Public Functions
ConsoleDocClass(GuiTextEditCtrl , "@brief A component that places <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> text entry box on the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">screen.\n\n</a>" "Fonts and sizes are changed using profiles. The text <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1a32aff7c6c4cd253fdf6563677afab5ce">value</a> can be set or entered by <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">user.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" " <a href="/coding/file/tmm__on_8h/#tmm__on_8h_1a1ac41480eb2e4aadd52252ee550b630a">new</a> <a href="/coding/class/classguitexteditctrl/">GuiTextEditCtrl</a>(MessageHud_Edit)\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " {\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " text = \"Hello World\";\n" " validate = \"validateCommand();\"\n" " escapeCommand = \"escapeCommand();\";\n" " historySize = \"5\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " tabComplete = \"true\";\n" " deniedSound = \"DeniedSoundProfile\";\n" " sinkAllKeyEvents = \"true\";\n" " password = \"true\";\n" " passwordMask = \"*\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " //Properties not specific <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> this <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> have been omitted from this <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">example.\n</a>" " };\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiTextCtrl\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControl\n\n</a>" "@ingroup <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControls\n</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , clearSelectedText , void , () , "@brief Unselects all selected text in the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">control.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Inform the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> unselect all of its selected <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">text\n</a>" "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.clearSelectedText();\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/class/classguicontrol/">GuiControl</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , forceValidateText , void , () , "@brief Force <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> validation <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occur.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Inform the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> force <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> validation of its <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">text.\n</a>" "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.forceValidateText();\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/class/classguicontrol/">GuiControl</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , getCursorPos , S32 , () )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , getText , const char * , () )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , invalidText , void , (bool playSound) , (true) , "@brief <a href="/coding/class/classtrigger/">Trigger</a> the invalid sound and make the box red.nn" "@param playSound Play the invalid text sound or <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">not.n</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , isAllTextSelected , bool , () , "@brief Checks <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> see <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> all text in the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> has been <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">selected.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Check <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> see <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> all text has been selected or <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">not.\n</a>" "% allSelected, otherwise <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">false.\n\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/class/classguicontrol/">GuiControl</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , isValidText , bool , () , "@brief Returns <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> the text is set <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> valid or <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">not.n</a>" "@Return true <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> text is set <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> valid, false <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> not.nn" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , selectAllText , void , () , "@brief Selects all text within the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">control.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Inform the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> select all of its <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">text.\n</a>" "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.selectAllText();\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/class/classguicontrol/">GuiControl</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , setCursorPos , void , (S32 position) , "@brief Sets the text <a href="/coding/file/sdlcursorcontroller_8cpp/#sdlcursorcontroller_8cpp_1a06e8dd1f849973ccc456f8553601e8b9">cursor</a> at the defined position within the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">control.\n\n</a>" "@param position Text position <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> set the text <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">cursor.\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Define the <a href="/coding/file/sdlcursorcontroller_8cpp/#sdlcursorcontroller_8cpp_1a06e8dd1f849973ccc456f8553601e8b9">cursor</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">position\n</a>" "% position)
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , setText , void , (const char *text) , "@brief Sets the text in the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">control.\n\n</a>" "@param text Text <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> place in the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">control.\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Define the text <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">display\n</a>" "% text)
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , validText , void , () , "@brief Restores the box <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> normal color.nn" )
IMPLEMENT_CALLBACK(GuiTextEditCtrl , onReturn , void , () , () , "@brief Called when the 'Return' or 'Enter' key is <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">pressed.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Return or Enter key was pressed, causing the callback <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occur.\n</a>" "GuiTextEditCtrl::onReturn(%this)\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " {\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "//Code <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> run when the onReturn callback <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occurs\n</a>" " }\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " @<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiTextCtrl\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControl\n\n</a>" )
IMPLEMENT_CALLBACK(GuiTextEditCtrl , onTabComplete , void , (const char *val) , (val) , "@brief Called <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> tabComplete is true, and the 'tab' key is <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">pressed.\n\n</a>" " @param val <a href="/coding/class/classinput/">Input</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> mimick the '1' sent by the actual tab key button <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">press.\n</a>" " @<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "//Tab key has been pressed, causing the callback <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occur.\n</a>" "GuiTextEditCtrl::onTabComplete(%this,%val)\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " {\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "//Code <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> run when the onTabComplete callback <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occurs\n</a>" " }\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " @<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiTextCtrl\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControl\n\n</a>" )
