An object used to modify a DTS or COLLADA shape model after it has been loaded by Torque.
Specifies the path to the DTS or DAE file to be operated on by this object.
Override the
Override the
Control how the COLLADA (.dae) importer interprets LOD in the model. No effect for DTS files.
Sets the detail size when lodType is set to SingleSize. No effect otherwise, and no effect for DTS files.
Prefix to apply to all material map names in the COLLADA (.dae) file. No effect for DTS files.
TAB separated patterns of nodes to import even if in neverImport list. No effect for DTS files.
TAB separated patterns of nodes to ignore on loading. No effect for DTS files.
TAB separated patterns of meshes to import even if in neverImportMesh list. No effect for DTS files.
TAB separated patterns of meshes to ignore on loading. No effect for DTS files.
TAB separated patterns of materials to ignore on loading. No effect for DTS files.
Translate COLLADA model on import so the origin is at the center. No effect for DTS files.
Translate COLLADA model on import so origin is at the (Z axis) bottom of the model. No effect for DTS files.
Forces update of the materials.cs file in the same folder as the COLLADA (.dae) file, even if Materials already exist. No effect for DTS files.
Convert to left handed coordinate system.
Calculate tangents and bitangents, if possible.
Convert spherical, cylindrical, box and planar mapping to proper UVs.
Preprocess UV transformations (scaling, translation ...).
This step flips all UV coordinates along the y-axis and adjusts material settings and bitangents accordingly.
Search for instanced meshes and remove them by references to one master.
Limit bone weights to 4 per vertex.
Identifies and joins identical vertex data sets within all imported meshes.
This step adjusts the output face winding order to be clockwise. The default assimp face winding order is counter clockwise.
Reverse the normal vector direction for all normals.
Removes redundant materials.
How to import timing data as frames, seconds or milliseconds.
FPS value to use if timing is set in frames and the animations does not have an fps set.
Legacy method of adding sequences to a DTS or DAE shape after loading.
Called immediately after the DTS or DAE file has been loaded; before the shape data is available to any other object (StaticShape, Player etc). This is where you should put any post-load commands to modify the shape in-memory such as addNode, renameSequence etc.
Called when the DTS or DAE resource is flushed from memory. Not normally required, but may be useful to perform cleanup.
Public Functions
addCollisionDetail(int size, string type, string target, int depth, float merge, float concavity, int maxVerts, float boxMaxError, float sphereMaxError, float capsuleMaxError)
Autofit a mesh primitive or set of convex hulls to the shape geometry. Hulls may optionally be converted to boxes, spheres and/or capsules based on their volume.
addImposter(int size, int equatorSteps, int polarSteps, int dl, int dim, bool includePoles, float polarAngle)
Add (or edit) an imposter detail level to the shape.
addMesh(string meshName, string srcShape, string srcMesh)
Add geometry from another DTS or DAE shape file into this shape.
addNode(string name, string parentName, TransformF txfm, bool isWorld)
Add a new node.
addPrimitive(string meshName, string type, string params, TransformF txfm, string nodeName)
Add a new mesh primitive to the shape.
addSequence(string source, string name, int start, int end, bool padRot, bool padTrans)
Add a new sequence to the shape.
addTrigger(string name, int keyframe, int state)
Add a new trigger to the sequence.
dumpShape(string filename)
Dump the shape hierarchy to the console or to a file. Useful for reviewing the result of a series of construction commands.
Get the bounding box for the shape.
Get the total number of detail levels in the shape.
getDetailLevelIndex(int size)
Get the index of the detail level with a given size.
getDetailLevelName(int index)
Get the name of the indexed detail level.
getDetailLevelSize(int index)
Get the size of the indexed detail level.
Get the index of the imposter (auto-billboard) detail level (if any).
getImposterSettings(int index)
Get the settings used to generate imposters for the indexed detail level.
getMeshCount(string name)
Get the number of meshes (detail levels) for the specified object.
getMeshMaterial(string name)
Get the name of the material attached to a mesh. Note that only the first material used by the mesh is returned.
getMeshName(string name, int index)
Get the name of the indexed mesh (detail level) for the specified object.
getMeshSize(string name, int index)
Get the detail level size of the indexed mesh for the specified object.
getMeshType(string name)
Get the display type of the mesh.
getNodeChildCount(string name)
Get the number of children of this node.
getNodeChildName(string name, int index)
Get the name of the indexed child node.
Get the total number of nodes in the shape.
getNodeIndex(string name)
Get the index of the node.
getNodeName(int index)
Get the name of the indexed node.
getNodeObjectCount(string name)
Get the number of geometry objects attached to this node.
getNodeObjectName(string name, int index)
Get the name of the indexed object.
getNodeParentName(string name)
Get the name of the node's parent. If the node has no parent (ie. it is at the root level), return an empty string.
getNodeTransform(string name, bool isWorld)
Get the base (ie. not animated) transform of a node.
Get the total number of objects in the shape.
getObjectIndex(string name)
Get the index of the first object with the given name.
getObjectName(int index)
Get the name of the indexed object.
getObjectNode(string name)
Get the name of the node this object is attached to.
getSequenceBlend(string name)
Get information about blended sequences.
