Camera and FOV info.
Public Variables
For frame signal.
Public Functions
ConsoleFunctionGroupBegin(Containers , "Spatial query functions. <<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1a91b64995742fd30063314f12340b4b5a">b</a>>Server side only!</<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1a91b64995742fd30063314f12340b4b5a">b</a>>" )
ConsoleFunctionGroupEnd(Containers )
DefineEngineFunction(containerFindFirst , const char * , (U32 typeMask, Point3F origin, Point3F size) , "(int mask, <a href="/coding/class/classpoint3f/">Point3F</a> point, float x, float y, float z)" "@brief Find objects matching the bitmask type within <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> box centered at point, with extents x, y , <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">z.\n\n</a>" " @returns The first object found, or an empty string <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> nothing was found. Thereafter, you can get more " "results using containerFindNext()." " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">containerFindNext\n</a>" " @ingroup Game" )
DefineEngineFunction(containerFindNext , const char * , () , "()" "@brief Get more results from <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> previous call <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> containerFindFirst().\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n\n</a>" "@note You must call containerFindFirst() <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> begin the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">search.\n</a>" "@returns The next object found, or an empty string <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> nothing else was <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">found.\n</a>" " @see containerFindFirst()\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " @ingroup Game" )
DefineEngineFunction(setDefaultFov , void , (F32 defaultFOV) , "@brief Set the default FOV <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1a2732ab74fa0237854c2ba0f75f88a624">for</a> <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">camera.\n</a>" "@param defaultFOV The default field of view in <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">degrees\n</a>" "@ingroup CameraSystem" )
DefineEngineFunction(setFov , void , (F32 FOV) , "@brief Set the FOV of the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">camera.\n</a>" "@param FOV The camera's <a href="/coding/file/tmm__on_8h/#tmm__on_8h_1a1ac41480eb2e4aadd52252ee550b630a">new</a> FOV in <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">degrees\n</a>" "@ingroup CameraSystem" )
DefineEngineFunction(setZoomSpeed , void , (S32 speed) , "@brief Set the zoom speed of the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">camera.\n</a>" "This affects how quickly the camera changes from one field of view " "<a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">another.\n</a>" "@param speed The camera's zoom speed in ms per 90deg FOV <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">change\n</a>" "@ingroup CameraSystem" )
Gets the camera field of view angle.
GameGetCameraTransform(MatrixF * mat, Point3F * velocity)
Gets the position, rotation, and velocity of the camera.
GameProcessCameraQuery(CameraQuery * query)
Does the same thing as GameGetCameraTransform, but fills in other data including information about the far and near clipping planes.
Actually renders the world.
GameSetCameraFov(F32 fov)
Sets the field of view angle of the camera.
Sets where the camera fov will be change to.
Update the camera fov to be closer to the target fov.
renderFrame(GFXTextureTargetRef * target, MatrixF transform, Frustum frustum, U32 typeMask, ColorI canvasClearColor)
Does a full, top-to-bottom call to render a frame.
Detailed Description
Public Variables
S32 gEaseBack
S32 gEaseBounce
S32 gEaseCircular
S32 gEaseCubic
S32 gEaseElastic
S32 gEaseExponential
S32 gEaseIn
S32 gEaseInOut
S32 gEaseLinear
S32 gEaseOut
S32 gEaseQuadratic
S32 gEaseQuartic
S32 gEaseQuintic
S32 gEaseSinusoidal
bool gEditingMission
For frame signal.
