Private Types
Public Friends
Public Static Attributes
Public Functions
Returns the bounding box for the object this is built around in world space.
getBoundingBox(const MatrixF & mat, const Point3F & scale)
Returns the object space bounding box for the object this is built around transformed and scaled.
getFeatures(const MatrixF & mat, const VectorF & n, ConvexFeature * cf)
This is used by the GJK collision in Vehicle.
getPolyList(AbstractPolyList * list)
Builds a collision poly list out of this convex.
Detailed Description
Private Types
typedef Convex Parent
Public Friends
Public Attributes
Box3F box
S32 idx
TSMesh * mesh
PlaneF normal
Point3F verts [4]
Public Static Attributes
SceneObject * smCurObject
Public Functions
Reimplemented from: Convex
getBoundingBox(const MatrixF & mat, const Point3F & scale)
Reimplemented from: Convex
getFeatures(const MatrixF & mat, const VectorF & n, ConvexFeature * cf)
Reimplemented from: Convex
getPolyList(AbstractPolyList * list)
Reimplemented from: Convex
support(const VectorF & v)
Reimplemented from: Convex