Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / ActionMap::Node




Public Types

Flags {
  Ranged = BIT(0)
  HasScale = BIT(1)
  HasDeadZone = BIT(2)
  Inverted = BIT(3)
  NonLinear = BIT(4)
  BindCmd = BIT(5)
  Held = BIT(6)
  DoubleTap = BIT(7)

Public Attributes

char *

Console command to execute when we break this command.

Console function to call with new values.

Event that kicks off via context-keybind actions such as holding or double-tapping.

char *

Console command to execute when we make this command.

Object to call consoleFunction on.

Detailed Description

Public Types



Ranged = BIT(0)

Ranged input.

HasScale = BIT(1)

Scaled input.

HasDeadZone = BIT(2)

Dead zone is present.

Inverted = BIT(3)

Input is inverted.

NonLinear = BIT(4)

Input should be re-fit to a non-linear scale.

BindCmd = BIT(5)

Bind a console command to this.

Held = BIT(6)
DoubleTap = BIT(7)

Public Attributes

U32 action 
char * breakConsoleCommand 

Console command to execute when we break this command.

StringTableEntry consoleFunction 

Console function to call with new values.

ContextAction * contextEvent 

Event that kicks off via context-keybind actions such as holding or double-tapping.

F32 deadZoneBegin 
F32 deadZoneEnd 
U32 flags 

char * makeConsoleCommand 

Console command to execute when we make this command.

U32 modifiers 
SimObject * object 

Object to call consoleFunction on.

F32 scaleFactor