Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / TSShapeInstance



An instance of a 3space shape.




These are set up by default based on shape data.


Base class for all renderable objects, including mesh objects and decal objects.


keep track of who controls what on currently animating shape

Transition nodes

keep track of nodes that are involved in a transition


this only tracks nodes we're transitioning from... nodes we're transitioning to are implicitly handled (i.e., we don't need to keep track of them)

Node Masking

set node masking...

setNodeAnimationState(S32 nodeIndex, U32 animationState, TSCallback * callback)

Trigger states

check trigger value

getTriggerState(U32 stateNum, bool clearState)
setTriggerState(U32 stateNum, bool on)
setTriggerStateBit(U32 stateBit, bool on)


AlphaAlways allows the entire model to become translucent at the same value

Public User Defined

renderDebugNormals(F32 normalScalar, S32 dl)


Render all node transforms as small axis gizmos.

Print mesh data to the console, valid String parameters are Visible, Hidden, or All.

Animation Scale

Query about animated scale

Ground Transforms

The animator of a model can make the bounding box animate along with the object.

Doing so will move the object with the bounding box. The ground transform turns the world bounding box into the post-animation bounding box when such a technique is used. However, few models actually use this technique.

clears previous ground transform

deltaGround(TSThread * , F32 start, F32 end, MatrixF * mat)
deltaGround1(TSThread * , F32 start, F32 end, MatrixF & mat)

Thread Control

Threads! In order to animate an object, first you need to have an animation in the object.

Then, you need to get the TSShape of the object:

TSShape* shape = mShapeInstance->getShape());
Next, get the sequence and store::
S32 seq = shape->findSequence("foo"));
Create a new thread (if needed):
TSThread* thread = mShapeInstance->addThread();
Finally, set the position in the sequence:
mShapeInstance->setSequence(thread, seq, 0)

Create a new thread.

getThread(S32 threadNumber)

Destroy a thread!

How many threads are there?

setSequence(TSThread * , S32 seq, F32 pos)

Get the thread a sequence.

transitionToSequence(TSThread * , S32 seq, F32 pos, F32 duration, bool continuePlay)

Transition to a sequence.

Stop transitions.

Get the sequence of the thread.

setBlendEnabled(TSThread * , bool blendOn)

Set whether or not the thread will blend.


Does this thread blend?

setPriority(TSThread * , F32 priority)

Set thread priority.

Get thread priority.

getTime(TSThread * thread)

Get how long the thread has been playing.

getPos(TSThread * thread)

Get the position in the thread.

setTime(TSThread * thread, F32 time)

Set how long into the thread to use.

setPos(TSThread * thread, F32 pos)

Set the position of the thread.


Is this thread in transition?

Get the time scale of the thread.

Set the time scale of the thread.

Get the duration of the thread.

Get the duration of the thread with the scale factored in.

Get the number of keyframes.

Get which keyframe the thread is on.

Set which keyframe the thread is on.

advance time on a particular thread

advance time on all threads

advancePos(F32 delta, TSThread * )

advance pos on a particular thread

advancePos(F32 delta)

advance pos on all threads

Private animation methods

These are private methods for setting up and affecting animation

Public Types

_Anonymous_ {
  MaskNodeRotation = 0x01
  MaskNodePosX = 0x02
  MaskNodePosY = 0x04
  MaskNodePosZ = 0x08
  MaskNodeBlend = 0x10
  MaskNodeAll = MaskNodeRotation|MaskNodePosX|MaskNodePosY|MaskNodePosZ|MaskNodeBlend
  MaskNodeAllButBlend = MaskNodeRotation|MaskNodePosX|MaskNodePosY|MaskNodePosZ
  MaskNodeAllButRotation = MaskNodePosX|MaskNodePosY|MaskNodePosZ|MaskNodeBlend
  MaskNodeAllButPosX = MaskNodeRotation|MaskNodePosY|MaskNodePosZ|MaskNodeBlend
  MaskNodeAllButPosY = MaskNodeRotation|MaskNodePosX|MaskNodePosZ|MaskNodeBlend
  MaskNodeAllButPosZ = MaskNodeRotation|MaskNodePosX|MaskNodePosY|MaskNodeBlend
  MaskNodeHandsOff = 0x20
  MaskNodeCallback = 0x40
_Anonymous_ {
  TransformDirty =  BIT(0)
  VisDirty =        BIT(1)
  FrameDirty =      BIT(2)
  MatFrameDirty =   BIT(3)
  ThreadDirty =     BIT(4)
  AllDirtyMask = TransformDirty | VisDirty | FrameDirty | MatFrameDirty | ThreadDirty

Public Friends

Public Attributes

void *

available for use by app...initialized to 0

by default, points to hShape material list

storage space for node transforms

Public Static Attributes

Scale pixel size by this amount when selecting detail levels.

