Public Variables
colorWhite (255, 255, 255)
Public Functions
ConsoleDocClass(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , "@brief A <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> that allows <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> select <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1a32aff7c6c4cd253fdf6563677afab5ce">value</a> from <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> drop-down <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">list.\n\n</a>" "For <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> nearly identical GUI with additional features, use <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiPopUpMenuCtrlEx.\n\n</a>" " @<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "<a href="/coding/file/tmm__on_8h/#tmm__on_8h_1a1ac41480eb2e4aadd52252ee550b630a">new</a> <a href="/coding/class/classguipopupmenuctrl/">GuiPopUpMenuCtrl</a>()\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "{\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " maxPopupHeight=\"200\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " sbUsesNAColor = \"0\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " reverseTextList = \"0\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " bitmapBounds = \"16 16\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " maxLength = \"1024\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " position = \"56 31\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " extent = \"64 64\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " minExtent = \"8 2\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " profile = \"GuiPopUpMenuProfile\";\n" " tooltipProfile = \"GuiToolTipProfile\";\n" "};\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" "@note This is definitely going <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> be deprecated <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">soon.\n\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/class/classguipopupmenuctrlex/">GuiPopUpMenuCtrlEx</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1a2732ab74fa0237854c2ba0f75f88a624">for</a> more features and better <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">explanations.\n</a>" "@ingroup <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControls\n</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , add , void , (const char *name, S32 idNum, U32 scheme) , ("", -1, 0) , "(string name, int idNum, int scheme=0)" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , addScheme , void , (U32 id, ColorI fontColor, ColorI fontColorHL, ColorI fontColorSEL) , "(int <a href="/coding/file/win32cursorcontroller_8cpp/#win32cursorcontroller_8cpp_1ab38592509822a5f4674447022cc62efe">id</a>, <a href="/coding/class/classcolori/">ColorI</a> fontColor, <a href="/coding/class/classcolori/">ColorI</a> fontColorHL, <a href="/coding/class/classcolori/">ColorI</a> fontColorSEL)" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , changeTextById , void , (S32 id, const char *text) , "( int <a href="/coding/file/win32cursorcontroller_8cpp/#win32cursorcontroller_8cpp_1ab38592509822a5f4674447022cc62efe">id</a>, string text )" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , clear , void , () , "Clear the popup list." )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , clearEntry , void , (S32 entry) , "(S32 entry)" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , findText , S32 , (const char *text) , "(string text)" "Returns the position of the first entry containing the specified text or -1 <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> not found." )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , forceClose , void , () , "" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , forceOnAction , void , () , "" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , getSelected , S32 , () , "Gets the selected index" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , getText , const char * , () , "" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , getTextById , const char * , (S32 id) , "(int <a href="/coding/file/win32cursorcontroller_8cpp/#win32cursorcontroller_8cpp_1ab38592509822a5f4674447022cc62efe">id</a>)" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , replaceText , void , (bool doReplaceText) , "(bool doReplaceText)" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , setEnumContent , void , (const char *className, const char *enumName) , "(string class, string enum)" "This fills the popup with <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> classrep's field enumeration type <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">info.\n\n</a>" "More of <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> helper function than anything. If console access <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> the field list is added, " "at least <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1a2732ab74fa0237854c2ba0f75f88a624">for</a> the enumerated types, then this should go away.." )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , setFirstSelected , void , (bool scriptCallback) , (true) , "([scriptCallback=true])" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , setNoneSelected , void , () , "" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , setSelected , void , (S32 id, bool scriptCallback) , (true) , "(int <a href="/coding/file/win32cursorcontroller_8cpp/#win32cursorcontroller_8cpp_1ab38592509822a5f4674447022cc62efe">id</a>, [scriptCallback=true])" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , size , S32 , () , "Get the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1ab7d671599a7b25ca99a487fa341bc33a">size</a> of the menu - the number of entries in it." )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , sort , void , () , "Sort the list alphabetically." )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , sortID , void , () , "Sort the list by ID." )
getColumnCount(const char * string, const char * set)
textCompare(const void * a, const void * b)
Detailed Description
Public Variables
ColorI colorWhite (255, 255, 255)
Public Functions
ConsoleDocClass(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , "@brief A <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> that allows <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> select <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1a32aff7c6c4cd253fdf6563677afab5ce">value</a> from <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> drop-down <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">list.\n\n</a>" "For <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> nearly identical GUI with additional features, use <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiPopUpMenuCtrlEx.\n\n</a>" " @<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">tsexample\n</a>" "<a href="/coding/file/tmm__on_8h/#tmm__on_8h_1a1ac41480eb2e4aadd52252ee550b630a">new</a> <a href="/coding/class/classguipopupmenuctrl/">GuiPopUpMenuCtrl</a>()\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "{\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " maxPopupHeight=\"200\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " sbUsesNAColor = \"0\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " reverseTextList = \"0\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " bitmapBounds = \"16 16\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " maxLength = \"1024\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " position = \"56 31\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " extent = \"64 64\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " minExtent = \"8 2\";\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " profile = \"GuiPopUpMenuProfile\";\n" " tooltipProfile = \"GuiToolTipProfile\";\n" "};\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" "@<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">endtsexample\n\n</a>" "@note This is definitely going <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> be deprecated <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">soon.