Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / afxAnimClipData



A datablock that specifies an Animation Clip effect.


Public Attributes


The name of an animation sequence to be played by a ShapeBase-derived object to which this effect is constrained. Also works on afxModel effects.


Specifies if the animation clip should not be applied to corpses or anything else with a disabled damage state.


A synonym for ignoreLiving.


A synonym for ignoreCorpse.


If true, the clip will not be played on targets that are the control object and the camera is in first person mode.


Specifies if the animation clip should not be applied to living objects or anything else with an enabled damage state.


If true, the clip will not be played on targets that are the control object and the camera is in third person mode.


Indicates if user control of a Player should be temporarily blocked during the clip. (See afxAnimLockData.)


Sets a starting offset for the selected animation clip. It directly specifies an animation thread position in the 0.0 to 1.0 range as a fraction of the clip's duration.


The desired playback speed for the sequence. A value of 1.0 indicates forward playback at a normal rate. Negative values cause the sequence to play backwards.


The duration in which the active animation overlaps and blends into the sequence selected by the animation clip.


Indicates if the animation clip is a death animation. If the target object dies during the effect, this will prevent the object from playing another standard death animation after this clip finishes.

Detailed Description

A datablock that specifies an Animation Clip effect.

An Animation Clip forces a target ShapeBase-derived object, such as Player or AIPlayer, to perform a particular animation sequence. Animation Clip does not supply any new animation data, but simply selects, by name, a sequence that is already defined in the target. Animation Clip can also target afxModel effects within the same choreographer.

The target of an Animation Clip is the constraint source object specified by the posConstraint field of the enclosing effect wrapper. The target must be a ShapeBase-derived object, or an afxModel and it must contain an animation sequence with the same name as the clipName field.

Animation Clip controls the rate of animation playback and can even play a sequence in reverse. When an Animation Clip selects a blended animation sequence, it is mixed with the current animation instead of replacing it. Animation Clips can be used to activate multiple, overlapping blend sequences.

Normally when an Animation Clip is applied to a user-controlled Player, any interactive user actions will override the animation selected by the clip, but Animation Clips can be configured to temporarily block out some user actions for the duration of the clip.

Public Attributes

string clipName 

The name of an animation sequence to be played by a ShapeBase-derived object to which this effect is constrained. Also works on afxModel effects.

default: ""

bool ignoreCorpse 

Specifies if the animation clip should not be applied to corpses or anything else with a disabled damage state.

default: false

bool ignoreDisabled 

A synonym for ignoreLiving.

bool ignoreEnabled 

A synonym for ignoreCorpse.

bool ignoreFirstPerson 

If true, the clip will not be played on targets that are the control object and the camera is in first person mode.

default: false

bool ignoreLiving 

Specifies if the animation clip should not be applied to living objects or anything else with an enabled damage state.

default: false

bool ignoreThirdPerson 

If true, the clip will not be played on targets that are the control object and the camera is in third person mode.

default: false

bool lockAnimation 

Indicates if user control of a Player should be temporarily blocked during the clip. (See afxAnimLockData.)

default: false

float posOffset 

Sets a starting offset for the selected animation clip. It directly specifies an animation thread position in the 0.0 to 1.0 range as a fraction of the clip's duration.

default: 1.0

float rate 

The desired playback speed for the sequence. A value of 1.0 indicates forward playback at a normal rate. Negative values cause the sequence to play backwards.

default: 1.0

float transitionTime 

The duration in which the active animation overlaps and blends into the sequence selected by the animation clip.

default: 0.12

bool treatAsDeathAnim 

Indicates if the animation clip is a death animation. If the target object dies during the effect, this will prevent the object from playing another standard death animation after this clip finishes.

default: false