U32 sgServerQueryIndex
SimpleQueryList sgServerQueryList
Public Functions
ConsoleFunctionGroupBegin(Containers , "Spatial query functions. <<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1a91b64995742fd30063314f12340b4b5a">b</a>>Server side only!</<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1a91b64995742fd30063314f12340b4b5a">b</a>>" )
ConsoleFunctionGroupEnd(Containers )
DefineEngineFunction(containerFindFirst , const char * , (U32 typeMask, Point3F origin, Point3F size) , "(int mask, <a href="/coding/class/classpoint3f/">Point3F</a> point, float x, float y, float z)" "@brief Find objects matching the bitmask type within <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> box centered at point, with extents x, y , <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">z.\n\n</a>" " @returns The first object found, or an empty string <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> nothing was found. Thereafter, you can get more " "results using containerFindNext()." " @see <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">containerFindNext\n</a>" " @ingroup Game" )
DefineEngineFunction(containerFindNext , const char * , () , "()" "@brief Get more results from <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> previous call <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> containerFindFirst().\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n\n</a>" "@note You must call containerFindFirst() <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> begin the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">search.\n</a>" "@returns The next object found, or an empty string <a href="/coding/file/tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp/#tsmeshintrinsics_8cpp_1a4e4fa7e3399708e0777b5308db01278c">if</a> nothing else was <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">found.\n</a>" " @see containerFindFirst()\<a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">n</a>" " @ingroup Game" )
DefineEngineFunction(setDefaultFov , void , (F32 defaultFOV) , "@brief Set the default FOV <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1a2732ab74fa0237854c2ba0f75f88a624">for</a> <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">camera.\n</a>" "@param defaultFOV The default field of view in <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">degrees\n</a>" "@ingroup CameraSystem" )
DefineEngineFunction(setFov , void , (F32 FOV) , "@brief Set the FOV of the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">camera.\n</a>" "@param FOV The camera's <a href="/coding/file/tmm__on_8h/#tmm__on_8h_1a1ac41480eb2e4aadd52252ee550b630a">new</a> FOV in <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">degrees\n</a>" "@ingroup CameraSystem" )
DefineEngineFunction(setZoomSpeed , void , (S32 speed) , "@brief Set the zoom speed of the <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">camera.\n</a>" "This affects how quickly the camera changes from one field of view " "<a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">another.\n</a>" "@param speed The camera's zoom speed in ms per 90deg FOV <a href="/coding/file/cmdscan_8cpp/#cmdscan_8cpp_1aeab71244afb687f16d8c4f5ee9d6ef0e">change\n</a>" "@ingroup CameraSystem" )
Gets the camera field of view angle.
GameGetCameraTransform(MatrixF * mat, Point3F * velocity)
Gets the position, rotation, and velocity of the camera.
GameProcessCameraQuery(CameraQuery * query)
Does the same thing as GameGetCameraTransform, but fills in other data including information about the far and near clipping planes.
Actually renders the world.
This is the function that will render the scene ONLY - new guis, no damage flashes.
GameSetCameraFov(F32 fov)
Sets the field of view angle of the camera.
GameSetCameraTargetFov(F32 fov)
Sets where the camera fov will be change to.
This is for non-instantaneous zooms/retractions.
Update the camera fov to be closer to the target fov.
notify(GameSetCameraFov )
renderFrame(GFXTextureTargetRef * target, MatrixF transform, Frustum frustum, U32 typeMask, ColorI canvasClearColor)
Does a full, top-to-bottom call to render a frame.
This does all the setup to make a render happen Allowing setting of a intended render target, a view transform, the view frustum, resolution, objects-to-render typemask, and the clear color