\n\n</a>" "@see <a href="/coding/class/classguipopupmenuctrlex/">GuiPopUpMenuCtrlEx</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1a2732ab74fa0237854c2ba0f75f88a624">for</a> more features and better <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">explanations.\n</a>" "@ingroup <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">GuiControls\n</a>" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , add , void , (const char *name, S32 idNum, U32 scheme) , ("", -1, 0) , "(string name, int idNum, int scheme=0)" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , addScheme , void , (U32 id, ColorI fontColor, ColorI fontColorHL, ColorI fontColorSEL) , "(int <a href="/coding/file/win32cursorcontroller_8cpp/#win32cursorcontroller_8cpp_1ab38592509822a5f4674447022cc62efe">id</a>, <a href="/coding/class/classcolori/">ColorI</a> fontColor, <a href="/coding/class/classcolori/">ColorI</a> fontColorHL, <a href="/coding/class/classcolori/">ColorI</a> fontColorSEL)" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , changeTextById , void , (S32 id, const char *text) , "( int <a href="/coding/file/win32cursorcontroller_8cpp/#win32cursorcontroller_8cpp_1ab38592509822a5f4674447022cc62efe">id</a>, string text )" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , clear , void , () , "Clear the popup list." )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , clearEntry , void , (S32 entry) , "(S32 entry)" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , findText , S32 , (const char *text) , "(string text)" "Returns the position of the first entry containing the specified text or -1 <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> not found." )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , forceClose , void , () , "" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , forceOnAction , void , () , "" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , getSelected , S32 , () , "Gets the selected index" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , getText , const char * , () , "" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , getTextById , const char * , (S32 id) , "(int <a href="/coding/file/win32cursorcontroller_8cpp/#win32cursorcontroller_8cpp_1ab38592509822a5f4674447022cc62efe">id</a>)" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , replaceText , void , (bool doReplaceText) , "(bool doReplaceText)" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , setEnumContent , void , (const char *className, const char *enumName) , "(string class, string enum)" "This fills the popup with <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> classrep's field enumeration type <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">info.\n\n</a>" "More of <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> helper function than anything. If console access <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> the field list is added, " "at least <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1a2732ab74fa0237854c2ba0f75f88a624">for</a> the enumerated types, then this should go away.." )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , setFirstSelected , void , (bool scriptCallback) , (true) , "([scriptCallback=true])" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , setNoneSelected , void , () , "" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , setSelected , void , (S32 id, bool scriptCallback) , (true) , "(int <a href="/coding/file/win32cursorcontroller_8cpp/#win32cursorcontroller_8cpp_1ab38592509822a5f4674447022cc62efe">id</a>, [scriptCallback=true])" )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , size , S32 , () , "Get the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1ab7d671599a7b25ca99a487fa341bc33a">size</a> of the menu - the number of entries in it." )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , sort , void , () , "Sort the list alphabetically." )
DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl , sortID , void , () , "Sort the list by ID." )
getColumn(const char * string, char * returnbuff, U32 index, const char * set)
getColumnCount(const char * string, const char * set)
idCompare(const void * a, const void * b)
textCompare(const void * a, const void * b)
1 2//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3// Copyright (c) 2012 GarageGames, LLC 4// 5// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 6// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to 7// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the 8// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or 9// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 10// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 11// 12// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 13// all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 14// 15// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 16// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 17// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 18// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 19// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING 20// FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS 21// IN THE SOFTWARE. 22//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 24#include "gui/core/guiCanvas.h" 25#include "gui/controls/guiPopUpCtrl.h" 26#include "console/consoleTypes.h" 27#include "console/engineAPI.h" 28#include "gui/core/guiDefaultControlRender.h" 29#include "gfx/primBuilder.h" 30#include "gfx/gfxDrawUtil.h" 31#include "console/engineAPI.h" 32 33static ColorI colorWhite(255,255,255); // Added 34 35// Function to return the number of columns in 'string' given delimeters in 'set' 36static U32 getColumnCount(const char *string, const char *set) 37{ 38 U32 count = 0; 39 U8 last = 0; 40 while(*string) 41 { 42 last = *string++; 43 44 for(U32 i =0; set[i]; i++) 45 { 46 if(last == set[i]) 47 { 48 count++; 49 last = 0; 50 break; 51 } 52 } 53 } 54 if(last) 55 count++; 56 return count; 57} 58 59// Function to return the 'index' column from 'string' given delimeters in 'set' 60static const char *getColumn(const char *string, char* returnbuff, U32 index, const char *set) 61{ 62 U32 sz; 63 while(index--) 64 { 65 if(!*string) 66 return ""; 67 sz = dStrcspn(string, set); 68 if (string[sz] == 0) 69 return ""; 70 string += (sz + 1); 71 } 72 sz = dStrcspn(string, set); 73 if (sz == 0) 74 return ""; 75 char *ret = returnbuff; 76 dStrncpy(ret, string, sz); 77 ret[sz] = '\0'; 78 return ret; 79} 80 81GuiPopUpBackgroundCtrl::GuiPopUpBackgroundCtrl(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl *ctrl, GuiPopupTextListCtrl *textList) 82{ 83 mPopUpCtrl = ctrl; 84 mTextList = textList; 85} 86 87void GuiPopUpBackgroundCtrl::onMouseDown(const GuiEvent &event) 88{ 89 mPopUpCtrl->mBackgroundCancel = true; // Set that the user didn't click within the text list. Replaces the line above. 