Get the total number of sequences in the shape.
getSequenceCyclic(string name)
Check if this sequence is cyclic (looping).
getSequenceFrameCount(string name)
Get the number of keyframes in the sequence.
getSequenceGroundSpeed(string name)
Get the ground speed of the sequence.
getSequenceIndex(string name)
Find the index of the sequence with the given name.
getSequenceName(int index)
Get the name of the indexed sequence.
getSequencePriority(string name)
Get the priority setting of the sequence.
getSequenceSource(string name)
Get information about where the sequence data came from.
Get the number of materials in the shape.
getTargetName(int index)
Get the name of the indexed shape material.
getTrigger(string name, int index)
Get information about the indexed trigger.
getTriggerCount(string name)
Get the number of triggers in the specified sequence.
Notify game objects that this shape file has changed, allowing them to update internal data if needed.
removeDetailLevel(int index)
Remove the detail level (including all meshes in the detail level)
Remove the imposter detail level (if any) from the shape.
removeMesh(string name)
Remove a mesh from the shape.
removeNode(string name)
Remove a node from the shape.
removeObject(string name)
Remove an object (including all meshes for that object) from the shape.
removeSequence(string name)
Remove the sequence from the shape.
removeTrigger(string name, int keyframe, int state)
Remove a trigger from the sequence.
renameDetailLevel(string oldName, string newName)
Rename a detail level.
renameNode(string oldName, string newName)
Rename a node.
renameObject(string oldName, string newName)
Rename an object.
renameSequence(string oldName, string newName)
Rename a sequence.
saveShape(string filename)
Save the shape (with all current changes) to a new DTS file.
setBounds(Box3F bbox)
Set the shape bounds to the given bounding box.
setDetailLevelSize(int index, int newSize)
Change the size of a detail level.
setMeshMaterial(string meshName, string matName)
Set the name of the material attached to the mesh.
setMeshSize(string name, int size)
Change the detail level size of the named mesh.
setMeshType(string name, string type)
Set the display type for the mesh.
setNodeParent(string name, string parentName)
Set the parent of a node.
setNodeTransform(string name, TransformF txfm, bool isWorld)
Set the base transform of a node. That is, the transform of the node when in the root (not-animated) pose.
setObjectNode(string objName, string nodeName)
Set the node an object is attached to.
setSequenceBlend(string name, bool blend, string blendSeq, int blendFrame)
Mark a sequence as a blend or non-blend.
setSequenceCyclic(string name, bool cyclic)
Mark a sequence as cyclic or non-cyclic.
setSequenceGroundSpeed(string name, Point3F transSpeed, Point3F rotSpeed)
Set the translation and rotation ground speed of the sequence.
setSequencePriority(string name, float priority)
Set the sequence priority.
Write the current change set to a TSShapeConstructor script file. The name of the script file is the same as the model, but with .cs extension. eg. myShape.cs for myShape.dts or myShape.dae.
Detailed Description
An object used to modify a DTS or COLLADA shape model after it has been loaded by Torque.
filename baseShape
Specifies the path to the DTS or DAE file to be operated on by this object.
Since the TSShapeConstructor script must be in the same folder as the DTS or DAE file, it is recommended to use a relative path so that the shape and script files can be copied to another location without having to modify the path.
TSShapeConstructorUpAxis upAxis
Override the
Set to one of the following values:
Positive X points up. Model will be rotated into Torque's coordinate system (Z up).
Positive Y points up. Model will be rotated into Torque's coordinate system (Z up).
Positive Z points up. No rotation will be applied to the model.
The default value. Use the value in the .dae file (defaults to Z_AXIS if the
element is not present).
float unit
Override the
COLLADA (.dae) files usually contain a
For example, if you were modeling a small object like a cup, it might make sense to work in inches (1 MAX unit = 1 inch), but if you were modeling a building, it might make more sense to work in feet (1 MAX unit = 1 foot). If you export both models to COLLADA, T3D will automatically scale them appropriately. 1 T3D unit = 1 meter, so the cup would be scaled down by 0.0254, and the building scaled down by 0.3048, given them both the correct scale relative to each other.
Omit the field or set to -1 to use the value in the .dae file (1.0 if the
TSShapeConstructorLodType LODType
Control how the COLLADA (.dae) importer interprets LOD in the model. No effect for DTS files.
Set to one of the following values:
- DetectDTS
The default value. Instructs the importer to search for a 'baseXXX->startXXX' node hierarchy at the root level. If found, the importer acts as if ''TrailingNumber'' was set. Otherwise, all geometry is imported at a single detail size.
- SingleSize
All geometry is imported at a fixed detail size. Numbers at the end of geometry node's are ignored.
- TrailingNumber
Numbers at the end of geometry node's name are interpreted as the detail size (similar to DTS exporting). Geometry instances with the same base name but different trailing number are grouped into the same object.
The default value. Use the value in the .dae file (defaults to Z_AXIS if the
element is not present).
int singleDetailSize
Sets the detail size when lodType is set to SingleSize. No effect otherwise, and no effect for DTS files.
string matNamePrefix
Prefix to apply to all material map names in the COLLADA (.dae) file. No effect for DTS files.