1 2//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3// Copyright (c) 2012 GarageGames, LLC 4// 5// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 6// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to 7// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the 8// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or 9// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 10// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 11// 12// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 13// all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 14// 15// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 16// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 17// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 18// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 19// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING 20// FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS 21// IN THE SOFTWARE. 22//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 24#include "platform/platform.h" 25#include "T3D/gameFunctions.h" 26#include "T3D/gameBase/gameConnection.h" 27#include "T3D/camera.h" 28#include "T3D/sfx/sfx3DWorld.h" 29#include "console/consoleTypes.h" 30#include "gui/3d/guiTSControl.h" 31#include "core/util/journal/process.h" 32#include "materials/materialManager.h" 33#include "math/mEase.h" 34#include "core/module.h" 35#include "console/engineAPI.h" 36#include "platform/output/IDisplayDevice.h" 37#include "postFx/postEffectManager.h" 38#include "gfx/gfxTransformSaver.h" 39 40static void RegisterGameFunctions(); 41static void Process3D(); 42 43MODULE_BEGIN( 3D ) 44 45 MODULE_INIT_AFTER( Process ) 46 MODULE_INIT_AFTER( Scene ) 47 48 MODULE_SHUTDOWN_BEFORE( Process ) 49 MODULE_SHUTDOWN_BEFORE( Sim ) 50 MODULE_SHUTDOWN_AFTER( Scene ) 51 52 MODULE_INIT 53 { 54 Process::notify(Process3D, PROCESS_TIME_ORDER); 55 56 GameConnection::smFovUpdate.notify(GameSetCameraFov); 57 58 RegisterGameFunctions(); 59 } 60 61 MODULE_SHUTDOWN 62 { 63 GameConnection::smFovUpdate.remove(GameSetCameraFov); 64 65 Process::remove(Process3D); 66 } 67 68MODULE_END; 69 70 71static S32 gEaseInOut = Ease::InOut; 72static S32 gEaseIn = Ease::In; 73static S32 gEaseOut = Ease::Out; 74 75static S32 gEaseLinear = Ease::Linear; 76static S32 gEaseQuadratic= Ease::Quadratic; 77static S32 gEaseCubic= Ease::Cubic; 78static S32 gEaseQuartic = Ease::Quartic; 79static S32 gEaseQuintic = Ease::Quintic; 80static S32 gEaseSinusoidal= Ease::Sinusoidal; 81static S32 gEaseExponential = Ease::Exponential; 82static S32 gEaseCircular = Ease::Circular; 83static S32 gEaseElastic = Ease::Elastic; 84static S32 gEaseBack = Ease::Back; 85static S32 gEaseBounce = Ease::Bounce; 86 87 88extern bool gEditingMission; 89 90extern void ShowInit(); 91 92//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 93/// Camera and FOV info 94namespace CameraAndFOV{ 95 96 const U32 MaxZoomSpeed = 2000; ///< max number of ms to reach target FOV 97 98 static F32 sConsoleCameraFov = 90.f; ///< updated to camera FOV each frame 99 static F32 sDefaultFov = 90.f; ///< normal FOV 100 static F32 sCameraFov = 90.f; ///< current camera FOV 101 static F32 sTargetFov = 90.f; ///< the desired FOV 102 static F32 sLastCameraUpdateTime = 0; ///< last time camera was updated 103 static S32 sZoomSpeed = 500; ///< ms per 90deg fov change 104 105 /// A scale to apply to the normal visible distance 106 /// typically used for tuning performance. 107 static F32 sVisDistanceScale = 1.0f; 108 109} // namespace {} 110 111// query 112static SimpleQueryList sgServerQueryList; 113static U32 sgServerQueryIndex = 0; 114 115//SERVER FUNCTIONS ONLY 116ConsoleFunctionGroupBegin( Containers, "Spatial query functions. <b>Server side only!</b>"); 117 118DefineEngineFunction( containerFindFirst, const char*, (U32 typeMask, Point3F origin, Point3F size), , "(int mask, Point3F point, float x, float y, float z)" 119 "@brief Find objects matching the bitmask type within a box centered at point, with extents x, y, z.\n\n" 120 "@returns The first object found, or an empty string if nothing was found. Thereafter, you can get more " 121 "results using containerFindNext()." 