For debugging / metrics.

never choose detail level number below this value (except if only way to get a visible detail)

If this is set to a positive pixel value shapes with a smaller pixel size than this will skip rendering entirely.

Protected Attributes

0-1, how far along from current to next (higher) detail level...

Nodes that aren't animated through threads automatically.

keep track of nodes with animation restrictions put on them


Does this own the material list pointer?

This should always point to a valid shape and should equal mShapeResource if it was created from a resource.

This is only valid when the instance was created from a resource.

Vertex buffer used for software skinning this instance.

state variables


Force using our own copy of the vertex buffer.

Protected Functions

addPath(TSThread * gt, F32 start, F32 end, MatrixF * mat)

Public Functions

TSShapeInstance(const Resource< TSShape > & shape, bool loadMaterials)
TSShapeInstance(TSShape * pShape, bool loadMaterials)
animateNodeSubtrees(bool forceFull)
animateSubtrees(bool forceFull)
bufferNeedsUpdate(S32 objectDetail, S32 start, S32 end)
buildConvexOpcode(const MatrixF & objMat, const Point3F & objScale, S32 objectDetail, const Box3F & bounds, Convex * c, Convex * list)
buildInstanceData(TSShape * , bool loadMaterials)
castRay(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * , S32 dl)
castRayOpcode(S32 objectDetail, const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * )

Call this to own the material list – i.e., we'll make a copy of the currently set material list and be responsible for deleting it.

computeBounds(S32 dl, Box3F & bounds)

uses current transforms to compute bounding box around a detail level see like named method on shape if you want to use default transforms

dumpNode(Stream & , S32 level, S32 nodeIndex, Vector< S32 > & detailSizes)

Get the number of material targets in this shape instance.

getTargetName(S32 mapToNameIndex)

Get the indexed material target (may differ from the base TSShape material list if this instance has been reskinned).

Initializes or re-initializes the material list with an optional feature set.

quickLOS(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, S32 dl)
render(const TSRenderState & rdata, S32 dl, F32 intraDL)
reSkin(String newBaseName, String oldBaseName)

Selects the current detail level using the scaled distance between your object and the camera.

Helper function which internally calls setDetailFromDistance.

Sets the current detail level using the legacy screen error metric.

setDirty(U32 dirty)

Set the material list without taking ownership.

setMeshForceHidden(const char * meshName, bool hidden)

Sets the 'forceHidden' state on the named mesh.

setMeshForceHidden(S32 meshIndex, bool hidden)

Sets the 'forceHidden' state on a mesh.

Detailed Description

An instance of a 3space shape.


A 3space model represents a significant amount of data. There are multiple meshes, skeleton information, as well as animation data. Some of this, like the skeletal transforms, are unique for each instance of the model (as different instances are likely to be in different states of animation), while most of it, like texturing information and vertex data, is the same amongst all instances of the shape.

To keep this data from being replicated for every instance of a 3shape object, Torque uses the ResManager to instantiate and track TSShape objects. TSShape handles reading and writing 3space models, as well as keeping track of static model data, as discussed above. TSShapeInstance keeps track of all instance specific data, such as the currently playing sequences or the active node transforms.

TSShapeInstance contains all the functionality for 3space models, while TSShape acts as a repository for common data.

What Does TSShapeInstance Do?

TSShapeInstance handles several areas of functionality:

  • Collision.

  • Rendering.

  • Animation.

  • Updating skeletal transforms.

  • Ballooning (see setShapeBalloon() and getShapeBalloon())

For an excellent example of how to render a TSShape in game, see TSStatic. For examples of how to procedurally animate models, look at Player::updateLookAnimation().

