

Acts as the physical point in space in white a Splash is created from.


Public Attributes


Constant acceleration value to place upon the splash effect.

colors [4]

Color values to set the splash effect, rgba. Up to 4 allowed. Will transition through colors based on values set in the times value. Example: colors[0] = "0.6 1.0 1.0 0.5".


Time to delay, in milliseconds, before actually starting this effect.


Time variance for delayMS.


Rotational angle to create a splash ring.


Frequency in which to emit splash rings.

emitter [3]

List of particle emitters to create at the point of this Splash effect.

ExplosionData object to create at the creation position of this splash effect.


Height for the splash to reach.


Lifetime for this effect, in milliseconds.


Time variance for lifetimeMS.


Number of ejection points in the splash ring.


Lifetime, in milliseconds, for a splash ring.


The scale of this splashing effect, defined as the F32 points X, Y, Z.


Starting radius size of a splash ring.


Factor in which to apply the texture to the splash ring, 0.0f - 1.0f.

texture [2]

Imagemap file to use as the texture for the splash effect.


Amount to wrap the texture around the splash ring, 0.0f - 1.0f.

times [4]

Times to transition through the splash effect. Up to 4 allowed. Values are 0.0 - 1.0, and corrispond to the life of the particle where 0 is first created and 1 is end of lifespace.


Velocity for the splash effect to travel.


Width for the X and Y coordinates to create this effect within.

Detailed Description

Acts as the physical point in space in white a Splash is created from.

Public Attributes

float acceleration 

Constant acceleration value to place upon the splash effect.

LinearColorF colors [4]

Color values to set the splash effect, rgba. Up to 4 allowed. Will transition through colors based on values set in the times value. Example: colors[0] = "0.6 1.0 1.0 0.5".

int delayMS 

Time to delay, in milliseconds, before actually starting this effect.

int delayVariance 

Time variance for delayMS.

float ejectionAngle 

Rotational angle to create a splash ring.

float ejectionFreq 

Frequency in which to emit splash rings.

ParticleEmitterData emitter [3]

List of particle emitters to create at the point of this Splash effect.

ExplosionData Explosion 

ExplosionData object to create at the creation position of this splash effect.

float height 

Height for the splash to reach.

int lifetimeMS 

Lifetime for this effect, in milliseconds.

int lifetimeVariance 

Time variance for lifetimeMS.

int numSegments 

Number of ejection points in the splash ring.

float ringLifetime 

Lifetime, in milliseconds, for a splash ring.

Point3F scale 

The scale of this splashing effect, defined as the F32 points X, Y, Z.

SFXProfile soundProfile 

SFXProfile effect to play.

float startRadius 

Starting radius size of a splash ring.

float texFactor 

Factor in which to apply the texture to the splash ring, 0.0f - 1.0f.

filename texture [2]

Imagemap file to use as the texture for the splash effect.

float texWrap 

Amount to wrap the texture around the splash ring, 0.0f - 1.0f.

float times [4]

Times to transition through the splash effect. Up to 4 allowed. Values are 0.0 - 1.0, and corrispond to the life of the particle where 0 is first created and 1 is end of lifespace.

float velocity 

Velocity for the splash effect to travel.

float width 

Width for the X and Y coordinates to create this effect within.