This field is useful to avoid material name clashes for exporters that generate generic material names like "texture0" or "material1".
string alwaysImport
TAB separated patterns of nodes to import even if in neverImport list. No effect for DTS files.
Torque allows unwanted nodes in COLLADA (.dae) files to to be ignored during import. This field contains a TAB separated list of patterns to match node names. Any node that matches one of the patterns in the list will always be imported, even if it also matches the neverImport list
singleton TSShapeConstructor(MyShapeDae) { baseShape = "./myShape.dae"; alwaysImport = "mount*" TAB "eye"; neverImport = "*-PIVOT"; }
string neverImport
TAB separated patterns of nodes to ignore on loading. No effect for DTS files.
Torque allows unwanted nodes in COLLADA (.dae) files to to be ignored during import. This field contains a TAB separated list of patterns to match node names. Any node that matches one of the patterns in the list will not be imported (unless it matches the alwaysImport list.
string alwaysImportMesh
TAB separated patterns of meshes to import even if in neverImportMesh list. No effect for DTS files.
Torque allows unwanted meshes in COLLADA (.dae) files to to be ignored during import. This field contains a TAB separated list of patterns to match mesh names. Any mesh that matches one of the patterns in the list will always be imported, even if it also matches the neverImportMesh list
singleton TSShapeConstructor(MyShapeDae) { baseShape = "./myShape.dae"; alwaysImportMesh = "body*" TAB "armor" TAB "bounds"; neverImportMesh = "*-dummy"; }
string neverImportMesh
TAB separated patterns of meshes to ignore on loading. No effect for DTS files.
Torque allows unwanted meshes in COLLADA (.dae) files to to be ignored during import. This field contains a TAB separated list of patterns to match mesh names. Any mesh that matches one of the patterns in the list will not be imported (unless it matches the alwaysImportMesh list.
string neverImportMat
TAB separated patterns of materials to ignore on loading. No effect for DTS files.
Torque allows unwanted materials in COLLADA (.dae) files to to be ignored during import. This field contains a TAB separated list of patterns to match material names. Any material that matches one of the patterns in the list will not be imported
bool IgnoreNodeScale
This field is a workaround for certain exporters that generate bad node scaling, and is not usually required.
bool AdjustCenter
Translate COLLADA model on import so the origin is at the center. No effect for DTS files.
bool AdjustFloor
Translate COLLADA model on import so origin is at the (Z axis) bottom of the model. No effect for DTS files.
This can be used along with adjustCenter to have the origin at the center of the bottom of the model.
bool forceUpdateMaterials
Forces update of the materials.cs file in the same folder as the COLLADA (.dae) file, even if Materials already exist. No effect for DTS files.
Normally only Materials that are not already defined are written to materials.cs.
bool convertLeftHanded
Convert to left handed coordinate system.
bool calcTangentSpace
Calculate tangents and bitangents, if possible.
bool genUVCoords
Convert spherical, cylindrical, box and planar mapping to proper UVs.
bool transformUVCoords
Preprocess UV transformations (scaling, translation ...).
bool flipUVCoords
This step flips all UV coordinates along the y-axis and adjusts material settings and bitangents accordingly.
Assimp uses TL(0,0):BR(1,1). T3D uses TL(0,1):BR(1,0). This will be needed for most textured models.
bool findInstances
Search for instanced meshes and remove them by references to one master.
bool limitBoneWeights
Limit bone weights to 4 per vertex.
bool JoinIdenticalVerts
Identifies and joins identical vertex data sets within all imported meshes.
bool reverseWindingOrder
This step adjusts the output face winding order to be clockwise. The default assimp face winding order is counter clockwise.
bool invertNormals
Reverse the normal vector direction for all normals.
bool removeRedundantMats
Removes redundant materials.
TSShapeConstructorAnimType animTiming
How to import timing data as frames, seconds or milliseconds.
int animFPS
FPS value to use if timing is set in frames and the animations does not have an fps set.
filename sequence
Legacy method of adding sequences to a DTS or DAE shape after loading.
singleton TSShapeConstructor(MyShapeDae) { baseShape = "./myShape.dae"; sequence = "../anims/root.dae root"; sequence = "../anims/walk.dae walk"; sequence = "../anims/jump.dsq jump"; }
Called immediately after the DTS or DAE file has been loaded; before the shape data is available to any other object (StaticShape, Player etc). This is where you should put any post-load commands to modify the shape in-memory such as addNode, renameSequence etc.
Called when the DTS or DAE resource is flushed from memory. Not normally required, but may be useful to perform cleanup.
