

The emitter for an explosion effect, with properties defined by a ExplosionData object.


Public Static Attributes


Disables rendering of all instances of this type.


Disables selection of all instances of this type.

Public Attributes


Initial starting Normal.

Detailed Description

The emitter for an explosion effect, with properties defined by a ExplosionData object.

The object will initiate the explosion effects automatically after being added to the simulation.

datablock ExplosionData( GrenadeSubExplosion )
   offset = 0.25;
   emitter[0] = GrenadeExpSparkEmitter;

   lightStartRadius = 4.0;
   lightEndRadius = 0.0;
   lightStartColor = "0.9 0.7 0.7";
   lightEndColor = "0.9 0.7 0.7";
   lightStartBrightness = 2.0;
   lightEndBrightness = 0.0;

datablock ExplosionData( GrenadeLauncherExplosion )
   soundProfile = GrenadeLauncherExplosionSound;
   lifeTimeMS = 400; // Quick flash, short burn, and moderate dispersal

   // Volume particles
   particleEmitter = GrenadeExpFireEmitter;
   particleDensity = 75;
   particleRadius = 2.25;

   // Point emission
   emitter[0] = GrenadeExpDustEmitter;
   emitter[1] = GrenadeExpSparksEmitter;
   emitter[2] = GrenadeExpSmokeEmitter;

   // Sub explosion objects
   subExplosion[0] = GrenadeSubExplosion;

   // Camera Shaking
   shakeCamera = true;
   camShakeFreq = "10.0 11.0 9.0";
   camShakeAmp = "15.0 15.0 15.0";
   camShakeDuration = 1.5;
   camShakeRadius = 20;

   // Exploding debris
   debris = GrenadeDebris;
   debrisThetaMin = 10;
   debrisThetaMax = 60;
   debrisNum = 4;
   debrisNumVariance = 2;
   debrisVelocity = 25;
   debrisVelocityVariance = 5;

   lightStartRadius = 4.0;
   lightEndRadius = 0.0;
   lightStartColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0";
   lightEndColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0";
   lightStartBrightness = 4.0;
   lightEndBrightness = 0.0;
   lightNormalOffset = 2.0;

function ServerPlayExplosion(%position, %datablock)
   // Play the given explosion on every client.
   // The explosion will be transmitted as an event, not attached to any object.
   for(%idx = 0; %idx < ClientGroup.getCount(); %idx++)
      %client = ClientGroup.getObject(%idx);
      commandToClient(%client, 'PlayExplosion', %position, %datablock.getId());

function clientCmdPlayExplosion(%position, %effectDataBlock)
   // Play an explosion sent by the server. Make sure this function is defined
   // on the client.
   if (isObject(%effectDataBlock))
      new Explosion()
         position = %position;
         dataBlock = %effectDataBlock;

// schedule an explosion
schedule(1000, 0, ServerPlayExplosion, "0 0 0", GrenadeLauncherExplosion);

Public Static Attributes

bool isRenderable 

Disables rendering of all instances of this type.

bool isSelectable 

Disables selection of all instances of this type.

Public Attributes

Point3F initialNormal 

Initial starting Normal.