

A 3D object.




TGE uses the term "mount" in a quirky, staticky way relating to its limited use to have riders and guns mounted on a vehicle (and similar) I did not alter that code at all (yet) and did not want to keep its terminology for other reasons I decided to support a hierarchy of scene objects and dubbed the operations attaching and removing child SceneObjects.


Mounted object.


Iterator over the zones that the object is assigned to.


Bidirectional link between a zone manager and its objects.


Refresh the zoning state of this object, if it isn't up-to-date anymore.

Return the first link in the zone list of this object.


If an object moves, its zoning state needs to be updated.

Number of zones this object is assigned to.

List of zones that this object is part of.


mountObject(SceneObject * obj, S32 node, const MatrixF & xfm)

ex: Mount B to A at A's node N A.mountObject( B, N )

Remove an object mounting.

Unmount this object from it's mount.

onMount(SceneObject * obj, S32 node)

Callback when this object is mounted.

onUnmount(SceneObject * obj, S32 node)

Callback when this object is unmounted.

getMountTransform(S32 index, const MatrixF & xfm, MatrixF * outMat)
getRenderMountTransform(F32 delta, S32 index, const MatrixF & xfm, MatrixF * outMat)

Return the object that this object is mounted to.

Return object link of next object mounted to this object's mount.

Returns object list of objects mounted to this object.

Returns the mount id that this is mounted to.


Returns true if this object is mounted to anything at all Also try to resolve the PID to objectId here if it is pending.

Returns the number of object mounted along with this.

Returns the object mounted at a position in the mount list.

Returns the node the object at idx is mounted to.

Returns the object a object on the mount list is mounted to.

Transform and Collision Members

Regenerates the world-space bounding box and bounding sphere.

Regenerates the render-world-space bounding box and sphere.

Regenerates the object-space bounding box from the world-space bounding box, the world space to object space transform, and the object scale.

Called when the size of the object changes.

Transform from object space to world space.

Transform from world space to object space (inverse).

Object scale.

Bounding box in object space.

Bounding box (AABB) in world space.

Bounding sphere in world space.

Render matrix to transform object space to world space.

Render matrix to transform world space to object space.

Render bounding box in world space.

Render bounding sphere in world space.


Whether this object is considered to have an infinite bounding box.

SceneContainer Interface

When objects are searched, we go through all the zones and ask them for all of their objects.

Because an object can exist in multiple zones, the container sequence key is set to the id of the current search. Then, while searching, we check to see if an object's sequence key is the same as the current search key. If it is, it will NOT be added to the list of returns since it has already been processed.

Returns the container sequence key.

Sets the container sequence key.

SceneManager Functionality

Return the SceneManager that this SceneObject belongs to.

Adds object to the client or server container depending on the object.

Removes the object from the client/server container.

Returns a pointer to the container that contains this object.



Return true if this object is rendered.

setRenderEnabled(bool value)

Set whether the object gets rendered.


Return true if this object can be selected in the editor.

setSelectionEnabled(bool value)

Set whether the object can be selected in the editor.


Return true if the object doesn't want to be subjected to culling when in the editor.


Return true if the object should be taken into account for visual occlusion.

Collision and transform related interface

The Render Transform is the interpolated transform with respect to the frame rate.

The Render Transform will differ from the object transform because the simulation is updated in fixed intervals, which controls the object transform. The framerate is, most likely, higher than this rate, so that is why the render transform is interpolated and will differ slightly from the object transform.

Disables collisions for this object including raycasts.

Enables collisions for this object.


Returns true if collisions are enabled.

This gets called when an object collides with this object.


Returns true if this object allows itself to be displaced.

Returns the momentum of this object.

Sets the momentum of this object.

Returns the mass of this object.

displaceObject(const Point3F & displaceVector)

Displaces this object by a vector.

Returns the transform which can be used to convert object space to world space.

Returns the transform which can be used to convert world space into object space.

Returns the scale of the object.

Returns the bounding box for this object in local coordinates.

Returns the bounding box for this object in world coordinates.

Returns the bounding sphere for this object in world coordinates.

Returns the center of the bounding box in world coordinates.

Sets the Object -> World transform.

Sets the scale for the object.

setForwardVector(VectorF newForward, VectorF upVector)

Sets the forward vector of the object.

This sets the render transform for this object.

Returns the render transform.

Returns the render transform to convert world to local coordinates.

Returns the render world box.

setHidden(bool hidden)

Sets the state of this object as hidden or not.

buildConvex(const Box3F & box, Convex * convex)

Builds a convex hull for this object.

buildPolyList(PolyListContext context, AbstractPolyList * polyList, const Box3F & box, const SphereF & sphere)

Builds a list of polygons which intersect a bounding volume.


Builds a list of polygons which intersect a bounding volume for exporting.

castRay(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info)

Casts a ray and obtain collision information, returns true if RayInfo is modified.


