Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / Win32WindowManager



Win32 implementation of the window manager interface.




Internal structure used when enumerating monitors.

Public Friends

Private Attributes


If a curtain window is present, then its HWND will be stored here.


This is set as part of the canvas being shown, and flags that the windows should render as normal from now on.

Vector< MonitorInfo >

Array of enumerated monitors.


set via command line -offscreen option, controls whether rendering/input


Parent window, used in window setup in web plugin scenarios.

List of allocated windows.

Private Functions

Callback for the process list.

_processCmdLineArgs(const S32 argc, const char ** argv)

Process command line arguments from StandardMainLoop.

Link the specified window into the window list.

Remove specified window from the window list.

Private Static Functions

MonitorEnumProc(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData)

Callback to receive information about available monitors.

MonitorRegionEnumProc(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData)

Callback to receive information about available monitor regions.

Public Functions

Build out the monitors list.

Create a new window, appropriate for the specified device and mode.

Retrieve the currently set desktop bit depth.

Retrieve the currently set desktop resolution.

Get the first window in the window list.

Get the window that currently has the input focus or NULL.

const char *

Populate a vector with all monitors and their extents in window space.

void *

Get the parent window.

Return the extents in window coordinates of the primary desktop area.

Get a window from a device ID.

Populate a list with references to all the windows created from this manager.

This method cues the appearance of that window ("lowering the curtain").

setDisplayWindow(bool set)

This method indicates to created windows to show as normal.

setParentWindow(void * newParent)

Set the parent window.

Detailed Description

Win32 implementation of the window manager interface.

Public Friends

Private Attributes

HWND mCurtainWindow 

If a curtain window is present, then its HWND will be stored here.

bool mDisplayWindow 

This is set as part of the canvas being shown, and flags that the windows should render as normal from now on.

Vector< MonitorInfo > mMonitors 

Array of enumerated monitors.

bool mOffscreenRender 

set via command line -offscreen option, controls whether rendering/input

SignalSlot< void()> mOnProcessSignalSlot 
HWND mParentWindow 

Parent window, used in window setup in web plugin scenarios.

Win32Window * mWindowListHead 

List of allocated windows.

Private Functions


Callback for the process list.

_processCmdLineArgs(const S32 argc, const char ** argv)

Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager

linkWindow(Win32Window * w)

Link the specified window into the window list.

unlinkWindow(Win32Window * w)

Remove specified window from the window list.

Private Static Functions

MonitorEnumProc(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData)

Callback to receive information about available monitors.

MonitorRegionEnumProc(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData)

Callback to receive information about available monitor regions.

Public Functions




Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager

createWindow(GFXDevice * device, const GFXVideoMode & mode)

Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager

findFirstMatchingMonitor(const char * name)

Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager


Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager


Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager


Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager


Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager


Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager

getMonitorName(U32 index)

Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager

getMonitorRect(U32 index)

Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager

getMonitorRegions(Vector< RectI > & regions)

Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager


Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager


Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager

getWindowById(WindowId id)

Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager

getWindows(VectorPtr< PlatformWindow * > & windows)

Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager


Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager


Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager

setDisplayWindow(bool set)

Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager

setParentWindow(void * newParent)

Reimplemented from: PlatformWindowManager