This namespace contains the core of the console functionality.
Console Consumers
The console distributes its output through Torque by using consumers.
Every time a new line is printed to the console, all the ConsumerCallbacks registered using addConsumer are called, in order.
note:The GuiConsole control, which provides the on-screen in-game console, uses a different technique to render the console. It calls getLockLog() to lock the Vector of on-screen console entries, then it renders them as needed. While the Vector is locked, the console will not change the Vector. When the GuiConsole control is done with the console entries, it calls unlockLog() to tell the console that it is again safe to modify the Vector.
addConsumer(ConsumerCallback consumer)
removeConsumer(ConsumerCallback consumer)
Called from the native consoles to provide lines of console input to process.
Variable Management
setLocalVariable(const char * name, const char * value)
Assign a string value to a locally scoped console variable.
const char *
getLocalVariable(const char * name)
Retrieve the string value to a locally scoped console variable.
addVariable(const char * name, S32 type, void * pointer, const char * usage)
Add a console variable that references the value of a variable in C++ code.
removeVariable(const char * name)
Remove a console variable.
addVariableNotify(const char * name, const NotifyDelegate & callback)
Add a callback for notification when a variable is assigned a new value.
removeVariableNotify(const char * name, const NotifyDelegate & callback)
Remove an existing variable assignment notification callback.
Public User Defined
Current script file name and root, these are registered as console variables.
const char *
getNamespaceList(Namespace * ns)
lookupNamespace(const char * ns)
linkNamespaces(const char * parent, const char * child)
unlinkNamespaces(const char * parent, const char * child)
classLinkNamespaces(Namespace * parent, Namespace * child)
Console Function Implementation Helpers
The functions Con::getIntArg, Con::getFloatArg and Con::getArgBuffer(size) are used to allocate on the console stack string variables that will be passed into the next console
char *
getReturnBuffer(U32 bufferSize)
getReturnBuffer lets you allocate stack space to return data in.
char *
getReturnBuffer(const char * stringToCopy)
char *
getReturnBuffer(const String & str)
char *
getReturnBuffer(const StringBuilder & str)
char *
getArgBuffer(U32 bufferSize)
char *
getFloatArg(F64 arg)
char *
getBoolArg(bool arg)
char *
getStringArg(const char * arg)
char *
getStringArg(const String & arg)
Control Functions
The console must be initialized and shutdown appropriately during the lifetime of the app.
These functions are used to manage this behavior.
note:Torque deals with this aspect of console management, so you don't need to call these functions in normal usage of the engine.
tabComplete(char * inputBuffer, U32 cursorPos, U32 maxResultLength, bool forwardTab)
This is the basis for tab completion in the console.
stripColorChars(char * line)
Remove color marking information from a string.
isFunction(const char * fn)
Returns true if fn is a global scripting function.
getModNameFromPath(const char * path)
addPathExpando(const char * pExpandoName, const char * pPath)
getPathExpando(const char * pExpandoName)
removePathExpando(const char * pExpandoName)
isPathExpando(const char * pExpandoName)
getPathExpandoKey(U32 expandoIndex)
getPathExpandoValue(U32 expandoIndex)
expandPath(char * pDstPath, U32 size, const char * pSrcPath, const char * pWorkingDirectoryHint, const bool ensureTrailingSlash)
isBasePath(const char * SrcPath, const char * pBasePath)
collapsePath(char * pDstPath, U32 size, const char * pSrcPath, const char * pWorkingDirectoryHint)
ensureTrailingSlash(char * pDstPath, const char * pSrcPath, S32 dstSize)
getDSOPath(const char * scriptPath)
stripRepeatSlashes(char * pDstPath, const char * pSrcPath, S32 dstSize)
expandScriptFilename(char * filename, U32 size, const char * src)
Convert from a relative script path to an absolute script path.
expandGameScriptFilename(char * filename, U32 size, const char * src)
expandToolScriptFilename(char * filename, U32 size, const char * src)
collapseScriptFilename(char * filename, U32 size, const char * src)
Console Output
These functions process the formatted string and pass it to all the ConsumerCallbacks that are currently registered.
The console log file and the console window callbacks are installed by default.
warnf(ConsoleLogEntry::Type type, const char * _format, ... )
errorf(ConsoleLogEntry::Type type, const char * _format, ... )
Prints a separator to the console.