IMPLEMENT_CALLBACK(GuiTextEditCtrl , onValidate , void , () , () , "@brief Called whenever the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> is <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">validated.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// The <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> gets validated, causing the callback <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occur\n</a>" "GuiTextEditCtrl::onValidated(%this)\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " {\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "//Code <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> run when the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> is <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">validated\n</a>" " }\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " @<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiTextCtrl\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControl\n\n</a>" )
Detailed Description
Public Functions
ConsoleDocClass(GuiTextEditCtrl , "@brief A component that places <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> text entry box on the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">screen.\n\n</a>" "Fonts and sizes are changed using profiles. The text <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1a32aff7c6c4cd253fdf6563677afab5ce">value</a> can be set or entered by <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">user.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" " <a href="/coding/file/tmm__on_8h/#tmm__on_8h_1a1ac41480eb2e4aadd52252ee550b630a">new</a> <a href="/coding/class/classguitexteditctrl/">GuiTextEditCtrl</a>(MessageHud_Edit)\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " {\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " text = \"Hello World\";\n" " validate = \"validateCommand();\"\n" " escapeCommand = \"escapeCommand();\";\n" " historySize = \"5\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " tabComplete = \"true\";\n" " deniedSound = \"DeniedSoundProfile\";\n" " sinkAllKeyEvents = \"true\";\n" " password = \"true\";\n" " passwordMask = \"*\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " //Properties not specific <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> this <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> have been omitted from this <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">example.\n</a>" " };\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiTextCtrl\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControl\n\n</a>" "@ingroup <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControls\n</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , clearSelectedText , void , () , "@brief Unselects all selected text in the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">control.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Inform the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> unselect all of its selected <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">text\n</a>" "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.clearSelectedText();\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/class/classguicontrol/">GuiControl</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , forceValidateText , void , () , "@brief Force <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> validation <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occur.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Inform the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> force <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> validation of its <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">text.\n</a>" "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.forceValidateText();\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/class/classguicontrol/">GuiControl</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , getCursorPos , S32 , () )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , getText , const char * , () )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , invalidText , void , (bool playSound) , (true) , "@brief <a href="/coding/class/classtrigger/">Trigger</a> the invalid sound and make the box red.nn" "@param playSound Play the invalid text sound or <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">not.n</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , isAllTextSelected , bool , () , "@brief Checks <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> see <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> all text in the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> has been <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">selected.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Check <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> see <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> all text has been selected or <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">not.\n</a>" "% allSelected, otherwise <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">false.\n\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/class/classguicontrol/">GuiControl</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , isValidText , bool , () , "@brief Returns <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> the text is set <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> valid or <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">not.n</a>" "@Return true <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> text is set <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> valid, false <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> not.nn" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , selectAllText , void , () , "@brief Selects all text within the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">control.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Inform the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> select all of its <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">text.\n</a>" "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.selectAllText();\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/class/classguicontrol/">GuiControl</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , setCursorPos , void , (S32 position) , "@brief Sets the text <a href="/coding/file/sdlcursorcontroller_8cpp/#sdlcursorcontroller_8cpp_1a06e8dd1f849973ccc456f8553601e8b9">cursor</a> at the defined position within the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">control.\n\n</a>" "@param position Text position <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> set the text <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">cursor.\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Define the <a href="/coding/file/sdlcursorcontroller_8cpp/#sdlcursorcontroller_8cpp_1a06e8dd1f849973ccc456f8553601e8b9">cursor</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">position\n</a>" "% position)
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , setText , void , (const char *text) , "@brief Sets the text in the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">control.\n\n</a>" "@param text Text <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> place in the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">control.\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Define the text <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">display\n</a>" "% text)
DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl , validText , void , () , "@brief Restores the box <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> normal color.nn" )
