State Data
Individual state data used to initialize struct array
const char *
const char *
stateTransitionLoaded [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionNotLoaded [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionAmmo [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionNoAmmo [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionTarget [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionNoTarget [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionWet [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionNotWet [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionMotion [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionNoMotion [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionTriggerUp [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionTriggerDown [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionAltTriggerUp [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionAltTriggerDown [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionGeneric0In [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionGeneric0Out [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionGeneric1In [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionGeneric1Out [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionGeneric2In [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionGeneric2Out [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionGeneric3In [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionGeneric3Out [MaxStates]
const char *
stateTransitionTimeout [MaxStates]
stateTimeoutValue [MaxStates]
stateWaitForTimeout [MaxStates]
stateFire [MaxStates]
stateAlternateFire [MaxStates]
stateReload [MaxStates]
stateEjectShell [MaxStates]
stateEnergyDrain [MaxStates]
stateAllowImageChange [MaxStates]
stateScaleAnimation [MaxStates]
stateScaleAnimationFP [MaxStates]
stateSequenceTransitionIn [MaxStates]
stateSequenceTransitionOut [MaxStates]
stateSequenceNeverTransition [MaxStates]
stateSequenceTransitionTime [MaxStates]
stateDirection [MaxStates]
stateLoaded [MaxStates]
stateSpin [MaxStates]
stateRecoil [MaxStates]
const char *
stateSequence [MaxStates]
stateSequenceRandomFlash [MaxStates]
const char *
stateShapeSequence [MaxStates]
stateScaleShapeSequence [MaxStates]
stateIgnoreLoadedForReady [MaxStates]
SFXTrack *
stateSound [MaxStates]
const char *
stateScript [MaxStates]
stateEmitter [MaxStates]
stateEmitterTime [MaxStates]
const char *
stateEmitterNode [MaxStates]
Camera Shake ( while firing )
The duration in SimTime of Pulsing or WeaponFire type lights.
Extent of light.
Brightness of the light ( if it is WeaponFireLight ).
Shape Data
shapeIsValid [MaxShapes]
Indicates that the shape has been loaded and is valid.
Should the shape's CRC be checked?
mountTransform [MaxShapes]
Transformation to get to the mountNode.
retractNode [MaxShapes]
Retraction node ID.
muzzleNode [MaxShapes]
Muzzle node ID.
emitterNode [MaxShapes]
Emitter node ID.
eyeMountNode [MaxShapes]
eyeMount node ID.
spinSequence [MaxShapes]
ID of the spin animation sequence.
ambientSequence [MaxShapes]
ID of the ambient animation sequence.
isAnimated [MaxShapes]
This image contains at least one animated states.
hasFlash [MaxShapes]
This image contains at least one muzzle flash animation state.
The ID of the alternate fire state.
The ID of the reload state.
Shell casing data
Information about shell casings.
Vector along which to eject shells from the image.
Variance from this vector in degrees.
Velocity with which to eject shell casings.
State Array
State array is initialized onAdd from the individual state struct array elements.
Are the states loaded yet?
Miscellaneous inherited methods.
Called when the object is added to the sim.
lookupState(const char * name)
Get a state by name.
unpackData(BitStream * stream)
Called after any property of the object is changed in the world editor.
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onMount , (SceneObject *obj, S32 slot, F32 dt) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onUnmount , (SceneObject *obj, S32 slot, F32 dt) )
Public Types
Private Types
Public Attributes
Should we automatically make image's aim converge with the crosshair?
Indicates that all shapes should be animated in sync.
Indicates that the image should be animated on the server.
Is this image cloakable when mounted?
Adjust 1st person firing vector to eye's LOS point?
Adjust 3rd person firing vector to camera's LOS point?
Environment mapping on?
Render the image when in first person?
Passed along to the mounting shape to modify animation sequences played in 3rd person.
Passed along to the mounting shape to modify animation sequences played in first person.
Maximum number of sounds this image can play at a time.
Mount point offset, so we know where the image is.
Mount point for the image.
Information about what projectile this image fires.
The amount of time to transition between the previous sequence and new sequence when the script prefix has changed.
Name of shape to render.
Name of shape to render in first person (optional).
In first person, should we attach the camera to the image's eye node? Player still ultimately decides on what to do, especially for multiple mounted images.