Prints a separator to the console.
Global Variable Accessors
Assign a string value to a global console variable
name | Global console variable name to set |
value | String value to assign to this variable. |
setVariable(const char * name, const char * value)
setBoolVariable(const char * varName, bool value)
Same as setVariable(), but for bools.
setIntVariable(const char * varName, S32 value)
Same as setVariable(), but for ints.
setFloatVariable(const char * varName, F32 value)
Same as setVariable(), but for floats.
const char *
getVariable(const char * name, const char * def)
Retrieve the string value of a global console variable.
getBoolVariable(const char * name, bool def)
Same as getVariable(), but for bools.
getIntVariable(const char * name, S32 def)
Same as getVariable(), but for ints.
getFloatVariable(const char * name, F32 def)
Same as getVariable(), but for floats.
const char *
getObjectField(const char * name)
Retrieve the string value of an object field.
Namespace Function Registration
addCommand(const char * nameSpace, const char * name, StringCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it callable as a method of the given namespace from the scripting engine.
addCommand(const char * nameSpace, const char * name, VoidCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it callable as a method of the given namespace from the scripting engine.
addCommand(const char * nameSpace, const char * name, IntCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it callable as a method of the given namespace from the scripting engine.
addCommand(const char * nameSpace, const char * name, FloatCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it callable as a method of the given namespace from the scripting engine.
addCommand(const char * nameSpace, const char * name, BoolCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it callable as a method of the given namespace from the scripting engine.
Special Purpose Registration
These are special-purpose functions that exist to allow commands to be grouped, so that when we generate console docs, they can be more meaningfully presented.
Click here for more information about console docs and grouping.
noteScriptCallback(const char * className, const char * funcName, const char * usage, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
markCommandGroup(const char * nsName, const char * name, const char * usage)
beginCommandGroup(const char * nsName, const char * name, const char * usage)
endCommandGroup(const char * nsName, const char * name)
Global Function Registration
addCommand(const char * name, StringCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it a global function callable from the scripting engine.
addCommand(const char * name, VoidCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it a global function callable from the scripting engine.
addCommand(const char * name, IntCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it a global function callable from the scripting engine.
addCommand(const char * name, FloatCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it a global function callable from the scripting engine.
addCommand(const char * name, BoolCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it a global function callable from the scripting engine.
Console Execution
These are functions relating to the execution of script code.
executeFile(const char * fileName, bool noCalls, bool journalScript)
Executes a script file and compiles it for use in script.
execute(S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef argv)
execute(SimObject * object, S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef argv, bool thisCallOnly)
Dynamic Type System
Instant Group
pushInstantGroup(String name)
Console Execution - executef
Implements a script function thunk which automatically converts parameters to relevant console types. Can be used as follows:
Con::executef("functionName", ...);
Con::executef(mySimObject, "functionName", ...);
NOTE: if you get a rather cryptic template error coming through here, most likely you are trying to convert a parameter which EngineMarshallType does not have a specialization for. Another problem can occur if you do not include "console/simBase.h" and "console/engineAPI.h" since _EngineConsoleExecCallbackHelper and SimConsoleThreadExecCallback are required.
executef(R r, ArgTs ... argTs)
Public Enumerations
Constants { DSOVersion = 49 MaxLineLength = 512 MaxDataTypes = 256 }
Various configuration constants.
Public Typedefs
Public Variables
completionBuffer [MaxCompletionBufferSize]
consoleLog (__FILE__, __LINE__)
const char *
gConsumers (__FILE__, __LINE__)
The current $instantGroup setting.