IMPLEMENT_CALLBACK(GuiTextEditCtrl , onReturn , void , () , () , "@brief Called when the 'Return' or 'Enter' key is <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">pressed.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// Return or Enter key was pressed, causing the callback <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occur.\n</a>" "GuiTextEditCtrl::onReturn(%this)\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " {\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "//Code <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> run when the onReturn callback <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occurs\n</a>" " }\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " @<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiTextCtrl\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControl\n\n</a>" )
IMPLEMENT_CALLBACK(GuiTextEditCtrl , onTabComplete , void , (const char *val) , (val) , "@brief Called <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> tabComplete is true, and the 'tab' key is <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">pressed.\n\n</a>" " @param val <a href="/coding/class/classinput/">Input</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> mimick the '1' sent by the actual tab key button <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">press.\n</a>" " @<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "//Tab key has been pressed, causing the callback <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occur.\n</a>" "GuiTextEditCtrl::onTabComplete(%this,%val)\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " {\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "//Code <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> run when the onTabComplete callback <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occurs\n</a>" " }\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " @<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiTextCtrl\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControl\n\n</a>" )
IMPLEMENT_CALLBACK(GuiTextEditCtrl , onValidate , void , () , () , "@brief Called whenever the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> is <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">validated.\n\n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "// The <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> gets validated, causing the callback <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">occur\n</a>" "GuiTextEditCtrl::onValidated(%this)\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " {\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "//Code <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> run when the <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> is <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">validated\n</a>" " }\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " @<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiTextCtrl\n</a>" " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControl\n\n</a>" )
1 2//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3// Copyright (c) 2012 GarageGames, LLC 4// 5// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 6// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to 7// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the 8// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or 9// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 10// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 11// 12// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 13// all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 14// 15// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 16// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 17// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 18// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 19// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING 20// FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS 21// IN THE SOFTWARE. 22//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 24#include "platform/platform.h" 25#include "gui/controls/guiTextEditCtrl.h" 26 27#include "console/consoleTypes.h" 28#include "console/console.h" 29#include "gui/core/guiCanvas.h" 30#include "gui/controls/guiMLTextCtrl.h" 31#include "gui/core/guiDefaultControlRender.h" 32#include "gfx/gfxDevice.h" 33#include "gfx/gfxDrawUtil.h" 34#include "core/frameAllocator.h" 35#include "sfx/sfxTrack.h" 36#include "sfx/sfxTypes.h" 37#include "sfx/sfxSystem.h" 38#include "core/strings/unicode.h" 39#include "console/engineAPI.h" 40 41IMPLEMENT_CONOBJECT(GuiTextEditCtrl); 42 43ConsoleDocClass( GuiTextEditCtrl, 44 "@brief A component that places a text entry box on the screen.\n\n" 45 46 "Fonts and sizes are changed using profiles. The text value can be set or entered by a user.\n\n" 47 48 "@tsexample\n" 49 " new GuiTextEditCtrl(MessageHud_Edit)\n" 50 " {\n" 51 " text = \"Hello World\";\n" 52 " validate = \"validateCommand();\"\n" 53 " escapeCommand = \"escapeCommand();\";\n" 54 " historySize = \"5\";\n" 55 " tabComplete = \"true\";\n" 56 " deniedSound = \"DeniedSoundProfile\";\n" 57 " sinkAllKeyEvents = \"true\";\n" 58 " password = \"true\";\n" 59 " passwordMask = \"*\";\n" 60 " //Properties not specific to this control have been omitted from this example.\n" 61 " };\n" 62 "@endtsexample\n\n" 63 64 "@see GuiTextCtrl\n" 65 "@see GuiControl\n\n" 66 67 "@ingroup GuiControls\n" 68); 69 70IMPLEMENT_CALLBACK( GuiTextEditCtrl, onTabComplete, void, (const char* val),( val ), 71 "@brief Called if tabComplete is true, and the 'tab' key is pressed.\n\n" 72 "@param val Input to mimick the '1' sent by the actual tab key button press.\n" 73 "@tsexample\n" 74 "// Tab key has been pressed, causing the callback to occur.\n" 75 "GuiTextEditCtrl::onTabComplete(%this,%val)\n" 76 " {\n" 77 " //Code to run when the onTabComplete callback occurs\n" 78 " }\n" 79 "@endtsexample\n\n" 80 "@see GuiTextCtrl\n" 81 "@see GuiControl\n\n" 82); 83 84IMPLEMENT_CALLBACK( GuiTextEditCtrl, onReturn, void, (),(), 85 "@brief Called when the 'Return' or 'Enter' key is pressed.\n\n" 86 "@tsexample\n" 87 "// Return or Enter key was pressed, causing the callback to occur.\n" 88 "GuiTextEditCtrl::onReturn(%this)\n" 89 " {\n" 90 " // Code to run when the onReturn callback occurs\n" 91 " }\n" 92 "@endtsexample\n\n" 93 "@see GuiTextCtrl\n" 94 "@see GuiControl\n\n" 95); 96 97IMPLEMENT_CALLBACK( GuiTextEditCtrl, onValidate, void, (),(), 98 "@brief Called whenever the control is validated.\n\n" 99 "@tsexample\n" 100 "// The control gets validated, causing the callback to occur\n" 101 "GuiTextEditCtrl::onValidated(%this)\n" 102 " {\n" 103 " // Code to run when the control is validated\n" 104 " }\n" 105 "@endtsexample\n\n" 106 "@see GuiTextCtrl\n" 107 "@see GuiControl\n\n" 108); 109 110GuiTextEditCtrl::GuiTextEditCtrl() 111{ 112 mInsertOn = true; 113 mBlockStart = 0; 114 mBlockEnd = 0; 115 mCursorPos = 0; 116 mCursorOn = false; 117 mNumFramesElapsed = 0; 118 119 mDragHit = false; 120 mTabComplete = false; 121 mScrollDir = 0; 122 123 mUndoBlockStart = 0; 124 mUndoBlockEnd = 0; 125 mUndoCursorPos = 0; 126 mPasswordText = false; 127 128 mSinkAllKeyEvents = false; 129 130 mActive = true; 131 132 mTextValid = true; 133 134 mTextOffsetReset = true; 135 136 mHistoryDirty = false; 137 mHistorySize = 0; 138 mHistoryLast = -1; 139 mHistoryIndex = 0; 140 mHistoryBuf = NULL; 141 142 mDoubleClickTimeMS = 50; 143 mMouseUpTime = 0; 144 145 mPlaceholderText = StringTable->EmptyString(); 146 147#if defined(__MACOSX__) 148 UTF8 bullet[4] = { UTF8(0xE2), UTF8(0x80), UTF8(0xA2), 0 }; 149 150 mPasswordMask = StringTable->insert( bullet ); 151#else 152 mPasswordMask = StringTable->insert( "*" ); 153#endif 154 Sim::findObject( "InputDeniedSound", mDeniedSound ); 155} 156 157GuiTextEditCtrl::~GuiTextEditCtrl() 158{ 159 //delete the history buffer if it exists 160 if (mHistoryBuf) 161 { 162 for (S32 i = 0; i < mHistorySize; i++) 163 delete [] mHistoryBuf[i]; 164 165 delete [] mHistoryBuf; 166 } 167} 168 169void GuiTextEditCtrl::initPersistFields() 170{ 171 addProtectedField("placeholderText", TypeCaseString, Offset(mPlaceholderText, GuiTextEditCtrl), setPlaceholderText, getPlaceholderText, 172 "The text to show on the control."); 173 174 addGroup( "Text Input" ); 175 176 addField("validate", TypeRealString,Offset(mValidateCommand, GuiTextEditCtrl), "Script command to be called when the first validater is lost.\n"); 177 addField("escapeCommand", TypeRealString,Offset(mEscapeCommand, GuiTextEditCtrl), "Script command to be called when the Escape key is pressed.