Public Functions
addCollisionDetail(int size, string type, string target, int depth, float merge, float concavity, int maxVerts, float boxMaxError, float sphereMaxError, float capsuleMaxError)
Autofit a mesh primitive or set of convex hulls to the shape geometry. Hulls may optionally be converted to boxes, spheres and/or capsules based on their volume.
size | size for this detail level |
type | one of: box, sphere, capsule, 10-dop x, 10-dop y, 10-dop z, 18-dop, 26-dop, convex hulls. See the Shape Editor documentation for more details about these types. |
target | geometry to fit collision mesh(es) to; either "bounds" (for the whole shape), or the name of an object in the shape |
depth | maximum split recursion depth (hulls only) |
merge | volume % threshold used to merge hulls together (hulls only) |
concavity | volume % threshold used to detect concavity (hulls only) |
maxVerts | maximum number of vertices per hull (hulls only) |
boxMaxError | max % volume difference for a hull to be converted to a box (hulls only) |
sphereMaxError | max % volume difference for a hull to be converted to a sphere (hulls only) |
capsuleMaxError | max % volume difference for a hull to be converted to a capsule (hulls only) |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.addCollisionDetail( -1, "box", "bounds" ); %this.addCollisionDetail( -1, "convex hulls", "bounds", 4, 30, 30, 32, 0, 0, 0 ); %this.addCollisionDetail( -1, "convex hulls", "bounds", 4, 30, 30, 32, 50, 50, 50 );
addImposter(int size, int equatorSteps, int polarSteps, int dl, int dim, bool includePoles, float polarAngle)
Add (or edit) an imposter detail level to the shape.
If the shape already contains an imposter detail level, this command will simply change the imposter settings Parameters:
size | size of the imposter detail level |
equatorSteps | defines the number of snapshots to take around the equator. Imagine the object being rotated around the vertical axis, then a snapshot taken at regularly spaced intervals. |
polarSteps | defines the number of snapshots taken between the poles (top and bottom), at each equator step. eg. At each equator snapshot, snapshots are taken at regular intervals between the poles. |
dl | the detail level to use when generating the snapshots. Note that this is an array index rather than a detail size. So if an object has detail sizes of: 200, 150, and 40, then setting dl to 1 will generate the snapshots using detail size 150. |
dim | defines the size of the imposter images in pixels. The larger the number, the more detailed the billboard will be. |
includePoles | flag indicating whether to include the "pole" snapshots. ie. the views from the top and bottom of the object. |
polar_angle | if pole snapshots are active (includePoles is true), this parameter defines the camera angle (in degrees) within which to render the pole snapshot. eg. if polar_angle is set to 25 degrees, then the snapshot taken at the pole (looking directly down or up at the object) will be rendered when the camera is within 25 degrees of the pole. |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.addImposter( 2, 4, 0, 0, 64, false, 0 ); %this.addImposter( 2, 4, 2, 0, 64, true, 10 ); // this command would edit the existing imposter detail level
addMesh(string meshName, string srcShape, string srcMesh)
Add geometry from another DTS or DAE shape file into this shape.
Any materials required by the source mesh are also copied into this shape.
meshName | full name (object name + detail size) of the new mesh. If no detail size is present at the end of the name, a value of 2 is used. |
srcShape | name of a shape file (DTS or DAE) that contains the mesh |
srcMesh | the full name (object name + detail size) of the mesh to copy from the DTS/DAE file into this shape |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.addMesh( "ColMesh-1", "./collision.dts", "ColMesh", "Col-1" ); %this.addMesh( "SimpleShape10", "./testShape.dae", "MyMesh2", );
addNode(string name, string parentName, TransformF txfm, bool isWorld)
Add a new node.
name | name for the new node (must not already exist) |
parentName | name of an existing node to be the parent of the new node. If empty (""), the new node will be at the root level of the node hierarchy. |
txfm | (optional) transform string of the form: "pos.x pos.y pos.z rot.x rot.y rot.z rot.angle" |
isworld | (optional) flag to set the local-to-parent or the global transform. If false, or not specified, the position and orientation are treated as relative to the node's parent. |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.addNode( "Nose", "Bip01 Head", "0 2 2 0 0 1 0" ); %this.addNode( "myRoot", "", "0 0 4 0 0 1 1.57" ); %this.addNode( "Nodes", "Bip01 Head", "0 2 0 0 0 1 0", true );
addPrimitive(string meshName, string type, string params, TransformF txfm, string nodeName)
Add a new mesh primitive to the shape.
meshName | full name (object name + detail size) of the new mesh. If no detail size is present at the end of the name, a value of 2 is used. |
type | one of: "box", "sphere", "capsule" |
params | mesh primitive parameters:
txfm | local transform offset from the node for this mesh |
nodeName | name of the node to attach the new mesh to (will change the object's node if adding a new mesh to an existing object) |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.addMesh( "Box4", "box", "2 4 2", "0 2 0 0 0 1 0", "eye" ); %this.addMesh( "Sphere256", "sphere", "2", "0 0 0 0 0 1 0", "root" ); %this.addMesh( "MyCapsule-1", "capsule", "2 5", "0 0 2 0 0 1 0", "base01" );
addSequence(string source, string name, int start, int end, bool padRot, bool padTrans)
Add a new sequence to the shape.
