This is a base class for all "marker" related objets. It is a 3D representation of a point in the level.
Public Static Attributes
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
Detailed Description
This is a base class for all "marker" related objets. It is a 3D representation of a point in the level.
The main use of a MissionMarker is to represent a point in 3D space with a mesh and basic ShapeBase information. If you simply need to mark a spot in your level, with no overhead from additional fields, this is a useful object.
new MissionMarker() { dataBlock = "WayPointMarker"; position = "295.699 -171.817 280.124"; rotation = "0 0 -1 13.8204"; scale = "1 1 1"; isRenderEnabled = "true"; canSaveDynamicFields = "1"; enabled = "1"; };
note:MissionMarkers will not add themselves to the scene except when in the editor.