Helper object for gameplay physical forces.
Public Static Attributes
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
Public Functions
attach(Point3F start, Point3F direction, float maxDist)
Attempts to associate the PhysicsForce with a PhysicsBody.
detach(Point3F force)
Disassociates the PhysicsForce from any attached PhysicsBody.
Returns true if the PhysicsForce is currently attached to an object.
Detailed Description
Helper object for gameplay physical forces.
PhysicsForces can be created and "attached" to other PhysicsBodies to attract them to the position of the PhysicsForce.
Public Static Attributes
bool isRenderable
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
bool isSelectable
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
Public Functions
attach(Point3F start, Point3F direction, float maxDist)
Attempts to associate the PhysicsForce with a PhysicsBody.
Performs a physics ray cast of the provided length and direction. The PhysicsForce will attach itself to the first dynamic PhysicsBody the ray collides with. On every tick, the attached body will be attracted towards the position of the PhysicsForce.
A PhysicsForce can only be attached to one body at a time.
note:To determine if an attach was successful, check isAttached() immediately after calling this function.n
detach(Point3F force)
Disassociates the PhysicsForce from any attached PhysicsBody.
force | Optional force to apply to the attached PhysicsBody before detaching. |
note:Has no effect if the PhysicsForce is not attached to anything.
Returns true if the PhysicsForce is currently attached to an object.