source | the name of an existing sequence, or the name of a DTS or DAE shape or DSQ sequence file. When the shape file contains more than one sequence, the desired sequence can be specified by appending the name to the end of the shape file. eg. "myShape.dts run" would select the "run" sequence from the "myShape.dts" file. |
name | name of the new sequence |
start | (optional) first frame to copy. Defaults to 0, the first frame in the sequence. |
end | (optional) last frame to copy. Defaults to -1, the last frame in the sequence. |
padRot | (optional) copy root-pose rotation keys for non-animated nodes. This is useful if the source sequence data has a different root-pose to the target shape, such as if one character was in the T pose, and the other had arms at the side. Normally only nodes that are actually rotated by the source sequence have keyframes added, but setting this flag will also add keyframes for nodes that are not animated, but have a different root-pose rotation to the target shape root pose. |
padTrans | (optional) copy root-pose translation keys for non-animated nodes. This is useful if the source sequence data has a different root-pose to the target shape, such as if one character was in the T pose, and the other had arms at the side. Normally only nodes that are actually moved by the source sequence have keyframes added, but setting this flag will also add keyframes for nodes that are not animated, but have a different root-pose position to the target shape root pose. |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.addSequence( "./testShape.dts ambient", "ambient" ); %this.addSequence( "./myPlayer.dae run", "run" ); %this.addSequence( "./player_look.dsq", "look", 0, -1 ); // start to end %this.addSequence( "walk", "walk_shortA", 0, 4 ); // start to frame 4 %this.addSequence( "walk", "walk_shortB", 4, -1 ); // frame 4 to end
addTrigger(string name, int keyframe, int state)
Add a new trigger to the sequence.
name | name of the sequence to modify |
keyframe | keyframe of the new trigger |
state | of the new trigger |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.addTrigger( "walk", 3, 1 ); %this.addTrigger( "walk", 5, -1 );
dumpShape(string filename)
Dump the shape hierarchy to the console or to a file. Useful for reviewing the result of a series of construction commands.
filename | Destination filename. If not specified, dump to console. |
%this.dumpShape(); // dump to console %this.dumpShape( "./dump.txt" ); // dump to file
Get the bounding box for the shape.
Bounding box "minX minY minZ maxX maxY maxZ"
Get the total number of detail levels in the shape.
the number of detail levels in the shape
getDetailLevelIndex(int size)
Get the index of the detail level with a given size.
size | size of the detail level to lookup |
index of the detail level with the desired size, or -1 if no such detail exists
if ( %this.getDetailLevelSize( 32 ) == -1 ) echo( "Error: This shape does not have a detail level at size 32" );
getDetailLevelName(int index)
Get the name of the indexed detail level.
index | detail level index (valid range is 0 - getDetailLevelCount()-1) |
the detail level name
// print the names of all detail levels in the shape %count = %this.getDetailLevelCount(); for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ ) echo( %i SPC %this.getDetailLevelName( %i ) );
getDetailLevelSize(int index)
Get the size of the indexed detail level.
index | detail level index (valid range is 0 - getDetailLevelCount()-1) |
the detail level size
// print the sizes of all detail levels in the shape %count = %this.getDetailLevelCount(); for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ ) echo( "Detail" @ %i @ " has size " @ %this.getDetailLevelSize( %i ) );
Get the index of the imposter (auto-billboard) detail level (if any).
imposter detail level index, or -1 if the shape does not use imposters.
getImposterSettings(int index)
Get the settings used to generate imposters for the indexed detail level.
index | index of the detail level to query (does not need to be an imposter detail level |
string of the form: "valid eqSteps pSteps dl dim poles angle", where:
- valid
1 if this detail level generates imposters, 0 otherwise
- eqSteps
number of steps around the equator
- pSteps
number of steps between the poles
- dl
index of the detail level used to generate imposters
- dim
size (in pixels) of each imposter image
- poles
1 to include pole images, 0 otherwise
- angle
angle at which to display pole images
// print the imposter detail level settings %index = %this.getImposterDetailLevel(); if ( %index != -1 ) echo( "Imposter settings: " @ %this.getImposterSettings( %index ) );
getMeshCount(string name)
Get the number of meshes (detail levels) for the specified object.
name | name of the object to query |
the number of meshes for this object.
%count = %this.getMeshCount( "SimpleShape" );
getMeshMaterial(string name)
Get the name of the material attached to a mesh. Note that only the first material used by the mesh is returned.
name | full name (object name + detail size) of the mesh to query |
name of the material attached to the mesh (suitable for use with the Material mapTo field)
echo( "Mesh material is " @ %this.sgetMeshMaterial( "SimpleShape128" ) );
getMeshName(string name, int index)
Get the name of the indexed mesh (detail level) for the specified object.
name | name of the object to query |
index | index of the mesh (valid range is 0 - getMeshCount()-1) |
the mesh name.
// print the names of all meshes in the shape %objCount = %this.getObjectCount(); for ( %i = 0; %i < %objCount; %i++ ) { %objName = %this.getObjectName( %i ); %meshCount = %this.getMeshCount( %objName ); for ( %j = 0; %j < %meshCount; %j++ ) echo( %this.getMeshName( %objName, %j ) ); }
getMeshSize(string name, int index)
Get the detail level size of the indexed mesh for the specified object.
name | name of the object to query |
index | index of the mesh (valid range is 0 - getMeshCount()-1) |
the mesh detail level size.