const char *
sgPathExpandos (64, false)
sInstantGroupStack (__FILE__, __LINE__)
tabBuffer [MaxCompletionBufferSize]
Public Functions
_executef(S32 checkArgc, S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef * argv)
_executef(SimObject * obj, S32 checkArgc, S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef * argv)
_internalExecute(S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef argv)
_internalExecute(SimObject * object, S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef argv, bool thisCallOnly)
_printf(ConsoleLogEntry::Level level, ConsoleLogEntry::Type type, const char * fmt, va_list argptr)
addVariableEntry(const char * name)
ConsoleFunctionGroupBegin(Clipboard , "Miscellaneous functions <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> the clipboard and clear the console." )
ConsoleFunctionGroupEnd(Clipboard )
DefineEngineFunction(cls , void , () , "()" "@brief Clears the console <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">output.\n\n</a>" "@ingroup Console" )
DefineEngineFunction(getClipboard , const char * , () , "()" "@brief Get text from the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">clipboard.\n\n</a>" "@internal" )
DefineEngineFunction(setClipboard , bool , (const char *text) , "(string text)" "@brief Set the system <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">clipboard.\n\n</a>" "@internal" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(GetConsoleBool , bool , (String name) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(GetConsoleFloat , F32 , (String name) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(GetConsoleInt , S32 , (String name) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(GetConsoleString , String , (String name) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(SetConsoleBool , void , (String name, bool value) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(SetConsoleFloat , void , (String name, F32 value) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(SetConsoleInt , void , (String name, S32 value) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(SetConsoleString , void , (String name, String value) , "" )
expandOldScriptFilename(char * filename, U32 size, const char * src)
getAddLocalVariableEntry(const char * name)
getAddVariableEntry(const char * name)
getLocalVariableEntry(const char * name)
const char *
getObjectTokenField(const char * name)
getVariableEntry(const char * name)
getVariableObjectField(const char * name, SimObject ** object, const char ** field)
Returns true when called from the main thread, false otherwise.
isScriptPathExpando(const char * expando)
postConsoleInput(RawData data)
removeScriptPathExpando(const char * expando)
setScriptPathExpando(const char * expando, const char * path, bool toolsOnly)
tryGetBasePath(const char * path, const char * base)
Detailed Description
This namespace contains the core of the console functionality.
The console is a key part of Torque's architecture. It allows direct run-time control of many aspects of the engine.
Console Consumers
The console distributes its output through Torque by using consumers.
Every time a new line is printed to the console, all the ConsumerCallbacks registered using addConsumer are called, in order.
note:The GuiConsole control, which provides the on-screen in-game console, uses a different technique to render the console. It calls getLockLog() to lock the Vector of on-screen console entries, then it renders them as needed. While the Vector is locked, the console will not change the Vector. When the GuiConsole control is done with the console entries, it calls unlockLog() to tell the console that it is again safe to modify the Vector.
addConsumer(ConsumerCallback consumer)
removeConsumer(ConsumerCallback consumer)
Con::ConsoleInputEvent smConsoleInput
Called from the native consoles to provide lines of console input to process.
This will schedule it for execution ASAP.
typedef JournaledSignal< void(RawData)> ConsoleInputEvent
Variable Management
setLocalVariable(const char * name, const char * value)
Assign a string value to a locally scoped console variable.
note:Parameters:The context of the variable is determined by gEvalState; that is, by the currently executing code.
name | Local console variable name to set |
value | String value to assign to name |
getLocalVariable(const char * name)
Retrieve the string value to a locally scoped console variable.
note:Parameters:The context of the variable is determined by gEvalState; that is, by the currently executing code.
name | Local console variable name to get |
addVariable(const char * name, S32 type, void * pointer, const char * usage)
Add a console variable that references the value of a variable in C++ code.
If a value is assigned to the console variable the C++ variable is updated, and vice-versa.
name | Global console variable name to create. |
type | The type of the C++ variable; see the ConsoleDynamicTypes enum for a complete list. |
pointer | Pointer to the variable. |
usage | Documentation string. |
addConstant(const char * name, S32 type, const void * pointer, const char * usage)
Add a console constant that references the value of a constant in C++ code.
name | Global console constant name to create. |
type | The type of the C++ constant; see the ConsoleDynamicTypes enum for a complete list. |
pointer | Pointer to the constant. |
usage | Documentation string. |
removeVariable(const char * name)
Remove a console variable.
name | Global console variable name to remove |
true if variable existed before removal.
addVariableNotify(const char * name, const NotifyDelegate & callback)
Add a callback for notification when a variable is assigned a new value.
name | An existing global console variable name. |
callback | The notification delegate function. |
removeVariableNotify(const char * name, const NotifyDelegate & callback)
Remove an existing variable assignment notification callback.
name | An existing global console variable name. |
callback | The notification delegate function. |
typedef Delegate< void()> NotifyDelegate
The delegate signature for the variable assignment notifications.
