

A single joint, or knot, along a path. Should be stored inside a Path container object. A path markers can be one of three primary movement types: "normal", "Position Only", or "Kink".




Marker position in sequence of markers on this path.

Type of this marker/knot. A "normal" knot will have a smooth camera translation/rotation effect.


Milliseconds to next marker in sequence.

Path smoothing at this marker/knot. "Linear" means no smoothing, while "Spline" means to smooth.

Public Static Attributes


Disables rendering of all instances of this type.


Disables selection of all instances of this type.

Detailed Description

A single joint, or knot, along a path. Should be stored inside a Path container object. A path markers can be one of three primary movement types: "normal", "Position Only", or "Kink".

new path()
     isLooping = "1";

     new Marker()
         seqNum = "0";
         type = "Normal";
         msToNext = "1000";
         smoothingType = "Spline";
         position = "-0.054708 -35.0612 234.802";
         rotation = "1 0 0 0";



int seqNum 

Marker position in sequence of markers on this path.

MarkerKnotType type 

Type of this marker/knot. A "normal" knot will have a smooth camera translation/rotation effect.

"Position Only" will do the same for translations, leaving rotation un-touched. Lastly, a "Kink" means the rotation will take effect immediately for an abrupt rotation change.

int msToNext 

Milliseconds to next marker in sequence.

MarkerSmoothingType smoothingType 

Path smoothing at this marker/knot. "Linear" means no smoothing, while "Spline" means to smooth.

Public Static Attributes

bool isRenderable 

Disables rendering of all instances of this type.

bool isSelectable 

Disables selection of all instances of this type.