

Used for kicking and banning players from a server. There is only a single instance of BanList. It is very important to note that you do not ever create this object in script like you would other game play objects. You simply reference it via namespace.


Public Static Functions

add(int uniqueId, string transportAddress, int banLength)

Ban a user for banLength seconds.

addAbsolute(int uniqueId, string transportAddress, int banTime)

Ban a user until a given time.

export(string filename)

Dump the banlist to a file.

isBanned(int uniqueId, string transportAddress)

Is someone banned?

removeBan(int uniqueId, string transportAddress)

Unban someone.

Detailed Description

Used for kicking and banning players from a server. There is only a single instance of BanList. It is very important to note that you do not ever create this object in script like you would other game play objects. You simply reference it via namespace.

For this to be used effectively, make sure you are hooking up other functions to BanList. For example, functions like GameConnection::onConnectRequestRejected( this, msg ) and function GameConnection::onConnectRequest are excellent places to make use of the BanList. Other systems can be used in conjunction for strict control over a server

Public Static Functions

add(int uniqueId, string transportAddress, int banLength)

Ban a user for banLength seconds.



Unique ID of the player.


Address from which the player connected.


Time period over which to ban the player.

// Kick someone off the server
// %client - This is the connection to the person we are kicking
function kick(%client)
      // Let the server know what happened
      messageAll( 'MsgAdminForce', '\c2The Admin has kicked %1.', %client.playerName);

      // If it is not an AI Player, execute the ban.
      if (!%client.isAIControlled())
         BanList::add(%client.guid, %client.getAddress(), $pref::Server::KickBanTime);

      // Let the player know they messed up
      %client.delete("You have been kicked from this server");

addAbsolute(int uniqueId, string transportAddress, int banTime)

Ban a user until a given time.



Unique ID of the player.


Address from which the player connected.


Time at which they will be allowed back in.

// Kick someone off the server
// %client - This is the connection to the person we are kicking
function kick(%client)
      // Let the server know what happened
      messageAll( 'MsgAdminForce', '\c2The Admin has kicked %1.', %client.playerName);

      // If it is not an AI Player, execute the ban.
      if (!%client.isAIControlled())
         BanList::addAbsolute(%client.guid, %client.getAddress(), $pref::Server::KickBanTime);

      // Let the player know they messed up
      %client.delete("You have been kicked from this server");

export(string filename)

Dump the banlist to a file.



Path of the file to write the list to.


isBanned(int uniqueId, string transportAddress)

Is someone banned?



Unique ID of the player.


Address from which the player connected.

// This script function is called before a client connection
// is accepted.  Returning  will accept the connection,
// anything else will be sent back as an error to the client.
// All the connect args are passed also to onConnectRequest
function GameConnection::onConnectRequest( %client, %netAddress, %name )
     // Find out who is trying to connect
     echo("Connect request from: " @ %netAddress);

     // Are they allowed in?
     if(BanList::isBanned(%client.guid, %netAddress))
        return "CR_YOUAREBANNED";

     // Is there room for an unbanned player?
     if($Server::PlayerCount >= $pref::Server::MaxPlayers)
        return "CR_SERVERFULL";
     return ;

removeBan(int uniqueId, string transportAddress)

Unban someone.



Unique ID of the player.


Address from which the player connected.

BanList::removeBan(%userID, %ipAddress);