Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / GFXSamplerStateDesc




Public Attributes

The maximum anisotropy used when one of the filter types is set to anisotropic.

Used to offset the mipmap selection by whole or fractional amounts either postively or negatively.

Public Static Functions

Returns an modulate, clamp, and linear sampled state.

Returns an modulate, clamp, and point sampled state.

Returns an modulate, wrap, and linear sampled state.

Returns an modulate, wrap, and point sampled state.

Detailed Description

Public Attributes

GFXTextureAddressMode addressModeU 
GFXTextureAddressMode addressModeV 
GFXTextureAddressMode addressModeW 
GFXTextureFilterType magFilter 
U32 maxAnisotropy 

The maximum anisotropy used when one of the filter types is set to anisotropic.

Defaults to 1.

GFXTextureFilterType minFilter 
GFXTextureFilterType mipFilter 
F32 mipLODBias 

Used to offset the mipmap selection by whole or fractional amounts either postively or negatively.

Defaults to zero.

GFXCmpFunc samplerFunc 

Public Functions


operator==(const GFXSamplerStateDesc & b)

Public Static Functions


Returns an modulate, clamp, and linear sampled state.


Returns an modulate, clamp, and point sampled state.


Returns an modulate, wrap, and linear sampled state.


Returns an modulate, wrap, and point sampled state.