Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / TSShapeInstance::MeshObjectInstance



These are set up by default based on shape data.


Collision Routines

buildPolyList(S32 objectDetail, AbstractPolyList * polyList, U32 & surfaceKey, TSMaterialList * materials)
getFeatures(S32 objectDetail, const MatrixF & mat, const Point3F & n, ConvexFeature * feature, U32 & surfaceKey)
support(S32 od, const Point3F & v, F32 * currMaxDP, Point3F * currSupport)
castRay(S32 objectDetail, const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info, TSMaterialList * materials)

Ray cast for collision detection.

castRayRendered(S32 objectDetail, const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info, TSMaterialList * materials)
buildPolyListOpcode(S32 objectDetail, AbstractPolyList * polyList, const Box3F & box, TSMaterialList * materials)
castRayOpcode(S32 objectDetail, const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info, TSMaterialList * materials)
buildConvexOpcode(const MatrixF & mat, S32 objectDetail, const Box3F & bounds, Convex * c, Convex * list)

Public Attributes


If true this mesh is forced to be hidden regardless of the animation state.

one mesh per detail level... Null entries allowed.

The time at which this mesh was last rendered.

Public Functions

bufferNeedsUpdate(S32 objectDetail)
getMesh(S32 num)

Gets the mesh with specified detail level.

render(S32 objectDetail, TSVertexBufferHandle & vb, TSMaterialList * , TSRenderState & rdata, F32 alpha, const char * meshName)

Render! This draws the base-textured object.

updateVertexBuffer(S32 objectDetail, U8 * buffer)

Updates the vertex buffer data for this mesh (used for software skinning)

Detailed Description

These are set up by default based on shape data.

Collision Routines

buildPolyList(S32 objectDetail, AbstractPolyList * polyList, U32 & surfaceKey, TSMaterialList * materials)

Reimplemented from: TSShapeInstance::ObjectInstance

getFeatures(S32 objectDetail, const MatrixF & mat, const Point3F & n, ConvexFeature * feature, U32 & surfaceKey)

Reimplemented from: TSShapeInstance::ObjectInstance

support(S32 od, const Point3F & v, F32 * currMaxDP, Point3F * currSupport)

Reimplemented from: TSShapeInstance::ObjectInstance

castRay(S32 objectDetail, const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info, TSMaterialList * materials)

Reimplemented from: TSShapeInstance::ObjectInstance

castRayRendered(S32 objectDetail, const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info, TSMaterialList * materials)

buildPolyListOpcode(S32 objectDetail, AbstractPolyList * polyList, const Box3F & box, TSMaterialList * materials)

castRayOpcode(S32 objectDetail, const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info, TSMaterialList * materials)

Reimplemented from: TSShapeInstance::ObjectInstance

buildConvexOpcode(const MatrixF & mat, S32 objectDetail, const Box3F & bounds, Convex * c, Convex * list)

Reimplemented from: TSShapeInstance::ObjectInstance

Public Attributes

bool forceHidden 

If true this mesh is forced to be hidden regardless of the animation state.

S32 frame 
Vector< MatrixF > mActiveTransforms 
S32 matFrame 
TSMesh *const  * meshList 

one mesh per detail level... Null entries allowed.

S32 mLastObjectDetail 
U32 mLastTime 

The time at which this mesh was last rendered.

const TSObject * object 
F32 visible 

Public Functions



bufferNeedsUpdate(S32 objectDetail)

Reimplemented from: TSShapeInstance::ObjectInstance

getMesh(S32 num)

Gets the mesh with specified detail level.

render(S32 objectDetail, TSVertexBufferHandle & vb, TSMaterialList * , TSRenderState & rdata, F32 alpha, const char * meshName)

Reimplemented from: TSShapeInstance::ObjectInstance

updateVertexBuffer(S32 objectDetail, U8 * buffer)

Reimplemented from: TSShapeInstance::ObjectInstance