122 "@see containerFindNext\n" 123 "@ingroup Game") 124{ 125 //find out what we're looking for 126 127 //build the container volume 128 Box3F queryBox; 129 queryBox.minExtents = origin; 130 queryBox.maxExtents = origin; 131 queryBox.minExtents -= size; 132 queryBox.maxExtents += size; 133 134 //initialize the list, and do the query 135 sgServerQueryList.mList.clear(); 136 gServerContainer.findObjects(queryBox, typeMask, SimpleQueryList::insertionCallback, &sgServerQueryList); 137 138 //return the first element 139 sgServerQueryIndex = 0; 140 static const U32 bufSize = 100; 141 char *buff = Con::getReturnBuffer(bufSize); 142 if (sgServerQueryList.mList.size()) 143 dSprintf(buff, bufSize, "%d", sgServerQueryList.mList[sgServerQueryIndex++]->getId()); 144 else 145 buff[0] = '\0'; 146 147 return buff; 148} 149 150DefineEngineFunction( containerFindNext, const char*, (), , "()" 151 "@brief Get more results from a previous call to containerFindFirst().\n\n" 152 "@note You must call containerFindFirst() to begin the search.\n" 153 "@returns The next object found, or an empty string if nothing else was found.\n" 154 "@see containerFindFirst()\n" 155 "@ingroup Game") 156{ 157 //return the next element 158 static const U32 bufSize = 100; 159 char *buff = Con::getReturnBuffer(bufSize); 160 if (sgServerQueryIndex < sgServerQueryList.mList.size()) 161 dSprintf(buff, bufSize, "%d", sgServerQueryList.mList[sgServerQueryIndex++]->getId()); 162 else 163 buff[0] = '\0'; 164 165 return buff; 166} 167 168ConsoleFunctionGroupEnd( Containers ); 169 170//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 171 172bool GameGetCameraTransform(MatrixF *mat, Point3F *velocity) 173{ 174 // Return the position and velocity of the control object 175 GameConnection* connection = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer(); 176 return connection && connection->getControlCameraTransform(0, mat) && 177 connection->getControlCameraVelocity(velocity); 178} 179 180//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 181DefineEngineFunction( setDefaultFov, void, ( F32 defaultFOV ),, 182 "@brief Set the default FOV for a camera.\n" 183 "@param defaultFOV The default field of view in degrees\n" 184 "@ingroup CameraSystem") 185{ 186 CameraAndFOV::sDefaultFov = mClampF(defaultFOV, MinCameraFov, MaxCameraFov); 187 if(CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov == CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov) 188 CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov = CameraAndFOV::sDefaultFov; 189} 190 191DefineEngineFunction( setZoomSpeed, void, ( S32 speed ),, 192 "@brief Set the zoom speed of the camera.\n" 193 "This affects how quickly the camera changes from one field of view " 194 "to another.\n" 195 "@param speed The camera's zoom speed in ms per 90deg FOV change\n" 196 "@ingroup CameraSystem") 197{ 198 CameraAndFOV::sZoomSpeed = mClamp(speed, 0, CameraAndFOV::MaxZoomSpeed); 199} 200 201DefineEngineFunction( setFov, void, ( F32 FOV ),, 202 "@brief Set the FOV of the camera.\n" 203 "@param FOV The camera's new FOV in degrees\n" 204 "@ingroup CameraSystem") 205{ 206 CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov = mClampF(FOV, MinCameraFov, MaxCameraFov); 207} 208 209F32 GameGetCameraFov() 210{ 211 return(CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov); 212} 213 214void GameSetCameraFov(F32 fov) 215{ 216 CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov = CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov = fov; 217} 218 219void GameSetCameraTargetFov(F32 fov) 220{ 221 CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov = fov; 222} 223 224void GameUpdateCameraFov() 225{ 226 F32 time = F32(Platform::getVirtualMilliseconds()); 227 228 // need to update fov? 229 if(CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov != CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov) 230 { 231 F32 delta = time - CameraAndFOV::sLastCameraUpdateTime; 232 233 // snap zoom? 234 if((CameraAndFOV::sZoomSpeed == 0) || (delta <= 0.0f)) 235 CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov = CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov; 236 else 237 { 238 // gZoomSpeed is time in ms to zoom 90deg 239 F32 step = 90.f * (delta / F32(CameraAndFOV::sZoomSpeed)); 240 241 if(CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov > CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov) 242 { 243 CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov -= step; 244 if(CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov < CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov) 245 CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov = CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov; 246 } 247 else 248 { 249 CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov += step; 250 