Public User Defined
StringTableEntry gCurrentFile
Current script file name and root, these are registered as console variables.
StringTableEntry gCurrentRoot
getNamespaceList(Namespace * ns)
lookupNamespace(const char * ns)
linkNamespaces(const char * parent, const char * child)
unlinkNamespaces(const char * parent, const char * child)
classLinkNamespaces(Namespace * parent, Namespace * child)
note:This should only be called from consoleObject.h
Console Function Implementation Helpers
The functions Con::getIntArg, Con::getFloatArg and Con::getArgBuffer(size) are used to allocate on the console stack string variables that will be passed into the next console
getReturnBuffer(U32 bufferSize)
getReturnBuffer lets you allocate stack space to return data in.
getReturnBuffer(const char * stringToCopy)
getReturnBuffer(const String & str)
getReturnBuffer(const StringBuilder & str)
getArgBuffer(U32 bufferSize)
getFloatArg(F64 arg)
getIntArg(S32 arg)
getBoolArg(bool arg)
getStringArg(const char * arg)
getStringArg(const String & arg)
Control Functions
The console must be initialized and shutdown appropriately during the lifetime of the app.
These functions are used to manage this behavior.
note:Torque deals with this aspect of console management, so you don't need to call these functions in normal usage of the engine.
Initializes the console.
This performs the following steps:
Calls Namespace::init() to initialize the scripting namespace hierarchy.
Calls ConsoleConstructor::setup() to initialize globally defined console methods and functions.
Registers some basic global script variables.
Calls AbstractClassRep::init() to initialize Torque's class database.
Registers some basic global script functions that couldn't usefully be defined anywhere else.
Shuts down the console.
This performs the following steps:
Closes the console log file.
Calls Namespace::shutdown() to shut down the scripting namespace hierarchy.
Is the console active at this time?
getLockLog(ConsoleLogEntry *& log, U32 & size)
setLogMode(S32 newMode)
tabComplete(char * inputBuffer, U32 cursorPos, U32 maxResultLength, bool forwardTab)
This is the basis for tab completion in the console.
note:This function does some basic parsing to try to ascertain the namespace in which we are attempting to do tab completion, then bumps control off to the appropriate tabComplete function, either in SimObject or Namespace.This is an internally used function. You probably don't care much about how this works.
inputBuffer | Pointer to buffer containing starting data, or last result. |
cursorPos | Location of cursor in this buffer. This is used to indicate what part of the string should be kept and what part should be advanced to the next match if any. |
maxResultLength | Maximum amount of result data to put into inputBuffer. This is capped by MaxCompletionBufferSize. |
forwardTab | Should we go forward to next match or backwards to previous match? True indicates forward. |
stripColorChars(char * line)
Remove color marking information from a string.
note:It does this in-place, so be careful! It may potentially blast data if you're not careful. When in doubt, make a copy of the string first.
isFunction(const char * fn)
Returns true if fn is a global scripting function.
This looks in the global namespace. It also checks to see if fn is in the StringTable; if not, it returns false.
getModNameFromPath(const char * path)
addPathExpando(const char * pExpandoName, const char * pPath)
getPathExpando(const char * pExpandoName)
removePathExpando(const char * pExpandoName)
isPathExpando(const char * pExpandoName)
getPathExpandoCount(void )
getPathExpandoKey(U32 expandoIndex)
getPathExpandoValue(U32 expandoIndex)
expandPath(char * pDstPath, U32 size, const char * pSrcPath, const char * pWorkingDirectoryHint, const bool ensureTrailingSlash)
isBasePath(const char * SrcPath, const char * pBasePath)
collapsePath(char * pDstPath, U32 size, const char * pSrcPath, const char * pWorkingDirectoryHint)
ensureTrailingSlash(char * pDstPath, const char * pSrcPath, S32 dstSize)
getDSOPath(const char * scriptPath)
stripRepeatSlashes(char * pDstPath, const char * pSrcPath, S32 dstSize)
expandScriptFilename(char * filename, U32 size, const char * src)
Convert from a relative script path to an absolute script path.
