Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / TSShape::Sequence



A Sequence holds all the information necessary to perform a particular animation (sequence).




These bitsets code whether this sequence cares about certain aspects of animation e.g., the rotation, translation, or scale of node transforms, or the visibility, frame or material frame of objects.

Source Data

Store some information about where the sequence data came from (used by TSShapeConstructor and the Shape Editor)

Flag Tests

Each of these tests a different flag against the object's flag list to determine the attributes of the given object.


read(Stream * , bool readNameIndex)
write(Stream * , bool writeNameIndex)

Detailed Description

A Sequence holds all the information necessary to perform a particular animation (sequence).

Sequences index a range of keyframes. Keyframes are assumed to be equally spaced in time.

Each node and object is either a member of the sequence or not. If not, they are set to default values when we switch to the sequence unless they are members of some other active sequence. Blended sequences "add" a transform to the current transform of a node. Any object animation of a blended sequence over-rides any existing object state. Blended sequences are always applied after non-blended sequences.


These bitsets code whether this sequence cares about certain aspects of animation e.g., the rotation, translation, or scale of node transforms, or the visibility, frame or material frame of objects.

TSIntegerSet rotationMatters 

Set of nodes.

TSIntegerSet translationMatters 

Set of nodes.

TSIntegerSet scaleMatters 

Set of nodes.

TSIntegerSet visMatters 

Set of objects.

TSIntegerSet frameMatters 

Set of objects.

TSIntegerSet matFrameMatters 

Set of objects.

Source Data

Store some information about where the sequence data came from (used by TSShapeConstructor and the Shape Editor)

struct TSShape::Sequence::SeqSourceData sourceData 

Flag Tests

Each of these tests a different flag against the object's flag list to determine the attributes of the given object.

testFlags(U32 comp)









read(Stream * , bool readNameIndex)

write(Stream * , bool writeNameIndex)

Public Attributes

S32 baseDecalState 
S32 baseObjectState 
S32 baseRotation 
S32 baseScale 
S32 baseTranslation 
U32 dirtyFlags 

determined at load time

F32 duration 
S32 firstGroundFrame 
S32 firstTrigger 
U32 flags 
S32 nameIndex 
S32 numGroundFrames 
S32 numKeyframes 
S32 numTriggers 
S32 priority 
F32 toolBegin