


Private Types


Protected Attributes

The collision representation.

Public Functions

addBox(const Point3F & halfWidth, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Add a box to the collision shape.

addCapsule(F32 radius, F32 height, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Add a Y axis capsule to the collision shape.

addConvex(const Point3F * points, U32 count, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Add a point cloud convex hull to the collision shape.

addHeightfield(const U16 * heights, const bool * holes, U32 blockSize, F32 metersPerSample, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Add a heightfield to the collision shape.

Add an infinite plane to the collision shape.

addSphere(F32 radius, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Add a sphere to the collision shape.

addTriangleMesh(const Point3F * vert, U32 vertCount, const U32 * index, U32 triCount, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Add a triangle mesh to the collision shape.

Return the PhysX shape descriptions.

Detailed Description

Private Types

typedef Vector< Px3CollisionDesc * > Px3CollisionList 

Protected Attributes

Px3CollisionList mColShapes 

The collision representation.

Public Functions



addBox(const Point3F & halfWidth, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsCollision

addCapsule(F32 radius, F32 height, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsCollision

addConvex(const Point3F * points, U32 count, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsCollision

addHeightfield(const U16 * heights, const bool * holes, U32 blockSize, F32 metersPerSample, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsCollision

addPlane(const PlaneF & plane)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsCollision

addSphere(F32 radius, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsCollision

addTriangleMesh(const Point3F * vert, U32 vertCount, const U32 * index, U32 triCount, const MatrixF & localXfm)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsCollision


Return the PhysX shape descriptions.