This is used in (among other places) the exec() script function, which takes a parameter indicating a script file and executes it. Script paths can be one of:
Absolute: fps/foo/bar.tscript Paths of this sort are passed through.
Mod-relative: ~/foo/bar.tscript Paths of this sort have their replaced with the name of the current mod.
File-relative: ./baz/blip.tscript Paths of this sort are calculated relative to the path of the current scripting file.
note:Parameters:This function determines paths relative to the currently executing CodeBlock. Calling it outside of script execution will result in it directly copying src to filename, since it won't know to what the path is relative!
filename | Pointer to string buffer to fill with absolute path. |
size | Size of buffer pointed to by filename. |
src | Original, possibly relative script path. |
expandGameScriptFilename(char * filename, U32 size, const char * src)
expandToolScriptFilename(char * filename, U32 size, const char * src)
collapseScriptFilename(char * filename, U32 size, const char * src)
Console Output
These functions process the formatted string and pass it to all the ConsumerCallbacks that are currently registered.
The console log file and the console window callbacks are installed by default.
printf(const char * _format, ... )
_format | A stdlib printf style formatted out put string |
... | Variables to be written |
warnf(ConsoleLogEntry::Type type, const char * _format, ... )
note:Parameters:The console window colors warning text as LIGHT GRAY.
type | Allows you to associate the warning message with an internal module. |
_format | A stdlib printf style formatted out put string |
... | Variables to be written |
errorf(ConsoleLogEntry::Type type, const char * _format, ... )
note:Parameters:The console window colors warning text as RED.
type | Allows you to associate the warning message with an internal module. |
_format | A stdlib printf style formatted out put string |
... | Variables to be written |
warnf(const char * _format, ... )
note:Parameters:The console window colors warning text as LIGHT GRAY.
_format | A stdlib printf style formatted out put string |
... | Variables to be written |
errorf(const char * _format, ... )
note:Parameters:The console window colors warning text as RED.
_format | A stdlib printf style formatted out put string |
... | Variables to be written |
printSeparator(void )
Prints a separator to the console.
printBlankLine(void )
Prints a separator to the console.
Global Variable Accessors
Assign a string value to a global console variable
name | Global console variable name to set |
value | String value to assign to this variable. |
setVariable(const char * name, const char * value)
setBoolVariable(const char * varName, bool value)
Same as setVariable(), but for bools.
setIntVariable(const char * varName, S32 value)
Same as setVariable(), but for ints.
setFloatVariable(const char * varName, F32 value)
Same as setVariable(), but for floats.
getVariable(const char * name, const char * def)
Retrieve the string value of a global console variable.
name | Global Console variable name to query |
The string value of the variable or "" if the variable does not exist.
getBoolVariable(const char * name, bool def)
Same as getVariable(), but for bools.
name | Name of the variable. |
def | Default value to supply if no matching variable is found. |
getIntVariable(const char * name, S32 def)
Same as getVariable(), but for ints.
name | Name of the variable. |
def | Default value to supply if no matching variable is found. |
getFloatVariable(const char * name, F32 def)
Same as getVariable(), but for floats.
name | Name of the variable. |
def | Default value to supply if no matching variable is found. |
getObjectField(const char * name)
Retrieve the string value of an object field.
name | "object.field" string to query |
The string value of the variable or NULL if no object is specified
Namespace Function Registration
addCommand(const char * nameSpace, const char * name, StringCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it callable as a method of the given namespace from the scripting engine.
nameSpace | Name of the namespace to associate the new function with; this is usually the name of a class. |
name | Name of the new function. |
cb | Pointer to the function implementing the scripting call; a console callback function returning a specific type value. |
usage | Documentation for this function. console_autodoc |
minArgs | Minimum number of arguments this function accepts |
maxArgs | Maximum number of arguments this function accepts |
toolOnly | Wether this is a TORQUE_TOOLS only function. |
header | The extended function header. |
addCommand(const char * nameSpace, const char * name, VoidCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it callable as a method of the given namespace from the scripting engine.
