


Public Attributes

lights [8]

The lights we pass to the material for this mesh in order light importance.

void *

A generic hint value passed from the game code down to the material for use by shader features.

The material to setup when drawing this instance.

The object to world transform (world transform in most API's).

If not NULL it is used to draw the primitive, else the primBuffIndex is used.

If prim is NULL then this index is used to draw the indexed primitive from the primitive buffer.

The projection matrix.

The worldToCamera (view transform in most API's).

Detailed Description

Hardware Skinning



MatrixF * mNodeTransforms 
U32 mNodeTransformCount 
Vector< CustomShaderBindingData > mCustomShaderData 


Public Attributes

GFXTextureObject * accuTex 
GFXTextureObject * backBuffTex 
GFXCubemap * cubemap 
GFXTextureObject * fogTex 
GFXTextureObject * lightmap 
LightInfo * lights [8]

The lights we pass to the material for this mesh in order light importance.

void * materialHint 

A generic hint value passed from the game code down to the material for use by shader features.

BaseMatInstance * matInst 

The material to setup when drawing this instance.

GFXTextureObject * miscTex 
const MatrixF * objectToWorld 

The object to world transform (world transform in most API's).

GFXPrimitive * prim 

If not NULL it is used to draw the primitive, else the primBuffIndex is used.

GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle * primBuff 
U32 primBuffIndex 

If prim is NULL then this index is used to draw the indexed primitive from the primitive buffer.


const MatrixF * projection 

The projection matrix.

bool reflective 
GFXTextureObject * reflectTex 
U8 transFlags 
GFXVertexBufferHandleBase * vertBuff 
F32 visibility 
const MatrixF * worldToCamera 

The worldToCamera (view transform in most API's).