90 mPopUpCtrl->closePopUp(); 91} 92 93//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 94GuiPopupTextListCtrl::GuiPopupTextListCtrl() 95{ 96 mPopUpCtrl = NULL; 97} 98 99 100//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101GuiPopupTextListCtrl::GuiPopupTextListCtrl(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl *ctrl) 102{ 103 mPopUpCtrl = ctrl; 104} 105 106//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 107 108//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 109//void GuiPopUpTextListCtrl::onCellSelected( Point2I /*cell*/ ) 110//{ 111// // Do nothing, the parent control will take care of everything... 112//} 113void GuiPopupTextListCtrl::onCellSelected( Point2I cell ) 114{ 115 // The old function is above. This new one will only call the the select 116 // functions if we were not cancelled by a background click. 117 118 // Check if we were cancelled by the user clicking on the Background ie: anywhere 119 // other than within the text list. 120 if(mPopUpCtrl->mBackgroundCancel) 121 return; 122 123 if( isMethod( "onSelect" ) ) 124 Con::executef(this, "onSelect", Con::getFloatArg(cell.x), Con::getFloatArg(cell.y)); 125 126 //call the console function 127 execConsoleCallback(); 128 //if (mConsoleCommand[0]) 129 // Con::evaluate(mConsoleCommand, false); 130 131} 132 133//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134bool GuiPopupTextListCtrl::onKeyDown(const GuiEvent &event) 135{ 136 //if the control is a dead end, don't process the input: 137 if ( !mVisible || !mActive || !mAwake ) 138 return false; 139 140 //see if the key down is a <return> or not 141 if ( event.modifier == 0 ) 142 { 143 if ( event.keyCode == KEY_RETURN ) 144 { 145 mPopUpCtrl->closePopUp(); 146 return true; 147 } 148 else if ( event.keyCode == KEY_ESCAPE ) 149 { 150 mSelectedCell.set( -1, -1 ); 151 mPopUpCtrl->closePopUp(); 152 return true; 153 } 154 } 155 156 //otherwise, pass the event to it's parent 157 return Parent::onKeyDown(event); 158} 159 160void GuiPopupTextListCtrl::onMouseUp(const GuiEvent &event) 161{ 162 Parent::onMouseUp( event ); 163 mPopUpCtrl->closePopUp(); 164} 165 166//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 167void GuiPopupTextListCtrl::onRenderCell(Point2I offset, Point2I cell, bool selected, bool mouseOver) 168{ 169 Point2I size; 170 getCellSize( size ); 171 172 // Render a background color for the cell 173 if ( mouseOver ) 174 { 175 RectI cellR( offset.x, offset.y, size.x, size.y ); 176 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill( cellR, mProfile->mFillColorHL ); 177 178 } 179 else if ( selected ) 180 { 181 RectI cellR( offset.x, offset.y, size.x, size.y ); 182 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill( cellR, mProfile->mFillColorSEL ); 183 } 184 185 // Define the default x offset for the text 186 U32 textXOffset = offset.x + mProfile->mTextOffset.x; 187 188 // Do we also draw a colored box beside the text? 189 ColorI boxColor; 190 bool drawbox = mPopUpCtrl->getColoredBox( boxColor, mList[cell.y].id); 191 if(drawbox) 192 { 193 Point2I coloredboxsize(15,10); 194 RectI boxBounds(offset.x + mProfile->mTextOffset.x, offset.y+2, coloredboxsize.x, coloredboxsize.y); 195 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(boxBounds, boxColor); 196 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRect(boxBounds, ColorI(0,0,0)); 197 198 textXOffset += coloredboxsize.x + mProfile->mTextOffset.x; 199 } 200 201 ColorI fontColor; 202 mPopUpCtrl->getFontColor( fontColor, mList[cell.y].id, selected, mouseOver ); 203 204 GFX->getDrawUtil()->setBitmapModulation( fontColor ); 205 //GFX->drawText( mFont, Point2I( offset.x + 4, offset.y ), mList[cell.y].text ); 206 207 // Get the number of columns in the cell 208 S32 colcount = getColumnCount(mList[cell.y].text, "\t"); 209 210 // Are there two or more columns? 211 if(colcount >= 2) 212 { 213 char buff[256]; 214 215 // Draw the first column 216 getColumn(mList[cell.y].text, buff, 0, "\t"); 217 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawText( mFont, Point2I( textXOffset, offset.y ), buff ); // Used mTextOffset as a margin for the text list rather than the hard coded value of '4'. 218 219 // Draw the second column to the right 220 getColumn(mList[cell.y].text, buff, 1, "\t"); 221 S32 txt_w = mFont->getStrWidth(buff); 222 223 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawText( mFont, Point2I( offset.x+size.x-mProfile->mTextOffset.x-txt_w, offset.y ), buff ); // Used mTextOffset as a margin for the text list rather than the hard coded value of '4'. 224 225 } else 226 { 227 GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawText( mFont, Point2I( textXOffset, offset.y ), mList[cell.y].text ); // Used mTextOffset as a margin for the text list rather than the hard coded value of '4'. 228 } 229} 230 231//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 232//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 233 234IMPLEMENT_CONOBJECT(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl); 235 236ConsoleDocClass( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, 237 "@brief A control that allows to select a value from a drop-down list.\n\n" 238 239 "For a nearly identical GUI with additional features, use GuiPopUpMenuCtrlEx.\n\n" 240 241 "@tsexample\n" 242 "new GuiPopUpMenuCtrl()\n" 243 "{\n" 244 " maxPopupHeight = \"200\";\n" 245 " sbUsesNAColor = \"0\";\n" 246 " reverseTextList = \"0\";\n" 247 " bitmapBounds = \"16 16\";\n" 248 " maxLength = \"1024\";\n" 249 " position = \"56 31\";\n" 250 " extent = \"64 64\";\n" 251 " minExtent = \"8 2\";\n" 252 " profile = \"GuiPopUpMenuProfile\";\n" 253 " tooltipProfile = \"GuiToolTipProfile\";\n" 254 "};\n" 255 "@endtsexample\n\n" 256 257 "@note This is definitely going to be deprecated soon.\n\n" 258 259 "@see GuiPopUpMenuCtrlEx for more features and better explanations.\n" 260 261 "@ingroup GuiControls\n"); 262 263GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::GuiPopUpMenuCtrl(void) 264{ 265 VECTOR_SET_ASSOCIATION(mEntries); 266 VECTOR_SET_ASSOCIATION(mSchemes); 267 268 mSelIndex = -1; 269 mActive = true; 270 mMaxPopupHeight = 200; 271 mScrollDir = GuiScrollCtrl::None; 272 mScrollCount = 0; 273 mLastYvalue = 0; 274 mIncValue = 0; 275 mRevNum = 0; 276 mInAction = false; 277 mMouseOver = false; // Added 278 mRenderScrollInNA = false; // Added 279 mBackgroundCancel = false; // Added 280 mReverseTextList = false; // Added - Don't reverse text list if displaying up 281 mBitmapName = StringTable->EmptyString(); // Added 282 mBitmapBounds.set(16, 16); // Added 283 mIdMax = -1; 284 mBackground = NULL; 285 mTl = NULL; 286 mSc = NULL; 287 mReplaceText = false; 288} 289 290//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 291GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::~GuiPopUpMenuCtrl() 292{ 293} 294 295//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 296void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::initPersistFields(void) 297{ 298 addField("maxPopupHeight", TypeS32, Offset(mMaxPopupHeight, GuiPopUpMenuCtrl)); 299 addField("sbUsesNAColor", TypeBool, Offset(mRenderScrollInNA, GuiPopUpMenuCtrl)); 300 addField("reverseTextList", TypeBool, Offset(mReverseTextList, GuiPopUpMenuCtrl)); 301 addField("bitmap", TypeFilename, Offset(mBitmapName, GuiPopUpMenuCtrl)); 302 addField("bitmapBounds", TypePoint2I, Offset(mBitmapBounds, GuiPopUpMenuCtrl)); 303 304 Parent::initPersistFields(); 305} 306 307//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 308DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, add, void, (const char * name, S32 idNum, U32 scheme), ("", -1, 0), "(string name, int idNum, int scheme=0)") 309{ 310 object->addEntry(name, idNum, scheme); 311} 312 313DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, addScheme, void, (U32 id, ColorI fontColor, ColorI fontColorHL, ColorI fontColorSEL), , 314 "(int id, ColorI fontColor, ColorI fontColorHL, ColorI fontColorSEL)") 315{ 316 317 object->addScheme( id, fontColor, fontColorHL, fontColorSEL ); 318} 319 320DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, getText, const char*, (), , "") 321{ 322 return object->getText(); 323} 324 325DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, clear, void, (), , "Clear the popup list.") 326{ 327 object->clear(); 328} 329 330//FIXME: clashes with SimSet.sort 331DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, sort, void, (), , "Sort the list alphabetically.") 