

ShadowMapPass, this is plugged into the SceneManager to generate ShadowMaps for the scene.


Public Static Attributes


Used to for debugging performance by disabling shadow updates and rendering.

distance moved per frame before forcing a shadow update

angle turned per frame before forcing a shadow update

Public Functions

ShadowMapPass(LightManager * LightManager, ShadowMapManager * ShadowManager)

Return the type of pass this is.

Return our sort value. (Go first in order to have shadow maps available for RIT_Objects)

render(SceneManager * sceneGraph, const SceneRenderState * diffuseState, U32 objectMask)

Called to render a scene.

Detailed Description

ShadowMapPass, this is plugged into the SceneManager to generate ShadowMaps for the scene.

Public Static Attributes

const String PassTypeName 
bool smDisableShadows 

Used to for debugging performance by disabling shadow updates and rendering.

bool smDisableShadowsEditor 
bool smDisableShadowsPref 
F32 smShadowsTeleportDist 

distance moved per frame before forcing a shadow update

F32 smShadowsTurnRate 

angle turned per frame before forcing a shadow update

Private Static Attributes

U32 smActiveShadowMaps 
U32 smNearShadowMaps 
U32 smRenderBudgetMs 

The milliseconds alotted for shadow map updates on a per frame basis.

We have a default 8ms render budget for shadow rendering.

U32 smRenderTargetChanges 
U32 smShadowMapPolyCount 
U32 smShadowMapsDrawCalls 
F32 smShadowPoolMemory 
U32 smShadowPoolTexturesCount 
U32 smUpdatedShadowMaps 

Private Attributes

U32 mActiveLights 
LightManager * mLightManager 
LightInfoList mLights 
F32 mPrevCamFov 
Point3F mPrevCamPos 
Point3F mPrevCamRot 
ShadowMapManager * mShadowManager 
SimObjectPtr< ShadowRenderPassManager > mShadowRPM 
PlatformTimer * mTimer 

Public Functions


ShadowMapPass(LightManager * LightManager, ShadowMapManager * ShadowManager)




Return the type of pass this is.


Return our sort value. (Go first in order to have shadow maps available for RIT_Objects)

render(SceneManager * sceneGraph, const SceneRenderState * diffuseState, U32 objectMask)

Called to render a scene.