if(CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov > CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov) 251 CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov = CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov; 252 } 253 } 254 } 255 256 // the game connection controls the vertical and the horizontal 257 GameConnection * connection = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer(); 258 if(connection) 259 { 260 // check if fov is valid on control object 261 if(connection->isValidControlCameraFov(CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov)) 262 connection->setControlCameraFov(CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov); 263 else 264 { 265 // will set to the closest fov (fails only on invalid control object) 266 if(connection->setControlCameraFov(CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov)) 267 { 268 F32 setFov = CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov; 269 connection->getControlCameraFov(&setFov); 270 CameraAndFOV::sTargetFov =CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov = setFov; 271 } 272 } 273 } 274 275 // update the console variable 276 CameraAndFOV::sConsoleCameraFov = CameraAndFOV::sCameraFov; 277 CameraAndFOV::sLastCameraUpdateTime = time; 278} 279//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 280 281#ifdef TORQUE_DEBUG 282// ConsoleFunction(dumpTSShapes, void, 1, 1, "dumpTSShapes();") 283// { 284// argc, argv; 285 286// FindMatch match("*.dts", 4096); 287// gResourceManager->findMatches(&match); 288 289// for (U32 i = 0; i < match.numMatches(); i++) 290// { 291// U32 j; 292// Resource<TSShape> shape = ResourceManager::get().load(match.matchList[i]); 293// if (bool(shape) == false) 294// Con::errorf(" aaa Couldn't load: %s", match.matchList[i]); 295 296// U32 numMeshes = 0, numSkins = 0; 297// for (j = 0; j < shape->meshes.size(); j++) 298// if (shape->meshes[j]) 299// numMeshes++; 300// for (j = 0; j < shape->skins.size(); j++) 301// if (shape->skins[j]) 302// numSkins++; 303 304// Con::printf(" aaa Shape: %s (%d meshes, %d skins)", match.matchList[i], numMeshes, numSkins); 305// Con::printf(" aaa Meshes"); 306// for (j = 0; j < shape->meshes.size(); j++) 307// { 308// if (shape->meshes[j]) 309// Con::printf(" aaa %d -> nf: %d, nmf: %d, nvpf: %d (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d)", 310// shape->meshes[j]->meshType & TSMesh::TypeMask, 311// shape->meshes[j]->numFrames, 312// shape->meshes[j]->numMatFrames, 313// shape->meshes[j]->vertsPerFrame, 314// shape->meshes[j]->verts.size(), 315// shape->meshes[j]->norms.size(), 316// shape->meshes[j]->tverts.size(), 317// shape->meshes[j]->primitives.size(), 318// shape->meshes[j]->indices.size()); 319// } 320// Con::printf(" aaa Skins"); 321// for (j = 0; j < shape->skins.size(); j++) 322// { 323// if (shape->skins[j]) 324// Con::printf(" aaa %d -> nf: %d, nmf: %d, nvpf: %d (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d)", 325// shape->skins[j]->meshType & TSMesh::TypeMask, 326// shape->skins[j]->numFrames, 327// shape->skins[j]->numMatFrames, 328// shape->skins[j]->vertsPerFrame, 329// shape->skins[j]->verts.size(), 330// shape->skins[j]->norms.size(), 331// shape->skins[j]->tverts.size(), 332// shape->skins[j]->primitives.size(), 333// shape->skins[j]->indices.size()); 334// } 335// } 336// } 337#endif 338 339bool GameProcessCameraQuery(CameraQuery *query) 340{ 341 GameConnection* connection = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer(); 342 343 if (connection && connection->getControlCameraTransform(0.032f, &query->cameraMatrix)) 344 { 345 query->object = dynamic_cast<GameBase*>(connection->getCameraObject()); 346 query->nearPlane = gClientSceneGraph->getNearClip(); 347 348 // Scale the normal visible distance by the performance 349 // tuning scale which we never let over 1. 