// print sizes for all detail levels of this object %objName = "trunk"; %count = %this.getMeshCount( %objName ); for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ ) echo( %this.getMeshSize( %objName, %i ) );
getMeshType(string name)
Get the display type of the mesh.
name | name of the mesh to query |
the string returned is one of:
- normal
a normal 3D mesh
- billboard
a mesh that always faces the camera
- billboardzaxis
a mesh that always faces the camera in the Z-axis
echo( "Mesh type is " @ %this.getMeshType( "SimpleShape128" ) );
getNodeChildCount(string name)
Get the number of children of this node.
name | name of the node to query. |
the number of child nodes.
%count = %this.getNodeChildCount( "Bip01 Pelvis" );
getNodeChildName(string name, int index)
Get the name of the indexed child node.
name | name of the parent node to query. |
index | index of the child node (valid range is 0 - getNodeChildName()-1). |
the name of the indexed child node.
function dumpNode( %shape, %name, %indent ) { echo( %indent @ %name ); %count = %shape.getNodeChildCount( %name ); for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ ) dumpNode( %shape, %shape.getNodeChildName( %name, %i ), %indent @ " " ); } function dumpShape( %shape ) { // recursively dump node hierarchy %count = %shape.getNodeCount(); for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ ) { // dump top level nodes %name = %shape.getNodeName( %i ); if ( %shape.getNodeParentName( %name ) $= ) dumpNode( %shape, %name, "" ); } }
Get the total number of nodes in the shape.
the number of nodes in the shape.
%count = %this.getNodeCount();
getNodeIndex(string name)
Get the index of the node.
name | name of the node to lookup. |
the index of the named node, or -1 if no such node exists.
// get the index of Bip01 Pelvis node in the shape %index = %this.getNodeIndex( "Bip01 Pelvis" );
getNodeName(int index)
Get the name of the indexed node.
index | index of the node to lookup (valid range is 0 - getNodeCount()-1). |
the name of the indexed node, or "" if no such node exists.
// print the names of all the nodes in the shape %count = %this.getNodeCount(); for (%i = 0; %i < %count; %i++) echo(%i SPC %this.getNodeName(%i));
getNodeObjectCount(string name)
Get the number of geometry objects attached to this node.
name | name of the node to query. |
the number of attached objects.
%count = %this.getNodeObjectCount( "Bip01 Head" );
getNodeObjectName(string name, int index)
Get the name of the indexed object.
name | name of the node to query. |
index | index of the object (valid range is 0 - getNodeObjectCount()-1). |
the name of the indexed object.
// print the names of all objects attached to the node %count = %this.getNodeObjectCount( "Bip01 Head" ); for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ ) echo( %this.getNodeObjectName( "Bip01 Head", %i ) );
getNodeParentName(string name)
Get the name of the node's parent. If the node has no parent (ie. it is at the root level), return an empty string.
name | name of the node to query. |
the name of the node's parent, or "" if the node is at the root level
echo( "Bip01 Pelvis parent = " @ %this.getNodeParentName( "Bip01 Pelvis ") );
getNodeTransform(string name, bool isWorld)
Get the base (ie. not animated) transform of a node.
name | name of the node to query. |
isWorld | true to get the global transform, false (or omitted) to get the local-to-parent transform. |
the node transform in the form "pos.x pos.y pos.z rot.x rot.y rot.z rot.angle".
%ret = %this.getNodeTransform( "mount0" ); %this.setNodeTransform( "mount4", %ret );
Get the total number of objects in the shape.
the number of objects in the shape.
%count = %this.getObjectCount();
getObjectIndex(string name)
Get the index of the first object with the given name.
name | name of the object to get. |
the index of the named object.
%index = %this.getObjectIndex( "Head" );
getObjectName(int index)
Get the name of the indexed object.
index | index of the object to get (valid range is 0 - getObjectCount()-1). |
the name of the indexed object.
// print the names of all objects in the shape %count = %this.getObjectCount(); for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ ) echo( %i SPC %this.getObjectName( %i ) );
getObjectNode(string name)
Get the name of the node this object is attached to.
name | name of the object to get. |
the name of the attached node, or an empty string if this object is not attached to a node (usually the case for skinned meshes).
echo( "Hand is attached to " @ %this.getObjectNode( "Hand" ) );
getSequenceBlend(string name)
Get information about blended sequences.
name | name of the sequence to query |
TAB delimited string of the form: "isBlend blendSeq blendFrame", where:
- blend_flag
a boolean flag indicating whether this sequence is a blend
- blend_seq_name
the name of the sequence that contains the reference frame (empty for blend sequences embedded in DTS files)
- blend_seq_frame
the blend reference frame (empty for blend sequences embedded in DTS files)
note:Note that only sequences set to be blends using the setSequenceBlend command will contain the blendSeq and blendFrame information.
