

Abstract representation of a native OS window.


Event Handlers

Various events that this window receives.

These are all subclasses of JournaledSignal, so you can subscribe to them and receive notifications per the documentation for that class.

GFX State Management

Return a pointer to the GFX device this window is bound to.

Return a pointer to this window's render target.

Set the video mode for this window.

Get our current video mode - if the window has been resized, it will reflect this.


If we're fullscreen, this function returns us to desktop mode.

setFullscreen(const bool fullscreen)

Acquire the entire screen.

setBackground(bool val)

Set Idle State (Background)


Get Idle State (Background)

Set whether this window is intended for offscreen rendering An offscreen window will never be shown or lose focus.


Set whether this window is intended for offscreen rendering.

setDisplayWindow(bool val)

Set whether this window is should display as normal.

Set Focused State (Foreground)


setCaption(const char * cap)

Set the window's caption.

const char *

Get the window's caption.


Control how the window is displayed

Minimize the window on screen.

Maximize the window on screen.


Hide the window on screen.


Show the window on screen.

Destroy the window on screen.

Restore the window from a Maximized or Minimized state.

Window Bounds

The Client Rectangle or "Render Area" of a window is the area that is occupied by a given client that is rendering to that window.

Get the Client Area Extent (Resolution) of this window.

Public User Defined

setBounds(const RectI & newBounds)

The bounds of a Window are defined as the entire area occupied by that Window.

Get the position and size (fullscreen windows are always at (0,0)).

Public User Defined

setPosition(const Point2I newPosition)

The Position of a window is always in relation to the very upper left of the window.

Get the position of this window.

setSize(const Point2I & newSize)

Resize the window to have a new size (but be in the same position).

Coordinate Space Conversion

Convert the coordinate given in this window space to screen coordinates.

Convert the given screen coordinates to coordinates in this window space.

Windowed state

This is only really meaningful if the window is not fullscreen.


Returns true if the window is instantiated in the OS.


Returns true if the window is visible.


Returns true if the window has input focus.


Returns true if the window is minimized.


Returns true if the window is maximized.

Keyboard Translation

When keyboard translation is on, keypress events that correspond to character input should be send as character input events rather than as raw key events except if shouldNotTranslate() returns true for a specific keypress event.

This enables the platform layer to perform platform-specific character input mapping.

Set if relevant keypress events should be translated into character input events.


Returns true if keyboard translation is enabled.

shouldNotTranslate(U32 modifiers, U32 keyCode)

Returns true if the given keypress event should not be translated.

Window Cursor

Accessors to control a windows cursor shape and visibility

Get the CursorController that this window owns.

Set the cursor position based on logical coordinates from the upper-right corner.

Get the cursor position based on logical coordinates from the upper-right corner.

setCursorVisible(bool visible)

Set the cursor visibility on this window.


Get the cursor visibility on this window.

setMouseLocked(bool enable)

Lock the mouse to this window.


Is the mouse locked ?


Should the mouse be locked at the next opportunity ?

Public Types

WindowSystem {
  WindowSystem_Unknown = 0

Public Friends

Protected Attributes

Cursor Controller for this Window.


This is set as part of the canvas being shown, and flags that the windows should render as normal from now on.


When Torque GuiText input controls have focus they need to disable native OS keyboard accelerator translation.


Are we enabling IME or other keyboard input translation services, or concerned about raw input?


Is Idle?

When the resize is locked, this will be used as both minimum and maximum window size.

Minimum allowed size for this window.


Offscreen Render.


When this is true, resizing is locked.


Suppress device resets.

An opaque ID used to resolve references to this Window.

Window Mouse/Key input Controller for this Window.

Protected Functions

Protected constructor so that the win.

_setFullscreen(const bool fullScreen)

Public Functions

To get rid of a window, just delete it.


Returns true if native OS keyboard accelerators are enabled.

Returns the locked window size.

Returns the current minimum window size for this window.

void *

Get the platform specific object needed to create or attach an accelerated graohics drawing context on or to the window Win32 D3D and OpenGL typically needs an HWND Mac Cocoa OpenGL typically needs an NSOpenGLView Mac Carbon OpenGL typically needs a WindowRef.

Get the ID that uniquely identifies this window in the context of its window manager.


Returns true if the window size is locked.

lockSize(bool locked)

Locks/unlocks window resizing.

Used to disable native OS keyboard accelerators.

Get the WindowController associated with this window.

Sets a minimum window size.

setSuppressReset(bool suppress)

Set the flag that determines whether to suppress a GFXDevice reset.

Detailed Description

Abstract representation of a native OS window.

