


Public Attributes

Angular momentum.

Current rotation.

Angular velocity.


Center of mass in object space.

Friction coefficient.

Inverse moment of inertia.

Inverse moment of inertia in world space.

Linear momentum.

Current position.

Linear velocity.

Rigid body mass.

Moment of inertia.

1 / mass

CofM in world space.

Private Functions

Public Functions

Calculate the inertia along the given vector This function can be used to calculate the amount of force needed to affect a change in velocity along the specified normal applied at the given point.


Resolve collision with an immovable object Computes & applies the collision impulse needed to keep the body from penetrating the given surface.


Resolve collision with another rigid body Computes & applies the collision impulses needed to keep the bodies from interpenetrating.

Set the rigid body moment of inertia The moment is calculated as a unit sphere.

Set the rigid body moment of inertia The moment is calculated as a box with the given dimensions.

Detailed Description

Public Attributes

Point3F angMomentum 

Angular momentum.

QuatF angPosition 

Current rotation.

Point3F angVelocity 

Angular velocity.

bool atRest 
Point3F centerOfMass 

Center of mass in object space.

Point3F force 
F32 friction 

Friction coefficient.

MatrixF invObjectInertia 

Inverse moment of inertia.

MatrixF invWorldInertia 

Inverse moment of inertia in world space.

Point3F linMomentum 

Linear momentum.

Point3F linPosition 

Current position.

Point3F linVelocity 

Linear velocity.

F32 mass 

Rigid body mass.

MatrixF objectInertia 

Moment of inertia.

F32 oneOverMass 

1 / mass

F32 restitution 

Collision restitution.

Point3F torque 
Point3F worldCenterOfMass 

CofM in world space.

Private Functions

translateCenterOfMass(const Point3F & oldPos, const Point3F & newPos)

Public Functions


applyImpulse(const Point3F & v, const Point3F & impulse)




getOriginVector(const Point3F & r, Point3F * v)

getTransform(MatrixF * mat)

getVelocity(const Point3F & p, Point3F * r)

getZeroImpulse(const Point3F & r, const Point3F & normal)

Calculate the inertia along the given vector This function can be used to calculate the amount of force needed to affect a change in velocity along the specified normal applied at the given point.

integrate(F32 delta)


resolveCollision(const Point3F & p, const Point3F & normal)

Resolve collision with an immovable object Computes & applies the collision impulse needed to keep the body from penetrating the given surface.

resolveCollision(const Point3F & p, const Point3F & normal, Rigid * )

Resolve collision with another rigid body Computes & applies the collision impulses needed to keep the bodies from interpenetrating.

tg: This function was commented out... I uncommented it, but haven't double checked the math.


setCenterOfMass(const Point3F & v)


Set the rigid body moment of inertia The moment is calculated as a unit sphere.

setObjectInertia(const Point3F & r)

Set the rigid body moment of inertia The moment is calculated as a box with the given dimensions.

setTransform(const MatrixF & mat)


