Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / ShaderFeatureGLSL



ShaderFeatureGLSLSee documentation for ShaderFeatureGLSLShaderFeatureSee documentation for ShaderFeature


Public Functions

Var *
addOutDetailTexCoord(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, MultiLine * meta, bool useTexAnim, bool useFoliageTexCoord)
Var *
addOutWsPosition(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta)

Adds the "wsPosition" to the input connector if it doesn't exist.

Helper function for applying the color to shader output.

expandNormalMap(LangElement * sampleNormalOp, LangElement * normalDecl, LangElement * normalVar, const MaterialFeatureData & fd)

Expand and assign a normal map. This takes care of compressed normal maps as well.

Var *
getInvWorldView(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta)
Var *
getModelView(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta)
Var *
getObjTrans(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta)
Var *

Returns the "objToTangentSpace" transform or creates one if this is the first feature to need it.

Var *
getOutTexCoord(const char * name, const char * type, bool useTexAnim, MultiLine * meta, Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)
Var *

Returns the existing output "outViewToTangent" transform or creates one if this is the first feature to need it.

Var *

Returns the existing output "outWorldToTangent" transform or creates one if this is the first feature to need it.

Var *
Var *

Get the incoming base texture coords - useful for bumpmap and detail maps.

Var *
getWorldView(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta)
getWsPosition(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta, LangElement * wsPosition)

Calculates the world space position in the vertex shader and assigns it to the passed language element.

setupTexSpaceMat(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, Var ** texSpaceMat)

Set up a texture space matrix - to pass into pixel shader.

Public Static Functions

Var *
addOutVpos(MultiLine * meta, Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)
Var *
getInColor(const char * name, const char * type, Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)
Var *
getInTexCoord(const char * name, const char * type, Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

Returns an input texture coord by name adding it to the input connector if it doesn't exist.

Var *

Returns the input "viewToTangent" space transform adding it to the input connector if it doesn't exist.

Var *
getInVpos(MultiLine * meta, Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

Returns the VPOS input register for the pixel shader.

Var *

Returns the input "worldToTanget" space transform adding it to the input connector if it doesn't exist.

Var *
getInWsPosition(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

Returns the input world space position from the connector.

Var *

Returns the input normal map texture.

Var *
getWsView(Var * wsPosition, MultiLine * meta)

Returns the world space view vector from the wsPosition.

Detailed Description

Public Functions


addOutDetailTexCoord(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, MultiLine * meta, bool useTexAnim, bool useFoliageTexCoord)

addOutWsPosition(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta)

Adds the "wsPosition" to the input connector if it doesn't exist.

assignColor(LangElement * elem, Material::BlendOp blend, LangElement * lerpElem, ShaderFeature::OutputTarget outputTarget)

Reimplemented from: ShaderFeature

expandNormalMap(LangElement * sampleNormalOp, LangElement * normalDecl, LangElement * normalVar, const MaterialFeatureData & fd)

Reimplemented from: ShaderFeature

getInvWorldView(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta)

getModelView(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta)

getObjTrans(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta)

getOutObjToTangentSpace(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, MultiLine * meta, const MaterialFeatureData & fd)

Returns the "objToTangentSpace" transform or creates one if this is the first feature to need it.

getOutTexCoord(const char * name, const char * type, bool useTexAnim, MultiLine * meta, Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

getOutViewToTangent(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, MultiLine * meta, const MaterialFeatureData & fd)

Returns the existing output "outViewToTangent" transform or creates one if this is the first feature to need it.

getOutWorldToTangent(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, MultiLine * meta, const MaterialFeatureData & fd)

Returns the existing output "outWorldToTangent" transform or creates one if this is the first feature to need it.

getSurface(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, MultiLine * meta, const MaterialFeatureData & fd)

getVertTexCoord(const String & name)

Reimplemented from: ShaderFeature

getWorldView(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta)

getWsPosition(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, bool useInstancing, MultiLine * meta, LangElement * wsPosition)

Calculates the world space position in the vertex shader and assigns it to the passed language element.

It does not pass it across the connector to the pixel shader.

setupTexSpaceMat(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList, Var ** texSpaceMat)

Reimplemented from: ShaderFeature

Public Static Functions

addOutVpos(MultiLine * meta, Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

getInColor(const char * name, const char * type, Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

getInTexCoord(const char * name, const char * type, Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

Returns an input texture coord by name adding it to the input connector if it doesn't exist.

getInViewToTangent(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

Returns the input "viewToTangent" space transform adding it to the input connector if it doesn't exist.

getInVpos(MultiLine * meta, Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

Returns the VPOS input register for the pixel shader.

getInWorldToTangent(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

Returns the input "worldToTanget" space transform adding it to the input connector if it doesn't exist.

getInWsPosition(Vector< ShaderComponent * > & componentList)

Returns the input world space position from the connector.


Returns the input normal map texture.

getWsView(Var * wsPosition, MultiLine * meta)

Returns the world space view vector from the wsPosition.