Casts a ray against rendered geometry, returns true if RayInfo is modified.

buildSilhouette(const SceneCameraState & cameraState, Vector< Point3F > & outPoints)

Build a world-space silhouette polygon for the object for the given camera settings.


Return true if the given point is contained by the object's (collision) shape.

collideBox(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info)

Returns the position of the object.

Returns the render-position of the object.

Sets the position of the object.

Gets the velocity of the object.

Sets the velocity of the object.

Applies an impulse force to this object.

applyRadialImpulse(const Point3F & origin, F32 radius, F32 magnitude)

Applies a radial impulse to the object using the impulse origin and force.

Returns the distance from this object to a point



Return whether the object's collision shape is blocking sound.

Return the ambient sound space active inside the volume of this object or NULL if the object does not have its own ambient space.


Called when the SceneManager is ready for the registration of render instances.


Gets the number of zones containing this object.

Returns the nth zone containing this object.

Global Bounds

If global bounds are set to be true, then the object is assumed to have an infinitely large bounding box for collision and rendering purposes.

Protected field getters/setters

const char *
_getRenderEnabled(void * object, const char * data)
_setRenderEnabled(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)
const char *
_getSelectionEnabled(void * object, const char * data)
_setSelectionEnabled(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)
_setFieldPosition(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)
_setFieldRotation(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)
_setFieldScale(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)
_setMountPID(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)
_setAccuEnabled(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

Public Types

_Anonymous_ {
  MaxObjectZones = 128
  NumMountPoints = 32
  NumMountPointBits = 5
_Anonymous_ {
SceneObjectFlags {
  RenderEnabledFlag = BIT( 0 )
  SelectionEnabledFlag = BIT( 1 )
  DisableCullingInEditorFlag = BIT( 2 )
  VisualOccluderFlag = BIT( 3 )
  SoundOccluderFlag = BIT( 4 )
  NextFreeFlag = BIT( 5 )

Bit-flags stored in mObjectFlags.

SceneObjectMasks {
  InitialUpdateMask = BIT( 0 )
  ScaleMask = BIT( 1 )
  FlagMask = BIT( 2 )
  MountedMask = BIT( 3 )
  NextFreeMask = BIT( 4 )

Networking dirty mask.


Protected Attributes

Object which must be ticked before this object.

Combination of SceneObjectFlags.

Links installed by SceneTrackers attached to this object.

Object type mask.

Public Static Attributes

Triggered when a SceneObject onAdd is called.

Triggered when a SceneObject onRemove is called.

Private Attributes


For ScopeAlways objects to be able to properly implement setHidden(), they need to temporarily give up ScopeAlways status while being hidden.

Protected Functions

Returns the greatest object flag bit defined.


Called when this is added to a SceneManager.

Called when this is removed from its current SceneManager.

Public Functions

attachChild(SceneObject * subObject)

attach a subobject, but do not alter the subObject's present absolute position or orientation

attachChildAt(SceneObject * subObject, MatrixF atThisTransform, S32 node)

attach a subobject, at the specified offset expressed in our local coordinate space

attachChildAt(SceneObject * subObject, Point3F atThisPosition)

attach a subobject, at the specified position expressed in our local coordinate space

attachToParent(SceneObject * parent, MatrixF * atThisOffset, S32 node)

this is useful for setting NULL parent (making SceneObject a root object)

Clears the effects of a call to processAfter()

Returns the object that this processes after.

getChild(U32 index)

returns the (direct) child SceneObject at the given index (0 <= index <= getNumChildren() - 1)

how many child SceneObjects are (directly) attached to this one?

how many child objects does this SceneObject have when we count them recursively?

Return the ProcessList for this object to use.

Return the type mask that indicates to which broad object categories this object belongs.

Called after any property of the object is changed in the world editor.


is this SceneObject a child (directly or indirectly) of the given object?

move(const Point3F & delta)

set position in parent SceneObject's coordinate space (or in world space if no parent)

move(F32 x, F32 y, F32 z)

as move(const Point3F &delta), with different signature


Called when the object is added to the sim.

Queries the object about information used to determine scope.

Called when a SimObject is deleted.

onLostChild(SceneObject * subObject)

notification that a direct child object has been detached

returns the transform relative to parent SceneObject transform (or world transform if no parent)

onNewChild(SceneObject * subObject)

notification that a direct child object has been attached

onNewParent(SceneObject * newParent)

Called to let instance specific code happen.

Called when the object is removed from the sim.

packUpdate(NetConnection * conn, U32 mask, BitStream * stream)

Instructs this object to pack its state for transfer over the network.

Force this object to process after some other object.

Set the status of tick processing.

Instructs this object to read state data previously packed with packUpdate.

writeField(StringTableEntry fieldname, const char * value)

Determine whether or not a field should be written.

Public Static Functions

_setGameObject(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

Private Functions

Detailed Description

A 3D object.


SceneObject exists as a foundation for 3D objects in Torque. It provides the basic functionality for:

  • A scene graph (in the Zones and Portals sections), allowing efficient and robust rendering of the game scene.

