Object responsible for simulating wind in a level.
Determines if the emitter will be counted in wind calculations.
Determines if the emitter is a global direction or local radial emitter.
The strength of the wind force.
The radius of the emitter for local radial emitters.
The maximum strength of a gust.
The frequency of gusting in seconds.
The amount of degrees the wind direction can drift (both positive and negative).
The frequency of wind yaw drift, in seconds.
The amount of random wobble added to gust and turbulence vectors.
The strength of gust turbulence.
The frequency of gust turbulence, in seconds.
Determines if the emitter is mounted to another object.
Public Static Attributes
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
Public Functions
attachToObject(uint objectID)
Mounts the wind emitter to another scene object.
Detailed Description
Object responsible for simulating wind in a level.
When placed in the level, a ForestWindEmitter will cause tree branches to bend and sway, leaves to flutter, and create vertical bending on the tree's trunk.
// The following is a full declaration of a wind emitter new ForestWindEmitter() { position = "497.739 765.821 102.395"; windEnabled = "1"; radialEmitter = "1"; strength = "1"; radius = "3"; gustStrength = "0.5"; gustFrequency = "1"; gustYawAngle = "10"; gustYawFrequency = "4"; gustWobbleStrength = "2"; turbulenceStrength = "1"; turbulenceFrequency = "2"; hasMount = "0"; scale = "3 3 3"; canSave = "1"; canSaveDynamicFields = "1"; rotation = "1 0 0 0"; };
bool windEnabled
Determines if the emitter will be counted in wind calculations.
bool radialEmitter
Determines if the emitter is a global direction or local radial emitter.
float strength
The strength of the wind force.
float radius
The radius of the emitter for local radial emitters.
float gustStrength
The maximum strength of a gust.
float gustFrequency
The frequency of gusting in seconds.
float gustYawAngle
The amount of degrees the wind direction can drift (both positive and negative).
float gustYawFrequency
The frequency of wind yaw drift, in seconds.
float gustWobbleStrength
The amount of random wobble added to gust and turbulence vectors.
float turbulenceStrength
The strength of gust turbulence.
float turbulenceFrequency
The frequency of gust turbulence, in seconds.
bool hasMount
Determines if the emitter is mounted to another object.
Public Static Attributes
bool isRenderable
Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
bool isSelectable
Disables selection of all instances of this type.
Public Functions
attachToObject(uint objectID)
Mounts the wind emitter to another scene object.
objectID | Unique ID of the object wind emitter should attach to // Wind emitter previously created and named %windEmitter // Going to attach it to the player, making him a walking wind storm %windEmitter.attachToObject(%player); |