332{ 333 object->sort(); 334} 335 336// Added to sort the entries by ID 337DefineEngineMethod(GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, sortID, void, (), , "Sort the list by ID.") 338{ 339 object->sortID(); 340} 341 342DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, forceOnAction, void, (), , "") 343{ 344 object->onAction(); 345} 346 347DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, forceClose, void, (), , "") 348{ 349 object->closePopUp(); 350} 351 352DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, getSelected, S32, (), , "Gets the selected index") 353{ 354 return object->getSelected(); 355} 356 357DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, setSelected, void, (S32 id, bool scriptCallback), (true), "(int id, [scriptCallback=true])") 358{ 359 object->setSelected( id, scriptCallback ); 360} 361 362DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, setFirstSelected, void, (bool scriptCallback), (true), "([scriptCallback=true])") 363{ 364 object->setFirstSelected( scriptCallback ); 365 366} 367 368DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, setNoneSelected, void, (), , "") 369{ 370 object->setNoneSelected(); 371} 372 373DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, getTextById, const char*, (S32 id), , "(int id)") 374{ 375 return(object->getTextById(id)); 376} 377 378DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, changeTextById, void, ( S32 id, const char * text ), , "( int id, string text )" ) 379{ 380 object->setEntryText( id, text ); 381} 382 383DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, setEnumContent, void, (const char * className, const char * enumName), , "(string class, string enum)" 384 "This fills the popup with a classrep's field enumeration type info.\n\n" 385 "More of a helper function than anything. If console access to the field list is added, " 386 "at least for the enumerated types, then this should go away..") 387{ 388 AbstractClassRep * classRep = AbstractClassRep::getClassList(); 389 390 // walk the class list to get our class 391 while(classRep) 392 { 393 if(!dStricmp(classRep->getClassName(), className)) 394 break; 395 classRep = classRep->getNextClass(); 396 } 397 398 // get it? 399 if(!classRep) 400 { 401 Con::warnf(ConsoleLogEntry::General, "failed to locate class rep for '%s'", className); 402 return; 403 } 404 405 // walk the fields to check for this one (findField checks StringTableEntry ptrs...) 406 U32 i; 407 for(i = 0; i < classRep->mFieldList.size(); i++) 408 if(!dStricmp(classRep->mFieldList[i].pFieldname, enumName)) 409 break; 410 411 // found it? 412 if(i == classRep->mFieldList.size()) 413 { 414 Con::warnf(ConsoleLogEntry::General, "failed to locate field '%s' for class '%s'", enumName, className); 415 return; 416 } 417 418 const AbstractClassRep::Field & field = classRep->mFieldList[i]; 419 ConsoleBaseType* conType = ConsoleBaseType::getType( field.type ); 420 421 // check the type 422 if( !conType->getEnumTable() ) 423 { 424 Con::warnf(ConsoleLogEntry::General, "field '%s' is not an enumeration for class '%s'", enumName, className); 425 return; 426 } 427 428 // fill it 429 const EngineEnumTable& table = *( conType->getEnumTable() ); 430 const U32 numValues = table.getNumValues(); 431 432 for(i = 0; i < numValues; i++) 433 object->addEntry( table[i].getName(), table[i] ); 434} 435 436//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 437DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, findText, S32, (const char * text), , "(string text)" 438 "Returns the position of the first entry containing the specified text or -1 if not found.") 439{ 440 return( object->findText( text ) ); 441} 442 443//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 444DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, size, S32, (), , "Get the size of the menu - the number of entries in it.") 445{ 446 return( object->getNumEntries() ); 447} 448 449//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 450DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, replaceText, void, (bool doReplaceText), , "(bool doReplaceText)") 451{ 452 object->replaceText(S32(doReplaceText)); 453} 454 455//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 456// Added 457bool GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::onWake() 458{ 459 if ( !Parent::onWake() ) 460 return false; 461 462 // Set the bitmap for the popup. 463 setBitmap( mBitmapName ); 464 465 // Now update the Form Control's bitmap array, and possibly the child's too 466 mProfile->constructBitmapArray(); 467 468 if ( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() ) 469 mProfile->getChildrenProfile()->constructBitmapArray(); 470 471 return true; 472} 473 474//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 475bool GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::onAdd() 476{ 477 if ( !Parent::onAdd() ) 478 return false; 479 mSelIndex = -1; 480 mReplaceText = true; 481 return true; 482} 483 484//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 485void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::onSleep() 486{ 487 mTextureNormal = NULL; // Added 488 mTextureDepressed = NULL; // Added 489 Parent::onSleep(); 490 closePopUp(); // Tests in function. 491} 492 493//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 494void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::clear() 495{ 496 mEntries.setSize(0); 497 setText(""); 498 mSelIndex = -1; 499 mRevNum = 0; 500 mIdMax = -1; 501} 502 503//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 504void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::clearEntry( S32 entry ) 505{ 506 if( entry == -1 ) 507 return; 508 509 U32 i = 0; 510 for ( ; i < mEntries.size(); i++ ) 511 { 512 if ( mEntries[i].id == entry ) 513 break; 514 } 515 516 mEntries.erase( i ); 517 518 if( mEntries.size() <= 0 ) 519 { 520 mEntries.setSize(0); 521 setText(""); 522 mSelIndex = -1; 523 mRevNum = 0; 524 } 525 else 526 { 527 if (entry < mSelIndex) 528 { 529 mSelIndex--; 530 } 531 else if( entry == mSelIndex ) 532 { 533 setText(""); 534 mSelIndex = -1; 535 } 536 } 537} 538 539//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 540DefineEngineMethod( GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, clearEntry, void, (S32 entry), , "(S32 entry)") 541{ 542 object->clearEntry(entry); 543} 544 545//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 546static S32 QSORT_CALLBACK textCompare(const void *a,const void *b) 547{ 548 GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::Entry *ea = (GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::Entry *) (a); 549 GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::Entry *eb = (GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::Entry *) (b); 550 return (dStrnatcasecmp(ea->buf, eb->buf)); 551} 552 553// Added to sort by entry ID 554//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 555static S32 QSORT_CALLBACK idCompare(const void *a,const void *b) 556{ 557 GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::Entry *ea = (GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::Entry *) (a); 558 GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::Entry *eb = (GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::Entry *) (b); 559 return ( (ea->id < eb->id) ? -1 : ((ea->id > eb->id) ? 