  • Various helper functions, including functions to get bounding information and momentum/velocity.

  • Collision detection, as well as ray casting.

  • Lighting. SceneObjects can register lights both at lightmap generation time, and dynamic lights at runtime (for special effects, such as from flame or a projectile, or from an explosion).

  • Manipulating scene objects, for instance varying scale.

An Example

Melv May has written a most marvelous example object deriving from SceneObject. Unfortunately this page is too small to contain it.

see: for a copy of Melv's example.



Refresh the zoning state of this object, if it isn't up-to-date anymore.


Return the first link in the zone list of this object.

Each link represents a single zone that the object is assigned to.


This method will return the zoning list as is. In case the zoning state of the object is dirty, the list contents may be outdated.

bool mZoneRefDirty 

If an object moves, its zoning state needs to be updated.

This is deferred to when the state is actually needed and this flag indicates a refresh is necessary.

U32 mNumCurrZones 

Number of zones this object is assigned to.


If mZoneRefDirty is set, this might be outdated.

ZoneRef * mZoneRefHead 

List of zones that this object is part of.


If mZoneRefDirty is set, this might be outdated.


mountObject(SceneObject * obj, S32 node, const MatrixF & xfm)

ex: Mount B to A at A's node N A.mountObject( B, N )



Object to mount


Mount node ID

Reimplemented by: TurretShape, Vehicle, VPath

unmountObject(SceneObject * obj)

Remove an object mounting.



Object to unmount

Reimplemented by: TurretShape, VPath


Unmount this object from it's mount.

Reimplemented by: Player

onMount(SceneObject * obj, S32 node)

Callback when this object is mounted.



Object we are mounting to.


Node we are unmounting from.

Reimplemented by: GameBase, PhysicsForce, ShapeBase, TSStatic, VActor

onUnmount(SceneObject * obj, S32 node)

Callback when this object is unmounted.

This should be overridden to set maskbits or do other object type specific work. Parameters:


Object we are unmounting from.


Node we are unmounting from.

Reimplemented by: GameBase, PhysicsForce, Player, ShapeBase, StaticShape, Trigger, TSStatic, TurretShape, VActor

getMountTransform(S32 index, const MatrixF & xfm, MatrixF * outMat)

Reimplemented by: ShapeBase, VPath

getRenderMountTransform(F32 delta, S32 index, const MatrixF & xfm, MatrixF * outMat)

Reimplemented by: ShapeBase, VPath


Return the object that this object is mounted to.


Return object link of next object mounted to this object's mount.


Returns object list of objects mounted to this object.


Returns the mount id that this is mounted to.


Returns true if this object is mounted to anything at all Also try to resolve the PID to objectId here if it is pending.


Returns the number of object mounted along with this.

getMountedObject(S32 idx)

Returns the object mounted at a position in the mount list.



Position on the mount list

getMountedObjectNode(S32 idx)

Returns the node the object at idx is mounted to.




getMountNodeObject(S32 node)

Returns the object a object on the mount list is mounted to.




MountInfo mMount 
SimPersistID * mMountPID 
StringTableEntry mGameObjectAssetId 
AssetPtr< GameObjectAsset > mGameObjectAsset 
bool mDirtyGameObject 

Transform and Collision Members


Regenerates the world-space bounding box and bounding sphere.


Regenerates the render-world-space bounding box and sphere.


Regenerates the object-space bounding box from the world-space bounding box, the world space to object space transform, and the object scale.


Called when the size of the object changes.

Reimplemented by: ConvexShape, Player, TSStatic

MatrixF mLastXform 
MatrixF mObjToWorld 

Transform from object space to world space.

MatrixF mWorldToObj 

Transform from world space to object space (inverse).

Point3F mObjScale 

Object scale.

Box3F mObjBox 

Bounding box in object space.

Box3F mWorldBox 

Bounding box (AABB) in world space.

SphereF mWorldSphere 

Bounding sphere in world space.

MatrixF mRenderObjToWorld 

Render matrix to transform object space to world space.

MatrixF mRenderWorldToObj 

Render matrix to transform world space to object space.

Box3F mRenderWorldBox 

Render bounding box in world space.

SphereF mRenderWorldSphere 

Render bounding sphere in world space.

bool mGlobalBounds 

Whether this object is considered to have an infinite bounding box.

S32 mCollisionCount 

SceneContainer Interface

When objects are searched, we go through all the zones and ask them for all of their objects.

Because an object can exist in multiple zones, the container sequence key is set to the id of the current search. Then, while searching, we check to see if an object's sequence key is the same as the current search key. If it is, it will NOT be added to the list of returns since it has already been processed.


Returns the container sequence key.

setContainerSeqKey(const U32 key)

Sets the container sequence key.

SceneContainer * mContainer 

Container database that the object is assigned to.

U32 mContainerSeqKey 

SceneContainer sequence key.

