Level object which defines the boundaries of the level.
Four corners (X1, X2, Y1, Y2) that makes up the level's boundaries.
Represents the top of the mission area, used by FlyingVehicle.
Distance from ceiling before FlyingVehicle thrust is cut off.
Public Functions
Returns 4 fields: starting x, starting y, extents x, extents y.
Intended as a helper to developers and editor scripts.
setArea(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Defines the size of the MissionArea
Detailed Description
Level object which defines the boundaries of the level.
This is a simple box with starting points, width, depth, and height. It does not have any default functionality. Instead, when objects hit the boundaries certain script callbacks will be made allowing you to control the reaction.
new MissionArea(GlobalMissionArea) { Area = "-152 -352 1008 864"; flightCeiling = "300"; flightCeilingRange = "20"; canSaveDynamicFields = "1"; enabled = "1"; TypeBool locked = "false"; };
RectI area
Four corners (X1, X2, Y1, Y2) that makes up the level's boundaries.
float flightCeiling
Represents the top of the mission area, used by FlyingVehicle.
float flightCeilingRange
Distance from ceiling before FlyingVehicle thrust is cut off.
Public Functions
Returns 4 fields: starting x, starting y, extents x, extents y.
Intended as a helper to developers and editor scripts.
Force trigger an inspectPostApply. This will transmit material and other fields ( not including nodes ) to client objects.
setArea(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Defines the size of the MissionArea
param x Starting X coordinate position for MissionArea param y Starting Y coordinate position for MissionArea param width New width of the MissionArea param height New height of the MissionArea
note:Only the server object may be set.