

A collapsable pane control.




Text label to display as the pane header.


String table text ID to use as caption string (overrides 'caption').


Whether the pane can be collapsed by clicking its header.


Whether to draw the bitmapped pane bar behind the header text, too.

Public Functions

setCollapsed(bool collapse)

Collapse or un-collapse the control.

Detailed Description

A collapsable pane control.

This class wraps a single child control and displays a header with caption above it. If you click the header it will collapse or expand (if collapsable is enabled). The control resizes itself based on its collapsed/expanded size.
In the GUI editor, if you just want the header you can make collapsable false. The caption field lets you set the caption; it expects a bitmap (from the GuiControlProfile) that contains two images - the first is displayed when the control is expanded and the second is displayed when it is collapsed. The header is sized based on the first image.

new GuiPaneControl()
   caption = "Example Pane";
   collapsable = "1";
   barBehindText = "1";
   //Properties not specific to this control have been omitted from this example.


string caption 

Text label to display as the pane header.

string captionID 

String table text ID to use as caption string (overrides 'caption').

bool collapsable 

Whether the pane can be collapsed by clicking its header.

bool barBehindText 

Whether to draw the bitmapped pane bar behind the header text, too.

Public Functions

setCollapsed(bool collapse)

Collapse or un-collapse the control.



True to collapse the control, false to un-collapse it