1 : 0) ); 560} 561 562//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 563// Added 564void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::setBitmap( const char *name ) 565{ 566 mBitmapName = StringTable->insert( name ); 567 if ( !isAwake() ) 568 return; 569 570 if ( *mBitmapName ) 571 { 572 char buffer[1024]; 573 char *p; 574 dStrcpy(buffer, name, 1024); 575 p = buffer + dStrlen(buffer); 576 S32 pLen = 1024 - dStrlen(buffer); 577 578 dStrcpy(p, "_n", pLen); 579 mTextureNormal = GFXTexHandle( (StringTableEntry)buffer, &GFXDefaultGUIProfile, avar("%s() - mTextureNormal (line %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) ); 580 581 dStrcpy(p, "_d", pLen); 582 mTextureDepressed = GFXTexHandle( (StringTableEntry)buffer, &GFXDefaultGUIProfile, avar("%s() - mTextureDepressed (line %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) ); 583 if ( !mTextureDepressed ) 584 mTextureDepressed = mTextureNormal; 585 } 586 else 587 { 588 mTextureNormal = NULL; 589 mTextureDepressed = NULL; 590 } 591 setUpdate(); 592} 593 594//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 595void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::sort() 596{ 597 S32 selId = getSelected(); 598 599 S32 size = mEntries.size(); 600 if( size > 0 ) 601 dQsort( mEntries.address(), size, sizeof(Entry), textCompare); 602 603 if( selId != -1 ) 604 setSelected( selId, false ); 605} 606 607// Added to sort by entry ID 608//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 609void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::sortID() 610{ 611 S32 selId = getSelected(); 612 613 S32 size = mEntries.size(); 614 if( size > 0 ) 615 dQsort( mEntries.address(), size, sizeof(Entry), idCompare); 616 617 if( selId != -1 ) 618 setSelected( selId, false ); 619} 620 621//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 622void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::addEntry( const char *buf, S32 id, U32 scheme ) 623{ 624 if( !buf ) 625 { 626 //Con::printf( "GuiPopupMenuCtrlEx::addEntry - Invalid buffer!" ); 627 return; 628 } 629 630 // Ensure that there are no other entries with exactly the same name 631 for ( U32 i = 0; i < mEntries.size(); i++ ) 632 { 633 if ( String::compare( mEntries[i].buf, buf ) == 0 ) 634 return; 635 } 636 637 // If we don't give an id, create one from mIdMax 638 if( id == -1 ) 639 id = mIdMax + 1; 640 641 // Increase mIdMax when an id is greater than it 642 if( id > mIdMax ) 643 mIdMax = id; 644 645 Entry e; 646 dStrcpy( e.buf, buf, 256 ); 647 = id; 648 e.scheme = scheme; 649 650 // see if there is a shortcut key 651 char * cp = dStrchr( e.buf, '~' ); 652 e.ascii = cp ? cp[1] : 0; 653 654 // See if there is a colour box defined with the text 655 char *cb = dStrchr( e.buf, '|' ); 656 if ( cb ) 657 { 658 e.usesColorBox = true; 659 cb[0] = '\0'; 660 661 char* red = &cb[1]; 662 cb = dStrchr(red, '|'); 663 cb[0] = '\0'; 664 char* green = &cb[1]; 665 cb = dStrchr(green, '|'); 666 cb[0] = '\0'; 667 char* blue = &cb[1]; 668 669 U32 r = dAtoi(red); 670 U32 g = dAtoi(green); 671 U32 b = dAtoi(blue); 672 673 e.colorbox = ColorI(r,g,b); 674 675 } 676 else 677 { 678 e.usesColorBox = false; 679 } 680 681 mEntries.push_back(e); 682 683 if ( mInAction && mTl ) 684 { 685 // Add the new entry: 686 mTl->addEntry(, e.buf ); 687 repositionPopup(); 688 } 689} 690 691//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 692void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::addScheme( U32 id, ColorI fontColor, ColorI fontColorHL, ColorI fontColorSEL ) 693{ 694 if ( !id ) 695 return; 696 697 Scheme newScheme; 698 = id; 699 newScheme.fontColor = fontColor; 700 newScheme.fontColorHL = fontColorHL; 701 newScheme.fontColorSEL = fontColorSEL; 702 703 mSchemes.push_back( newScheme ); 704} 705 706//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 707S32 GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::getSelected() 708{ 709 if (mSelIndex == -1) 710 return 0; 711 return mEntries[mSelIndex].id; 712} 713 714//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 715bool GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::setEntryText( S32 id, const char* buf ) 716{ 717 const U32 numEntries = getNumEntries(); 718 for( U32 i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) 719 { 720 if( mEntries[ i ].id == id ) 721 { 722 Entry& entry = mEntries[ i ]; 723 dStrncpy( entry.buf, buf, sizeof( entry.buf ) ); 724 entry.buf[ sizeof( entry.buf ) - 1 ] = '\0'; 725 return true; 726 } 727 } 728 729 return false; 730} 731 732//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 733const char* GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::getTextById(S32 id) 734{ 735 for ( U32 i = 0; i < mEntries.size(); i++ ) 736 { 737 if ( mEntries[i].id == id ) 738 return( mEntries[i].buf ); 739 } 740 741 return( "" ); 742} 743 744//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 745S32 GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::findText( const char* text ) 746{ 747 for ( U32 i = 0; i < mEntries.size(); i++ ) 748 { 749 if ( String::compare( text, mEntries[i].buf ) == 0 ) 750 return( mEntries[i].id ); 751 } 752 return( -1 ); 753} 754 755//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 756void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::setSelected(S32 id, bool bNotifyScript ) 757{ 758 for( S32 i = 0; i < mEntries.size(); i++ ) 759 { 760 if( id == mEntries[i].id ) 761 { 762 i = ( mRevNum > i ) ? mRevNum - i : i; 763 mSelIndex = i; 764 765 if( mReplaceText ) // Only change the displayed text if appropriate. 766 setText( mEntries[ i ].buf ); 767 768 // Now perform the popup action: 769 770 if( bNotifyScript ) 771 { 772 if( isMethod( "onSelect" ) ) 773 Con::executef( this, "onSelect", Con::getIntArg( mEntries[ mSelIndex ].id ), mEntries[mSelIndex].buf ); 774 775 execConsoleCallback(); 776 } 777 778 return; 779 } 780 } 781 782 if( mReplaceText ) // Only change the displayed text if appropriate. 783 { 784 setText(""); 785 } 786 mSelIndex = -1; 787 788 if( bNotifyScript && isMethod( "onCancel" ) ) 789 Con::executef( this, "onCancel" ); 790 791 if( id == -1 ) 792 return; 793 794 // Execute the popup console command: 795 if( bNotifyScript ) 796 execConsoleCallback(); 797} 798 799//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 800// Added to set the first item as selected. 801void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::setFirstSelected( bool bNotifyScript ) 802{ 803 if( mEntries.size() > 0 ) 804 { 805 mSelIndex = 0; 806 if ( mReplaceText ) // Only change the displayed text if appropriate. 