350 CameraAndFOV::sVisDistanceScale = mClampF( CameraAndFOV::sVisDistanceScale, 0.01f, 1.0f ); 351 query->farPlane = gClientSceneGraph->getVisibleDistance() * CameraAndFOV::sVisDistanceScale; 352 353 // Provide some default values 354 query->stereoTargets[0] = 0; 355 query->stereoTargets[1] = 0; 356 query->eyeOffset[0] = Point3F::Zero; 357 query->eyeOffset[1] = Point3F::Zero; 358 query->hasFovPort = false; 359 query->hasStereoTargets = false; 360 query->displayDevice = NULL; 361 362 F32 cameraFov = 0.0f; 363 bool fovSet = false; 364 365 // Try to use the connection's display deivce, if any, but only if the editor 366 // is not open 367 if(!gEditingMission && connection->hasDisplayDevice()) 368 { 369 IDisplayDevice* display = connection->getDisplayDevice(); 370 371 query->displayDevice = display; 372 373 // Note: all eye values are invalid until this is called 374 display->setDrawCanvas(query->drawCanvas); 375 376 display->setCurrentConnection(connection); 377 378 // Display may activate AFTER so we need to call this again just in case 379 display->onStartFrame(); 380 381 // The connection's display device may want to set the eye offset 382 if(display->providesEyeOffsets()) 383 { 384 display->getEyeOffsets(query->eyeOffset); 385 } 386 387 // Grab field of view for both eyes 388 if (display->providesFovPorts()) 389 { 390 display->getFovPorts(query->fovPort); 391 fovSet = true; 392 query->hasFovPort = true; 393 } 394 395 // Grab the latest overriding render view transforms 396 connection->getControlCameraEyeTransforms(display, query->eyeTransforms); 397 connection->getControlCameraHeadTransform(display, &query->headMatrix); 398 399 display->getStereoViewports(query->stereoViewports); 400 display->getStereoTargets(query->stereoTargets); 401 query->hasStereoTargets = true; 402 } 403 else 404 { 405 query->eyeTransforms[0] = query->cameraMatrix; 406 query->eyeTransforms[1] = query->cameraMatrix; 407 query->headMatrix = query->cameraMatrix; 408 } 409 410 // Use the connection's FOV settings if requried 411 if(!connection->getControlCameraFov(&cameraFov)) 412 { 413 return false; 414 } 415 416 query->fov = mDegToRad(cameraFov); 417 return true; 418 } 419 return false; 420} 421 422void GameRenderWorld() 423{ 424 PROFILE_START(GameRenderWorld); 425 FrameAllocator::setWaterMark(0); 426 427 gClientSceneGraph->renderScene( SPT_Diffuse ); 428 429 // renderScene leaves some states dirty, which causes problems if GameTSCtrl is the last Gui object rendered 430 GFX->updateStates(); 431 432 AssertFatal(FrameAllocator::getWaterMark() == 0, 433 "Error, someone didn't reset the water mark on the frame allocator!"); 434 FrameAllocator::setWaterMark(0); 435 PROFILE_END(); 436} 437 438//================================================================================================ 439//Render a full frame from a given transform and frustum, and render out to a target 440//================================================================================================ 441void renderFrame(GFXTextureTargetRef* target, MatrixF transform, Frustum frustum, U32 typeMask, ColorI canvasClearColor) 442{ 443 if (!GFX->allowRender() || GFX->canCurrentlyRender()) 444 return; 445 446 PROFILE_START(GameFunctions_RenderFrame); 447 448 GFX->setActiveRenderTarget(*target); 449 if (!GFX->getActiveRenderTarget()) 450 return; 451 452 GFXTarget* renderTarget = GFX->getActiveRenderTarget(); 453 if (renderTarget == NULL) 454 return; 455 456 // Make sure the root control is the size of the canvas. 457 Point2I size = renderTarget->getSize(); 458 if (size.x == 0 || size.y == 0) 459 return; 460 461 //Now, getting to the meat of it! 462#ifdef TORQUE_GFX_STATE_DEBUG 463 GFX->getDebugStateManager()->startFrame(); 464#endif 465 RectI targetRect(0, 0, size.x, size.y); 466 467 // Signal the interested parties. 468 GuiCanvas::getGuiCanvasFrameSignal().trigger(true); 469 470 GFXTransformSaver saver; 471 472 // Gross hack to make sure we don't end up with advanced lighting and msaa 473 // at the same time, which causes artifacts. At the same time we don't 474 // want to just throw the settings the user has chosen if the light manager 475 // changes at a later time. 476 /*GFXVideoMode mode = mPlatformWindow->getVideoMode(); 477 if (dStricmp(LIGHTMGR->getId(), "ADVLM") == 0 && mode.antialiasLevel > 0) 478 { 479 const char *pref = Con::getVariable("$pref::Video::mode"); 480 mode.parseFromString(pref); 481 mode.antialiasLevel = 0; 482 mPlatformWindow->setVideoMode(mode); 483 484 Con::printf("AntiAliasing has been disabled; it is not compatible with AdvancedLighting."); 485 } 486 else if (dStricmp(LIGHTMGR->getId(), "BLM") == 0) 487 { 488 const char *pref = Con::getVariable("$pref::Video::mode"); 489 490 U32 prefAA = dAtoi(StringUnit::getUnit(pref, 5, " ")); 491 if (prefAA != mode.antialiasLevel) 492 { 493 mode.parseFromString(pref); 494 mPlatformWindow->setVideoMode(mode); 495 496 Con::printf("AntiAliasing has been enabled while running BasicLighting."); 497 } 498 }*/ 499 500 // Begin GFX 501 PROFILE_START(GameFunctions_RenderFrame_GFXBeginScene); 