nameSpace | Name of the namespace to associate the new function with; this is usually the name of a class. |
name | Name of the new function. |
cb | Pointer to the function implementing the scripting call; a console callback function returning a specific type value. |
usage | Documentation for this function. console_autodoc |
minArgs | Minimum number of arguments this function accepts |
maxArgs | Maximum number of arguments this function accepts |
toolOnly | Wether this is a TORQUE_TOOLS only function. |
header | The extended function header. |
addCommand(const char * nameSpace, const char * name, IntCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it callable as a method of the given namespace from the scripting engine.
nameSpace | Name of the namespace to associate the new function with; this is usually the name of a class. |
name | Name of the new function. |
cb | Pointer to the function implementing the scripting call; a console callback function returning a specific type value. |
usage | Documentation for this function. console_autodoc |
minArgs | Minimum number of arguments this function accepts |
maxArgs | Maximum number of arguments this function accepts |
toolOnly | Wether this is a TORQUE_TOOLS only function. |
header | The extended function header. |
addCommand(const char * nameSpace, const char * name, FloatCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it callable as a method of the given namespace from the scripting engine.
nameSpace | Name of the namespace to associate the new function with; this is usually the name of a class. |
name | Name of the new function. |
cb | Pointer to the function implementing the scripting call; a console callback function returning a specific type value. |
usage | Documentation for this function. console_autodoc |
minArgs | Minimum number of arguments this function accepts |
maxArgs | Maximum number of arguments this function accepts |
toolOnly | Wether this is a TORQUE_TOOLS only function. |
header | The extended function header. |
addCommand(const char * nameSpace, const char * name, BoolCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it callable as a method of the given namespace from the scripting engine.
nameSpace | Name of the namespace to associate the new function with; this is usually the name of a class. |
name | Name of the new function. |
cb | Pointer to the function implementing the scripting call; a console callback function returning a specific type value. |
usage | Documentation for this function. console_autodoc |
minArgs | Minimum number of arguments this function accepts |
maxArgs | Maximum number of arguments this function accepts |
toolOnly | Wether this is a TORQUE_TOOLS only function. |
header | The extended function header. |
Special Purpose Registration
These are special-purpose functions that exist to allow commands to be grouped, so that when we generate console docs, they can be more meaningfully presented.
Click here for more information about console docs and grouping.
noteScriptCallback(const char * className, const char * funcName, const char * usage, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
markCommandGroup(const char * nsName, const char * name, const char * usage)
beginCommandGroup(const char * nsName, const char * name, const char * usage)
endCommandGroup(const char * nsName, const char * name)
Global Function Registration
addCommand(const char * name, StringCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it a global function callable from the scripting engine.
name | Name of the new function. |
cb | Pointer to the function implementing the scripting call; a console callback function returning a specific type value. |
usage | Documentation for this function. console_autodoc |
minArgs | Minimum number of arguments this function accepts |
maxArgs | Maximum number of arguments this function accepts |
toolOnly | Wether this is a TORQUE_TOOLS only function. |
header | The extended function header. |
addCommand(const char * name, VoidCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it a global function callable from the scripting engine.
name | Name of the new function. |
cb | Pointer to the function implementing the scripting call; a console callback function returning a specific type value. |
usage | Documentation for this function. console_autodoc |
minArgs | Minimum number of arguments this function accepts |
maxArgs | Maximum number of arguments this function accepts |
toolOnly | Wether this is a TORQUE_TOOLS only function. |
header | The extended function header. |
addCommand(const char * name, IntCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it a global function callable from the scripting engine.
name | Name of the new function. |
cb | Pointer to the function implementing the scripting call; a console callback function returning a specific type value. |
usage | Documentation for this function. console_autodoc |
minArgs | Minimum number of arguments this function accepts |
maxArgs | Maximum number of arguments this function accepts |
toolOnly | Wether this is a TORQUE_TOOLS only function. |
header | The extended function header. |
addCommand(const char * name, FloatCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it a global function callable from the scripting engine.
name | Name of the new function. |
cb | Pointer to the function implementing the scripting call; a console callback function returning a specific type value. |
usage | Documentation for this function. console_autodoc |
minArgs | Minimum number of arguments this function accepts |
maxArgs | Maximum number of arguments this function accepts |
toolOnly | Wether this is a TORQUE_TOOLS only function. |
header | The extended function header. |
addCommand(const char * name, BoolCallback cb, const char * usage, S32 minArgs, S32 maxArgs, bool toolOnly, ConsoleFunctionHeader * header)
Register a C++ function with the console making it a global function callable from the scripting engine.
