

Abstract base class for SceneObjects that define subspaces in a scene.


Protected Types

_Anonymous_ {
  TransformMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 0
  NextFreeMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 1

Public Types


Protected Attributes

Public Functions


Called when the object is added to the sim.

Called when the editor is deactivated.

Called when the editor is activated.

Called when the object is removed from the sim.

packUpdate(NetConnection * conn, U32 mask, BitStream * stream)

Instructs this object to pack its state for transfer over the network.

Called when the SceneManager is ready for the registration of render instances.

Sets the Object -> World transform.

Instructs this object to read state data previously packed with packUpdate.

Detailed Description

Abstract base class for SceneObjects that define subspaces in a scene.

Use SceneObject::containsPoint to find out whether a given space contains a particular point.

Protected Types



TransformMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 0

Object transform has changed.

NextFreeMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 1

Public Types

typedef SceneObject Parent 

Protected Attributes

BaseMatInstance * mEditorRenderMaterial 

Protected Functions



Reimplemented by: Portal, SFXSpace, Zone


Reimplemented by: Portal

_renderObject(ObjectRenderInst * ri, SceneRenderState * state, BaseMatInstance * overrideMat)

Render a visualization of the volume.

Reimplemented by: ScenePolyhedralObject, ScenePolyhedralObject, AccumulationVolume, OcclusionVolume, Portal