

Alloc structure used in the reading/writing of shapes.


Public Types

_Anonymous_ {
  ReadMode = 0
  WriteMode = 1
  PageSize = 1024

Private Attributes

S8 *

reading only...this is the output

S32 *

reading and writing (when reading these are the input; when writing these are the output)

reading and writing...

read or write

mult incoming sizes by this (when 0, then mDest doesn't grow --> skip mode)

for writing only...

Public Functions

align on dword boundary

setRead(S32 * buff32, S16 * buff16, S8 * buff8, bool clear)
setSkipMode(bool skip)

Detailed Description

Alloc structure used in the reading/writing of shapes.

In read mode we assemble contents of 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit buffers into a single destination buffer.

In write mode we dissemble a stream of memory (which may be scattered in physical memory) into 32-bit, 16-bit, 8-bit, Point3F, and Point2F buffers using function calls similar to the read calls.

Read usage:

  1. call "setRead" with each incoming memory buffers and clear=true.

  2. run through set of operations for allocating and transfering memory to target buffer these are the operations under "DECLARE_ALLOC" that call readOnly in the .cc file.

  3. call "doAlloc" to create buffer exactly as large as needed.

  4. repeat step 1 & 2 to do the actual transfer of memory, except with clear=false (note: first time through nothing was copied to the shape, we only kept track of the size of the transfer).

  5. call getBuffer to get the target (destination buffer)

write usage:

  1. call "setWrite" (no parameters).

  2. run through set of operations for allocating and transfering memory to internal buffers these are the operations under "DECLARE_ALLOC" that call writeOnly in the .cc file.

  3. call getBuffer32 and getBufferSize32 to get 32-bit buffer and size. Similarly for 16-bit, 8-bit (getBuffer16, getBuffer8).

TSShape::assesmbleShape and TSShape::dissembleShape can be used as examples

Public Types



ReadMode = 0
WriteMode = 1
PageSize = 1024

Private Attributes

S8 * mDest 

reading only...this is the output

S32 mFullSize16 
S32 mFullSize32 
S32 mFullSize8 
S16 * mMemBuffer16 
S32 * mMemBuffer32 

reading and writing (when reading these are the input; when writing these are the output)

S8 * mMemBuffer8 
S16 mMemGuard16 
S32 mMemGuard32 

reading and writing...

S8 mMemGuard8 
S32 mMode 

read or write

S32 mMult 

mult incoming sizes by this (when 0, then mDest doesn't grow --> skip mode)

S16 mSaveGuard16 
S32 mSaveGuard32 


S8 mSaveGuard8 
S32 mSize 
S32 mSize16 
S32 mSize32 

for writing only...

S32 mSize8 

Public Functions


align on dword boundary






setRead(S32 * buff32, S16 * buff16, S8 * buff8, bool clear)

setSkipMode(bool skip)