502 bool beginSceneRes = GFX->beginScene(); 503 PROFILE_END(); 504 505 PROFILE_START(GameFunctions_RenderFrame_OffscreenCanvases); 506 507 // Render all offscreen canvas objects here since we may need them in the render loop 508 if (GuiOffscreenCanvas::sList.size() != 0) 509 { 510 // Reset the entire state since oculus shit will have barfed it. 511 GFX->updateStates(true); 512 513 for (Vector<GuiOffscreenCanvas*>::iterator itr = GuiOffscreenCanvas::sList.begin(); itr != GuiOffscreenCanvas::sList.end(); itr++) 514 { 515 (*itr)->renderFrame(false, false); 516 } 517 518 GFX->setActiveRenderTarget(renderTarget); 519 } 520 521 PROFILE_END(); 522 523 // Can't render if waiting for device to reset. 524 if (!beginSceneRes) 525 { 526 // Since we already triggered the signal once for begin-of-frame, 527 // we should be consistent and trigger it again for end-of-frame. 528 GuiCanvas::getGuiCanvasFrameSignal().trigger(false); 529 530 return; 531 } 532 533 // Clear the current viewport area 534 GFX->setViewport(targetRect); 535 GFX->clear(GFXClearZBuffer | GFXClearStencil | GFXClearTarget, canvasClearColor, 1.0f, 0); 536 537 // Make sure we have a clean matrix state 538 // before we start rendering anything! 539 GFX->setWorldMatrix(MatrixF::Identity); 540 GFX->setViewMatrix(MatrixF::Identity); 541 GFX->setProjectionMatrix(MatrixF::Identity); 542 543 { 544 GFXStateBlockDesc d; 545 546 d.cullDefined = true; 547 d.cullMode = GFXCullNone; 548 d.zDefined = true; 549 d.zEnable = false; 550 551 GFXStateBlockRef mDefaultGuiSB = GFX->createStateBlock(d); 552 553 GFX->setClipRect(targetRect); 554 GFX->setStateBlock(mDefaultGuiSB); 555 556 GFXTargetRef origTarget = GFX->getActiveRenderTarget(); 557 558 // Clear the zBuffer so GUI doesn't hose object rendering accidentally 559 GFX->clear(GFXClearZBuffer, ColorI(20, 20, 20), 1.0f, 0); 560 561 GFX->setFrustum(frustum); 562 MatrixF mSaveProjection = GFX->getProjectionMatrix(); 563 564 // We're going to be displaying this render at size of this control in 565 // pixels - let the scene know so that it can calculate e.g. reflections 566 // correctly for that final display result. 567 gClientSceneGraph->setDisplayTargetResolution(size); 568 569 // Set the GFX world matrix to the world-to-camera transform, but don't 570 // change the cameraMatrix in mLastCameraQuery. This is because 571 // mLastCameraQuery.cameraMatrix is supposed to contain the camera-to-world 572 // transform. In-place invert would save a copy but mess up any GUIs that 573 // depend on that value. 574 CameraQuery camera; 575 GameProcessCameraQuery(&camera); 576 577 MatrixF worldToCamera = transform; 578 579 RotationF tranRot = RotationF(transform); 580 EulerF trf = tranRot.asEulerF(RotationF::Degrees); 581 Point3F pos = transform.getPosition(); 582 583 GFX->setWorldMatrix(worldToCamera); 584 585 mSaveProjection = GFX->getProjectionMatrix(); 586 MatrixF mSaveModelview = GFX->getWorldMatrix(); 587 588 Point2F mSaveWorldToScreenScale = GFX->getWorldToScreenScale(); 589 Frustum mSaveFrustum = GFX->getFrustum(); 590 mSaveFrustum.setTransform(transform); 591 592 // Set the default non-clip projection as some 593 // objects depend on this even in non-reflect cases. 594 gClientSceneGraph->setNonClipProjection(mSaveProjection); 595 596 // Give the post effect manager the worldToCamera, and cameraToScreen matrices 597 PFXMGR->setFrameMatrices(mSaveModelview, mSaveProjection); 598 599 //renderWorld(guiViewport); 600 PROFILE_START(GameFunctions_RenderFrame_RenderWorld); 601 FrameAllocator::setWaterMark(0); 602 603 gClientSceneGraph->renderScene(SPT_Reflect, typeMask); 604 605 // renderScene leaves some states dirty, which causes problems if GameTSCtrl is the last Gui object rendered 606 GFX->updateStates(); 607 608 AssertFatal(FrameAllocator::getWaterMark() == 0, 609 "Error, someone didn't reset the water mark on the frame allocator!"); 610 FrameAllocator::setWaterMark(0); 611 PROFILE_END(); 612 } 613 614 PROFILE_START(GameFunctions_RenderFrame_GFXEndScene); 615 GFX->endScene(); 616 PROFILE_END(); 617 618#ifdef TORQUE_GFX_STATE_DEBUG 619 GFX->getDebugStateManager()->endFrame(); 620#endif 621 622 saver.restore(); 623 624 PROFILE_END(); 625} 626 627//================================================================================================ 628static void Process3D() 629{ 630 MATMGR->updateTime(); 631 632 // Update the SFX world, if there is one. 633 634 if( gSFX3DWorld ) 635 gSFX3DWorld->update(); 636} 637 638static void RegisterGameFunctions() 639{ 640 Con::addVariable( "$pref::Camera::distanceScale", TypeF32, &CameraAndFOV::sVisDistanceScale, 641 "A scale to apply to the normal visible distance, typically used for tuning performance.