\n"); 178 addField("historySize", TypeS32, Offset(mHistorySize, GuiTextEditCtrl), "How large of a history buffer to maintain.\n"); 179 addField("tabComplete", TypeBool, Offset(mTabComplete, GuiTextEditCtrl), "If true, when the 'tab' key is pressed, it will act as if the Enter key was pressed on the control.\n"); 180 addField("deniedSound", TypeSFXTrackName, Offset(mDeniedSound, GuiTextEditCtrl), "If the attempted text cannot be entered, this sound effect will be played.\n"); 181 addField("sinkAllKeyEvents", TypeBool, Offset(mSinkAllKeyEvents, GuiTextEditCtrl), "If true, every key event will act as if the Enter key was pressed.\n"); 182 addField("password", TypeBool, Offset(mPasswordText, GuiTextEditCtrl), "If true, all characters entered will be stored in the control, however will display as the character stored in passwordMask.\n"); 183 addField("passwordMask", TypeString, Offset(mPasswordMask, GuiTextEditCtrl), "If 'password' is true, this is the character that will be used to mask the characters in the control.\n"); 184 185 endGroup( "Text Input" ); 186 187 Parent::initPersistFields(); 188} 189 190bool GuiTextEditCtrl::onAdd() 191{ 192 if ( ! Parent::onAdd() ) 193 return false; 194 195 //create the history buffer 196 if ( mHistorySize > 0 ) 197 { 198 mHistoryBuf = new UTF16*[mHistorySize]; 199 for ( S32 i = 0; i < mHistorySize; i++ ) 200 { 201 mHistoryBuf[i] = new UTF16[GuiTextCtrl::MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1]; 202 mHistoryBuf[i][0] = '\0'; 203 } 204 } 205 206 if( mText && mText[0] ) 207 { 208 setText(mText); 209 } 210 211 return true; 212} 213 214void GuiTextEditCtrl::onStaticModified(const char* slotName, const char* newValue) 215{ 216 if(!dStricmp(slotName, "text")) 217 setText(mText); 218} 219 220void GuiTextEditCtrl::execConsoleCallback() 221{ 222 // Execute the console command! 223 Parent::execConsoleCallback(); 224 225 // Update the console variable: 226 if ( mConsoleVariable[0] ) 227 Con::setVariable(mConsoleVariable, mTextBuffer.getPtr8()); 228} 229 230void GuiTextEditCtrl::updateHistory( StringBuffer *inTxt, bool moveIndex ) 231{ 232 if(!mHistorySize) 233 return; 234 235 const UTF16* txt = inTxt->getPtr(); 236 237 // Reject empty strings. 238 239 if( !txt || !txt[ 0 ] ) 240 return; 241 242 // see if it's already in 243 if(mHistoryLast == -1 || String::compare(txt, mHistoryBuf[mHistoryLast])) 244 { 245 if(mHistoryLast == mHistorySize-1) // we're at the history limit... shuffle the pointers around: 246 { 247 UTF16 *first = mHistoryBuf[0]; 248 for(U32 i = 0; i < mHistorySize - 1; i++) 249 mHistoryBuf[i] = mHistoryBuf[i+1]; 250 mHistoryBuf[mHistorySize-1] = first; 251 if(mHistoryIndex > 0) 252 mHistoryIndex--; 253 } 254 else 255 mHistoryLast++; 256 257 inTxt->getCopy(mHistoryBuf[mHistoryLast], GuiTextCtrl::MAX_STRING_LENGTH); 258 mHistoryBuf[mHistoryLast][GuiTextCtrl::MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = '\0'; 259 } 260 261 if(moveIndex) 262 mHistoryIndex = mHistoryLast + 1; 263} 264 265void GuiTextEditCtrl::getText( char *dest ) 266{ 267 if ( dest ) 268 mTextBuffer.getCopy8((UTF8*)dest, GuiTextCtrl::MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1); 269} 270 271void GuiTextEditCtrl::getRenderText(char *dest) 272{ 273 getText( dest ); 274} 275 276void GuiTextEditCtrl::setText( const UTF8 *txt ) 277{ 278 if(txt && txt[0] != 0) 279 { 280 Parent::setText(txt); 281 mTextBuffer.set( txt ); 282 } 283 else 284 mTextBuffer.set( "" ); 285 286 mCursorPos = mTextBuffer.length(); 287} 288 289void GuiTextEditCtrl::setText( const UTF16* txt) 290{ 291 if(txt && txt[0] != 0) 292 { 293 UTF8* txt8 = createUTF8string( txt ); 294 Parent::setText( txt8 ); 295 delete[] txt8; 296 mTextBuffer.set( txt ); 297 } 298 else 299 { 300 Parent::setText(""); 301 mTextBuffer.set(""); 302 } 303 304 mCursorPos = mTextBuffer.length(); 305} 306 307bool GuiTextEditCtrl::isAllTextSelected() 308{ 309 if( mBlockStart == 0 && mBlockEnd == mTextBuffer.length() ) 310 return true; 311 else 312 return false; 313} 314 315void GuiTextEditCtrl::selectAllText() 316{ 317 mBlockStart = 0; 318 mBlockEnd = mTextBuffer.length(); 319 setUpdate(); 320} 321 322void GuiTextEditCtrl::clearSelectedText() 323{ 324 mBlockStart = 0; 325 mBlockEnd = 0; 326 setUpdate(); 327} 328 329void GuiTextEditCtrl::forceValidateText() 330{ 331 if( mValidateCommand.isNotEmpty() ) 332 evaluate( mValidateCommand ); 333} 334 335void GuiTextEditCtrl::setCursorPos( const S32 newPos ) 336{ 337 S32 charCount = mTextBuffer.length(); 338 S32 realPos = newPos > charCount ? charCount : newPos < 0 ? 0 : newPos; 339 if ( realPos != mCursorPos ) 340 { 341 mCursorPos = realPos; 342 setUpdate(); 343 } 344} 345 346S32 GuiTextEditCtrl::calculateCursorPos( const Point2I &globalPos ) 347{ 348 Point2I ctrlOffset = localToGlobalCoord( Point2I( 0, 0 ) ); 349 S32 charLength = 0; 350 S32 curX; 351 352 curX = globalPos.x - ctrlOffset.x; 353 setUpdate(); 354 355 //if the cursor is too far to the left 356 if ( curX < 0 ) 357 return -1; 358 359 //if the cursor is too far to the right 360 if ( curX >= ctrlOffset.x + getExtent().x ) 361 return -2; 362 363 curX = globalPos.x - mTextOffset.x; 364 S32 count=0; 365 if(mTextBuffer.length() == 0) 366 return 0; 367 368 for(count=0; count<mTextBuffer.length(); count++) 369 { 370 UTF16 c = mTextBuffer.getChar(count); 371 if(!mPasswordText && !mProfile->mFont->isValidChar(c)) 372 continue; 373 374 if(mPasswordText) 375 charLength += mProfile->mFont->getCharXIncrement( mPasswordMask[0] ); 376 else 377 charLength += mProfile->mFont->getCharXIncrement( c ); 378 379 if ( charLength > curX ) 380 break; 381 } 382 383 return count; 384} 385 386void GuiTextEditCtrl::onMouseDown( const GuiEvent &event ) 387{ 388 if(!isActive()) 389 return; 390 mDragHit = false; 391 392 // If we have a double click, select all text. Otherwise 393 // act as before by clearing any selection. 394 bool doubleClick = (event.mouseClickCount > 1 && Platform::getRealMilliseconds() - mMouseUpTime > mDoubleClickTimeMS); 395 if(doubleClick) 396 { 397 selectAllText(); 398 399 } else 400 { 401 //undo any block function 402 mBlockStart = 0; 403 mBlockEnd = 0; 404 } 405 406 //find out where the cursor should be 407 S32 pos = calculateCursorPos( event.mousePoint ); 408 409 // if the position is to the left 410 if ( pos == -1 ) 411 mCursorPos = 0; 412 else if ( pos == -2 ) //else if the position is to the right 413 mCursorPos = mTextBuffer.length(); 414 else //else set the mCursorPos 415 mCursorPos = pos; 416 417 //save the mouseDragPos 418 mMouseDragStart = mCursorPos; 419 420 // lock the mouse 421 mouseLock(); 422 423 //set the drag var 424 mDragHit = true; 425 426 //let the parent get the event 427 setFirstResponder(); 428} 429 430void GuiTextEditCtrl::onMouseDragged( const GuiEvent &event ) 431{ 432 S32 pos = calculateCursorPos( event.mousePoint ); 433 434 // if the position is to the left 435 if ( pos == -1 ) 436 mScrollDir = -1; 437 else if ( pos == -2 ) // the position is to the right 438 mScrollDir = 1; 439 else // set the new cursor position 440 { 441 mScrollDir = 0; 442 mCursorPos = pos; 443 } 444 445 // update the block: 446 mBlockStart = getMin( mCursorPos, mMouseDragStart ); 447 mBlockEnd = getMax( mCursorPos, mMouseDragStart ); 448 if ( mBlockStart < 0 ) 449 mBlockStart = 0; 450 451 if ( mBlockStart == mBlockEnd ) 452 mBlockStart = mBlockEnd = 0; 453 454 //let the parent get the event 455 Parent::onMouseDragged(event); 456} 457 458void GuiTextEditCtrl::onMouseUp(const GuiEvent &event) 459{ 460 TORQUE_UNUSED(event); 461 mDragHit = false; 462 mScrollDir = 0; 463 464 mMouseUpTime = Platform::getRealMilliseconds(); 465 mouseUnlock(); 466} 467 468void GuiTextEditCtrl::saveUndoState() 469{ 470 //save the current state 471 mUndoText.set(&mTextBuffer); 472 mUndoBlockStart = mBlockStart; 473 mUndoBlockEnd = mBlockEnd; 474 mUndoCursorPos = mCursorPos; 475} 476 477void GuiTextEditCtrl::onCopy(bool andCut) 478{ 479 // Don't copy/cut password field! 480 if(mPasswordText) 481 return; 482 483 if (mBlockEnd > 0) 484 { 485 //save the current state 486 saveUndoState(); 487 488 //copy the text to the clipboard 489 UTF8* clipBuff = mTextBuffer.createSubstring8(mBlockStart, mBlockEnd - mBlockStart); 490 Platform::setClipboard(clipBuff); 491 delete[] clipBuff; 492 493 //if we pressed the cut shortcut, we need to cut the selected text from the control... 