%blendData = %this.getSequenceBlend( "look" ); if ( getField( %blendData, 0 ) ) echo( "look is a blend, reference: " @ getField( %blendData, 1 ) );
Get the total number of sequences in the shape.
the number of sequences in the shape
getSequenceCyclic(string name)
Check if this sequence is cyclic (looping).
name | name of the sequence to query |
true if this sequence is cyclic, false if not
if ( !%this.getSequenceCyclic( "ambient" ) ) error( "ambient sequence is not cyclic!" );
getSequenceFrameCount(string name)
Get the number of keyframes in the sequence.
name | name of the sequence to query |
number of keyframes in the sequence
echo( "Run has " @ %this.getSequenceFrameCount( "run" ) @ " keyframes" );
getSequenceGroundSpeed(string name)
Get the ground speed of the sequence.
note:Parameters:Note that only the first 2 ground frames of the sequence are examined; the speed is assumed to be constant throughout the sequence.
name | name of the sequence to query |
string of the form: "trans.x trans.y trans.z rot.x rot.y rot.z"
%speed = VectorLen( getWords( %this.getSequenceGroundSpeed( "run" ), 0, 2 ) ); echo( "Run moves at " @ %speed @ " units per frame" );
getSequenceIndex(string name)
Find the index of the sequence with the given name.
name | name of the sequence to lookup |
index of the sequence with matching name, or -1 if not found
// Check if a given sequence exists in the shape if ( %this.getSequenceIndex( "walk" ) == -1 ) echo( "Could not find 'walk' sequence" );
getSequenceName(int index)
Get the name of the indexed sequence.
index | index of the sequence to query (valid range is 0 - getSequenceCount()-1) |
the name of the sequence
// print the name of all sequences in the shape %count = %this.getSequenceCount(); for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ ) echo( %i SPC %this.getSequenceName( %i ) );
getSequencePriority(string name)
Get the priority setting of the sequence.
name | name of the sequence to query |
priority value of the sequence
getSequenceSource(string name)
Get information about where the sequence data came from.
For example, whether it was loaded from an external DSQ file. Parameters:
name | name of the sequence to query |
TAB delimited string of the form: "from reserved start end total", where:
- from
the source of the animation data, such as the path to a DSQ file, or the name of an existing sequence in the shape. This field will be empty for sequences already embedded in the DTS or DAE file.
- reserved
reserved value
- start
the first frame in the source sequence used to create this sequence
- end
the last frame in the source sequence used to create this sequence
- total
the total number of frames in the source sequence
// print the source for the walk animation echo( "walk source:" SPC getField( %this.getSequenceSource( "walk" ), 0 ) );
Get the number of materials in the shape.
the number of materials in the shape.
%count = %this.getTargetCount();
getTargetName(int index)
Get the name of the indexed shape material.
index | index of the material to get (valid range is 0 - getTargetCount()-1). |
the name of the indexed material.
%count = %this.getTargetCount(); for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ ) echo( "Target " @ %i @ ": " @ %this.getTargetName( %i ) );
getTrigger(string name, int index)
Get information about the indexed trigger.
name | name of the sequence to query |
index | index of the trigger (valid range is 0 - getTriggerCount()-1) |
string of the form "frame state"
// print all triggers in the sequence %count = %this.getTriggerCount( "back" ); for ( %i = 0; %i < %count; %i++ ) echo( %i SPC %this.getTrigger( "back", %i ) );
getTriggerCount(string name)
Get the number of triggers in the specified sequence.
name | name of the sequence to query |
number of triggers in the sequence
Notify game objects that this shape file has changed, allowing them to update internal data if needed.
removeDetailLevel(int index)
Remove the detail level (including all meshes in the detail level)
size | size of the detail level to remove |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.removeDetailLevel( 2 );
Remove the imposter detail level (if any) from the shape.
true if successful, false otherwise
removeMesh(string name)
Remove a mesh from the shape.
If all geometry is removed from an object, the object is also removed. Parameters:
name | full name (object name + detail size) of the mesh to remove |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.removeMesh( "SimpleShape128" );
removeNode(string name)
Remove a node from the shape.
The named node is removed from the shape, including from any sequences that use the node. Child nodes and objects attached to the node are re-assigned to the node's parent. Parameters:
name | name of the node to remove. |
true if successful, false otherwise.
%this.removeNode( "Nose" );
removeObject(string name)
Remove an object (including all meshes for that object) from the shape.
name | name of the object to remove. |
true if successful, false otherwise.
// clear all objects in the shape %count = %this.getObjectCount(); for ( %i = %count-1; %i >= 0; %i-- ) %this.removeObject( %this.getObjectName(%i) );
removeSequence(string name)
Remove the sequence from the shape.
name | name of the sequence to remove |
true if successful, false otherwise
removeTrigger(string name, int keyframe, int state)
Remove a trigger from the sequence.
name | name of the sequence to modify |
keyframe | keyframe of the trigger to remove |
state | of the trigger to remove |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.removeTrigger( "walk", 3, 1 );
renameDetailLevel(string oldName, string newName)
Rename a detail level.
note:Parameters:Note that detail level names must be unique, so this command will fail if there is already a detail level with the desired name
oldName | current name of the detail level |
newName | new name of the detail level |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.renameDetailLevel( "detail-1", "collision-1" );
renameNode(string oldName, string newName)
Rename a node.
note:Parameters:Note that node names must be unique, so this command will fail if there is already a node with the desired name
oldName | current name of the node |
newName | new name of the node |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.renameNode( "Bip01 L Hand", "mount5" );
renameObject(string oldName, string newName)
Rename an object.
note:Parameters:Note that object names must be unique, so this command will fail if there is already an object with the desired name
oldName | current name of the object |
newName | new name of the object |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.renameObject( "MyBox", "Box" );
renameSequence(string oldName, string newName)
Rename a sequence.
note:Parameters:Note that sequence names must be unique, so this command will fail if there is already a sequence with the desired name
oldName | current name of the sequence |
newName | new name of the sequence |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.renameSequence( "walking", "walk" );
saveShape(string filename)
Save the shape (with all current changes) to a new DTS file.
filename | Destination filename. |
%this.saveShape( "./myShape.dts" );
setBounds(Box3F bbox)
Set the shape bounds to the given bounding box.
