Telnet admin console.
Represents a connection to the telnet console.
Private Types
_Anonymous_ { PasswordMaxLength = 32 }
State { PasswordTryOne PasswordTryTwo PasswordTryThree DisconnectThisDude FullAccessConnected ReadOnlyConnected }
State of a TelnetClient.
Private Attributes
TelnetClient *
mListenPassword [PasswordMaxLength+1]
mTelnetPassword [PasswordMaxLength+1]
Private Functions
Public Static Functions
Public Functions
processConsoleLine(const char * line)
Callback to handle a line from the console.
setTelnetParameters(S32 port, const char * telnetPassword, const char * listenPassword, bool remoteEcho)
Configure the parameter for the telnet console.
Detailed Description
Telnet admin console.
Torque supports remote access to its console. This is most useful when running a dedicated server, as you can remotely administer the game (for instance, kicking people). In the context of a MMORPG, this sort of functionality would be useful for managing a server.
There are a number of products for Tribes2 which allow remote administration via a nice GUI.
Using the Telnet Console
The TelnetConsole is designed to be used globally, so you don't instantiate it like a normal class.
Private Types
- PasswordMaxLength = 32
Maximum length of the telnet and listen passwords.
- PasswordTryOne
Allow three password attempts.
- PasswordTryTwo
- PasswordTryThree
- DisconnectThisDude
If they've failed all three, disconnect them.
- FullAccessConnected
They presented the telnetPassword, they get full access.
- ReadOnlyConnected
They presented the listenPassword, they get read only access.
State of a TelnetClient.
Private Attributes
S32 mAcceptPort
NetSocket mAcceptSocket
TelnetClient * mClientList
char mListenPassword [PasswordMaxLength+1]
bool mRemoteEchoEnabled
char mTelnetPassword [PasswordMaxLength+1]
Private Functions
Public Static Functions
Initialize the telnet console.
Shut down the telnet console.
Public Functions
Called by the main loop to let the console process commands and connections.
processConsoleLine(const char * line)
Callback to handle a line from the console.
note:This is used internally by the class; you shouldn't need to call it.
setTelnetParameters(S32 port, const char * telnetPassword, const char * listenPassword, bool remoteEcho)
Configure the parameter for the telnet console.
port | Port on which to listen for connections. |
telnetPassword | Password for full access to the console. |
listenPassword | Password for read-only access to the console. |
remoteEcho | Enable/disable echoing input back to the client |