Reference Transform Vectors

unused until first transition

Vector< Quat16 > mNodeReferenceRotations 
Vector< Point3F > mNodeReferenceTranslations 
Vector< F32 > mNodeReferenceUniformScales 
Vector< Point3F > mNodeReferenceScaleFactors 
Vector< Quat16 > mNodeReferenceArbitraryScaleRots 

Workspace for Node Transforms

Vector< QuatF > smNodeCurrentRotations 
Vector< Point3F > smNodeCurrentTranslations 
Vector< F32 > smNodeCurrentUniformScales 
Vector< Point3F > smNodeCurrentAlignedScales 
Vector< TSScale > smNodeCurrentArbitraryScales 
Vector< MatrixF > smNodeLocalTransforms 
TSIntegerSet smNodeLocalTransformDirty 


keep track of who controls what on currently animating shape

Vector< TSThread * > smRotationThreads 
Vector< TSThread * > smTranslationThreads 
Vector< TSThread * > smScaleThreads 

Ground Transform Data

MatrixF mGroundTransform 
TSThread * mGroundThread 

Transition nodes

keep track of nodes that are involved in a transition


this only tracks nodes we're transitioning from... nodes we're transitioning to are implicitly handled (i.e., we don't need to keep track of them)

TSIntegerSet mTransitionRotationNodes 
TSIntegerSet mTransitionTranslationNodes 
TSIntegerSet mTransitionScaleNodes 

Node Masking

set node masking...

setNodeAnimationState(S32 nodeIndex, U32 animationState, TSCallback * callback)

getNodeAnimationState(S32 nodeIndex)

Trigger states

check trigger value

getTriggerState(U32 stateNum, bool clearState)

setTriggerState(U32 stateNum, bool on)

setTriggerStateBit(U32 stateBit, bool on)

Debris Management





AlphaAlways allows the entire model to become translucent at the same value

setAlphaAlways(F32 value)



Public User Defined

renderDebugNormals(F32 normalScalar, S32 dl)


Renders the vertex normals assuming the GFX state is setup for rendering in model space.


Render all node transforms as small axis gizmos.

It is recommended that prior to calling this, shapeInstance::animate is called so that nodes are in object space and that the GFX state is setup for rendering in model space.

listMeshes(const String & state)

Print mesh data to the console, valid String parameters are Visible, Hidden, or All.

Animation Scale

Query about animated scale






Ground Transforms

The animator of a model can make the bounding box animate along with the object.

Doing so will move the object with the bounding box. The ground transform turns the world bounding box into the post-animation bounding box when such a technique is used. However, few models actually use this technique.


clears previous ground transform


deltaGround(TSThread * , F32 start, F32 end, MatrixF * mat)

deltaGround1(TSThread * , F32 start, F32 end, MatrixF & mat)

Thread Control

Threads! In order to animate an object, first you need to have an animation in the object.

Then, you need to get the TSShape of the object:

TSShape* shape = mShapeInstance->getShape());
Next, get the sequence and store::
S32 seq = shape->findSequence("foo"));
Create a new thread (if needed):
TSThread* thread = mShapeInstance->addThread();
Finally, set the position in the sequence:
mShapeInstance->setSequence(thread, seq, 0)


Create a new thread.

getThread(S32 threadNumber)


threads can change order, best to hold onto a thread from the start

destroyThread(TSThread * thread)

Destroy a thread!


How many threads are there?

setSequence(TSThread * , S32 seq, F32 pos)

Get the thread a sequence.

transitionToSequence(TSThread * , S32 seq, F32 pos, F32 duration, bool continuePlay)

Transition to a sequence.

clearTransition(TSThread * )

Stop transitions.

getSequence(TSThread * )

Get the sequence of the thread.

setBlendEnabled(TSThread * , bool blendOn)

Set whether or not the thread will blend.

getBlendEnabled(TSThread * )

Does this thread blend?

setPriority(TSThread * , F32 priority)

Set thread priority.

getPriority(TSThread * thread)

Get thread priority.

getTime(TSThread * thread)

Get how long the thread has been playing.

getPos(TSThread * thread)

Get the position in the thread.

setTime(TSThread * thread, F32 time)

Set how long into the thread to use.

setPos(TSThread * thread, F32 pos)

Set the position of the thread.