494 if (andCut) 495 { 496 mTextBuffer.cut(mBlockStart, mBlockEnd - mBlockStart); 497 mCursorPos = mBlockStart; 498 } 499 500 mBlockStart = 0; 501 mBlockEnd = 0; 502 } 503 504} 505 506void GuiTextEditCtrl::onPaste() 507{ 508 //first, make sure there's something in the clipboard to copy... 509 const UTF8 *clipboard = Platform::getClipboard(); 510 if(dStrlen(clipboard) <= 0) 511 return; 512 513 //save the current state 514 saveUndoState(); 515 516 //delete anything hilited 517 if (mBlockEnd > 0) 518 { 519 mTextBuffer.cut(mBlockStart, mBlockEnd - mBlockStart); 520 mCursorPos = mBlockStart; 521 mBlockStart = 0; 522 mBlockEnd = 0; 523 } 524 525 // We'll be converting to UTF16, and maybe trimming the string, 526 // so let's use a StringBuffer, for convinience. 527 StringBuffer pasteText(clipboard); 528 529 // Space left after we remove the highlighted text 530 S32 stringLen = mTextBuffer.length(); 531 532 // Trim down to fit in a buffer of size mMaxStrLen 533 S32 pasteLen = pasteText.length(); 534 535 if(stringLen + pasteLen > mMaxStrLen) 536 { 537 pasteLen = mMaxStrLen - stringLen; 538 539 pasteText.cut(pasteLen, pasteText.length() - pasteLen); 540 } 541 542 if (mCursorPos == stringLen) 543 { 544 mTextBuffer.append(pasteText); 545 } 546 else 547 { 548 mTextBuffer.insert(mCursorPos, pasteText); 549 } 550 551 mCursorPos += pasteLen; 552} 553 554void GuiTextEditCtrl::onUndo() 555{ 556 StringBuffer tempBuffer; 557 S32 tempBlockStart; 558 S32 tempBlockEnd; 559 S32 tempCursorPos; 560 561 //save the current 562 tempBuffer.set(&mTextBuffer); 563 tempBlockStart = mBlockStart; 564 tempBlockEnd = mBlockEnd; 565 tempCursorPos = mCursorPos; 566 567 //restore the prev 568 mTextBuffer.set(&mUndoText); 569 mBlockStart = mUndoBlockStart; 570 mBlockEnd = mUndoBlockEnd; 571 mCursorPos = mUndoCursorPos; 572 573 //update the undo 574 mUndoText.set(&tempBuffer); 575 mUndoBlockStart = tempBlockStart; 576 mUndoBlockEnd = tempBlockEnd; 577 mUndoCursorPos = tempCursorPos; 578} 579 580bool GuiTextEditCtrl::onKeyDown(const GuiEvent &event) 581{ 582 if ( !isActive() || !isAwake() ) 583 return false; 584 585 S32 stringLen = mTextBuffer.length(); 586 setUpdate(); 587 588 // Ugly, but now I'm cool like MarkF. 589 if(event.keyCode == KEY_BACKSPACE) 590 goto dealWithBackspace; 591 592 if ( event.modifier & SI_SHIFT ) 593 { 594 595 // Added support for word jump selection. 596 597 if ( event.modifier & SI_CTRL ) 598 { 599 switch ( event.keyCode ) 600 { 601 case KEY_LEFT: 602 { 603 S32 newpos = findPrevWord(); 604 605 if ( mBlockStart == mBlockEnd ) 606 { 607 // There was not already a selection so start a new one. 608 mBlockStart = newpos; 609 mBlockEnd = mCursorPos; 610 } 611 else 612 { 613 // There was a selection already... 614 // In this case the cursor MUST be at either the 615 // start or end of that selection. 616 617 if ( mCursorPos == mBlockStart ) 618 { 619 // We are at the start block and traveling left so 620 // just extend the start block farther left. 621 mBlockStart = newpos; 622 } 623 else 624 { 625 // We are at the end block BUT traveling left 626 // back towards the start block... 627 628 if ( newpos > mBlockStart ) 629 { 630 // We haven't overpassed the existing start block 631 // so just trim back the end block. 632 mBlockEnd = newpos; 633 } 634 else if ( newpos == mBlockStart ) 635 { 636 // We are back at the start, so no more selection. 637 mBlockEnd = mBlockStart = 0; 638 } 639 else 640 { 641 // Only other option, we just backtracked PAST 642 // our original start block. 643 // So the new position becomes the start block 644 // and the old start block becomes the end block. 645 mBlockEnd = mBlockStart; 646 mBlockStart = newpos; 647 } 648 } 649 } 650 651 mCursorPos = newpos; 652 653 return true; 654 } 655 656 case KEY_RIGHT: 657 { 658 S32 newpos = findNextWord(); 659 660 if ( mBlockStart == mBlockEnd ) 661 { 662 // There was not already a selection so start a new one. 663 mBlockStart = mCursorPos; 664 mBlockEnd = newpos; 665 } 666 else 667 { 668 // There was a selection already... 669 // In this case the cursor MUST be at either the 670 // start or end of that selection. 671 672 if ( mCursorPos == mBlockEnd ) 673 { 674 // We are at the end block and traveling right so 675 // just extend the end block farther right. 676 mBlockEnd = newpos; 677 } 678 else 679 { 680 // We are at the start block BUT traveling right 681 // back towards the end block... 682 683 if ( newpos < mBlockEnd ) 684 { 685 // We haven't overpassed the existing end block 686 // so just trim back the start block. 687 mBlockStart = newpos; 688 } 689 else if ( newpos == mBlockEnd ) 690 { 691 // We are back at the end, so no more selection. 692 mBlockEnd = mBlockStart = 0; 693 } 694 else 695 { 696 // Only other option, we just backtracked PAST 697 // our original end block. 698 // So the new position becomes the end block 699 // and the old end block becomes the start block. 700 mBlockStart = mBlockEnd; 701 mBlockEnd = newpos; 702 } 703 } 704 } 705 706 mCursorPos = newpos; 707 708 return true; 709 } 710 711 default: 712 break; 713 } 714 } 715 716 // End support for word jump selection. 717 718 719 switch ( event.keyCode ) 720 { 721 case KEY_TAB: 722 if ( mTabComplete ) 723 { 724 onTabComplete_callback("1"); 725 return true; 726 } 727 break; // We don't want to fall through if we don't handle the TAB here. 728 729 case KEY_HOME: 730 mBlockStart = 0; 731 mBlockEnd = mCursorPos; 732 mCursorPos = 0; 733 return true; 734 735 case KEY_END: 736 mBlockStart = mCursorPos; 737 mBlockEnd = stringLen; 738 mCursorPos = stringLen; 739 return true; 740 741 case KEY_LEFT: 742 if ((mCursorPos > 0) & (stringLen > 0)) 743 { 744 //if we already have a selected block 745 if (mCursorPos == mBlockEnd) 746 { 747 mCursorPos--; 748 mBlockEnd--; 749 if (mBlockEnd == mBlockStart) 750 { 751 mBlockStart = 0; 752 mBlockEnd = 0; 753 } 754 } 755 else { 756 mCursorPos--; 757 mBlockStart = mCursorPos; 758 759 if (mBlockEnd == 0) 760 { 761 mBlockEnd = mCursorPos + 1; 762 } 763 } 764 } 765 return true; 766 767 case KEY_RIGHT: 768 if (mCursorPos < stringLen) 769 { 770 if ((mCursorPos == mBlockStart) && (mBlockEnd > 0)) 771 { 772 mCursorPos++; 773 mBlockStart++; 774 if (mBlockStart == mBlockEnd) 775 { 776 mBlockStart = 0; 777 mBlockEnd = 0; 778 } 779 } 780 else 781 { 782 if (mBlockEnd == 0) 783 { 784 mBlockStart = mCursorPos; 785 mBlockEnd = mCursorPos; 786 } 787 mCursorPos++; 788 mBlockEnd++; 789 } 790 } 791 return true; 792 793 case KEY_RETURN: 794 case KEY_NUMPADENTER: 795 796 return dealWithEnter(false); 797 798 default: 799 break; 800 } 801 } 802 else if (event.modifier & SI_CTRL) 803 { 804 switch(event.keyCode) 805 { 806#if defined(TORQUE_OS_MAC) 807 // Added UNIX emacs key bindings - just a little hack here... 808 809 // Ctrl-B - move one character back 810 case KEY_B: 811 { 812 GuiEvent new_event; 813 new_event.modifier = 0; 814 new_event.keyCode = KEY_LEFT; 815 return(onKeyDown(new_event)); 816 } 817 818 // Ctrl-F - move one character forward 819 case KEY_F: 820 { 821 GuiEvent new_event; 822 new_event.modifier = 0; 823 new_event.keyCode = KEY_RIGHT; 824 return(onKeyDown(new_event)); 825 } 826 827 // Ctrl-A - move to the beginning of the line 828 case KEY_A: 829 { 830 GuiEvent new_event; 831 new_event.modifier = 0; 832 new_event.keyCode = KEY_HOME; 833 return(onKeyDown(new_event)); 834 } 835 836 // Ctrl-E - move to the end of the line 837 case KEY_E: 838 { 839 GuiEvent new_event; 840 new_event.modifier = 0; 841 new_event.keyCode = KEY_END; 842 return(onKeyDown(new_event)); 843 } 844 845 // Ctrl-P - move backward in history 846 case KEY_P: 847 { 848 GuiEvent new_event; 849 new_event.modifier = 0; 850 new_event.keyCode = KEY_UP; 851 return(onKeyDown(new_event)); 852 } 853 854 // Ctrl-N - move forward in history 855 case KEY_N: 856 { 857 GuiEvent new_event; 858 new_event.modifier = 0; 859 new_event.keyCode = KEY_DOWN; 860 return(onKeyDown(new_event)); 861 } 862 863 // Ctrl-D - delete under cursor 864 case KEY_D: 865 { 866 GuiEvent new_event; 867 new_event.modifier = 0; 868 new_event.keyCode = KEY_DELETE; 869 return(onKeyDown(new_event)); 870 } 871 872 case KEY_U: 873 { 874 GuiEvent new_event; 875 new_event.modifier = SI_CTRL; 876 new_event.keyCode = KEY_DELETE; 877 return(onKeyDown(new_event)); 878 } 879 880 // End added UNIX emacs key bindings 881#endif 882 883 // Adding word jump navigation. 