The SFXDescription defines how a sound should be played.
Public Types
_Anonymous_ { MaxNumParameters = 8 }
Private Types
Public Attributes
The angle in degrees of the inner part of the cone.
The angle in degrees of the outer part of the cone.
The volume scalar for on/beyond the outside angle.
Easing curve for fade-in.
Number of seconds until playback reaches full volume after starting/resuming.
When mIsLooping is true, the fades will apply to each cycle.
Easing curve for fade-out.
Number of seconds to fade out fading before stopping/pausing.
If true the sound will be 3D positional.
If true the sound will loop.
If true the sound data will be streamed from disk and not loaded completely into memory.
The distance from the emitter at which the sound volume becomes zero.
The distance from the emitter at which the sound volume is unchanged.
mParameters [MaxNumParameters]
Parameters to which sources playing with this description should automatically connect when created.
Reverb properties for sound playback.
Local logarithmic distance attenuation rolloff factor.
Max distance in both directions along each axis by which the sound position of a 3D sound will be randomly scattered.
The source to which sources playing with this description will be added.
The number of seconds of sound data to read per streaming packet.
The number of streaming packets to read and buffer in advance.
If this sound is allowed to be mixed in hardware.
If true the sound uses custom reverb properties.
Public Functions
SFXDescription(const SFXDescription & , bool )
SFXDescription(const SFXDescription & desc)
Called after any property of the object is changed in the world editor.
Called when the object is added to the sim.
unpackData(BitStream * stream)
Public Static Functions
Detailed Description
The SFXDescription defines how a sound should be played.
If mConeInsideAngle and mConeOutsideAngle are not both 360 then the sound will be directional and facing out the Y axis. To reorient the cones, reorient the emitter object.
A few tips:
Make sure that server SFXDescription are defined with the datablock keyword, and that client SFXDescription are defined with the 'new' or 'singleton' keyword.
Public Types
- MaxNumParameters = 8
Private Types
typedef SimDataBlock Parent
Public Attributes
U32 mConeInsideAngle
The angle in degrees of the inner part of the cone.
It must be within 0 to 360.
This is only valid for 3D sounds.
U32 mConeOutsideAngle
The angle in degrees of the outer part of the cone.
It must be greater than mConeInsideAngle and less than to 360.
This is only valid for 3D sounds.
F32 mConeOutsideVolume
The volume scalar for on/beyond the outside angle.
This is only valid for 3D sounds.
EaseF mFadeInEase
Easing curve for fade-in.
F32 mFadeInTime
Number of seconds until playback reaches full volume after starting/resuming.
Zero to deactivate (default).
bool mFadeLoops
When mIsLooping is true, the fades will apply to each cycle.
Otherwise, only the first cycle will have a fade-in applied and no fade-out happens when a cycle ends.
This also affects the playtime that is used to place fades. If mFadeLoops is false, the total playtime so far will be used rather than the playtime of the current cycle. This makes it possible to apply fades that extend across two or more loops of the sound, i.e. are longer than the actual sound duration.
EaseF mFadeOutEase
Easing curve for fade-out.
F32 mFadeOutTime
Number of seconds to fade out fading before stopping/pausing.
Zero to deactivate (default).
bool mIs3D
If true the sound will be 3D positional.
bool mIsLooping
If true the sound will loop.
bool mIsStreaming
If true the sound data will be streamed from disk and not loaded completely into memory.
F32 mMaxDistance
The distance from the emitter at which the sound volume becomes zero.
This is only valid for 3D sounds.
F32 mMinDistance
The distance from the emitter at which the sound volume is unchanged.
Beyond this distance the volume begins to falloff.
This is only valid for 3D sounds.
StringTableEntry mParameters [MaxNumParameters]
Parameters to which sources playing with this description should automatically connect when created.
F32 mPitch
The pitch scale.
F32 mPriority
Priority level for sounds.
Higher priority sounds are less likely to be culled.
SFXSoundReverbProperties mReverb
Reverb properties for sound playback.
F32 mRolloffFactor
Local logarithmic distance attenuation rolloff factor.
-1 to use global setting. Per-sound rolloff settings only supported with some SFX providers.
Point3F mScatterDistance
Max distance in both directions along each axis by which the sound position of a 3D sound will be randomly scattered.
Example: if you set x=5, then the final x coordinate of the 3D sound will be (OriginalX + randF( -5, +5 )).
SFXSource * mSourceGroup
The source to which sources playing with this description will be added.
U32 mStreamPacketSize
The number of seconds of sound data to read per streaming packet.
Only relevant if "isStreaming" is true.
U32 mStreamReadAhead
The number of streaming packets to read and buffer in advance.
Only relevant if "isStreaming" is true.
bool mUseHardware
If this sound is allowed to be mixed in hardware.
bool mUseReverb
If true the sound uses custom reverb properties.
F32 mVolume
The 0 to 1 volume scale.
Public Functions
SFXDescription(const SFXDescription & , bool )
SFXDescription(const SFXDescription & desc)
Reimplemented from: SimObject
Reimplemented from: SimObject
Reimplemented from: SimDataBlock
packData(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: SimDataBlock
unpackData(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: SimDataBlock
Validates the description fixing any parameters that are out of range.