Base Item class. Uses the ItemData datablock for common properties.
onStickyCollision(string objID)
Informs the Item object that it is now sticking to another object.
onEnterLiquid(string objID, float waterCoverage, string liquidType)
Informs an Item object that it has entered liquid, along with information about the liquid type.
onLeaveLiquid(string objID, string liquidType)
Informs an Item object that it has left a liquid, along with information about the liquid type.
Public Static Attributes
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
When a warp needs to occur due to the client being too far off from the server, this is the maximum number of ticks we'll allow the client to warp to catch up.
Fraction of tick at which instant warp occures on the client.
Public Functions
Get the normal of the surface on which the object is stuck.
Get the position on the surface on which this Item is stuck.
Is the object at rest (ie, no longer moving)?
Is the object still rotating?
Is the object static (ie, non-movable)?
setCollisionTimeout(int ignoreColObj)
Temporarily disable collisions against a specific ShapeBase object.
Detailed Description
Base Item class. Uses the ItemData datablock for common properties.
Items represent an object in the world, usually one that the player will interact with. One example is a health kit on the group that is automatically picked up when the player comes into contact with it.
// This is the "health patch" dropped by a dying player. datablock ItemData(HealthKitPatch) { // Mission editor category, this datablock will show up in the // specified category under the "shapes" root category. category = "Health"; className = "HealthPatch"; // Basic Item properties shapeFile = "art/shapes/items/patch/healthpatch.dts"; mass = 2; friction = 1; elasticity = 0.3; emap = true; // Dynamic properties used by the scripts pickupName = "a health patch"; repairAmount = 50; }; %obj = new Item() { dataBlock = HealthKitSmall; parentGroup = EWCreatorWindow.objectGroup; static = true; rotate = true; };
bool static
If true, the object is not moving in the world.
bool rotate
If true, the object will automatically rotate around its Z axis.
onStickyCollision(string objID)
Informs the Item object that it is now sticking to another object.
This callback is only called if the ItemData::sticky property for this Item is true. Parameters:
objID | Object ID this Item object. |
note:Server side only.
onEnterLiquid(string objID, float waterCoverage, string liquidType)
Informs an Item object that it has entered liquid, along with information about the liquid type.
objID | Object ID for this Item object. |
waterCoverage | How much coverage of water this Item object has. |
liquidType | The type of liquid that this Item object has entered. |
note:Server side only.
onLeaveLiquid(string objID, string liquidType)
Informs an Item object that it has left a liquid, along with information about the liquid type.
objID | Object ID for this Item object. |
liquidType | The type of liquid that this Item object has left. |
note:Server side only.
Public Static Attributes
bool isRenderable
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
bool isSelectable
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
int maxWarpTicks
When a warp needs to occur due to the client being too far off from the server, this is the maximum number of ticks we'll allow the client to warp to catch up.
float minWarpTicks
Fraction of tick at which instant warp occures on the client.
Public Functions
Get the normal of the surface on which the object is stuck.
Returns The XYZ normal from where this Item is stuck.
// Acquire the position where this Item is currently stuck %stuckPosition = %item.getLastStickPos();
note:Server side only.
Get the position on the surface on which this Item is stuck.
Returns The XYZ position of where this Item is stuck.
// Acquire the position where this Item is currently stuck %stuckPosition = %item.getLastStickPos();
note:Server side only.
Is the object at rest (ie, no longer moving)?
True if the object is at rest, false if it is not.
// Query the item on if it is or is not at rest. %isAtRest = %item.isAtRest();
Is the object still rotating?
True if the object is still rotating, false if it is not.
// Query the item on if it is or is not rotating. %isRotating = %itemData.isRotating();
Is the object static (ie, non-movable)?
True if the object is static, false if it is not.
// Query the item on if it is or is not static. %isStatic = %itemData.isStatic();
setCollisionTimeout(int ignoreColObj)
Temporarily disable collisions against a specific ShapeBase object.
This is useful to prevent a player from immediately picking up an Item they have just thrown. Only one object may be on the timeout list at a time. The timeout is defined as 15 ticks.
objectID | ShapeBase object ID to disable collisions against. |
Returns true if the ShapeBase object requested could be found, false if it could not.
// Set the ShapeBase Object ID to disable collisions against %ignoreColObj = %player.getID(); // Inform this Item object to ignore collisions temproarily against the %ignoreColObj. %item.setCollisionTimeout(%ignoreColObj);