In first person, should we use the eyeTransform?
Indicates the special first person shape should be used (true when shapeNameFP and useEyeOffset are defined)
If true it we will allow multiple timeout transitions to occur within a single tick ( eg.
Does this use energy instead of ammo?
Detailed Description
State Data
Individual state data used to initialize struct array
const char * fireStateName
const char * stateName [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionLoaded [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionNotLoaded [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionAmmo [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionNoAmmo [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionTarget [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionNoTarget [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionWet [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionNotWet [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionMotion [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionNoMotion [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionTriggerUp [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionTriggerDown [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionAltTriggerUp [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionAltTriggerDown [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionGeneric0In [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionGeneric0Out [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionGeneric1In [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionGeneric1Out [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionGeneric2In [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionGeneric2Out [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionGeneric3In [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionGeneric3Out [MaxStates]
const char * stateTransitionTimeout [MaxStates]
F32 stateTimeoutValue [MaxStates]
bool stateWaitForTimeout [MaxStates]
bool stateFire [MaxStates]
bool stateAlternateFire [MaxStates]
bool stateReload [MaxStates]
bool stateEjectShell [MaxStates]
F32 stateEnergyDrain [MaxStates]
bool stateAllowImageChange [MaxStates]
bool stateScaleAnimation [MaxStates]
bool stateScaleAnimationFP [MaxStates]
bool stateSequenceTransitionIn [MaxStates]
bool stateSequenceTransitionOut [MaxStates]
bool stateSequenceNeverTransition [MaxStates]
F32 stateSequenceTransitionTime [MaxStates]
bool stateDirection [MaxStates]
StateData::LoadedState stateLoaded [MaxStates]
StateData::SpinState stateSpin [MaxStates]
StateData::RecoilState stateRecoil [MaxStates]
const char * stateSequence [MaxStates]
bool stateSequenceRandomFlash [MaxStates]
const char * stateShapeSequence [MaxStates]
bool stateScaleShapeSequence [MaxStates]
bool stateIgnoreLoadedForReady [MaxStates]
SFXTrack * stateSound [MaxStates]
const char * stateScript [MaxStates]
ParticleEmitterData * stateEmitter [MaxStates]
F32 stateEmitterTime [MaxStates]
const char * stateEmitterNode [MaxStates]
Camera Shake ( while firing )
bool shakeCamera
VectorF camShakeFreq
VectorF camShakeAmp
F32 camShakeDuration
F32 camShakeRadius
F32 camShakeFalloff
S32 lightType
Indicates the type of the light.
One of: ConstantLight, PulsingLight, WeaponFireLight.
LinearColorF lightColor
S32 lightDuration
The duration in SimTime of Pulsing or WeaponFire type lights.
F32 lightRadius
Extent of light.
F32 lightBrightness
Brightness of the light ( if it is WeaponFireLight ).
Shape Data
Resource< TSShape > shape [MaxShapes]
Shape handle.
bool shapeIsValid [MaxShapes]
Indicates that the shape has been loaded and is valid.
U32 mCRC [MaxShapes]
Checksum of shape.
Calculated by the ResourceManager, see ResourceManager::load().
bool computeCRC
Should the shape's CRC be checked?
MatrixF mountTransform [MaxShapes]
Transformation to get to the mountNode.
S32 retractNode [MaxShapes]
Retraction node ID.
When the player bumps against an object and the image is retracted to avoid having it interpenetrating the object, it is retracted towards this node.
S32 muzzleNode [MaxShapes]
Muzzle node ID.
S32 ejectNode [MaxShapes]
Ejection node ID.
The eject node is the node on the image from which shells are ejected.
S32 emitterNode [MaxShapes]
Emitter node ID.
The emitter node is the node from which particles are emitted.
S32 eyeMountNode [MaxShapes]
eyeMount node ID.
Optionally used to mount an image to the player's eye node for first person.
S32 eyeNode [MaxShapes]
Eye node ID.
Optionally used to attach the camera to for camera motion control from the image.
S32 spinSequence [MaxShapes]
ID of the spin animation sequence.
S32 ambientSequence [MaxShapes]
ID of the ambient animation sequence.
bool isAnimated [MaxShapes]
This image contains at least one animated states.
bool hasFlash [MaxShapes]
This image contains at least one muzzle flash animation state.