name | Name of the new function. |
cb | Pointer to the function implementing the scripting call; a console callback function returning a specific type value. |
usage | Documentation for this function. console_autodoc |
minArgs | Minimum number of arguments this function accepts |
maxArgs | Maximum number of arguments this function accepts |
toolOnly | Wether this is a TORQUE_TOOLS only function. |
header | The extended function header. |
Console Execution
These are functions relating to the execution of script code.
executeFile(const char * fileName, bool noCalls, bool journalScript)
Executes a script file and compiles it for use in script.
string | File name that is the script to be executed and compiled. |
fileName | Path to the file to execute |
noCalls | Deprecated |
journalScript | Deprecated |
True if the script was successfully executed, false if not.
evaluate(const char * string, bool echo, const char * fileName)
Evaluate an arbitrary chunk of code.
string | Buffer containing code to execute. |
echo | Should we echo the string to the console? |
fileName | Indicate what file this code is coming from; used in error reporting and such. NOTE: This function restores the console stack on return. |
evaluatef(const char * string, ... )
Evaluate an arbitrary line of script.
This wraps dVsprintf(), so you can substitute parameters into the code being executed. NOTE: This function restores the console stack on return.
execute(S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef argv)
execute(S32 argc, const char * argv)
Call a script function from C/C++ code.
argc | Number of elements in the argv parameter |
argv | A character string array containing the name of the function to call followed by the arguments to that function. // Call a Torque script function called mAbs, having one parameter. char* argv[] = {"abs", "-9"}; char* result = execute(2, argv);NOTE: this function restores the console stack on return. |
execute(SimObject * object, S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef argv, bool thisCallOnly)
execute(SimObject * object, S32 argc, const char * argv, bool thisCallOnly)
Call a Torque Script member function of a SimObject from C/C++ code.
object | Object on which to execute the method call. |
argc | Number of elements in the argv parameter (must be >2, see argv) |
argv | A character string array containing the name of the member function to call followed by an empty parameter (gets filled with object ID) followed by arguments to that function. // Call the method setMode() on an object, passing it one parameter. char* argv[] = {"setMode", "", "2"}; char* result = execute(mysimobject, 3, argv);NOTE: this function restores the console stack on return. |
Dynamic Type System
setData(S32 type, void * dptr, S32 index, S32 argc, const char ** argv, const EnumTable * tbl, BitSet32 flag)
getData(S32 type, void * dptr, S32 index, const EnumTable * tbl, BitSet32 flag)
getFormattedData(S32 type, const char * data, const EnumTable * tbl, BitSet32 flag)
Instant Group
pushInstantGroup(String name)
Console Execution - executef
Implements a script function thunk which automatically converts parameters to relevant console types. Can be used as follows:
Con::executef("functionName", ...);
Con::executef(mySimObject, "functionName", ...);
NOTE: if you get a rather cryptic template error coming through here, most likely you are trying to convert a parameter which EngineMarshallType does not have a specialization for. Another problem can occur if you do not include "console/simBase.h" and "console/engineAPI.h" since _EngineConsoleExecCallbackHelper and SimConsoleThreadExecCallback are required.
executef(R r, ArgTs ... argTs)
Public Enumerations
- DSOVersion = 49
This is the version number associated with DSO files.
If you make any changes to the way the scripting language works (such as DSO format changes, adding/removing op-codes) that would break compatibility, then you should increment this. If you make a really major change, increment it to the next multiple of ten. 12/29/04 - BJG - 33->34 Removed some opcodes, part of namespace upgrade. 12/30/04 - BJG - 34->35 Reordered some things, further general shuffling. 11/03/05 - BJG - 35->36 Integrated new debugger code. 09/08/06 - THB - 36->37 New opcode for internal names 09/15/06 - THB - 37->38 Added unit conversions 11/23/06 - THB - 38->39 Added recursive internal name operator 02/15/07 - THB - 39->40 Bumping to 40 for TGB since the console has been majorly hacked without the version number being bumped 02/16/07 - THB - 40->41 newmsg operator 06/15/07 - THB - 41->42 script types 07/31/07 - THB - 42->43 Patch from Andreas Kirsch: Added opcode to support nested new declarations. 09/12/07 - CAF - 43->44 remove newmsg operator 09/27/07 - RDB - 44->45 Patch from Andreas Kirsch: Added opcode to support correct void return 01/13/09 - TMS - 45->46 Added script assert 09/07/14 - jamesu - 46->47 64bit support 10/14/14 - jamesu - 47->48 Added opcodes to reduce reliance on strings in function calls 10/07/17 - JTH - 48->49 Added opcode for function pointers and revamp of interpreter from switch to function calls.
