


Protected Attributes

physx::PxRigidActor *

The physics actor.

The body flags set at creation time.

We hold the collision reference as it contains allocated objects that we own and must free.


Is true if this body is enabled and active in the simulation of the scene.

physx::PxMaterial *

The unshared local material used on all the shapes on this actor.

The physics world we are in.

Protected Functions

Public Functions

findContact(SceneObject ** contactObject, VectorF * contactNormal, Vector< SceneObject * > * outOverlapObjects)

Returns the collision shape used to create the body.

getTransform(MatrixF * outMatrix)

Returns the transform of the physics body at the last processed simulation tick.

Returns the physics world this object is a member of.

Returns the world aligned bounding box containing the PhysicsObject.

init(PhysicsCollision * shape, F32 mass, U32 bodyFlags, SceneObject * obj, PhysicsWorld * world)

Initialize the body with a collision shape and basic physics properties.


Returns true if the object is a dynamic rigid body animated by the physics simulation.

setDamping(F32 linear, F32 angular)
setMaterial(F32 restitution, F32 friction, F32 staticFriction)
setSimulationEnabled(bool enabled)

Set false to skip simulation of this object or temporarily remove it from the physics simulation.

setSleeping(bool sleeping)
setSleepThreshold(F32 linear, F32 angular)
setTransform(const MatrixF & transform)

Sets the transform on the physics object.

Detailed Description

Protected Attributes

physx::PxRigidActor * mActor 

The physics actor.

U32 mBodyFlags 

The body flags set at creation time.

StrongRefPtr< Px3Collision > mColShape 

We hold the collision reference as it contains allocated objects that we own and must free.

MatrixF mInternalTransform 
bool mIsEnabled 

Is true if this body is enabled and active in the simulation of the scene.

bool mIsStatic 
physx::PxMaterial * mMaterial 

The unshared local material used on all the shapes on this actor.

Px3World * mWorld 

The physics world we are in.

Protected Functions


Public Functions



applyCorrection(const MatrixF & xfm)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

applyForce(const Point3F & force)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

applyImpulse(const Point3F & origin, const Point3F & force)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

applyTorque(const Point3F & torque)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

findContact(SceneObject ** contactObject, VectorF * contactNormal, Vector< SceneObject * > * outOverlapObjects)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody


Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody


Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody


Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody


Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody


Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

getState(PhysicsState * outState)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

getTransform(MatrixF * outMatrix)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsObject


Reimplemented from: PhysicsObject


Reimplemented from: PhysicsObject

init(PhysicsCollision * shape, F32 mass, U32 bodyFlags, SceneObject * obj, PhysicsWorld * world)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody


Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody


Reimplemented from: PhysicsObject

moveKinematicTo(const MatrixF & xfm)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

setAngVelocity(const Point3F & vel)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

setDamping(F32 linear, F32 angular)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

setLinVelocity(const Point3F & vel)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

setMaterial(F32 restitution, F32 friction, F32 staticFriction)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

setSimulationEnabled(bool enabled)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsObject

setSleeping(bool sleeping)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

setSleepThreshold(F32 linear, F32 angular)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsBody

setTransform(const MatrixF & transform)

Reimplemented from: PhysicsObject