isInTransition(TSThread * thread)

Is this thread in transition?

getTimeScale(TSThread * thread)

Get the time scale of the thread.

setTimeScale(TSThread * thread, F32 )

Set the time scale of the thread.

getDuration(TSThread * thread)

Get the duration of the thread.

getScaledDuration(TSThread * thread)

Get the duration of the thread with the scale factored in.

getKeyframeCount(TSThread * thread)

Get the number of keyframes.

getKeyframeNumber(TSThread * thread)

Get which keyframe the thread is on.

setKeyframeNumber(TSThread * thread, S32 kf)

Set which keyframe the thread is on.

advanceTime(F32 delta, TSThread * )

advance time on a particular thread

advanceTime(F32 delta)

advance time on all threads

advancePos(F32 delta, TSThread * )

advance pos on a particular thread

advancePos(F32 delta)

advance pos on all threads

Private animation methods

These are private methods for setting up and affecting animation



handleDefaultScale(S32 a, S32 b, TSIntegerSet & scaleBeenSet)

updateTransitionNodeTransforms(TSIntegerSet & transitionNodes)

handleTransitionNodes(S32 a, S32 b)

handleNodeScale(S32 a, S32 b)

handleAnimatedScale(TSThread * , S32 a, S32 b, TSIntegerSet & )

handleMaskedPositionNode(TSThread * , S32 nodeIndex, S32 offset)

handleBlendSequence(TSThread * , S32 a, S32 b)


Public Types



MaskNodeRotation = 0x01
MaskNodePosX = 0x02
MaskNodePosY = 0x04
MaskNodePosZ = 0x08
MaskNodeBlend = 0x10
MaskNodeAll = MaskNodeRotation|MaskNodePosX|MaskNodePosY|MaskNodePosZ|MaskNodeBlend
MaskNodeAllButBlend = MaskNodeRotation|MaskNodePosX|MaskNodePosY|MaskNodePosZ
MaskNodeAllButRotation = MaskNodePosX|MaskNodePosY|MaskNodePosZ|MaskNodeBlend
MaskNodeAllButPosX = MaskNodeRotation|MaskNodePosY|MaskNodePosZ|MaskNodeBlend
MaskNodeAllButPosY = MaskNodeRotation|MaskNodePosX|MaskNodePosZ|MaskNodeBlend
MaskNodeAllButPosZ = MaskNodeRotation|MaskNodePosX|MaskNodePosY|MaskNodeBlend
MaskNodeHandsOff = 0x20

meaning, don't even set to default, programmer controls it (blend still applies)

MaskNodeCallback = 0x40

meaning, get local transform via callback function (see setCallback) callback data2 is node index, callback return value is pointer to local transform Note: won't get this callback everytime you animate...application responsibility to make sure matrix pointer continues to point to valid and updated local transform



TransformDirty = BIT(0)
VisDirty = BIT(1)
FrameDirty = BIT(2)
MatFrameDirty = BIT(3)
ThreadDirty = BIT(4)
AllDirtyMask = TransformDirty | VisDirty | FrameDirty | MatFrameDirty | ThreadDirty

Public Friends

Public Attributes

void * mData 

available for use by app...initialized to 0

U32 * mDirtyFlags 
TSMaterialList * mMaterialList 

by default, points to hShape material list

Vector< MeshObjectInstance > mMeshObjects 
Vector< MatrixF > mNodeTransforms 

storage space for node transforms

Public Static Attributes

F32 smDetailAdjust 

Scale pixel size by this amount when selecting detail levels.

F32 smLastPixelSize 
F32 smLastScaledDistance 
F32 smLastScreenErrorTolerance 

For debugging / metrics.

S32 smNumSkipRenderDetails 

never choose detail level number below this value (except if only way to get a visible detail)

F32 smSmallestVisiblePixelSize 

If this is set to a positive pixel value shapes with a smaller pixel size than this will skip rendering entirely.

Protected Attributes

U32 debrisRefCount 
bool mAlphaAlways 
F32 mAlphaAlwaysValue 
TSIntegerSet mCallbackNodes 
S32 mCurrentDetailLevel 
F32 mCurrentIntraDetailLevel 

0-1, how far along from current to next (higher) detail level...