SceneObjectRef * mBinRefHead 
U32 mBinMinX 
U32 mBinMaxX 
U32 mBinMinY 
U32 mBinMaxY 

SceneManager Functionality


Return the SceneManager that this SceneObject belongs to.


Adds object to the client or server container depending on the object.


Removes the object from the client/server container.


Returns a pointer to the container that contains this object.



Return true if this object is rendered.

setRenderEnabled(bool value)

Set whether the object gets rendered.


Return true if this object can be selected in the editor.

setSelectionEnabled(bool value)

Set whether the object can be selected in the editor.


Return true if the object doesn't want to be subjected to culling when in the editor.


Return true if the object should be taken into account for visual occlusion.

Collision and transform related interface

The Render Transform is the interpolated transform with respect to the frame rate.

The Render Transform will differ from the object transform because the simulation is updated in fixed intervals, which controls the object transform. The framerate is, most likely, higher than this rate, so that is why the render transform is interpolated and will differ slightly from the object transform.


Disables collisions for this object including raycasts.

Reimplemented by: RigidShape


Enables collisions for this object.

Reimplemented by: RigidShape


Returns true if collisions are enabled.

onCollision(SceneObject * object, const VectorF & vec)

This gets called when an object collides with this object.



Object colliding with this object


Vector along which collision occurred

Reimplemented by: ShapeBase


Returns true if this object allows itself to be displaced.

Reimplemented by: Player


Returns the momentum of this object.

Reimplemented by: Player

setMomentum(const Point3F & momentum)

Sets the momentum of this object.




Reimplemented by: Player


Returns the mass of this object.

Reimplemented by: PhysicsShape, ShapeBase

displaceObject(const Point3F & displaceVector)

Displaces this object by a vector.



Displacement vector

Reimplemented by: Player


Returns the transform which can be used to convert object space to world space.

Reimplemented by: ReflectionProbe


Returns the transform which can be used to convert world space into object space.


Returns the scale of the object.

Reimplemented by: ReflectionProbe, T3DSceneComponent


Returns the bounding box for this object in local coordinates.


Returns the bounding box for this object in world coordinates.


Returns the bounding sphere for this object in world coordinates.


Returns the center of the bounding box in world coordinates.

setTransform(const MatrixF & mat)

Sets the Object -> World transform.



New transform matrix

Reimplemented by: afxMooring, afxCamera, DecalRoad, MeshRoad, River, WaterBlock, WaterPlane, Forest, ForestWindEmitter, CoverPoint, NavMesh, OpenVRTrackedObject, SceneSpace, ScenePolyhedralZone, SceneSimpleZone, AccumulationVolume, Camera, ConvexShape, RenderMeshExample, RenderObjectExample, RenderShapeExample, fxShapeReplicatedStatic, Precipitation, GroundPlane, Item, LightBase, ReflectionProbe, MissionMarker, NotesObject, OcclusionVolume, PhysicalZone, PhysicsShape, Player, Portal, Prefab, ProximityMine, RigidShape, T3DSceneComponent, SFXEmitter, ShapeBase, StaticShape, Trigger, TSStatic, AITurretShape, TurretShape, TerrainBlock, VActor, VPath

setScale(const VectorF & scale)

Sets the scale for the object.



Scaling values

Reimplemented by: WaterBlock, GroundPlane, T3DSceneComponent, VPath, DecalRoad, MeshRoad, River, NavMesh, ReflectionProbe, PhysicsShape, PointLight, Prefab, SFXEmitter, SpotLight, TerrainBlock

setForwardVector(VectorF newForward, VectorF upVector)

Sets the forward vector of the object.

setRenderTransform(const MatrixF & mat)

This sets the render transform for this object.



New render transform

Reimplemented by: Camera


Returns the render transform.


Returns the render transform to convert world to local coordinates.


Returns the render world box.

setHidden(bool hidden)

Reimplemented from: SimObject

Reimplemented by: WayPoint, ShapeBase

buildConvex(const Box3F & box, Convex * convex)

Builds a convex hull for this object.

Think of a convex hull as a low-res mesh which covers, as tightly as possible, the object mesh, and is used as a collision mesh. Parameters:



Convex mesh generated (out)

Reimplemented by: MeshRoad, Forest, OpenVRTrackedObject, ConvexShape, GroundPlane, Item, PhysicalZone, Player, ShapeBase, Trigger, TSStatic, VehicleBlocker, TerrainBlock

buildPolyList(PolyListContext context, AbstractPolyList * polyList, const Box3F & box, const SphereF & sphere)

Builds a list of polygons which intersect a bounding volume.

This will use either the sphere or the box, not both, the SceneObject implementation ignores sphere.


A contentual hint as to the type of polylist to build.


