Public Static Attributes
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
Public Functions
Removes the knot at the front of the camera's path.
pushBack(TransformF transform, float speed, string type, string path)
Adds a new knot to the back of a path camera's path.
pushFront(TransformF transform, float speed, string type, string path)
Adds a new knot to the front of a path camera's path.
reset(float speed)
Clear the camera's path and set the camera's current transform as the start of the new path.
setPosition(float position)
Set the current position of the camera along the path.
setState(string newState)
Set the movement state for this path camera.
setTarget(float position)
Set the movement target for this camera along its path.
Detailed Description
Public Static Attributes
bool isRenderable
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
bool isSelectable
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
Public Attributes
string Controler [4]
Path Path
Name of a Path to follow.
Public Functions
Removes the knot at the front of the camera's path.
// Remove the first knot in the camera's path. %pathCamera.popFront();
pushBack(TransformF transform, float speed, string type, string path)
Adds a new knot to the back of a path camera's path.
transform | Transform for the new knot. In the form of "x y z ax ay az aa" such as returned by SceneObject::getTransform() |
speed | Speed setting for this knot. |
type | Knot type (Normal, Position Only, Kink). |
path | Path type (Linear, Spline). // Transform vector for new knot. (Pos_X Pos_Y Pos_Z Rot_X Rot_Y Rot_Z Angle) %transform = "15.0 5.0 5.0 1.4 1.0 0.2 1.0" // Speed setting for knot. %speed = "1.0" // Knot type. (Normal, Position Only, Kink) %type = "Normal"; // Path Type. (Linear, Spline) %path = "Linear"; // Inform the path camera to add a new knot to the back of its path %pathCamera.pushBack(%transform,%speed,%type,%path); |
pushFront(TransformF transform, float speed, string type, string path)
Adds a new knot to the front of a path camera's path.
transform | Transform for the new knot. In the form of "x y z ax ay az aa" such as returned by SceneObject::getTransform() |
speed | Speed setting for this knot. |
type | Knot type (Normal, Position Only, Kink). |
path | Path type (Linear, Spline). // Transform vector for new knot. (Pos_X,Pos_Y,Pos_Z,Rot_X,Rot_Y,Rot_Z,Angle) %transform = "15.0 5.0 5.0 1.4 1.0 0.2 1.0" // Speed setting for knot. %speed = "1.0"; // Knot type. (Normal, Position Only, Kink) %type = "Normal"; // Path Type. (Linear, Spline) %path = "Linear"; // Inform the path camera to add a new knot to the front of its path %pathCamera.pushFront(%transform, %speed, %type, %path); |
reset(float speed)
Clear the camera's path and set the camera's current transform as the start of the new path.
What specifically occurs is a new knot is created from the camera's current transform. Then the current path is cleared and the new knot is pushed onto the path. Any previous target is cleared and the camera's movement state is set to Forward. The camera is now ready for a new path to be defined. Parameters:
speed | Speed for the camera to move along its path after being reset. //Determine the new movement speed of this camera. If not set, the speed will default to 1.0. %speed = "0.50"; // Inform the path camera to start a new path at// the camera's current position, and set the new // path's speed value. %pathCamera.reset(%speed); |
setPosition(float position)
Set the current position of the camera along the path.
position | Position along the path, from 0.0 (path start) - 1.0 (path end), to place the camera. // Set the camera on a position along its path from 0.0 - 1.0. %position = "0.35"; // Force the pathCamera to its new position along the path. %pathCamera.setPosition(%position); |
setState(string newState)
Set the movement state for this path camera.
newState | New movement state type for this camera. Forward, Backward or Stop. // Set the state type (forward, backward, stop). // In this example, the camera will travel from the first node // to the last node (or target if given with setTarget()) %state = "forward"; // Inform the pathCamera to change its movement state to the defined value. %pathCamera.setState(%state); |
setTarget(float position)
Set the movement target for this camera along its path.
The camera will attempt to move along the path to the given target in the direction provided by setState() (the default is forwards). Once the camera moves past this target it will come to a stop, and the target state will be cleared. Parameters:
position | Target position, between 0.0 (path start) and 1.0 (path end), for the camera to move to along its path. // Set the position target, between 0.0 (path start) and 1.0 (path end), for this camera to move to. %position = "0.50"; // Inform the pathCamera of the new target position it will move to. %pathCamera.setTarget(%position); |