


Public Types


Signal used to notify systems to register features.


Parameter 1 is the ShaderGen instance to initialize.

Protected Types


Map of cache string -> shaders.

Public Static Attributes

Public Friends

Public Functions

generateShader(const MaterialFeatureData & featureData, char * vertFile, char * pixFile, F32 * pixVersion, const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat, const char * cacheName, Vector< GFXShaderMacro > & macros)

vertFile and pixFile are filled in by this function.

Returns the signal used to notify systems to register features.

Register an initialization delegate for adapterType.

Protected Functions

Creates all the various shader components that will be filled in when the shader features are processed.

print out the processed features to the file stream

_processPixFeatures(Vector< GFXShaderMacro > & macros, bool macrosOnly)
_processVertFeatures(Vector< GFXShaderMacro > & macros, bool macrosOnly)

Causes the init delegate to be called.

Protected Static Functions

Detailed Description

The ShaderGen class takes shader feature data (usually created by MatInstance) and creates a vertex/pixel shader pair in text files to be later compiled by a shader manager.

It accomplishes this task by creating a group of shader "components" and "features" that output bits of high level shader code. Shader components translate to structures in HLSL that indicate incoming vertex data, data that is output from the vertex shader to the pixel shader, and data such as constants and textures that are passed directly to the shader from the app.

Shader features are separable shader functions that can be turned on or off. Examples would be bumpmapping and specular highlights. See MaterialFeatureData for the current list of features supported.

ShaderGen processes all of the features that are present for a desired shader, and then prints them out to the respective vertex or pixel shader file.

For more information on shader features and components see the ShaderFeature and ShaderComponent classes.

Public Types

typedef Signal< void(GFXAdapterType type)> FeatureInitSignal 

Signal used to notify systems to register features.

typedef Delegate< void(ShaderGen *)> ShaderGenInitDelegate 

Parameter 1 is the ShaderGen instance to initialize.

Protected Types

typedef Map< String, GFXShaderRef > ShaderMap 

Map of cache string -> shaders.

Public Static Attributes

String smCommonShaderPath 

Public Friends

Protected Attributes

AutoPtr< ShaderGenComponentFactory > mComponentFactory 
Vector< ShaderComponent * > mComponents 
MaterialFeatureData mFeatureData 
FeatureInitSignal mFeatureInitSignal 
String mFileEnding 
bool mInit 


ShaderGenInitDelegate mInitDelegates [GFXAdapterType_Count]
GFXVertexFormat mInstancingFormat 
Torque::FS::FileSystemRef mMemFS 
MultiLine * mOutput 

The currently processing output.

AutoPtr< ShaderGenPrinter > mPrinter 
ShaderMap mProcShaders 
bool mRegisteredWithGFX 
const GFXVertexFormat * mVertexFormat 

Public Functions



generateShader(const MaterialFeatureData & featureData, char * vertFile, char * pixFile, F32 * pixVersion, const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat, const char * cacheName, Vector< GFXShaderMacro > & macros)

vertFile and pixFile are filled in by this function.

They point to the vertex and pixel shader files. pixVersion is also filled in by this function. Parameters:


used to assign a specific number as the filename


Returns the signal used to notify systems to register features.

getShader(const MaterialFeatureData & dat, const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat, const Vector< GFXShaderMacro > * macros, const Vector< String > & samplers)

registerInitDelegate(GFXAdapterType adapterType, ShaderGenInitDelegate & initDelegate)

Register an initialization delegate for adapterType.

This should setPrinter/ComponentFactory/etc, and register shader features.

setComponentFactory(ShaderGenComponentFactory * factory)

setFileEnding(String ending)

setPrinter(ShaderGenPrinter * printer)

Protected Functions



Creates all the various shader components that will be filled in when the shader features are processed.

_handleGFXEvent(GFXDevice::GFXDeviceEventType event)


_printDependencies(Stream & stream)

_printFeatureList(Stream & stream)

_printFeatures(Stream & stream)

print out the processed features to the file stream

_printPixShader(Stream & stream)

_printVertShader(Stream & stream)

_processPixFeatures(Vector< GFXShaderMacro > & macros, bool macrosOnly)

_processVertFeatures(Vector< GFXShaderMacro > & macros, bool macrosOnly)



Causes the init delegate to be called.

Protected Static Functions
