

Defines the physics properties for an individual RigidShapeData physics object.




Creates a representation of the object in the physics plugin.



Used to simulate the constant drag acting on the object.


The scalar applied to the vertical portion of the velocity drag acting on a object.

Particle Effects

Array of pointers to ParticleEmitterData datablocks which will be used to emit particles at object/terrain contact point.


Maximum height from the ground at which the object will generate dust.


Height of dust effects.

Particle emitter used to create a dust trail for the moving object.

Array of pointers to ParticleEmitterData datablocks which will generate splash effects.


The simulated frequency modulation of a splash generated by this object. Multiplied along with speed and time elapsed when determining splash emition rate.


The threshold speed at which we consider the object's movement to have stopped when updating splash effects.


Sound to play when body impacts with at least softImageSpeed but less than hardImpactSpeed.

Sound to play when body impacts with at least hardImpactSpeed.


The minimum velocity at which the exit splash sound will be played when emerging from water.


The minimum velocity at which the soft splash sound will be played when impacting water.


The minimum velocity at which the medium splash sound will be played when impacting water.


The minimum velocity at which the hard splash sound will be played when impacting water.

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when emerging from water.

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a soft impact with water occurs.

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a medium impact with water occurs.

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a hard impact with water occurs.

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a water wake is displayed.


The settings used by the shape when it is the camera.


Specifies whether the camera's rotation matrix, and the render eye transform are multiplied during camera updates.


Scalar amount by which the third person camera lags the object, relative to the object's linear velocity.


Scalar rate at which the third person camera offset decays, per tick.


The vertical offset of the object's camera.


onEnterLiquid(RigidShape obj, float coverage, string type)

Called when the vehicle enters liquid.

onLeaveLiquid(RigidShape obj, string type)

Called when the vehicle leaves liquid.

Public Attributes


How much friction this object has. Lower values will cause the object to appear to be more slippery.


The percentage of kinetic energy kept by this object in a collision.


Collision distance tolerance.


Contact velocity tolerance.


Minimum speed at which the object must be travelling for the hard impact sound to be played.


Number of physics steps to process per tick.


Size of inertial box.


Center of mass for rigid body.


Maximum drag available to this object.


Minimum drag available to this object.


Minimum collision speed to classify collision as impact (triggers onImpact on server object).


Minimum speed at which this object must be travelling for the soft impact sound to be played.

Detailed Description

Defines the physics properties for an individual RigidShapeData physics object.

datablock RigidShapeData( BouncingBoulder )
   category = "RigidShape";

   shapeFile = "~/data/shapes/boulder/boulder.dts";
   emap = true;

   // Rigid Body
   mass = 500;
   massCenter = "0 0 0";    // Center of mass for rigid body
   massBox = "0 0 0";         // Size of box used for moment of inertia,
                       // if zero it defaults to object bounding box
   drag = 0.2;                // Drag coefficient
   bodyFriction = 0.2;
   bodyRestitution = 0.1;
   minImpactSpeed = 5;        // Impacts over this invoke the script callback
   softImpactSpeed = 5;       // Play SoftImpact Sound
   hardImpactSpeed = 15;      // Play HardImpact Sound
   integration = 4;           // Physics integration: TickSec/Rate
   collisionTol = 0.1;        // Collision distance tolerance
   contactTol = 0.1;          // Contact velocity tolerance

   minRollSpeed = 10;

   maxDrag = 0.5;
   minDrag = 0.01;

   dustHeight = 10;

   dragForce = 0.05;
   vertFactor = 0.05;


bool enablePhysicsRep 

Creates a representation of the object in the physics plugin.


float dragForce 

Used to simulate the constant drag acting on the object.

float vertFactor 

The scalar applied to the vertical portion of the velocity drag acting on a object.

Particle Effects

ParticleEmitterData dustEmitter 

Array of pointers to ParticleEmitterData datablocks which will be used to emit particles at object/terrain contact point.

float triggerDustHeight 

Maximum height from the ground at which the object will generate dust.

float dustHeight 

Height of dust effects.

ParticleEmitterData dustTrailEmitter 

Particle emitter used to create a dust trail for the moving object.

ParticleEmitterData splashEmitter [2]

Array of pointers to ParticleEmitterData datablocks which will generate splash effects.

float splashFreqMod 

The simulated frequency modulation of a splash generated by this object. Multiplied along with speed and time elapsed when determining splash emition rate.

float splashVelEpsilon 

The threshold speed at which we consider the object's movement to have stopped when updating splash effects.


SFXTrack softImpactSound 

Sound to play when body impacts with at least softImageSpeed but less than hardImpactSpeed.

SFXTrack hardImpactSound 

Sound to play when body impacts with at least hardImpactSpeed.

float exitSplashSoundVelocity 

The minimum velocity at which the exit splash sound will be played when emerging from water.

float softSplashSoundVelocity 

The minimum velocity at which the soft splash sound will be played when impacting water.

float mediumSplashSoundVelocity 

The minimum velocity at which the medium splash sound will be played when impacting water.

float hardSplashSoundVelocity 

The minimum velocity at which the hard splash sound will be played when impacting water.

SFXTrack exitingWater 

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when emerging from water.

SFXTrack impactWaterEasy 

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a soft impact with water occurs.

SFXTrack impactWaterMedium 

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a medium impact with water occurs.

SFXTrack impactWaterHard 

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a hard impact with water occurs.

SFXTrack waterWakeSound 

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a water wake is displayed.


The settings used by the shape when it is the camera.

bool cameraRoll 

Specifies whether the camera's rotation matrix, and the render eye transform are multiplied during camera updates.

float cameraLag 

Scalar amount by which the third person camera lags the object, relative to the object's linear velocity.

float cameraDecay 

Scalar rate at which the third person camera offset decays, per tick.

float cameraOffset 

The vertical offset of the object's camera.


onEnterLiquid(RigidShape obj, float coverage, string type)

Called when the vehicle enters liquid.



the Vehicle object


percentage of the vehicle's bounding box covered by the liquid


type of liquid the vehicle has entered

onLeaveLiquid(RigidShape obj, string type)

Called when the vehicle leaves liquid.



the Vehicle object


type of liquid the vehicle has left

Public Attributes

float bodyFriction 

How much friction this object has. Lower values will cause the object to appear to be more slippery.

float bodyRestitution 

The percentage of kinetic energy kept by this object in a collision.

float collisionTol 

Collision distance tolerance.

float contactTol 

Contact velocity tolerance.

float hardImpactSpeed 

Minimum speed at which the object must be travelling for the hard impact sound to be played.

int integration 

Number of physics steps to process per tick.

Point3F massBox 

Size of inertial box.

Point3F massCenter 

Center of mass for rigid body.

float maxDrag 

Maximum drag available to this object.

float minDrag 

Minimum drag available to this object.

float minImpactSpeed 

Minimum collision speed to classify collision as impact (triggers onImpact on server object).

float minRollSpeed 
float softImpactSpeed 

Minimum speed at which this object must be travelling for the soft impact sound to be played.