Poly list build (out)


Box bounding volume


Sphere bounding volume

Reimplemented by: MeshRoad, River, WaterBlock, WaterPlane, Forest, ConvexShape, GroundPlane, Item, Player, Prefab, ShapeBase, TSStatic, WheeledVehicle, TerrainBlock

buildExportPolyList(ColladaUtils::ExportData * exportData, const Box3F & box, const SphereF & sphere)

Builds a list of polygons which intersect a bounding volume for exporting.

This will use either the sphere or the box, not both, the SceneObject implementation ignores sphere.


A contentual hint as to the type of polylist to build.


Poly list build (out)


Box bounding volume


Sphere bounding volume

Reimplemented by: ConvexShape, Prefab, TSStatic

castRay(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info)

Casts a ray and obtain collision information, returns true if RayInfo is modified.



Start point of ray


End point of ray


Collision information obtained (out)

Reimplemented by: afxModel, MeshRoad, River, WaterBlock, WaterPlane, OpenVRTrackedObject, ConvexShape, GroundPlane, Player, ShapeBase, Trigger, TSStatic, TerrainBlock, Forest

castRayRendered(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info)

Casts a ray against rendered geometry, returns true if RayInfo is modified.



Start point of ray


End point of ray


Collision information obtained (out)

Reimplemented by: ShapeBase, TSStatic, Forest

buildSilhouette(const SceneCameraState & cameraState, Vector< Point3F > & outPoints)

Build a world-space silhouette polygon for the object for the given camera settings.

This is used for occlusion.



Camera view parameters.


Vector to store the resulting polygon points in. Leave untouched if method is not implemented.

Reimplemented by: AccumulationVolume, OcclusionVolume

containsPoint(const Point3F & point)

Return true if the given point is contained by the object's (collision) shape.

The default implementation will return true if the point is within the object's bounding box. Subclasses should implement more precise tests.

Reimplemented by: WaterObject, ScenePolyhedralObject, ScenePolyhedralObject, SFXEmitter

collideBox(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info)

Reimplemented by: VPath, MeshRoad, River, ConvexShape, TerrainBlock, Forest


Returns the position of the object.

Reimplemented by: T3DSceneComponent


Returns the render-position of the object.

setPosition(const Point3F & pos)

Sets the position of the object.


Gets the velocity of the object.

Reimplemented by: Camera, Item, PhysicsShape, Player, Projectile, RigidShape

setVelocity(const Point3F & v)

Sets the velocity of the object.




Reimplemented by: Debris, Camera, Item, Player, ShapeBase

applyImpulse(const Point3F & pos, const VectorF & vec)

Applies an impulse force to this object.



Position where impulse came from in world space


Velocity vector (Impulse force F = m * v)

Reimplemented by: Item, PhysicsDebris, PhysicsShape, Player, ShapeBase, RigidShape

applyRadialImpulse(const Point3F & origin, F32 radius, F32 magnitude)

Applies a radial impulse to the object using the impulse origin and force.



Point of origin of the radial impulse.


The radius of the impulse area.


The strength of the impulse.

Reimplemented by: Forest, PhysicsDebris, PhysicsShape

distanceTo(const Point3F & pnt)

Returns the distance from this object to a point



World space point to measure to

Reimplemented by: WaterPlane, WaterBlock



Return whether the object's collision shape is blocking sound.


Return the ambient sound space active inside the volume of this object or NULL if the object does not have its own ambient space.

Reimplemented by: WaterObject, SceneAmbientSoundObject, SceneAmbientSoundObject


prepRenderImage(SceneRenderState * state)

Called when the SceneManager is ready for the registration of render instances.



Rendering state.

Reimplemented by: afxMagicMissile, afxBillboard, afxModel, afxMooring, afxStaticShape, afxZodiacPlane, afxParticlePool, MeshRoad, BasicClouds, CloudLayer, DecalRoad, ScatterSky, SkyBox, Sun, VolumetricFog, WaterObject, WaterPlane, Forest, ForestWindEmitter, CoverPoint, NavMesh, NavPath, OpenVRTrackedObject, SceneSpace, Marker, SceneSimpleZone, ConvexShape, Debris, DecalManager, RenderMeshExample, RenderObjectExample, RenderShapeExample, Explosion, fxFoliageReplicator, fxShapeReplicator, GroundCover, Lightning, ParticleEmitter, Precipitation, Ribbon, GroundPlane, Item, LightBase, ReflectionProbe, Skylight, SphereEnvironmentProbe, NotesObject, PhysicalZone, PhysicsDebris, PhysicsShape, Player, Projectile, ProximityMine, SFXEmitter, ShapeBase, Trigger, TSStatic, TurretShape, TerrainBlock


setLightingPlugin(SceneObjectLightingPlugin * plugin)



Gets the number of zones containing this object.

getCurrZone(const U32 index)

Returns the nth zone containing this object.

Global Bounds



If global bounds are set to be true, then the object is assumed to have an infinitely large bounding box for collision and rendering purposes.

They can't be toggled currently.

