumetric fog should use glow PostFX.
Overall strength of the glow PostFX.
Set to true if volumetric fog should modify the brightness of the Lightrays.
Modifier for LightRay PostFX when inside Fog.
onEnterFog(SimObjectId obj)
Called when an object enters the volume of the Fog instance.
onLeaveFog(SimObjectId obj)
Called when an object left the volume of the Fog instance.
Public Static Attributes
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
Public Functions
returns true if control object is inside the fog
SetFogColor(ColorI new_color)
Changes the color of the fog.
SetFogColorF(LinearColorF new_color)
Changes the color of the fog.
SetFogDensity(float new_density)
Changes the density of the fog.
SetFogGlow(bool on_off, float strength)
Changes the glow postfx when inside the fog.
SetFogLightray(bool on_off, float strength)
Changes the lightrays postfx when inside the fog.
SetFogModulation(float new_strenght, Point2F new_speed1, Point2F new_speed2)
Changes the modulation of the fog.
Detailed Description
Volumetric Fog Object class. Main class defining the Volumetric Fog objects in the scene. Used in conjunction with the VolumetricFogRTManager class which is responsible for the required rendertargets.
Methods (exposed to script): setFogColorF(color) Changes the overall fog color (color.rgba range 0.0 - 1.0). ; setFogColor(color) Changes the overall fog color color.rgba range 0 - 255). ; setFogDensity(density) Changes the overall fog density. setFogModulation(strength, speed1, speed2) changes the strength and the speeds of the 2 animation layers.
Callbacks: onEnterFog triggered whenever the controlobject (Player or Camera) enters the Fog. (current Fog object and the controlobject are exposed to script. onLeaveFog triggered whenever the controlobject (Player or Camera) left the Fog. (current Fog object and the controlobject are exposed to script.
new VolumetricFog() { shapeName = "art/environment/FogRCube.dts"; fogColor = "200 200 200 128"; fogDensity = "0.2"; ignoreWater = "0"; MinSize = "250"; FadeSize = "750"; texture = "art/environment/FogMod_heavy.dds"; tiles = "1.5"; modStrength = "0.2"; PrimSpeed = "-0.01 0.04"; SecSpeed = "0.02 -0.02"; position = "748.644 656.371 65.3506"; rotation = "0 0 1 20.354"; scale = "40 30 6"; };
assetIdString ShapeAsset
The source shape asset.
filename shapeName
Path and filename of the model file (.DTS, .DAE) to use for this Volume.
ColorI fogColor
Fog color RGBA (Alpha is ignored)
float fogDensity
Overal fog density value (0 disables the fog).
bool ignoreWater
Set to true if volumetric fog should continue while submerged.
float MinSize
Min size (in pixels) for fog to be rendered.
float fadeSize
Object size in pixels at which the FX-fading kicks in (0 disables fading).
filename texture
A texture which contains Fogdensity modulator in the red channel and color with 1-green channel. No texture disables modulation.
float tiles
How many times the texture is mapped to the object.
float modStrength
Overall strength of the density modulation (0 disables modulation).
Point2F PrimSpeed
Overall primary speed of the density modulation (x-speed(u) y-speed(v))
Point2F SecSpeed
Overall secundary speed of the density modulation (x-speed(u) y-speed(v))
bool Reflectable
Set to true if volumetric fog should be reflected.
float ReflectStrength
Strength of the reflections (0 disables the fog).
bool useGlow
Set to true if volumetric fog should use glow PostFX.
float glowStrength
Overall strength of the glow PostFX.
bool modLightRay
Set to true if volumetric fog should modify the brightness of the Lightrays.
float lightRayMod
Modifier for LightRay PostFX when inside Fog.
onEnterFog(SimObjectId obj)
Called when an object enters the volume of the Fog instance.
obj | the controlobject entering the fog. |
onLeaveFog(SimObjectId obj)
Called when an object left the volume of the Fog instance.
obj | the controlobject leaving the fog. |
Public Static Attributes
bool isRenderable
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
bool isSelectable
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
Public Functions
returns true if control object is inside the fog
SetFogColor(ColorI new_color)
Changes the color of the fog.
.@params new_color the new fog color (rgb 0-255, a is ignored.
SetFogColorF(LinearColorF new_color)
Changes the color of the fog.
.@params new_color the new fog color (rgb 0.0 - 1.0, a is ignored.
SetFogDensity(float new_density)
Changes the density of the fog.
.@params new_density the new fog density.
SetFogGlow(bool on_off, float strength)
Changes the glow postfx when inside the fog.
.@params on_off set to true to enable glow. @params strength glow strength.
SetFogLightray(bool on_off, float strength)
Changes the lightrays postfx when inside the fog.
.@params on_off set to true to modification of the lightray postfx. @params strength lightray strength.
SetFogModulation(float new_strenght, Point2F new_speed1, Point2F new_speed2)
Changes the modulation of the fog.
.@params new_strenght the new strength of the modulation. @params new_speed1 the new speed (x y) of the modulation layer 1. @params new_speed2 the new speed (x y) of the modulation layer 2.