807 { 808 setText( mEntries[0].buf ); 809 } 810 811 // Execute the popup console command: 812 if( bNotifyScript ) 813 { 814 if ( isMethod( "onSelect" ) ) 815 Con::executef( this, "onSelect", Con::getIntArg( mEntries[ mSelIndex ].id ), mEntries[mSelIndex].buf ); 816 817 execConsoleCallback(); 818 } 819 } 820 else 821 { 822 if ( mReplaceText ) // Only change the displayed text if appropriate. 823 setText(""); 824 825 mSelIndex = -1; 826 827 if( bNotifyScript ) 828 { 829 Con::executef( this, "onCancel" ); 830 execConsoleCallback(); 831 } 832 } 833} 834 835//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 836// Added to set no items as selected. 837void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::setNoneSelected() 838{ 839 if ( mReplaceText ) // Only change the displayed text if appropriate. 840 { 841 setText(""); 842 } 843 mSelIndex = -1; 844} 845 846//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 847const char *GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::getScriptValue() 848{ 849 return getText(); 850} 851 852//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 853void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::onRender( Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect ) 854{ 855 TORQUE_UNUSED(updateRect); 856 Point2I localStart; 857 858 if ( mScrollDir != GuiScrollCtrl::None ) 859 autoScroll(); 860 861 GFXDrawUtil* drawUtil = GFX->getDrawUtil(); 862 863 RectI baseRect( offset, getExtent() ); 864 if ( mInAction ) 865 { 866 S32 left = baseRect.point.x, right = baseRect.point.x + baseRect.extent.x - 1; 867 S32 top = baseRect.point.y, bottom = baseRect.point.y + baseRect.extent.y - 1; 868 869 // Do we render a bitmap border or lines? 870 if ( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() ) 871 { 872 // Render the fixed, filled in border 873 renderFixedBitmapBordersFilled(baseRect, 3, mProfile ); 874 875 } 876 else 877 { 878 //renderSlightlyLoweredBox(r, mProfile); 879 drawUtil->drawRectFill(baseRect, mProfile->mFillColor ); 880 } 881 882 // Draw a bitmap over the background? 883 if ( mTextureDepressed ) 884 { 885 RectI rect(offset, mBitmapBounds); 886 drawUtil->clearBitmapModulation(); 887 drawUtil->drawBitmapStretch( mTextureDepressed, rect ); 888 } 889 else if ( mTextureNormal ) 890 { 891 RectI rect(offset, mBitmapBounds); 892 drawUtil->clearBitmapModulation(); 893 drawUtil->drawBitmapStretch( mTextureNormal, rect ); 894 } 895 896 // Do we render a bitmap border or lines? 897 if ( !( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() ) ) 898 { 899 drawUtil->drawLine(left, top, left, bottom, colorWhite ); 900 drawUtil->drawLine(left, top, right, top, colorWhite ); 901 drawUtil->drawLine(left + 1, bottom, right, bottom, mProfile->mBorderColor ); 902 drawUtil->drawLine(right, top + 1, right, bottom - 1, mProfile->mBorderColor ); 903 } 904 905 } 906 else 907 // TODO: Implement 908 // TODO: Add onMouseEnter() and onMouseLeave() and a definition of mMouseOver (see guiButtonBaseCtrl) for this to work. 909 if ( mMouseOver ) 910 { 911 S32 left = baseRect.point.x, right = baseRect.point.x + baseRect.extent.x - 1; 912 S32 top = baseRect.point.y, bottom = baseRect.point.y + baseRect.extent.y - 1; 913 914 // Do we render a bitmap border or lines? 915 if ( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() ) 916 { 917 // Render the fixed, filled in border 918 renderFixedBitmapBordersFilled(baseRect, 2, mProfile ); 919 920 } 921 else 922 { 923 drawUtil->drawRectFill(baseRect, mProfile->mFillColorHL ); 924 } 925 926 // Draw a bitmap over the background? 927 if ( mTextureNormal ) 928 { 929 RectI rect( offset, mBitmapBounds ); 930 drawUtil->clearBitmapModulation(); 931 drawUtil->drawBitmapStretch( mTextureNormal, rect ); 932 } 933 934 // Do we render a bitmap border or lines? 935 if ( !( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() ) ) 936 { 937 drawUtil->drawLine(left, top, left, bottom, colorWhite); 938 drawUtil->drawLine(left, top, right, top, colorWhite); 939 drawUtil->drawLine(left + 1, bottom, right, bottom, mProfile->mBorderColor); 940 drawUtil->drawLine(right, top + 1, right, bottom - 1, mProfile->mBorderColor); 941 } 942 } 943 else 944 { 945 // Do we render a bitmap border or lines? 946 if ( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() ) 947 { 948 // Render the fixed, filled in border 949 renderFixedBitmapBordersFilled(baseRect, 1, mProfile ); 950 } 951 else 952 { 953 drawUtil->drawRectFill(baseRect, mProfile->mFillColorNA ); 954 } 955 956 // Draw a bitmap over the background? 957 if ( mTextureNormal ) 958 { 959 RectI rect(offset, mBitmapBounds); 960 drawUtil->clearBitmapModulation(); 961 drawUtil->drawBitmapStretch( mTextureNormal, rect ); 962 } 963 964 // Do we render a bitmap border or lines? 965 if ( !( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() ) ) 966 { 967 drawUtil->drawRect( baseRect, mProfile->mBorderColorNA ); 968 } 969 } 970 // renderSlightlyRaisedBox(r, mProfile); // Used to be the only 'else' condition to mInAction above. 971 972 S32 txt_w = mProfile->mFont->getStrWidth(mText); 973 localStart.x = 0; 974 localStart.y = (getHeight() - (mProfile->mFont->getHeight())) / 2; 975 976 // align the horizontal 977 switch (mProfile->mAlignment) 978 { 979 case GuiControlProfile::RightJustify: 980 if ( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() ) 981 { 982 // We're making use of a bitmap border, so take into account the 983 // right cap of the border. 984 RectI* bitmapBounds = mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.address(); 985 localStart.x = getWidth() - bitmapBounds[2].extent.x - txt_w; 986 } 987 else 988 { 989 localStart.x = getWidth() - txt_w; 990 } 991 break; 992 case GuiControlProfile::CenterJustify: 993 if ( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() ) 994 { 995 // We're making use of a bitmap border, so take into account the 996 // right cap of the border. 997 RectI* bitmapBounds = mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.address(); 998 localStart.x = (getWidth() - bitmapBounds[2].extent.x - txt_w) / 2; 999 1000 } else 1001 { 1002 localStart.x = (getWidth() - txt_w) / 2; 1003 } 1004 break; 1005 default: 1006 // GuiControlProfile::LeftJustify 1007 if ( txt_w > getWidth() ) 1008 { 1009 // The width of the text is greater than the width of the control. 1010 // In this case we will right justify the text and leave some space 1011 // for the down arrow. 1012 if ( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() ) 1013 { 1014 // We're making use of a bitmap border, so take into account the 1015 // right cap of the border. 1016 RectI* bitmapBounds = mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.address(); 1017 localStart.x = getWidth() - bitmapBounds[2].extent.x - txt_w; 1018 } 1019 else 1020 { 1021 localStart.x = getWidth() - txt_w - 12; 1022 } 1023 } 1024 else 1025 { 1026 localStart.x = mProfile->mTextOffset.x; // Use mProfile->mTextOffset as a controlable margin for the control's text. 1027 } 1028 break; 1029 } 1030 1031 // Do we first draw a coloured box beside the text? 1032 ColorI boxColor; 1033 bool drawbox = getColoredBox( boxColor, mSelIndex); 1034 if ( drawbox ) 1035 { 1036 Point2I coloredboxsize( 15, 10 ); 1037 RectI boxBounds( offset.x + mProfile->mTextOffset.x, offset.y + ( (getHeight() - coloredboxsize.y ) / 2 ), coloredboxsize.x, coloredboxsize.y ); 1038 drawUtil->drawRectFill(boxBounds, boxColor); 1039 drawUtil->drawRect(boxBounds, ColorI(0,0,0)); 1040 1041 localStart.x += coloredboxsize.x + mProfile->mTextOffset.x; 1042 } 1043 1044 // Draw the text 1045 Point2I globalStart = localToGlobalCoord( localStart ); 1046 ColorI fontColor = mActive ? ( mInAction ? mProfile->mFontColor : mProfile->mFontColorNA ) : mProfile->mFontColorNA; 1047 drawUtil->setBitmapModulation( fontColor ); // was: (mProfile->mFontColor); 1048 1049 // Get the number of columns in the text 1050 S32 colcount = getColumnCount( mText, "\t" ); 1051 1052 // Are there two or more columns? 