Protected field getters/setters

_getRenderEnabled(void * object, const char * data)

_setRenderEnabled(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

_getSelectionEnabled(void * object, const char * data)

_setSelectionEnabled(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

_setFieldPosition(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

_setFieldRotation(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

_setFieldScale(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

_setMountPID(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

_setAccuEnabled(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

Public Types



MaxObjectZones = 128

Maximum number of zones that an object can concurrently be assigned to.

NumMountPoints = 32
NumMountPointBits = 5




RenderEnabledFlag = BIT( 0 )

If set, the object can be rendered.


The per-class render disable flag can override the per-object flag.

SelectionEnabledFlag = BIT( 1 )

If set, the object can be selected in the editor.


The per-class selection disable flag can override the per-object flag.

DisableCullingInEditorFlag = BIT( 2 )

If set, object will not be subjected to culling when in the editor.

This is useful to bypass zone culling and always render certain editor-only visual elements (like the zones themselves).

VisualOccluderFlag = BIT( 3 )

If set, object will be used as a visual occluder.

In this case, the object should implement buildSilhouette() and return a convex silhouette polygon.

SoundOccluderFlag = BIT( 4 )

If set, object will be used as a sound occluder.

NextFreeFlag = BIT( 5 )

Bit-flags stored in mObjectFlags.

If a derived class adds more flags they must overload getObjectFlagMax to ensure those flags will be transmitted over the network.



InitialUpdateMask = BIT( 0 )
ScaleMask = BIT( 1 )
FlagMask = BIT( 2 )
MountedMask = BIT( 3 )
NextFreeMask = BIT( 4 )

Networking dirty mask.

typedef NetObject Parent 

Public Friends

Protected Attributes

SimObjectPtr< SceneObject > mAfterObject 

Object which must be ticked before this object.

struct SceneObject::AttachInfo mGraph 
SceneObjectLightingPlugin * mLightPlugin 

SceneObjectLightingPlugin attached to this object.

BitSet32 mObjectFlags 

Combination of SceneObjectFlags.

SceneManager * mSceneManager 

SceneManager to which this SceneObject belongs.

SceneObjectLink * mSceneObjectLinks 

Links installed by SceneTrackers attached to this object.

U8 mSelectionFlags 
U32 mTypeMask 

Object type mask.



Public Attributes

GFXTextureObject * mAccuTex 
bool mPathfindingIgnore 

Public Static Attributes

Signal< void(SceneObject *) > smSceneObjectAdd 

Triggered when a SceneObject onAdd is called.

Signal< void(SceneObject *) > smSceneObjectRemove 

Triggered when a SceneObject onRemove is called.

Private Attributes

bool mIsScopeAlways 

For ScopeAlways objects to be able to properly implement setHidden(), they need to temporarily give up ScopeAlways status while being hidden.

Otherwise the client-side ghost will not disappear as the server-side object will be forced to stay in scope.

Protected Functions


Returns the greatest object flag bit defined.

Only bits within this range will be transmitted over the network.


Called when this is added to a SceneManager.

Reimplemented by: SceneRootZone, SceneSimpleZone, DecalManager


Called when this is removed from its current SceneManager.

Reimplemented by: VolumetricFogRTManager, SceneRootZone, SceneZoneSpace, DecalManager, Portal, ShapeBase

Public Functions



attachChild(SceneObject * subObject)

attach a subobject, but do not alter the subObject's present absolute position or orientation

attachChildAt(SceneObject * subObject, MatrixF atThisTransform, S32 node)

attach a subobject, at the specified offset expressed in our local coordinate space

attachChildAt(SceneObject * subObject, Point3F atThisPosition)

attach a subobject, at the specified position expressed in our local coordinate space

attachToParent(SceneObject * parent, MatrixF * atThisOffset, S32 node)

this is useful for setting NULL parent (making SceneObject a root object)


Reimplemented from: ProcessObject



Reimplemented from: ProcessObject

getChild(U32 index)

returns the (direct) child SceneObject at the given index (0 <= index <= getNumChildren() - 1)


how many child SceneObjects are (directly) attached to this one?


how many child objects does this SceneObject have when we count them recursively?

returns a count of children plus their children, recursively



Return the ProcessList for this object to use.



Return the type mask that indicates to which broad object categories this object belongs.

getUtilizedAssets(Vector< StringTableEntry > * usedAssetsList)

Reimplemented by: GroundPlane, Prefab, TSStatic, TerrainBlock


Reimplemented from: SimObject

Reimplemented by: BasicClouds, CloudLayer, DecalRoad, MeshRoad, River, ScatterSky, SkyBox, Sun, TimeOfDay, VolumetricFog, WaterBlock, WaterObject, WaterPlane, Forest, ForestWindEmitter, CoverPoint, NavMesh, NavPath, OpenVRTrackedObject, Marker, AccumulationVolume, ConvexShape, RenderMeshExample, RenderShapeExample, fxFoliageReplicator, fxShapeReplicator, GroundCover, ParticleEmitterNode, Precipitation, RibbonNode, GameBase, GroundPlane, LightBase, BoxEnvironmentProbe, ReflectionProbe, Skylight, SphereEnvironmentProbe, MissionMarker, WayPoint, SpawnSphere, CameraBookmark, NotesObject, PhysicalZone, PhysicsShape, Prefab, SFXEmitter, Trigger, TSStatic, TerrainBlock


