


Detail Levels

detail levels on part instance correspond directly to object details on objects – this is different from shape instances where dl corresponds to a subtree number and object detail.

The reason for this is that partinstances are derived from a single subtree of a shape instance, so the subtree is implied (implied by which objects are in the part instance)...

Private Detail Selection Methods

selectCurrentDetail(F32 * sizeCutoffs, S32 numDetails, bool ignoreScale)
selectCurrentDetail(F32 pixelSize, F32 * sizeCutoffs, S32 numDetails)

Private Attributes

F32 *

detail selection uses the table pointed to by this member

TSPartInstance assumes ownership (or shared ownership) of the source shape.

Private Static Attributes

Public Attributes

void *

for use by app

Private Static Functions

breakShape(TSShapeInstance * , TSPartInstance * , S32 currentNode, Vector< TSPartInstance * > & partList, F32 * probShatter, F32 * probBreak, S32 probDepth)

Public Functions

TSPartInstance(TSShapeInstance * source, S32 objectIndex)
setDetailData(F32 * sizeCutoffs, S32 numDetails)

choose detail method – pass in NULL for first parameter to just use shapes data

Public Static Functions

breakShape(TSShapeInstance * , S32 subShape, Vector< TSPartInstance * > & partList, F32 * probShatter, F32 * probBreak, S32 probDepth)

Detailed Description

Bounding info

Box3F mBounds 
Point3F mCenter 
F32 mRadius 

Detail Levels

detail levels on part instance correspond directly to object details on objects – this is different from shape instances where dl corresponds to a subtree number and object detail.

The reason for this is that partinstances are derived from a single subtree of a shape instance, so the subtree is implied (implied by which objects are in the part instance)...

S32 mCurrentObjectDetail 
F32 mCurrentIntraDL 

Private Detail Selection Methods

selectCurrentDetail(F32 * sizeCutoffs, S32 numDetails, bool ignoreScale)

selectCurrentDetail(F32 pixelSize, F32 * sizeCutoffs, S32 numDetails)


Detail Information Accessors

getDetailSize(S32 dl)

getPolyCount(S32 dl)



setCurrentObjectDetail(S32 od)


setCurrentIntraDetail(F32 intra)

Private Attributes

Vector< TSShapeInstance::MeshObjectInstance * > mMeshObjects 
S32 mNumDetails 
S32 * mPolyCount 
F32 * mSizeCutoffs 

detail selection uses the table pointed to by this member

if this member is blank, then it uses source shape to determine detail...

detail 0 draws up until size of shape is less than mSizeCutoffs[0], detail 1 until mSizeCutoffs[1], etc.

TSShapeInstance * mSourceShape 

TSPartInstance assumes ownership (or shared ownership) of the source shape.

This means that the source shape cannot be deleted so long as the part instance is still around. This also means that any change to source shapes's transforms or other animation properties will affect how the part instance displays. It is ok (even expected), however, to have many part instances accessing the same shape.

Private Static Attributes

MRandomR250 smRandom 

Public Attributes

void * mData 

for use by app

Private Functions

addObject(S32 objectIndex)

init(TSShapeInstance * )

renderDetailMap(S32 od)

renderEnvironmentMap(S32 od)

renderFog(S32 od)


Private Static Functions

breakShape(TSShapeInstance * , TSPartInstance * , S32 currentNode, Vector< TSPartInstance * > & partList, F32 * probShatter, F32 * probBreak, S32 probDepth)

Public Functions

TSPartInstance(TSShapeInstance * source)

TSPartInstance(TSShapeInstance * source, S32 objectIndex)







render(const TSRenderState & rdata)

render(S32 dl, const TSRenderState & rdata)

setDetailData(F32 * sizeCutoffs, S32 numDetails)

choose detail method – pass in NULL for first parameter to just use shapes data

Public Static Functions

breakShape(TSShapeInstance * , S32 subShape, Vector< TSPartInstance * > & partList, F32 * probShatter, F32 * probBreak, S32 probDepth)