Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / SimFieldDictionary



Dictionary to keep track of dynamic fields on SimObject.



Public Types

_Anonymous_ {  HashTableSize = 19

Public Friends

Public Attributes

mHashTable [HashTableSize]

Private Static Attributes

Private Attributes

In order to efficiently detect when a dynamic field has been added or deleted, we increment this every time we add or remove a field.

Private Functions

addEntry(U32 bucket, StringTableEntry slotName, ConsoleBaseType * type, char * value)
freeEntry(Entry * entry)

Private Static Functions

Detailed Description

Dictionary to keep track of dynamic fields on SimObject.

Public Types



HashTableSize = 19

Public Friends

Public Attributes

Entry * mHashTable [HashTableSize]

Private Static Attributes

Entry * smFreeList 

Private Attributes

U32 mNumFields 
U32 mVersion 

In order to efficiently detect when a dynamic field has been added or deleted, we increment this every time we add or remove a field.

Private Functions

addEntry(U32 bucket, StringTableEntry slotName, ConsoleBaseType * type, char * value)

freeEntry(Entry * entry)

Private Static Functions

getHashValue(const String & fieldName)

getHashValue(StringTableEntry slotName)

Public Functions



assignFrom(SimFieldDictionary * dict)

assignFrom(SimFieldDictionary * dict, const char * filter, bool no_replace)

findDynamicField(const String & fieldName)

findDynamicField(StringTableEntry fieldName)

getFieldType(StringTableEntry slotName)

getFieldValue(StringTableEntry slotName)



operator[](U32 index)

printFields(SimObject * obj)

setFieldType(StringTableEntry slotName, ConsoleBaseType * type)

setFieldType(StringTableEntry slotName, const char * typeString)

setFieldType(StringTableEntry slotName, const U32 typeId)

setFieldValue(StringTableEntry slotName, const char * value)

setFieldValue(StringTableEntry slotName, const char * value, ConsoleBaseType * type, bool no_replace)

writeFields(SimObject * obj, Stream & strem, U32 tabStop)