884 885 case KEY_LEFT: 886 { 887 888 mCursorPos = findPrevWord(); 889 mBlockStart = 0; 890 mBlockEnd = 0; 891 return true; 892 } 893 894 case KEY_RIGHT: 895 { 896 mCursorPos = findNextWord(); 897 mBlockStart = 0; 898 mBlockEnd = 0; 899 return true; 900 } 901 902#if !defined(TORQUE_OS_MAC) 903 // Select all 904 case KEY_A: 905 { 906 selectAllText(); 907 return true; 908 } 909 910 // windows style cut / copy / paste / undo keybinds 911 case KEY_C: 912 case KEY_X: 913 { 914 // copy, and cut the text if we hit ctrl-x 915 onCopy( event.keyCode==<a href="/coding/group/group__input__constants/#group__input__constants_1ggabe97be4d441d7e2653e24933583bb2eba480a807305121d41673b8c208898f497">KEY_X</a> ); 916 return true; 917 } 918 case KEY_V: 919 { 920 onPaste(); 921 922 // Execute the console command! 923 execConsoleCallback(); 924 return true; 925 } 926 927 case KEY_Z: 928 if (! mDragHit) 929 { 930 onUndo(); 931 return true; 932 } 933#endif 934 935 case KEY_DELETE: 936 case KEY_BACKSPACE: 937 //save the current state 938 saveUndoState(); 939 940 //delete everything in the field 941 mTextBuffer.set(""); 942 mCursorPos = 0; 943 mBlockStart = 0; 944 mBlockEnd = 0; 945 946 execConsoleCallback(); 947 948 return true; 949 default: 950 break; 951 } 952 } 953#if defined(TORQUE_OS_MAC) 954 // mac style cut / copy / paste / undo keybinds 955 else if (event.modifier & SI_ALT) 956 { 957 // Mac command key maps to alt in torque. 958 959 // Added Mac cut/copy/paste/undo keys 960 switch(event.keyCode) 961 { 962 // Select all 963 case KEY_A: 964 { 965 selectAllText(); 966 return true; 967 } 968 case KEY_C: 969 case KEY_X: 970 { 971 // copy, and cut the text if we hit cmd-x 972 onCopy( event.keyCode==<a href="/coding/group/group__input__constants/#group__input__constants_1ggabe97be4d441d7e2653e24933583bb2eba480a807305121d41673b8c208898f497">KEY_X</a> ); 973 return true; 974 } 975 case KEY_V: 976 { 977 onPaste(); 978 979 // Execute the console command! 980 execConsoleCallback(); 981 982 return true; 983 } 984 985 case KEY_Z: 986 if (! mDragHit) 987 { 988 onUndo(); 989 return true; 990 } 991 992 default: 993 break; 994 } 995 } 996#endif 997 else 998 { 999 switch(event.keyCode) 1000 { 1001 case KEY_ESCAPE: 1002 if( mEscapeCommand.isNotEmpty() ) 1003 { 1004 evaluate( mEscapeCommand ); 1005 return( true ); 1006 } 1007 return( Parent::onKeyDown( event ) ); 1008 1009 case KEY_RETURN: 1010 case KEY_NUMPADENTER: 1011 1012 return dealWithEnter(true); 1013 1014 case KEY_UP: 1015 { 1016 if( mHistorySize > 0 ) 1017 { 1018 if(mHistoryDirty) 1019 { 1020 updateHistory(&mTextBuffer, false); 1021 mHistoryDirty = false; 1022 } 1023 1024 mHistoryIndex--; 1025 1026 if(mHistoryIndex >= 0 && mHistoryIndex <= mHistoryLast) 1027 setText(mHistoryBuf[mHistoryIndex]); 1028 else if(mHistoryIndex < 0) 1029 mHistoryIndex = 0; 1030 } 1031 1032 return true; 1033 } 1034 1035 case KEY_DOWN: 1036 { 1037 if( mHistorySize > 0 ) 1038 { 1039 if(mHistoryDirty) 1040 { 1041 updateHistory(&mTextBuffer, false); 1042 mHistoryDirty = false; 1043 } 1044 mHistoryIndex++; 1045 if(mHistoryIndex > mHistoryLast) 1046 { 1047 mHistoryIndex = mHistoryLast + 1; 1048 setText(""); 1049 } 1050 else 1051 setText(mHistoryBuf[mHistoryIndex]); 1052 } 1053 return true; 1054 } 1055 1056 case KEY_LEFT: 1057 1058 // If we have a selection put the cursor to the left side of it. 1059 if ( mBlockStart != mBlockEnd ) 1060 { 1061 mCursorPos = mBlockStart; 1062 mBlockStart = mBlockEnd = 0; 1063 } 1064 else 1065 { 1066 mBlockStart = mBlockEnd = 0; 1067 mCursorPos = getMax( mCursorPos - 1, 0 ); 1068 } 1069 1070 return true; 1071 1072 case KEY_RIGHT: 1073 1074 // If we have a selection put the cursor to the right side of it. 1075 if ( mBlockStart != mBlockEnd ) 1076 { 1077 mCursorPos = mBlockEnd; 1078 mBlockStart = mBlockEnd = 0; 1079 } 1080 else 1081 { 1082 mBlockStart = mBlockEnd = 0; 1083 mCursorPos = getMin( mCursorPos + 1, stringLen ); 1084 } 1085 1086 return true; 1087 1088 case KEY_BACKSPACE: 1089dealWithBackspace: 1090 //save the current state 1091 saveUndoState(); 1092 1093 if (mBlockEnd > 0) 1094 { 1095 mTextBuffer.cut(mBlockStart, mBlockEnd-mBlockStart); 1096 mCursorPos = mBlockStart; 1097 mBlockStart = 0; 1098 mBlockEnd = 0; 1099 mHistoryDirty = true; 1100 1101 // Execute the console command! 1102 execConsoleCallback(); 1103 1104 } 1105 else if (mCursorPos > 0) 1106 { 1107 mTextBuffer.cut(mCursorPos-1, 1); 1108 mCursorPos--; 1109 mHistoryDirty = true; 1110 1111 // Execute the console command! 1112 execConsoleCallback(); 1113 } 1114 return true; 1115 1116 case KEY_DELETE: 1117 //save the current state 1118 saveUndoState(); 1119 1120 if (mBlockEnd > 0) 1121 { 1122 mHistoryDirty = true; 1123 mTextBuffer.cut(mBlockStart, mBlockEnd-mBlockStart); 1124 1125 mCursorPos = mBlockStart; 1126 mBlockStart = 0; 1127 mBlockEnd = 0; 1128 1129 // Execute the console command! 1130 execConsoleCallback(); 1131 } 1132 else if (mCursorPos < stringLen) 1133 { 1134 mHistoryDirty = true; 1135 mTextBuffer.cut(mCursorPos, 1); 1136 1137 // Execute the console command! 1138 execConsoleCallback(); 1139 } 1140 return true; 1141 1142 case KEY_INSERT: 1143 mInsertOn = !mInsertOn; 1144 return true; 1145 1146 case KEY_HOME: 1147 mBlockStart = 0; 1148 mBlockEnd = 0; 1149 mCursorPos = 0; 1150 return true; 1151 1152 case KEY_END: 1153 mBlockStart = 0; 1154 mBlockEnd = 0; 1155 mCursorPos = stringLen; 1156 return true; 1157 1158 default: 1159 break; 1160 1161 } 1162 } 1163 1164 switch ( event.keyCode ) 1165 { 1166 case KEY_TAB: 1167 if ( mTabComplete ) 1168 { 1169 onTabComplete_callback("0"); 1170 return( true ); 1171 } 1172 case KEY_UP: 1173 case KEY_DOWN: 1174 case KEY_ESCAPE: 1175 return Parent::onKeyDown( event ); 1176 default: 1177 break; 1178 } 1179 1180 // Handle character input events. 1181 1182 if( mProfile->mFont->isValidChar( event.ascii ) ) 1183 { 1184 handleCharInput( event.ascii ); 1185 return true; 1186 } 1187 1188 // Or eat it if that's appropriate. 1189 if( mSinkAllKeyEvents ) 1190 return true; 1191 1192 // Not handled - pass the event to it's parent. 1193 return Parent::onKeyDown( event ); 1194} 1195 1196bool GuiTextEditCtrl::dealWithEnter( bool clearResponder ) 1197{ 1198 //first validate 1199 if (mProfile->mReturnTab) 1200 { 1201 onLoseFirstResponder(); 1202 } 1203 1204 updateHistory(&mTextBuffer, true); 1205 mHistoryDirty = false; 1206 1207 //next exec the alt console command 1208 execAltConsoleCallback(); 1209 1210 // Notify of Return 1211 onReturn_callback(); 1212 1213 if (mProfile->mReturnTab) 1214 { 1215 GuiCanvas *root = getRoot(); 1216 if (root) 1217 { 1218 root->tabNext(); 1219 return true; 1220 } 1221 } 1222 1223 if( clearResponder ) 1224 clearFirstResponder(); 1225 1226 return true; 1227} 1228 1229void GuiTextEditCtrl::setFirstResponder() 1230{ 1231 Parent::setFirstResponder(); 1232 1233 GuiCanvas *root = getRoot(); 1234 if (root != NULL) 1235 { 1236 root->enableKeyboardTranslation(); 1237 1238 1239 // If the native OS accelerator keys are not disabled 1240 // then some key events like Delete, ctrl+V, etc may 1241 // not make it down to us. 1242 root->setNativeAcceleratorsEnabled( false ); 1243 } 1244} 1245 1246void GuiTextEditCtrl::onLoseFirstResponder() 1247{ 1248 GuiCanvas *root = getRoot(); 1249 if( root ) 1250 { 1251 root->setNativeAcceleratorsEnabled( true ); 1252 root->disableKeyboardTranslation(); 1253 } 1254 1255 updateHistory(&mTextBuffer, true); 1256 mHistoryDirty = false; 1257 1258 //execute the validate command 1259 if( mValidateCommand.isNotEmpty() ) 1260 evaluate( mValidateCommand.c_str() ); 1261 1262 onValidate_callback(); 1263 1264 // Redraw the control: 1265 setUpdate(); 1266 1267 // Lost Responder 1268 Parent::onLoseFirstResponder(); 1269} 1270 1271void GuiTextEditCtrl::onRender( Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect ) 1272{ 1273 RectI ctrlRect( offset, getExtent() ); 1274 1275 //if opaque, fill the update rect with the fill color 1276 if ( mProfile->mOpaque ) 1277 { 1278 if ( !mTextValid ) 1279 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill( ctrlRect, mProfile->mFillColorERR ); 1280 else if ( isFirstResponder() ) 1281 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill( ctrlRect, mProfile->mFillColorHL ); 1282 else 1283 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill( ctrlRect, mProfile->mFillColor ); 1284 } 1285 1286 //if there's a border, draw the border 1287 if ( mProfile->mBorder ) 1288 { 1289 renderBorder( ctrlRect, mProfile ); 1290 if ( !mTextValid ) 1291 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill( ctrlRect, mProfile->mFillColorERR ); 1292 } 1293 1294 drawText( ctrlRect, isFirstResponder() ); 1295} 1296 1297void GuiTextEditCtrl::onPreRender() 1298{ 1299 if ( isFirstResponder() ) 1300 { 1301 U32 timeElapsed = Platform::getVirtualMilliseconds() - mTimeLastCursorFlipped; 1302 mNumFramesElapsed++; 1303 if ( ( timeElapsed > 500 ) && ( mNumFramesElapsed > 3 ) ) 1304 { 1305 mCursorOn = !mCursorOn; 1306 mTimeLastCursorFlipped = Platform::getVirtualMilliseconds(); 1307 mNumFramesElapsed = 0; 1308 setUpdate(); 1309 } 1310 1311 //update the cursor if the text is scrolling 1312 if ( mDragHit ) 1313 { 1314 if ( ( mScrollDir < 0 ) && ( mCursorPos > 0 ) ) 1315 mCursorPos--; 1316 else if ( ( mScrollDir > 0 ) && ( mCursorPos < (S32) mTextBuffer.length() ) ) 1317 mCursorPos++; 1318 } 1319 } 1320} 1321 1322void GuiTextEditCtrl::drawText( const RectI &drawRect, bool isFocused ) 1323{ 1324 StringBuffer textBuffer; 1325 Point2I drawPoint = drawRect.point; 1326 Point2I paddingLeftTop, paddingRightBottom; 1327 1328 // Or else just copy it over. 1329 char *renderText = Con::getReturnBuffer( GuiTextEditCtrl::MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); 1330 getRenderText( renderText ); 1331 1332 // Apply password masking (make the masking char optional perhaps?) 1333 if(mPasswordText) 1334 { 1335 const U32 renderLen = dStrlen( renderText ); 1336 for( U32 i = 0; i < renderLen; i++ ) 1337 textBuffer.append(mPasswordMask); 1338 } 1339 else 1340 { 1341 textBuffer.set( renderText ); 1342 } 1343 1344 bool usePlaceholder = false; 1345 if (textBuffer.length() == 0 && !isFocused) 1346 { 1347 textBuffer.set(mPlaceholderText); 1348 usePlaceholder = true; 1349 } 1350 1351 // Just a little sanity. 1352 if(mCursorPos > textBuffer.length()) 1353 mCursorPos = textBuffer.length(); 1354 1355 paddingLeftTop.set(( mProfile->mTextOffset.x != 0 ? mProfile->mTextOffset.x : 3 ), mProfile->mTextOffset.y); 1356 paddingRightBottom = paddingLeftTop; 1357 1358 // Center vertically: 1359 drawPoint.y += ( ( drawRect.extent.y - paddingLeftTop.y - paddingRightBottom.y - S32( mProfile->mFont->getHeight() ) ) / 2 ) + paddingLeftTop.y; 1360 1361 // Align horizontally: 1362 1363 S32 textWidth = mProfile->mFont->getStrNWidth(textBuffer.getPtr(), textBuffer.length()); 1364 1365 switch( mProfile->mAlignment ) 1366 { 1367 case GuiControlProfile::RightJustify: 1368 drawPoint.x += ( drawRect.extent.x - textWidth - paddingRightBottom.x ); 1369 break; 1370 case GuiControlProfile::CenterJustify: 1371 drawPoint.x += ( ( drawRect.extent.x - textWidth ) / 2 ); 1372 break; 1373 default: 1374 case GuiControlProfile::LeftJustify : 1375 drawPoint.x += paddingLeftTop.x; 1376 break; 1377 } 1378 1379 ColorI fontColor = mActive ? mProfile->mFontColor : mProfile->mFontColorNA; 1380 1381 if (usePlaceholder) 1382 fontColor = mProfile->mFontColorNA; 1383 1384 // now draw the text 1385 Point2I cursorStart, cursorEnd; 1386 mTextOffset.y = drawPoint.y; 1387 mTextOffset.x = drawPoint.x; 1388 1389 if ( drawRect.extent.x - paddingLeftTop.x > textWidth ) 1390 mTextOffset.x = drawPoint.x; 1391 else 1392 { 1393 // Alignment affects large text 1394 if ( mProfile->mAlignment == GuiControlProfile::RightJustify 1395 || mProfile->mAlignment == GuiControlProfile::CenterJustify ) 1396 { 1397 if ( mTextOffset.x + textWidth < (drawRect.point.x + drawRect.extent.x) - paddingRightBottom.x) 1398 mTextOffset.x = (drawRect.point.x + drawRect.extent.x) - paddingRightBottom.x - textWidth; 1399 } 1400 } 1401 1402 // calculate the cursor 1403 if( isFocused && mActive ) 1404 { 1405 // Where in the string are we? 1406 S32 cursorOffset=0, charWidth=0; 1407 UTF16 tempChar = textBuffer.getChar(mCursorPos); 1408 1409 // Alright, we want to terminate things momentarily. 1410 if(mCursorPos > 0) 1411 { 1412 cursorOffset = mProfile->mFont->getStrNWidth(textBuffer.getPtr(), mCursorPos); 1413 } 1414 else 1415 cursorOffset = 0; 1416 1417 if( tempChar && mProfile->mFont->isValidChar( tempChar ) ) 1418 charWidth = mProfile->mFont->getCharWidth( tempChar ); 1419 else 1420 charWidth = paddingRightBottom.x; 1421 1422 if( mTextOffset.x + cursorOffset + 1 >= (drawRect.point.x + drawRect.extent.x) ) // +1 is for the cursor width 1423 { 1424 // Cursor somewhere beyond the textcontrol, 1425 // skip forward roughly 25% of the total width (if possible) 1426 S32 skipForward = drawRect.extent.x / 4 * 3; 1427 1428 if ( cursorOffset + skipForward > textWidth ) 1429 mTextOffset.x = (drawRect.point.x + drawRect.extent.x) - paddingRightBottom.x - textWidth; 1430 else 1431 { 1432 //mTextOffset.x -= skipForward; 1433 S32 mul = (S32)( mFloor( (cursorOffset-drawRect.extent.x) / skipForward ) ); 1434 mTextOffset.x -= skipForward * mul + drawRect.extent.x - 1; // -1 is for the cursor width 1435 } 1436 } 1437 else if( mTextOffset.x + cursorOffset < drawRect.point.x + paddingLeftTop.x ) 1438 { 1439 // Cursor somewhere before the textcontrol 1440 // skip backward roughly 25% of the total width (if possible) 1441 S32 skipBackward = drawRect.extent.x / 4 * 3; 1442 1443 if ( cursorOffset - skipBackward < 0 ) 1444 mTextOffset.x = drawRect.point.x + paddingLeftTop.x; 1445 else 1446 { 1447 S32 mul = (S32)( mFloor( cursorOffset / skipBackward ) ); 1448 mTextOffset.x += drawRect.point.x - mTextOffset.x - skipBackward * mul; 1449 } 1450 } 1451 cursorStart.x = mTextOffset.x + cursorOffset; 1452 1453#ifdef TORQUE_OS_MAC 1454 cursorStart.x += charWidth/2; 1455#endif 1456 1457 cursorEnd.x = cursorStart.x; 1458 1459 S32 cursorHeight = mProfile->mFont->getHeight(); 1460 if ( cursorHeight < drawRect.extent.y ) 1461 { 1462 cursorStart.y = drawPoint.y; 1463 cursorEnd.y = cursorStart.y + cursorHeight; 1464 } 1465 else 1466 { 1467 cursorStart.y = drawRect.point.y; 1468 cursorEnd.y = cursorStart.y + drawRect.extent.y; 1469 } 1470 } 1471 1472 //draw the text 1473 if ( !isFocused ) 1474 mBlockStart = mBlockEnd = 0; 1475 1476 //also verify the block start/end 1477 if ((mBlockStart > textBuffer.length() || (mBlockEnd > textBuffer.length()) || (mBlockStart > mBlockEnd))) 1478 mBlockStart = mBlockEnd = 0; 1479 1480 Point2I tempOffset = mTextOffset; 1481 1482 //draw the portion before the highlight 1483 if ( mBlockStart > 0 ) 1484 { 1485 GFX->getDrawUtil()->setBitmapModulation( fontColor ); 1486 const UTF16* preString2 = textBuffer.getPtr(); 1487 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawText( mProfile->mFont, tempOffset, preString2, mProfile->mFontColors ); 1488 tempOffset.x += mProfile->mFont->getStrNWidth(preString2, mBlockStart); 1489 } 1490 1491 //draw the highlighted portion 1492 if ( mBlockEnd > 0 ) 1493 { 1494 const UTF16* highlightBuff = textBuffer.getPtr() + mBlockStart; 1495 U32 highlightBuffLen = mBlockEnd-mBlockStart; 1496 1497 S32 highlightWidth = mProfile->mFont->getStrNWidth(highlightBuff, highlightBuffLen); 1498 1499 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill( Point2I( tempOffset.x, drawRect.point.y ), 1500 Point2I( tempOffset.x + highlightWidth, drawRect.point.y + drawRect.extent.y - 1), 1501 mProfile->mFontColorSEL ); 1502 1503 GFX->getDrawUtil()->setBitmapModulation( mProfile->mFontColorHL ); 1504 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawTextN( mProfile->mFont, tempOffset, highlightBuff, highlightBuffLen, mProfile->mFontColors ); 1505 tempOffset.x += highlightWidth; 1506 } 1507 1508 //draw the portion after the highlight 1509 if(mBlockEnd < textBuffer.length()) 1510 { 1511 const UTF16* finalBuff = textBuffer.getPtr() + mBlockEnd; 1512 U32 finalBuffLen = textBuffer.length() - mBlockEnd; 1513 1514 GFX->getDrawUtil()->setBitmapModulation( fontColor ); 1515 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawTextN( mProfile->mFont, tempOffset, finalBuff, finalBuffLen, mProfile->mFontColors ); 1516 } 1517 1518 //draw the cursor 1519 if ( isFocused && mCursorOn ) 1520 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawLine( cursorStart, cursorEnd, mProfile->mCursorColor ); 1521} 1522 1523bool GuiTextEditCtrl::hasText() 1524{ 1525 return ( mTextBuffer.length() ); 1526} 1527 1528void GuiTextEditCtrl::invalidText(bool playSound) 1529{ 1530 mTextValid = false; 1531 1532 if ( playSound ) 1533 playDeniedSound(); 1534} 1535 1536void GuiTextEditCtrl::validText() 1537{ 1538 mTextValid = true; 1539} 1540 1541bool GuiTextEditCtrl::isValidText() 1542{ 1543 return mTextValid; 1544} 1545 1546void GuiTextEditCtrl::playDeniedSound() 1547{ 1548 if ( mDeniedSound ) 1549 SFX->playOnce( mDeniedSound ); 1550} 1551 1552const char *GuiTextEditCtrl::getScriptValue() 1553{ 1554 return StringTable->insert(mTextBuffer.getPtr8()); 1555} 1556 1557void GuiTextEditCtrl::setScriptValue(const char *value) 1558{ 1559 mTextBuffer.set(value); 1560 mCursorPos = mTextBuffer.length(); 1561} 1562 1563void GuiTextEditCtrl::handleCharInput( U16 ascii ) 1564{ 1565 S32 stringLen = mTextBuffer.length(); 1566 1567 // Get the character ready to add to a UTF8 string. 