0=at this dl, 1=at higher detail level, where higher means bigger size on screen for dl=0, we use twice detail level 0's size as the size of the "next" dl

TSIntegerSet mDisableBlendNodes 
TSIntegerSet mHandsOffNodes 

Nodes that aren't animated through threads automatically.

TSIntegerSet mMaskPosXNodes 
TSIntegerSet mMaskPosYNodes 
TSIntegerSet mMaskPosZNodes 
TSIntegerSet mMaskRotationNodes 

keep track of nodes with animation restrictions put on them

Vector< TSCallbackRecord > mNodeCallbacks 
bool mOwnMaterialList 

Does this own the material list pointer?

bool mScaleCurrentlyAnimated 
TSShape * mShape 

This should always point to a valid shape and should equal mShapeResource if it was created from a resource.

Resource< TSShape > mShapeResource 

This is only valid when the instance was created from a resource.

Else it is null.

TSVertexBufferHandle mSoftwareVertexBuffer 

Vertex buffer used for software skinning this instance.

Vector< TSThread * > mThreadList 
Vector< TSThread * > mTransitionThreads 
U32 mTriggerStates 

state variables

bool mUseOverrideTexture 
bool mUseOwnBuffer 

Force using our own copy of the vertex buffer.

Protected Functions

addPath(TSThread * gt, F32 start, F32 end, MatrixF * mat)


Public Functions

TSShapeInstance(const Resource< TSShape > & shape, bool loadMaterials)

TSShapeInstance(TSShape * pShape, bool loadMaterials)



animate(S32 dl)

animateFrame(S32 ss)

animateMatFrame(S32 ss)

animateNodes(S32 ss)

animateNodeSubtrees(bool forceFull)

animateSubtrees(bool forceFull)

animateVisibility(S32 ss)

bufferNeedsUpdate(S32 objectDetail, S32 start, S32 end)

buildConvexOpcode(const MatrixF & objMat, const Point3F & objScale, S32 objectDetail, const Box3F & bounds, Convex * c, Convex * list)

buildInstanceData(TSShape * , bool loadMaterials)

buildPolyList(AbstractPolyList * , S32 dl)

buildPolyListOpcode(S32 dl, AbstractPolyList * polyList, const Box3F & box)

castRay(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * , S32 dl)

castRayOpcode(S32 objectDetail, const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * )

castRayRendered(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * , S32 dl)

clearDirty(U32 dirty)

cloneMaterialList(const FeatureSet * features)

Call this to own the material list – i.e., we'll make a copy of the currently set material list and be responsible for deleting it.

You can pass an optional feature set for initializing the cloned materials.

computeBounds(S32 dl, Box3F & bounds)

uses current transforms to compute bounding box around a detail level see like named method on shape if you want to use default transforms

dump(Stream & )

dumpNode(Stream & , S32 level, S32 nodeIndex, Vector< S32 > & detailSizes)



getFeatures(const MatrixF & mat, const Point3F & n, ConvexFeature * , S32 dl)





Get the number of material targets in this shape instance.

getTargetName(S32 mapToNameIndex)

Get the indexed material target (may differ from the base TSShape material list if this instance has been reskinned).



initMaterialList(const FeatureSet * features)

Initializes or re-initializes the material list with an optional feature set.






quickLOS(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, S32 dl)

render(const TSRenderState & rdata)

render(const TSRenderState & rdata, S32 dl, F32 intraDL)


reSkin(String newBaseName, String oldBaseName)

setCurrentDetail(S32 dl, F32 intraDL)

setDetailFromDistance(const SceneRenderState * state, F32 scaledDist)

Selects the current detail level using the scaled distance between your object and the camera.

setDetailFromPosAndScale(const SceneRenderState * state, const Point3F & pos, const Point3F & scale)

Helper function which internally calls setDetailFromDistance.

setDetailFromScreenError(F32 errorTOL)

Sets the current detail level using the legacy screen error metric.

setDirty(U32 dirty)

setMaterialList(TSMaterialList * matList)

Set the material list without taking ownership.

setMeshForceHidden(const char * meshName, bool hidden)

Sets the 'forceHidden' state on the named mesh.

setMeshForceHidden(S32 meshIndex, bool hidden)

Sets the 'forceHidden' state on a mesh.


support(const Point3F & v, S32 dl)