Everyone likes to blow things up!
Physical Properties
3rd Person Camera
Maximum distance from eye.
Minumumistance from eye.
Camera FOV
These are specified in degrees.
Default vertical FOV in degrees.
Min vertical FOV allowed in degrees.
Max vertical FOV allowed in degrees.
Camera Misc
If the derrived class supports it, allow the camera to bank.
Do mounted images bank along with the camera?
Data initialized on preload
Shape's camera node index.
mountPointNode [SceneObject::NumMountPoints]
Node index of mountPoint.
Detail level used to generate debris.
Damage level decals.
Destroyed hulk.
Collision Data
Detail level used to collide with.
Detail level bounding boxes.
Detail level used to perform line-of-sight queries against.
Misc. Settings
Do we allow only first person view of this image?
Do we use this object's eye point to view from?
If set, object cannot take damage (won't show up with damage bar either)
If set, will not render this object when destroyed.
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onEnabled , (ShapeBase *obj, const char *lastState) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onDisabled , (ShapeBase *obj, const char *lastState) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onDestroyed , (ShapeBase *obj, const char *lastState) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onImpact , (ShapeBase *obj, SceneObject *collObj, VectorF vec, F32 len) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onCollision , (ShapeBase *obj, SceneObject *collObj, VectorF vec, F32 len) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onDamage , (ShapeBase *obj, F32 delta) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onTrigger , (ShapeBase *obj, S32 index, bool state) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onEndSequence , (ShapeBase *obj, S32 slot, const char *name) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onForceUncloak , (ShapeBase *obj, const char *reason) )
Public Types
Constants { MaxCollisionShapes = 8 AIRepairNode = 31 }
Various constants relating to the ShapeBaseData.
Private Types
Public Attributes
char *
Public Functions
Detailed Description
Everyone likes to blow things up!
DebrisData * debris
S32 debrisID
StringTableEntry debrisShapeName
Resource< TSShape > debrisShape
ExplosionData * explosion
S32 explosionID
ExplosionData * underwaterExplosion
S32 underwaterExplosionID
Physical Properties
F32 mass
F32 drag
F32 density
F32 maxEnergy
F32 maxDamage
F32 repairRate
Rate per tick.
F32 disabledLevel
F32 destroyedLevel
3rd Person Camera
F32 cameraMaxDist
Maximum distance from eye.
F32 cameraMinDist
Minumumistance from eye.
Camera FOV
These are specified in degrees.
F32 cameraDefaultFov
Default vertical FOV in degrees.
F32 cameraMinFov
Min vertical FOV allowed in degrees.
F32 cameraMaxFov
Max vertical FOV allowed in degrees.
Camera Misc
bool cameraCanBank
If the derrived class supports it, allow the camera to bank.
bool mountedImagesBank
Do mounted images bank along with the camera?
Data initialized on preload
Resource< TSShape > mShape
Shape handle.
U32 mCRC
bool computeCRC
S32 eyeNode
Shape's eye node index.
S32 earNode
Shape's ear node index.
S32 cameraNode
Shape's camera node index.
S32 mountPointNode [SceneObject::NumMountPoints]
Node index of mountPoint.
S32 debrisDetail
Detail level used to generate debris.
S32 damageSequence
Damage level decals.
S32 hulkSequence
Destroyed hulk.
bool observeThroughObject
Collision Data
Vector< S32 > collisionDetails
Detail level used to collide with.
These are detail IDs, see TSShape::findDetail()
Vector< Box3F > collisionBounds
Detail level bounding boxes.
Vector< S32 > LOSDetails
Detail level used to perform line-of-sight queries against.
These are detail IDs, see TSShape::findDetail()
Misc. Settings
bool firstPersonOnly
Do we allow only first person view of this image?
bool useEyePoint
Do we use this object's eye point to view from?
bool isInvincible
If set, object cannot take damage (won't show up with damage bar either)
bool renderWhenDestroyed
If set, will not render this object when destroyed.
bool inheritEnergyFromMount
The derived class should provide the following:
packData(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: SimDataBlock
Reimplemented by: RigidShapeData, HoverVehicleData, VActorData, afxCameraData, afxStaticShapeData, CameraData, ItemData, PathCameraData, PathShapeData, PlayerData, ProximityMineData, StaticShapeData, AITurretShapeData, TurretShapeData, FlyingVehicleData, VehicleData, WheeledVehicleData
unpackData(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: GameBaseData
Reimplemented by: RigidShapeData, HoverVehicleData, VActorData, afxCameraData, afxStaticShapeData, CameraData, ItemData, PathCameraData, PathShapeData, PlayerData, ProximityMineData, StaticShapeData, AITurretShapeData, TurretShapeData, FlyingVehicleData, VehicleData, WheeledVehicleData
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onEnabled , (ShapeBase *obj, const char *lastState) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onDisabled , (ShapeBase *obj, const char *lastState) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onDestroyed , (ShapeBase *obj, const char *lastState) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onImpact , (ShapeBase *obj, SceneObject *collObj, VectorF vec, F32 len) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onCollision , (ShapeBase *obj, SceneObject *collObj, VectorF vec, F32 len) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onDamage , (ShapeBase *obj, F32 delta) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onTrigger , (ShapeBase *obj, S32 index, bool state) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onEndSequence , (ShapeBase *obj, S32 slot, const char *name) )
DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onForceUncloak , (ShapeBase *obj, const char *reason) )
Public Types
- MaxCollisionShapes = 8
- AIRepairNode = 31
Various constants relating to the ShapeBaseData.
Private Types
typedef GameBaseData Parent
Public Attributes
StringTableEntry cloakTexName
U32 cubeDescId
String cubeDescName
ReflectorDesc * reflectorDesc
char * remap_buffer
StringTableEntry remap_txr_tags
bool shadowEnable
F32 shadowMaxVisibleDistance
F32 shadowProjectionDistance
U32 shadowSize
F32 shadowSphereAdjust
bool silent_bbox_check
Vector< TextureTagRemapping > txr_tag_remappings
Private Static Functions
_setMass(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)
Public Functions
ShapeBaseData(const ShapeBaseData & , bool )
computeAccelerator(U32 i)
DECLARE_SHAPEASSET(ShapeBaseData , Shape )
findMountPoint(U32 n)
preload(bool server, String & errorStr)
Reimplemented from: GameBaseData
Reimplemented by: VHumanoidActorData, PathShapeData, PlayerData, ProximityMineData, RigidShapeData, AITurretShapeData, TurretShapeData, FlyingVehicleData, HoverVehicleData, VehicleData, WheeledVehicleData