A hovering vehicle.
Public Static Attributes
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
Detailed Description
A hovering vehicle.
A hover vehicle is a vehicle that maintains a specific distance between the vehicle and the ground at all times; unlike a flying vehicle which is free to ascend and descend at will.The model used for the HoverVehicle has the following requirements:
- Collision mesh
A convex collision mesh at detail size -1.
- JetNozzle0-1 nodes
Particle emitter nodes used when thrusting forward.
- JetNozzle2-3 nodes
Particle emitter nodes used when thrusting downward.
- JetNozzleX node
Particle emitter node used when thrusting backward.
- activateBack animation
Non-cyclic animation sequence played when the vehicle begins thrusting forwards.
- maintainBack animation
Cyclic animation sequence played after activateBack when the vehicle continues thrusting forwards.