1053 if ( colcount >= 2 ) 1054 { 1055 char buff[256]; 1056 1057 // Draw the first column 1058 getColumn( mText, buff, 0, "\t" ); 1059 drawUtil->drawText( mProfile->mFont, globalStart, buff, mProfile->mFontColors ); 1060 1061 // Draw the second column to the right 1062 getColumn( mText, buff, 1, "\t" ); 1063 S32 colTxt_w = mProfile->mFont->getStrWidth( buff ); 1064 if ( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() ) 1065 { 1066 // We're making use of a bitmap border, so take into account the 1067 // right cap of the border. 1068 RectI* bitmapBounds = mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.address(); 1069 Point2I textpos = localToGlobalCoord( Point2I( getWidth() - colTxt_w - bitmapBounds[2].extent.x, localStart.y ) ); 1070 drawUtil->drawText( mProfile->mFont, textpos, buff, mProfile->mFontColors ); 1071 1072 } else 1073 { 1074 Point2I textpos = localToGlobalCoord( Point2I( getWidth() - colTxt_w - 12, localStart.y ) ); 1075 drawUtil->drawText( mProfile->mFont, textpos, buff, mProfile->mFontColors ); 1076 } 1077 1078 } else 1079 { 1080 drawUtil->drawText( mProfile->mFont, globalStart, mText, mProfile->mFontColors ); 1081 } 1082 1083 // If we're rendering a bitmap border, then it will take care of the arrow. 1084 if ( !(mProfile->getChildrenProfile() && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size()) ) 1085 { 1086 // Draw a triangle (down arrow) 1087 S32 left = baseRect.point.x + baseRect.extent.x - 12; 1088 S32 right = left + 8; 1089 S32 middle = left + 4; 1090 S32 top = baseRect.extent.y / 2 + baseRect.point.y - 4; 1091 S32 bottom = top + 8; 1092 1093 PrimBuild::color( mProfile->mFontColor ); 1094 1095 PrimBuild::begin( GFXTriangleList, 3 ); 1096 PrimBuild::vertex2fv( Point3F( (F32)left, (F32)top, 0.0f ) ); 1097 PrimBuild::vertex2fv( Point3F( (F32)right, (F32)top, 0.0f ) ); 1098 PrimBuild::vertex2fv( Point3F( (F32)middle, (F32)bottom, 0.0f ) ); 1099 PrimBuild::end(); 1100 } 1101} 1102 1103//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1104void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::closePopUp() 1105{ 1106 if ( !mInAction ) 1107 return; 1108 1109 // Get the selection from the text list: 1110 1111 if( !mBackgroundCancel ) 1112 { 1113 mSelIndex = mTl->getSelectedCell().y; 1114 mSelIndex = ( mRevNum >= mSelIndex && mSelIndex != -1 ) ? mRevNum - mSelIndex : mSelIndex; 1115 if ( mSelIndex != -1 ) 1116 { 1117 if ( mReplaceText ) 1118 setText( mEntries[mSelIndex].buf ); 1119 setIntVariable( mEntries[mSelIndex].id ); 1120 } 1121 } 1122 1123 // Release the mouse: 1124 mInAction = false; 1125 mTl->mouseUnlock(); 1126 1127 // Now perform the popup action: 1128 if( mSelIndex != -1 && !mBackgroundCancel ) 1129 { 1130 if ( isMethod( "onSelect" ) ) 1131 Con::executef( this, "onSelect", Con::getIntArg( mEntries[ mSelIndex ].id ), mEntries[mSelIndex].buf ); 1132 1133 // Execute the popup console command: 1134 execConsoleCallback(); 1135 } 1136 else if ( isMethod( "onCancel" ) ) 1137 Con::executef( this, "onCancel" ); 1138 1139 // Pop the background: 1140 GuiCanvas *root = getRoot(); 1141 if ( root ) 1142 root->popDialogControl(mBackground); 1143 1144 // Kill the popup: 1145 mBackground->removeObject( mSc ); 1146 mTl->deleteObject(); 1147 mSc->deleteObject(); 1148 mBackground->deleteObject(); 1149 1150 mBackground = NULL; 1151 mTl = NULL; 1152 mSc = NULL; 1153 1154 // Set this as the first responder: 1155 setFirstResponder(); 1156} 1157 1158//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1159bool GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::onKeyDown(const GuiEvent &event) 1160{ 1161 //if the control is a dead end, don't process the input: 1162 if ( !mVisible || !mActive || !mAwake ) 1163 return false; 1164 1165 //see if the key down is a <return> or not 1166 if ( event.keyCode == KEY_RETURN && event.modifier == 0 ) 1167 { 1168 onAction(); 1169 return true; 1170 } 1171 1172 //otherwise, pass the event to its parent 1173 return Parent::onKeyDown( event ); 1174} 1175 1176//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1177void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::onAction() 1178{ 1179 GuiControl *canCtrl = getParent(); 1180 1181 addChildren(); 1182 1183 GuiCanvas *root = getRoot(); 1184 Point2I windowExt = root->getExtent(); 1185 1186 mBackground->resize( Point2I(0,0), root->getExtent() ); 1187 1188 S32 textWidth = 0, width = getWidth(); 1189 const S32 textSpace = 2; 1190 bool setScroll = false; 1191 1192 for ( U32 i = 0; i < mEntries.size(); ++i ) 1193 if ( S32(mProfile->mFont->getStrWidth( mEntries[i].buf )) > textWidth ) 1194 textWidth = mProfile->mFont->getStrWidth( mEntries[i].buf ); 1195 1196 S32 sbWidth = mSc->getControlProfile()->mBorderThickness * 2 + mSc->scrollBarThickness(); // Calculate the scroll bar width 1197 if ( textWidth > ( getWidth() - sbWidth-mProfile->mTextOffset.x - mSc->getChildMargin().x * 2 ) ) // The text draw area to test against is the width of the drop-down minus the scroll bar width, the text margin and the scroll bar child margins. 1198 { 1199 textWidth +=sbWidth + mProfile->mTextOffset.x + mSc->getChildMargin().x * 2; // The new width is the width of the text plus the scroll bar width plus the text margin size plus the scroll bar child margins. 1200 width = textWidth; 1201 1202 // If a child margin is not defined for the scroll control, let's add 1203 // some space between the text and scroll control for readability 1204 if(mSc->getChildMargin().x == 0) 1205 width += textSpace; 1206 } 1207 1208 mTl->setCellSize(Point2I(width, mProfile->mFont->getHeight() + textSpace)); 1209 1210 for ( U32 j = 0; j < mEntries.size(); ++j ) 1211 mTl->addEntry( mEntries[j].id, mEntries[j].buf ); 1212 1213 if ( mSelIndex >= 0 ) 1214 mTl->setSelectedCell( Point2I( 0, mSelIndex ) ); 1215 1216 Point2I pointInGC = canCtrl->localToGlobalCoord( getPosition() ); 1217 Point2I scrollPoint( pointInGC.x, pointInGC.y + getHeight() ); 1218 1219 //Calc max Y distance, so Scroll Ctrl will fit on window 1220 1221 S32 sbBorder = mSc->getControlProfile()->mBorderThickness * 2 + mSc->getChildMargin().y * 2; 1222 S32 maxYdis = windowExt.y - pointInGC.y - getHeight() - sbBorder; 1223 1224 //If scroll bars need to be added 1225 mRevNum = 0; 1226 if ( maxYdis < mTl->getHeight() + sbBorder ) 1227 { 1228 //Should we pop menu list above the button 1229 if ( maxYdis < pointInGC.y ) 1230 { 1231 if(mReverseTextList) 1232 reverseTextList(); 1233 1234 maxYdis = pointInGC.y; 1235 //Does the menu need a scroll bar 1236 if ( maxYdis < mTl->getHeight() + sbBorder ) 1237 { 1238 setScroll = true; 1239 } 1240 //No scroll bar needed 1241 else 1242 { 1243 maxYdis = mTl->getHeight() + sbBorder; 1244 } 1245 1246 // Added the next two lines 1247 scrollPoint.set(pointInGC.x, pointInGC.y - maxYdis); // Used to have the following on the end: '-1);' 1248 } 1249 //Scroll bar needed but Don't pop above button 1250 else 1251 { 1252 setScroll = true; 1253 } 1254 } 1255 //No scroll bar needed 1256 else 1257 { 1258 maxYdis = mTl->getHeight() + sbBorder; 1259 } 1260 1261 RectI newBounds = mSc->getBounds(); 1262 1263 //offset it from the background so it lines up properly 1264 newBounds.point = mBackground->globalToLocalCoord( scrollPoint ); 1265 1266 if ( newBounds.point.x + width > mBackground->getWidth() ) 1267 if ( width - getWidth() > 0 ) 1268 newBounds.point.x -= width - getWidth(); 1269 1270 newBounds.extent.set( width, maxYdis ); 1271 mSc->setBounds( newBounds ); 1272 1273 mSc->registerObject(); 1274 mTl->registerObject(); 1275 mBackground->registerObject(); 1276 1277 mSc->addObject( mTl ); 1278 mBackground->addObject( mSc ); 1279 1280 mBackgroundCancel = false; // Setup check if user clicked on the background instead of the text list (ie: didn't want to change their current selection). 