S32 fireState
The ID of the fire state.
S32 altFireState
The ID of the alternate fire state.
S32 reloadState
The ID of the reload state.
Shell casing data
DebrisData * casing
Information about shell casings.
S32 casingID
ID of casing datablock.
When the network tells the client about the casing, it it transmits the ID of the datablock. The datablocks having previously been transmitted, all the client needs to do is call Sim::findObject() and look up the the datablock.
Point3F shellExitDir
Vector along which to eject shells from the image.
F32 shellExitVariance
Variance from this vector in degrees.
F32 shellVelocity
Velocity with which to eject shell casings.
State Array
State array is initialized onAdd from the individual state struct array elements.
StateData state [MaxStates]
Array of states.
bool statesLoaded
Are the states loaded yet?
Miscellaneous inherited methods.
Reimplemented from: GameBaseData
preload(bool server, String & errorStr)
Reimplemented from: GameBaseData
lookupState(const char * name)
Get a state by name.
packData(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: SimDataBlock
unpackData(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: GameBaseData
Reimplemented from: GameBaseData
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onMount , (SceneObject *obj, S32 slot, F32 dt) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onUnmount , (SceneObject *obj, S32 slot, F32 dt) )
Public Types
- MaxStates = 31
We get one less than state bits because of the way data is packed.
- MaxShapes = 2
The number of allowed shapes per image.
Only the first shape is required.
- MaxGenericTriggers = 4
The number of generic triggers for the image.
- StandardImageShape = 0
Shape index used for the standard image shape.
- FirstPersonImageShape = 1
Shape index used for the optional first person image shape.
- NumStateBits = 5
- NoLight = 0
- ConstantLight
- SpotLight
- PulsingLight
- WeaponFireLight
- NumLightTypes
Private Types
typedef GameBaseData Parent
Public Attributes
bool accuFire
Should we automatically make image's aim converge with the crosshair?
bool animateAllShapes
Indicates that all shapes should be animated in sync.
bool animateOnServer
Indicates that the image should be animated on the server.
In most cases you'll want this set if you're using useEyeNode. You may also want to set this if the muzzlePoint is animated while it shoots. You can set this to false even if these previous cases are true if the image's shape is set up in the correct position and orientation in the 'root' pose and none of the nodes are animated at key times, such as the muzzlePoint essentially remaining at the same position at the start of the fire state (it could animate just fine after the projectile is away as the muzzle vector is only calculated at the start of the state). You'll also want to set this to true if you're animating the camera using an image's 'eye' node – unless the movement is very subtle and doesn't need to be reflected on the server.
bool cloakable
Is this image cloakable when mounted?
bool correctMuzzleVector
Adjust 1st person firing vector to eye's LOS point?
bool correctMuzzleVectorTP
Adjust 3rd person firing vector to camera's LOS point?
bool emap
Environment mapping on?
MatrixF eyeOffset
Offset from eye for first person.
bool firstPerson
Render the image when in first person?
StringTableEntry imageAnimPrefix
Passed along to the mounting shape to modify animation sequences played in 3rd person.
StringTableEntry imageAnimPrefixFP
Passed along to the mounting shape to modify animation sequences played in first person.
F32 mass
S32 maxConcurrentSounds
Maximum number of sounds this image can play at a time.
Any value <= 0 indicates that it can play an infinite number of sounds.
F32 minEnergy
Minimum energy for the weapon to be operable.
MatrixF mountOffset
Mount point offset, so we know where the image is.
U32 mountPoint
Mount point for the image.
ProjectileData * projectile
Information about what projectile this image fires.
F32 scriptAnimTransitionTime
The amount of time to transition between the previous sequence and new sequence when the script prefix has changed.
StringTableEntry shapeName
Name of shape to render.
StringTableEntry shapeNameFP
Name of shape to render in first person (optional).
bool useEyeNode
In first person, should we attach the camera to the image's eye node? Player still ultimately decides on what to do, especially for multiple mounted images.
bool useEyeOffset
In first person, should we use the eyeTransform?
bool useFirstPersonShape
Indicates the special first person shape should be used (true when shapeNameFP and useEyeOffset are defined)
bool useRemainderDT
If true it we will allow multiple timeout transitions to occur within a single tick ( eg.
they have a very small timeout ).
bool usesEnergy
Does this use energy instead of ammo?