

Lighting object that radiates light in all directions.




Controls the falloff of the light emission.

Public Static Attributes


Disables rendering of all instances of this type.


Disables selection of all instances of this type.

Detailed Description

Lighting object that radiates light in all directions.

PointLight is one of the two types of lighting objects that can be added to a Torque 3D level, the other being SpotLight. Unlike directional or conical light, the PointLight emits lighting in all directions. The attenuation is controlled by a single variable: LightObject::radius.

// Declaration of a point light in script, or created by World Editor
new PointLight(CrystalLight)
   radius = "10";
   isEnabled = "1";
   color = "1 0.905882 0 1";
   brightness = "0.5";
   castShadows = "1";
   priority = "1";
   animate = "1";
   animationType = "SubtlePulseLightAnim";
   animationPeriod = "3";
   animationPhase = "3";
   flareScale = "1";
   attenuationRatio = "0 1 1";
   shadowType = "DualParaboloidSinglePass";
   texSize = "512";
   overDarkFactor = "2000 1000 500 100";
   shadowDistance = "400";
   shadowSoftness = "0.15";
   numSplits = "1";
   logWeight = "0.91";
   fadeStartDistance = "0";
   lastSplitTerrainOnly = "0";
   splitFadeDistances = "10 20 30 40";
   representedInLightmap = "0";
   shadowDarkenColor = "0 0 0 -1";
   includeLightmappedGeometryInShadow = "1";
   position = "-61.3866 1.69186 5.1464";
   rotation = "1 0 0 0";


float radius 

Controls the falloff of the light emission.

Public Static Attributes

bool isRenderable 

Disables rendering of all instances of this type.

bool isSelectable 

Disables selection of all instances of this type.