

Generic input event.


Public Attributes

What was the action? (MAKE/BREAK/MOVE)

ASCII character code if this is a keyboard event.

Device instance: joystick0, joystick1, etc.

Value typically ranges from -1.0 to 1.0, but doesn't have to.

Extended float values (often used for absolute rotation Quat)

Signed integer value.

Modifiers to action: SI_LSHIFT, SI_LCTRL, etc.

Public Functions

Detailed Description

Generic input event.

Public Attributes

InputActionType action 

What was the action? (MAKE/BREAK/MOVE)

U16 ascii 

ASCII character code if this is a keyboard event.

U32 deviceInst 

Device instance: joystick0, joystick1, etc.

InputDeviceTypes deviceType 
F32 fValue 

Value typically ranges from -1.0 to 1.0, but doesn't have to.

It depends on the context.

F32 fValue2 

Extended float values (often used for absolute rotation Quat)

F32 fValue3 
F32 fValue4 
S32 iValue 

Signed integer value.

U32 modifier 

Modifiers to action: SI_LSHIFT, SI_LCTRL, etc.

InputObjectInstances objInst 
InputEventType objType 

Public Functions


postToSignal(InputEvent & ie)