\n" 642 "@ingroup Game"); 643 Con::addVariable( "$cameraFov", TypeF32, &CameraAndFOV::sConsoleCameraFov, 644 "The camera's Field of View.\n\n" 645 "@ingroup Game" ); 646 647 // Stuff game types into the console 648 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::StaticObjectType", StaticObjectType); 649 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::EnvironmentObjectType", EnvironmentObjectType); 650 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::TerrainObjectType", TerrainObjectType); 651 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::WaterObjectType", WaterObjectType); 652 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::TriggerObjectType", TriggerObjectType); 653 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::MarkerObjectType", MarkerObjectType); 654 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::GameBaseObjectType", GameBaseObjectType); 655 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::ShapeBaseObjectType", ShapeBaseObjectType); 656 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::CameraObjectType", CameraObjectType); 657 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::StaticShapeObjectType", StaticShapeObjectType); 658 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::DynamicShapeObjectType", DynamicShapeObjectType); 659 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::PlayerObjectType", PlayerObjectType); 660 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::ItemObjectType", ItemObjectType); 661 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::VehicleObjectType", VehicleObjectType); 662 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::VehicleBlockerObjectType", VehicleBlockerObjectType); 663 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::ProjectileObjectType", ProjectileObjectType); 664 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::ExplosionObjectType", ExplosionObjectType); 665 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::CorpseObjectType", CorpseObjectType); 666 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::DebrisObjectType", DebrisObjectType); 667 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::PhysicalZoneObjectType", PhysicalZoneObjectType); 668 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::LightObjectType", LightObjectType); 669// PATHSHAPE 670 Con::setIntVariable("$TypeMasks::PathShapeObjectType", PathShapeObjectType); 671// PATHSHAPE END 672 673 Con::addVariable("Ease::InOut", TypeS32, &gEaseInOut, 674 "InOut ease for curve movement.\n" 675 "@ingroup Game"); 676 Con::addVariable("Ease::In", TypeS32, &gEaseIn, 677 "In ease for curve movement.\n" 678 "@ingroup Game"); 679 Con::addVariable("Ease::Out", TypeS32, &gEaseOut, 680 "Out ease for curve movement.\n" 681 "@ingroup Game"); 682 683 Con::addVariable("Ease::Linear", TypeS32, &gEaseLinear, 684 "Linear ease for curve movement.\n" 685 "@ingroup Game"); 686 Con::addVariable("Ease::Quadratic", TypeS32, &gEaseQuadratic, 687 "Quadratic ease for curve movement.\n" 688 "@ingroup Game"); 689 Con::addVariable("Ease::Cubic", TypeS32, &gEaseCubic, 690 "Cubic ease for curve movement.\n" 691 "@ingroup Game"); 692 Con::addVariable("Ease::Quartic", TypeS32, &gEaseQuartic, 693 "Quartic ease for curve movement.\n" 694 "@ingroup Game"); 695 Con::addVariable("Ease::Quintic", TypeS32, &gEaseQuintic, 696 "Quintic ease for curve movement.\n" 697 "@ingroup Game"); 698 Con::addVariable("Ease::Sinusoidal", TypeS32, &gEaseSinusoidal, 699 "Sinusoidal ease for curve movement.\n" 700 "@ingroup Game"); 701 Con::addVariable("Ease::Exponential", TypeS32, &gEaseExponential, 702 "Exponential ease for curve movement.\n" 703 "@ingroup Game"); 704 Con::addVariable("Ease::Circular", TypeS32, &gEaseCircular, 705 "Circular ease for curve movement.\n" 706 "@ingroup Game"); 707 Con::addVariable("Ease::Elastic", TypeS32, &gEaseElastic, 708 "Elastic ease for curve movement.\n" 709 "@ingroup Game"); 710 Con::addVariable("Ease::Back", TypeS32, &gEaseBack, 711 "Backwards ease for curve movement.\n" 712 "@ingroup Game"); 713 Con::addVariable("Ease::Bounce", TypeS32, &gEaseBounce, 714 "Bounce ease for curve movement.\n" 715 "@ingroup Game"); 716} 717