Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / GuiSpeedometerHud



Displays the speed of the current Vehicle based control object.




Maximum Vehicle speed (in Torque units per second) to represent on the speedo (Vehicle speeds greater than this are clamped to maxSpeed).


Angle (in radians) of the needle when the Vehicle speed is 0. An angle of 0 points right, 90 points up etc).


Angle (in radians) of the needle when the Vehicle speed is >= maxSpeed. An angle of 0 points right, 90 points up etc).


Center of the needle, offset from the GuiSpeedometerHud control top left corner.


Length of the needle from center to end.


Width of the needle.


Length of the needle from center to tail.

Detailed Description

Displays the speed of the current Vehicle based control object.

This control only works if a server connection exists, and its control object is a Vehicle derived class. If either of these requirements is false, the control is not rendered.
The control renders the speedometer needle as a colored quad, rotated to indicate the Vehicle speed as determined by the minAngle, maxAngle, and maxSpeed properties. This control is normally placed on top of a GuiBitmapCtrl representing the speedometer dial.

new GuiSpeedometerHud()
   maxSpeed = "100";
   minAngle = "215";
   maxAngle = "0";
   color = "1 0.3 0.3 1";
   center = "130 123";
   length = "100";
   width = "2";
   tail = "0";
   //Properties not specific to this control have been omitted from this example.


float maxSpeed 

Maximum Vehicle speed (in Torque units per second) to represent on the speedo (Vehicle speeds greater than this are clamped to maxSpeed).

float minAngle 

Angle (in radians) of the needle when the Vehicle speed is 0. An angle of 0 points right, 90 points up etc).

float maxAngle 

Angle (in radians) of the needle when the Vehicle speed is >= maxSpeed. An angle of 0 points right, 90 points up etc).

Point2F center 

Center of the needle, offset from the GuiSpeedometerHud control top left corner.

float length 

Length of the needle from center to end.

float width 

Width of the needle.

float tail 

Length of the needle from center to tail.