Bounding | box "minX minY minZ maxX maxY maxZ" |
true if successful, false otherwise
setDetailLevelSize(int index, int newSize)
Change the size of a detail level.
note:Parameters:Note that detail levels are always sorted in decreasing size order, so this command may cause detail level indices to change.
index | index of the detail level to modify |
newSize | new size for the detail level |
new index for this detail level
%this.setDetailLevelSize( 2, 256 );
setMeshMaterial(string meshName, string matName)
Set the name of the material attached to the mesh.
meshName | full name (object name + detail size) of the mesh to modify |
matName | name of the material to attach. This could be the base name of the diffuse texture (eg. "test_mat" for "test_mat.jpg"), or the name of a Material object already defined in script. |
true if successful, false otherwise
// set the mesh material %this.setMeshMaterial( "SimpleShape128", "test_mat" );
setMeshSize(string name, int size)
Change the detail level size of the named mesh.
name | full name (object name + current size ) of the mesh to modify |
size | new detail level size |
true if successful, false otherwise.
%this.setMeshSize( "SimpleShape128", 64 );
setMeshType(string name, string type)
Set the display type for the mesh.
name | full name (object name + detail size) of the mesh to modify |
type | the new type for the mesh: "normal", "billboard" or "billboardzaxis" |
true if successful, false otherwise
// set the mesh to be a billboard %this.setMeshType( "SimpleShape64", "billboard" );
setNodeParent(string name, string parentName)
Set the parent of a node.
name | name of the node to modify |
parentName | name of the parent node to set (use "" to move the node to the root level) |
true if successful, false if failed
%this.setNodeParent( "Bip01 Pelvis", "start01" );
setNodeTransform(string name, TransformF txfm, bool isWorld)
Set the base transform of a node. That is, the transform of the node when in the root (not-animated) pose.
name | name of the node to modify |
txfm | transform string of the form: "pos.x pos.y pos.z rot.x rot.y rot.z rot.angle" |
isworld | (optional) flag to set the local-to-parent or the global transform. If false, or not specified, the position and orientation are treated as relative to the node's parent. |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.setNodeTransform( "mount0", "0 0 1 0 0 1 0" ); %this.setNodeTransform( "mount0", "0 0 0 0 0 1 1.57" ); %this.setNodeTransform( "mount0", "1 0 0 0 0 1 0", true );
setObjectNode(string objName, string nodeName)
Set the node an object is attached to.
When the shape is rendered, the object geometry is rendered at the node's current transform. Parameters:
objName | name of the object to modify |
nodeName | name of the node to attach the object to |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.setObjectNode( "Hand", "Bip01 LeftHand" );
setSequenceBlend(string name, bool blend, string blendSeq, int blendFrame)
Mark a sequence as a blend or non-blend.
A blend sequence is one that will be added on top of any other playing sequences. This is done by storing the animated node transforms relative to a reference frame, rather than as absolute transforms. Parameters:
name | name of the sequence to modify |
blend | true to make the sequence a blend, false for a non-blend |
blendSeq | the name of the sequence that contains the blend reference frame |
blendFrame | the reference frame in the blendSeq sequence |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.setSequenceBlend( "look", true, "root", 0 );
setSequenceCyclic(string name, bool cyclic)
Mark a sequence as cyclic or non-cyclic.
name | name of the sequence to modify |
cyclic | true to make the sequence cyclic, false for non-cyclic |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.setSequenceCyclic( "ambient", true ); %this.setSequenceCyclic( "shoot", false );
setSequenceGroundSpeed(string name, Point3F transSpeed, Point3F rotSpeed)
Set the translation and rotation ground speed of the sequence.
The ground speed of the sequence is set by generating ground transform keyframes. The ground translational and rotational speed is assumed to be constant for the duration of the sequence. Existing ground frames for the sequence (if any) will be replaced. Parameters:
name | name of the sequence to modify |
transSpeed | translational speed (trans.x trans.y trans.z) in Torque units per frame |
rotSpeed | (optional) rotational speed (rot.x rot.y rot.z) in radians per frame. Default is "0 0 0" |
true if successful, false otherwise
%this.setSequenceGroundSpeed( "run", "5 0 0" ); %this.setSequenceGroundSpeed( "spin", "0 0 0", "4 0 0" );
setSequencePriority(string name, float priority)
Set the sequence priority.
name | name of the sequence to modify |
priority | new priority value |
true if successful, false otherwise
Write the current change set to a TSShapeConstructor script file. The name of the script file is the same as the model, but with .cs extension. eg. myShape.cs for myShape.dts or myShape.dae.