1281 1282 root->pushDialogControl( mBackground, 99 ); 1283 1284 if ( setScroll ) 1285 { 1286 // Resize the text list 1287 Point2I cellSize; 1288 mTl->getCellSize( cellSize ); 1289 cellSize.x = width - mSc->scrollBarThickness() - sbBorder; 1290 mTl->setCellSize( cellSize ); 1291 mTl->setWidth( cellSize.x ); 1292 1293 if ( mSelIndex ) 1294 mTl->scrollCellVisible( Point2I( 0, mSelIndex ) ); 1295 else 1296 mTl->scrollCellVisible( Point2I( 0, 0 ) ); 1297 } 1298 1299 mTl->setFirstResponder(); 1300 1301 mInAction = true; 1302} 1303 1304//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1305void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::addChildren() 1306{ 1307 // Create Text List. 1308 mTl = new GuiPopupTextListCtrl( this ); 1309 AssertFatal( mTl, "Failed to create the GuiPopUpTextListCtrl for the PopUpMenu" ); 1310 // Use the children's profile rather than the parent's profile, if it exists. 1311 mTl->setControlProfile( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() ? mProfile->getChildrenProfile() : mProfile ); 1312 mTl->setField("noDuplicates", "false"); 1313 1314 mSc = new GuiScrollCtrl; 1315 AssertFatal( mSc, "Failed to create the GuiScrollCtrl for the PopUpMenu" ); 1316 GuiControlProfile *prof; 1317 if ( Sim::findObject( "GuiScrollProfile", prof ) ) 1318 { 1319 mSc->setControlProfile( prof ); 1320 } 1321 else 1322 { 1323 // Use the children's profile rather than the parent's profile, if it exists. 1324 mSc->setControlProfile( mProfile->getChildrenProfile() ? mProfile->getChildrenProfile() : mProfile ); 1325 } 1326 1327 mSc->setField( "hScrollBar", "AlwaysOff" ); 1328 mSc->setField( "vScrollBar", "dynamic" ); 1329 //if(mRenderScrollInNA) // Force the scroll control to render using fillColorNA rather than fillColor 1330 // mSc->mUseNABackground = true; 1331 1332 mBackground = new GuiPopUpBackgroundCtrl( this, mTl ); 1333 AssertFatal( mBackground, "Failed to create the GuiBackgroundCtrl for the PopUpMenu" ); 1334} 1335 1336//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1337void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::repositionPopup() 1338{ 1339 if ( !mInAction || !mSc || !mTl ) 1340 return; 1341 1342 // I'm not concerned with this right now... 1343} 1344 1345//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1346void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::reverseTextList() 1347{ 1348 mTl->clear(); 1349 for ( S32 i = mEntries.size()-1; i >= 0; --i ) 1350 mTl->addEntry( mEntries[i].id, mEntries[i].buf ); 1351 1352 // Don't lose the selected cell: 1353 if ( mSelIndex >= 0 ) 1354 mTl->setSelectedCell( Point2I( 0, mEntries.size() - mSelIndex - 1 ) ); 1355 1356 mRevNum = mEntries.size() - 1; 1357} 1358 1359//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1360bool GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::getFontColor( ColorI &fontColor, S32 id, bool selected, bool mouseOver ) 1361{ 1362 U32 i; 1363 Entry* entry = NULL; 1364 for ( i = 0; i < mEntries.size(); i++ ) 1365 { 1366 if ( mEntries[i].id == id ) 1367 { 1368 entry = &mEntries[i]; 1369 break; 1370 } 1371 } 1372 1373 if ( !entry ) 1374 return( false ); 1375 1376 if ( entry->scheme != 0 ) 1377 { 1378 // Find the entry's color scheme: 1379 for ( i = 0; i < mSchemes.size(); i++ ) 1380 { 1381 if ( mSchemes[i].id == entry->scheme ) 1382 { 1383 fontColor = selected ? mSchemes[i].fontColorSEL : mouseOver ? mSchemes[i].fontColorHL : mSchemes[i].fontColor; 1384 return( true ); 1385 } 1386 } 1387 } 1388 1389 // Default color scheme... 1390 fontColor = selected ? mProfile->mFontColorSEL : mouseOver ? mProfile->mFontColorHL : mProfile->mFontColorNA; // Modified the final color choice from mProfile->mFontColor to mProfile->mFontColorNA 1391 1392 return( true ); 1393} 1394 1395//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1396// Added 1397bool GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::getColoredBox( ColorI &fontColor, S32 id ) 1398{ 1399 U32 i; 1400 Entry* entry = NULL; 1401 for ( i = 0; i < mEntries.size(); i++ ) 1402 { 1403 if ( mEntries[i].id == id ) 1404 { 1405 entry = &mEntries[i]; 1406 break; 1407 } 1408 } 1409 1410 if ( !entry ) 1411 return false; 1412 1413 if ( entry->usesColorBox == false ) 1414 return false; 1415 1416 fontColor = entry->colorbox; 1417 1418 return true; 1419} 1420 1421//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1422void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::onMouseDown( const GuiEvent &event ) 1423{ 1424 TORQUE_UNUSED(event); 1425 1426 if( !mVisible || !mActive || !mAwake ) 1427 return; 1428 1429 onAction(); 1430} 1431 1432//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1433void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::onMouseUp( const GuiEvent &event ) 1434{ 1435 TORQUE_UNUSED(event); 1436} 1437 1438//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1439// Added 1440void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::onMouseEnter( const GuiEvent &event ) 1441{ 1442 mMouseOver = true; 1443} 1444 1445//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1446// Added 1447void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::onMouseLeave( const GuiEvent &event ) 1448{ 1449 mMouseOver = false; 1450} 1451 1452//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1453void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::setupAutoScroll( const GuiEvent &event ) 1454{ 1455 GuiControl *parent = getParent(); 1456 if ( !parent ) 1457 return; 1458 1459 Point2I mousePt = mSc->globalToLocalCoord( event.mousePoint ); 1460 1461 mEventSave = event; 1462 1463 if ( mLastYvalue != mousePt.y ) 1464 { 1465 mScrollDir = GuiScrollCtrl::None; 1466 if ( mousePt.y > mSc->getHeight() || mousePt.y < 0 ) 1467 { 1468 S32 topOrBottom = ( mousePt.y > mSc->getHeight() ) ? 1 : 0; 1469 mSc->scrollTo( 0, topOrBottom ); 1470 return; 1471 } 1472 1473 F32 percent = (F32)mousePt.y / (F32)mSc->getHeight(); 1474 if ( percent > 0.7f && mousePt.y > mLastYvalue ) 1475 { 1476 mIncValue = percent - 0.5f; 1477 mScrollDir = GuiScrollCtrl::DownArrow; 1478 } 1479 else if ( percent < 0.3f && mousePt.y < mLastYvalue ) 1480 { 1481 mIncValue = 0.5f - percent; 1482 mScrollDir = GuiScrollCtrl::UpArrow; 1483 } 1484 mLastYvalue = mousePt.y; 1485 } 1486} 1487 1488//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1489void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::autoScroll() 1490{ 1491 mScrollCount += mIncValue; 1492 1493 while ( mScrollCount > 1 ) 1494 { 1495 mSc->autoScroll( mScrollDir ); 1496 mScrollCount -= 1; 1497 } 1498 mTl->onMouseMove( mEventSave ); 1499} 1500 1501//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1502void GuiPopUpMenuCtrl::replaceText(S32 boolVal) 1503{ 1504 mReplaceText = boolVal; 1505} 1506