Reimplemented by: afxCamera, Camera

isChildOf(SceneObject * )

is this SceneObject a child (directly or indirectly) of the given object?

move(const Point3F & delta)

set position in parent SceneObject's coordinate space (or in world space if no parent)

move the object in parent SceneObject's coordinate space (or in world space if no parent) as localMove(const Point3F &delta), with different signature move the object in world space, without altering place in scene hierarchy

move(F32 x, F32 y, F32 z)

as move(const Point3F &delta), with different signature

moveRender(const Point3F & delta)



Reimplemented from: SimObject

Reimplemented by: afxCamera, afxChoreographer, afxEffectron, afxMagicMissile, afxMagicSpell, afxSelectron, afxSpellBook, afxBillboard, afxModel, afxMooring, afxParticleEmitter, afxParticleEmitterPath, afxProjectile, afxZodiacPlane, afxParticlePool, BasicClouds, CloudLayer, DecalRoad, MeshRoad, River, ScatterSky, SkyBox, Sun, TimeOfDay, VolumetricFog, WaterBlock, WaterObject, WaterPlane, Forest, ForestWindEmitter, CoverPoint, NavMesh, NavPath, OpenVRTrackedObject, ScenePolyhedralObject, ScenePolyhedralObject, SceneSpace, SimPath::Path, Marker, ScenePolyhedralZone, SceneRootZone, AccumulationVolume, AIPlayer, Camera, ConvexShape, Debris, RenderMeshExample, RenderObjectExample, RenderShapeExample, Explosion, fxFoliageReplicator, fxShapeReplicator, GroundCover, Lightning, ParticleEmitter, ParticleEmitterNode, Precipitation, Ribbon, RibbonNode, Splash, GameBase, GroundPlane, Item, LightBase, BoxEnvironmentProbe, ReflectionProbe, Skylight, SphereEnvironmentProbe, MissionMarker, WayPoint, SpawnSphere, CameraBookmark, NotesObject, OcclusionVolume, PathCamera, PathShape, PhysicalZone, PhysicsDebris, PhysicsForce, PhysicsShape, Player, Prefab, Projectile, ProximityMine, RigidShape, SFXEmitter, ShapeBase, StaticShape, Trigger, TSStatic, AITurretShape, TurretShape, FlyingVehicle, HoverVehicle, Vehicle, VehicleBlocker, WheeledVehicle, TerrainBlock, VActor, VPath

onCameraScopeQuery(NetConnection * cr, CameraScopeQuery * camInfo)

Reimplemented from: NetObject

Reimplemented by: afxCamera, Player, ShapeBase

onDeleteNotify(SimObject * object)

Reimplemented from: SimSet

Reimplemented by: afxChoreographer, afxMagicMissile, afxMagicSpell, Item, ShapeBase, Trigger, afxCamera, afxResidueMgr, Camera, ForestWindEmitter, NavPath, VPath

onLostChild(SceneObject * subObject)

notification that a direct child object has been detached

onLostParent(SceneObject * oldParent)

returns the transform relative to parent SceneObject transform (or world transform if no parent)

returns the position within parent SceneObject space (or world space if no parent) Sets the Object -> Parent transform. If no parent SceneObject, this is equivalent to setTransform()



New transform matrix Called to let instance specific code happen

onNewChild(SceneObject * subObject)

notification that a direct child object has been attached

onNewParent(SceneObject * newParent)

Called to let instance specific code happen.


Reimplemented from: SimGroup

Reimplemented by: afxCamera, afxChoreographer, afxMagicMissile, afxMagicSpell, afxSelectron, afxSpellBook, afxBillboard, afxModel, afxMooring, afxParticleEmitter, afxParticleEmitterPath, afxProjectile, afxZodiacPlane, afxParticlePool, BasicClouds, CloudLayer, DecalRoad, MeshRoad, River, ScatterSky, SkyBox, Sun, TimeOfDay, VolumetricFog, VolumetricFogRTManager, WaterBlock, WaterObject, WaterPlane, Forest, ForestWindEmitter, CoverPoint, NavMesh, NavPath, OpenVRTrackedObject, SceneSpace, SimPath::Path, Marker, SceneRootZone, AccumulationVolume, AIPlayer, Camera, ConvexShape, Debris, RenderMeshExample, RenderObjectExample, RenderShapeExample, Explosion, fxFoliageReplicator, fxShapeReplicator, GroundCover, Lightning, ParticleEmitter, ParticleEmitterNode, Precipitation, Ribbon, RibbonNode, Splash, GameBase, GroundPlane, Item, LightBase, BoxEnvironmentProbe, ReflectionProbe, Skylight, SphereEnvironmentProbe, MissionMarker, CameraBookmark, NotesObject, PathCamera, PathShape, PhysicalZone, PhysicsDebris, PhysicsForce, PhysicsShape, Player, Prefab, Projectile, ProximityMine, RigidShape, SFXEmitter, ShapeBase, StaticShape, Trigger, TSStatic, AITurretShape, TurretShape, FlyingVehicle, HoverVehicle, Vehicle, VehicleBlocker, WheeledVehicle, TerrainBlock, VActor, VPath

packUpdate(NetConnection * conn, U32 mask, BitStream * stream)