- MaxLineLength = 512
Maximum length of a line of console input.
- MaxDataTypes = 256
Maximum number of registered data types.
Various configuration constants.
Public Typedefs
typedef HashMap< StringTableEntry, StringTableEntry > typePathExpandoMap
Public Variables
bool active
bool alwaysUseDebugOutput
U32 completionBaseLen
U32 completionBaseStart
char completionBuffer [MaxCompletionBufferSize]
Vector< ConsoleLogEntry > consoleLog (__FILE__, __LINE__)
DataChunker consoleLogChunker
FileStream consoleLogFile
bool consoleLogLocked
S32 consoleLogMode
const char * defLogFileName
Vector< ConsumerCallback > gConsumers (__FILE__, __LINE__)
String gInstantGroup
The current $instantGroup setting.
S32 gObjectCopyFailures
bool logBufferEnabled
const char * logFileName
const S32 MaxCompletionBufferSize
bool newLogFile
typePathExpandoMap PathExpandos
S32 printLevel
ReturnBuffer retBuffer
SimpleHashTable< PathExpando > sgPathExpandos (64, false)
Vector< String > sInstantGroupStack (__FILE__, __LINE__)
char tabBuffer [MaxCompletionBufferSize]
SimObjectPtr< SimObject > tabObject
bool useRealTimestamp
bool useTimestamp
Public Functions
_executef(S32 checkArgc, S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef * argv)
_executef(SimObject * obj, S32 checkArgc, S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef * argv)
_internalExecute(S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef argv)
_internalExecute(SimObject * object, S32 argc, ConsoleValueRef argv, bool thisCallOnly)
_printf(ConsoleLogEntry::Level level, ConsoleLogEntry::Type type, const char * fmt, va_list argptr)
addVariableEntry(const char * name)
ConsoleFunctionGroupBegin(Clipboard , "Miscellaneous functions <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> the clipboard and clear the console." )
ConsoleFunctionGroupEnd(Clipboard )
DefineEngineFunction(cls , void , () , "()" "@brief Clears the console <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">output.\n\n</a>" "@ingroup Console" )
DefineEngineFunction(getClipboard , const char * , () , "()" "@brief Get text from the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">clipboard.\n\n</a>" "@internal" )
DefineEngineFunction(setClipboard , bool , (const char *text) , "(string text)" "@brief Set the system <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">clipboard.\n\n</a>" "@internal" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(GetConsoleBool , bool , (String name) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(GetConsoleFloat , F32 , (String name) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(GetConsoleInt , S32 , (String name) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(GetConsoleString , String , (String name) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(SetConsoleBool , void , (String name, bool value) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(SetConsoleFloat , void , (String name, F32 value) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(SetConsoleInt , void , (String name, S32 value) , "" )
DefineNewEngineFunction(SetConsoleString , void , (String name, String value) , "" )
expandOldScriptFilename(char * filename, U32 size, const char * src)
fnAddConsumer(ConsumerCallback cb)
fnRemoveConsumer(ConsumerCallback cb)
getAddLocalVariableEntry(const char * name)
getAddVariableEntry(const char * name)
getLocalVariableEntry(const char * name)
getObjectTokenField(const char * name)
getVariableEntry(const char * name)
getVariableObjectField(const char * name, SimObject ** object, const char ** field)
Returns true when called from the main thread, false otherwise.
isScriptPathExpando(const char * expando)
log(const char * string)
postConsoleInput(RawData data)
removeScriptPathExpando(const char * expando)
setScriptPathExpando(const char * expando, const char * path, bool toolsOnly)
tryGetBasePath(const char * path, const char * base)