1568 UTF16 convertedChar[2] = { ascii, 0 }; 1569 1570 //see if it's a number field 1571 if ( mProfile->mNumbersOnly ) 1572 { 1573 if (ascii == '-') 1574 { 1575 //a minus sign only exists at the beginning, and only a single minus sign 1576 if (mCursorPos != 0 && !isAllTextSelected()) 1577 { 1578 invalidText(); 1579 return; 1580 } 1581 1582 if (mInsertOn && (mTextBuffer.getChar(0) == '-')) 1583 { 1584 invalidText(); 1585 return; 1586 } 1587 } 1588 // BJTODO: This is probably not unicode safe. 1589 else if (ascii != '.' && (ascii < '0' || ascii > '9')) 1590 { 1591 invalidText(); 1592 return; 1593 } 1594 else 1595 validText(); 1596 } 1597 1598 //save the current state 1599 saveUndoState(); 1600 1601 bool alreadyCut = false; 1602 1603 //delete anything highlighted 1604 if ( mBlockEnd > 0 ) 1605 { 1606 mTextBuffer.cut(mBlockStart, mBlockEnd-mBlockStart); 1607 mCursorPos = mBlockStart; 1608 mBlockStart = 0; 1609 mBlockEnd = 0; 1610 1611 // We just changed the string length! 1612 // Get its new value. 1613 stringLen = mTextBuffer.length(); 1614 1615 // If we already had text highlighted, we just want to cut that text. 1616 // Don't cut the next character even if insert is not on. 1617 alreadyCut = true; 1618 } 1619 1620 if ( ( mInsertOn && ( stringLen < mMaxStrLen ) ) || 1621 ( !mInsertOn && ( mCursorPos < mMaxStrLen ) ) ) 1622 { 1623 if ( mCursorPos == stringLen ) 1624 { 1625 mTextBuffer.append(convertedChar); 1626 mCursorPos++; 1627 } 1628 else 1629 { 1630 if ( mInsertOn || alreadyCut ) 1631 { 1632 mTextBuffer.insert(mCursorPos, convertedChar); 1633 mCursorPos++; 1634 } 1635 else 1636 { 1637 mTextBuffer.cut(mCursorPos, 1); 1638 mTextBuffer.insert(mCursorPos, convertedChar); 1639 mCursorPos++; 1640 } 1641 } 1642 } 1643 else 1644 playDeniedSound(); 1645 1646 //reset the history index 1647 mHistoryDirty = true; 1648 1649 //execute the console command if it exists 1650 execConsoleCallback(); 1651} 1652 1653S32 GuiTextEditCtrl::findPrevWord() 1654{ 1655 // First the first word to the left of the current cursor position 1656 // and return the positional index of its starting character. 1657 1658 // We define the first character of a word as any non-whitespace 1659 // character which has a non-alpha-numeric character to its immediate left. 1660 1661 const UTF8* text = mTextBuffer.getPtr8(); 1662 1663 for ( S32 i = mCursorPos - 1; i > 0; i-- ) 1664 { 1665 if ( !dIsspace( text[i] ) ) 1666 { 1667 if ( !dIsalnum( text[i-1] ) ) 1668 { 1669 return i; 1670 } 1671 } 1672 } 1673 1674 return 0; 1675} 1676 1677S32 GuiTextEditCtrl::findNextWord() 1678{ 1679 // First the first word to the right of the current cursor position 1680 // and return the positional index of its starting character. 1681 1682 // We define the first character of a word as any non-whitespace 1683 // character which has a non-alpha-numeric character to its immediate left. 1684 1685 const UTF8* text = mTextBuffer.getPtr8(); 1686 1687 for ( S32 i = mCursorPos + 1; i < mTextBuffer.length(); i++ ) 1688 { 1689 if ( !dIsspace( text[i] ) ) 1690 { 1691 if ( !dIsalnum( text[i-1] ) ) 1692 { 1693 return i; 1694 } 1695 } 1696 } 1697 1698 return mTextBuffer.length(); 1699} 1700 1701DefineEngineMethod( GuiTextEditCtrl, getText, const char*, (),, 1702 "@brief Acquires the current text displayed in this control.\n\n" 1703 "@tsexample\n" 1704 "// Acquire the value of the text control.\n" 1705 "%text = %thisGuiTextEditCtrl.getText();\n" 1706 "@endtsexample\n\n" 1707 "@return The current text within the control.\n\n" 1708 "@see GuiControl") 1709{ 1710 if( !object->hasText() ) 1711 return StringTable->EmptyString(); 1712 1713 char *retBuffer = Con::getReturnBuffer( GuiTextEditCtrl::MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); 1714 object->getText( retBuffer ); 1715 1716 return retBuffer; 1717} 1718 1719DefineEngineMethod( GuiTextEditCtrl, setText, void, (const char* text),, 1720 "@brief Sets the text in the control.\n\n" 1721 "@param text Text to place in the control.\n" 1722 "@tsexample\n" 1723 "// Define the text to display\n" 1724 "%text = \"Text!\"\n\n" 1725 "// Inform the GuiTextEditCtrl to display the defined text\n" 1726 "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.setText(%text);\n" 1727 "@endtsexample\n\n" 1728 "@see GuiControl") 1729{ 1730 object->setText( text ); 1731} 1732 1733DefineEngineMethod( GuiTextEditCtrl, getCursorPos, S32, (),, 1734 "@brief Returns the current position of the text cursor in the control.\n\n" 1735 "@tsexample\n" 1736 "// Acquire the cursor position in the control\n" 1737 "%position = %thisGuiTextEditCtrl.getCursorPost();\n" 1738 "@endtsexample\n\n" 1739 "@return Text cursor position within the control.\n\n" 1740 "@see GuiControl") 1741{ 1742 return( object->getCursorPos() ); 1743} 1744 1745DefineEngineMethod( GuiTextEditCtrl, setCursorPos, void, (S32 position),, 1746 "@brief Sets the text cursor at the defined position within the control.\n\n" 1747 "@param position Text position to set the text cursor.\n" 1748 "@tsexample\n" 1749 "// Define the cursor position\n" 1750 "%position = \"12\";\n\n" 1751 "// Inform the GuiTextEditCtrl control to place the text cursor at the defined position\n" 1752 "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.setCursorPos(%position);\n" 1753 "@endtsexample\n\n" 1754 "@see GuiControl") 1755{ 1756 object->setCursorPos( position ); 1757} 1758 1759DefineEngineMethod( GuiTextEditCtrl, isAllTextSelected, bool, (),, 1760 "@brief Checks to see if all text in the control has been selected.\n\n" 1761 "@tsexample\n" 1762 "// Check to see if all text has been selected or not.\n" 1763 "%allSelected = %thisGuiTextEditCtrl.isAllTextSelected();\n" 1764 "@endtsexample\n\n" 1765 "@return True if all text in the control is selected, otherwise false.\n\n" 1766 "@see GuiControl") 1767{ 1768 return object->isAllTextSelected(); 1769} 1770 1771DefineEngineMethod( GuiTextEditCtrl, selectAllText, void, (),, 1772 "@brief Selects all text within the control.\n\n" 1773 "@tsexample\n" 1774 "// Inform the control to select all of its text.\n" 1775 "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.selectAllText();\n" 1776 "@endtsexample\n\n" 1777 "@see GuiControl") 1778{ 1779 object->selectAllText(); 1780} 1781 1782DefineEngineMethod( GuiTextEditCtrl, clearSelectedText, void, (),, 1783 "@brief Unselects all selected text in the control.\n\n" 1784 "@tsexample\n" 1785 "// Inform the control to unselect all of its selected text\n" 1786 "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.clearSelectedText();\n" 1787 "@endtsexample\n\n" 1788 "@see GuiControl") 1789{ 1790 object->clearSelectedText(); 1791} 1792 1793DefineEngineMethod( GuiTextEditCtrl, forceValidateText, void, (),, 1794 "@brief Force a validation to occur.\n\n" 1795 "@tsexample\n" 1796 "// Inform the control to force a validation of its text.\n" 1797 "%thisGuiTextEditCtrl.forceValidateText();\n" 1798 "@endtsexample\n\n" 1799 "@see GuiControl") 1800{ 1801 object->forceValidateText(); 1802} 1803 1804DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl, invalidText, void, (bool playSound), (true), 1805 "@brief Trigger the invalid sound and make the box red.nn" 1806 "@param playSound Play the invalid text sound or not.n") 1807{ 1808 object->invalidText(playSound); 1809} 1810 1811 1812DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl, validText, void, (), , 1813 "@brief Restores the box to normal color.nn") 1814{ 1815 object->validText(); 1816} 1817 1818DefineEngineMethod(GuiTextEditCtrl, isValidText, bool, (), , 1819 "@brief Returns if the text is set to valid or not.n" 1820 "@Return true if text is set to valid, false if not.nn") 1821{ 1822 return object->isValidText(); 1823} 1824