Reimplemented from: NetObject

Reimplemented by: AccumulationVolume, GroundCover, Precipitation, PathCamera, PathShape, afxChoreographer, afxEffectron, afxMagicSpell, afxSelectron, afxSpellBook, afxMooring, afxProjectile, afxStaticShape, DecalRoad, MeshRoad, River, afxCamera, afxMagicMissile, BasicClouds, CloudLayer, ScatterSky, SkyBox, Sun, TimeOfDay, VolumetricFog, WaterBlock, WaterObject, WaterPlane, Forest, ForestWindEmitter, CoverPoint, NavMesh, NavPath, OpenVRTrackedObject, Marker, SceneSimpleZone, Camera, ConvexShape, RenderMeshExample, RenderObjectExample, RenderShapeExample, fxFoliageReplicator, fxShapeReplicator, Lightning, ParticleEmitterNode, RibbonNode, Splash, GameBase, Item, LightBase, BoxEnvironmentProbe, ReflectionProbe, Skylight, SphereEnvironmentProbe, MissionMarker, WayPoint, SpawnSphere, CameraBookmark, NotesObject, PhysicalZone, PhysicsShape, Player, PointLight, Portal, Prefab, Projectile, ProximityMine, RigidShape, SFXEmitter, ShapeBase, SpotLight, StaticShape, Trigger, TSStatic, AITurretShape, TurretShape, FlyingVehicle, HoverVehicle, Vehicle, VehicleBlocker, WheeledVehicle, TerrainBlock, SceneAmbientSoundObject, SceneAmbientSoundObject, ScenePolyhedralObject, ScenePolyhedralObject, SceneSpace, SceneZoneSpace, GroundPlane, VHumanoidActor, VActor, VPath

PerformUpdatesForChildren(MatrixF mat)

processAfter(ProcessObject * obj)

Reimplemented from: ProcessObject

setProcessTick(bool t)

Reimplemented from: ProcessObject

setSelectionFlags(U8 flags)

Reimplemented by: ShapeBase, TSStatic

unpackUpdate(NetConnection * conn, BitStream * stream)

Reimplemented from: NetObject

Reimplemented by: afxChoreographer, afxEffectron, afxMagicSpell, afxSelectron, afxSpellBook, afxMooring, afxProjectile, afxStaticShape, DecalRoad, MeshRoad, River, AccumulationVolume, GroundCover, Precipitation, PathCamera, PathShape, afxCamera, afxMagicMissile, BasicClouds, CloudLayer, ScatterSky, SkyBox, Sun, TimeOfDay, VolumetricFog, WaterBlock, WaterObject, WaterPlane, Forest, ForestWindEmitter, CoverPoint, NavMesh, NavPath, OpenVRTrackedObject, Marker, SceneSimpleZone, Camera, ConvexShape, RenderMeshExample, RenderObjectExample, RenderShapeExample, fxFoliageReplicator, fxShapeReplicator, Lightning, ParticleEmitterNode, RibbonNode, Splash, GameBase, Item, LightBase, BoxEnvironmentProbe, ReflectionProbe, Skylight, SphereEnvironmentProbe, MissionMarker, WayPoint, SpawnSphere, CameraBookmark, NotesObject, PhysicalZone, PhysicsShape, Player, PointLight, Portal, Prefab, Projectile, ProximityMine, RigidShape, SFXEmitter, ShapeBase, SpotLight, StaticShape, Trigger, TSStatic, AITurretShape, TurretShape, FlyingVehicle, HoverVehicle, Vehicle, VehicleBlocker, WheeledVehicle, TerrainBlock, SceneAmbientSoundObject, SceneAmbientSoundObject, ScenePolyhedralObject, ScenePolyhedralObject, SceneSpace, SceneZoneSpace, GroundPlane, VHumanoidActor, VActor, VPath



UpdateXformChange(const MatrixF & mat)

writeField(StringTableEntry fieldname, const char * value)

Reimplemented from: SimObject

Reimplemented by: DecalRoad, MeshRoad, River, SceneZoneSpace, ConvexShape, ReflectionProbe, Portal, ScenePolyhedralObject, ScenePolyhedralObject

Public Static Functions

_setGameObject(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)


Private Functions

SceneObject(const SceneObject & )