Every windowing system has its own representations and conventions as regards the windows on-screen. In order to provide Torque with means for interfacing with multiple windows, tracking their state, etc. we provide this interface.

This interface also allows the app to access the render target for the window it represents, as well as control mode switches, get mode info, and so on.

Event Handlers

Various events that this window receives.

These are all subclasses of JournaledSignal, so you can subscribe to them and receive notifications per the documentation for that class.

AppEvent appEvent 
MouseEvent mouseEvent 
MouseWheelEvent wheelEvent 
ButtonEvent buttonEvent 
LinearEvent linearEvent 
KeyEvent keyEvent 
CharEvent charEvent 
DisplayEvent displayEvent 
ResizeEvent resizeEvent 
IdleEvent idleEvent 

GFX State Management


Return a pointer to the GFX device this window is bound to.

A GFX device may use many windows, but a window can only be used by a single GFX device.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Return a pointer to this window's render target.

By setting window targets from different windows, we can effect rendering to multiple windows from a single device.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

setVideoMode(const GFXVideoMode & mode)

Set the video mode for this window.


Get our current video mode - if the window has been resized, it will reflect this.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


If we're fullscreen, this function returns us to desktop mode.

This will be either the last mode that we had that was not fullscreen, or the equivalent mode, windowed.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window



true if this window is fullscreen, false otherwise.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

setFullscreen(const bool fullscreen)

Acquire the entire screen.

setBackground(bool val)

Set Idle State (Background)

This is called to put a window into idle state, which causes it's rendering priority to be toned down to prefer performance


Get Idle State (Background)

This is called to poll the window as to it's idle state.

setOffscreenRender(bool val)

Set whether this window is intended for offscreen rendering An offscreen window will never be shown or lose focus.


Set whether this window is intended for offscreen rendering.

This is called to poll the window as to it's idle state.

setDisplayWindow(bool val)

Set whether this window is should display as normal.


Set Focused State (Foreground)

Claim OS input focus for this window

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


setCaption(const char * cap)

Set the window's caption.

Reimplemented by: PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window, MacWindow


Get the window's caption.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Control how the window is displayed


Minimize the window on screen.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Maximize the window on screen.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Hide the window on screen.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Show the window on screen.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Destroy the window on screen.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Restore the window from a Maximized or Minimized state.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

Window Bounds

setClientExtent(const Point2I newExtent)

The Client Rectangle or "Render Area" of a window is the area that is occupied by a given client that is rendering to that window.

This does not include the area occupied by a title-bar, menu, borders or other non-client elements. Set the Client Area Extent (Resolution) of this window

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Get the Client Area Extent (Resolution) of this window.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

Public User Defined

setBounds(const RectI & newBounds)

The bounds of a Window are defined as the entire area occupied by that Window.

This includes the area needed for a title-bar, menu, borders, and other non-client elements. Resize the window to have some new bounds.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Get the position and size (fullscreen windows are always at (0,0)).

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

Public User Defined

setPosition(const Point2I newPosition)

The Position of a window is always in relation to the very upper left of the window.

This means that saying setPosition at 0,0 will put the position of the window title-bar (if one exists) at 0,0 and the Client area will be offset from that point by the space needed for the Non-Client area. Set the position of this window

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Get the position of this window.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

setSize(const Point2I & newSize)

Resize the window to have a new size (but be in the same position).

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

Coordinate Space Conversion

clientToScreen(const Point2I & point)

Convert the coordinate given in this window space to screen coordinates.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

screenToClient(const Point2I & point)

Convert the given screen coordinates to coordinates in this window space.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

Windowed state

This is only really meaningful if the window is not fullscreen.


Returns true if the window is instantiated in the OS.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Returns true if the window is visible.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Returns true if the window has input focus.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Returns true if the window is minimized.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Returns true if the window is maximized.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

Keyboard Translation

When keyboard translation is on, keypress events that correspond to character input should be send as character input events rather than as raw key events except if shouldNotTranslate() returns true for a specific keypress event.

This enables the platform layer to perform platform-specific character input mapping.

setKeyboardTranslation(const bool enabled)

Set if relevant keypress events should be translated into character input events.

Reimplemented by: PlatformWindowSDL


Returns true if keyboard translation is enabled.

shouldNotTranslate(U32 modifiers, U32 keyCode)

Returns true if the given keypress event should not be translated.

Window Cursor

Accessors to control a windows cursor shape and visibility

Get the CursorController that this window owns.


setCursorPosition(S32 x, S32 y)

Set the cursor position based on logical coordinates from the upper-right corner.



The X position of the cursor


The Y position of the cursor

getCursorPosition(Point2I & point)

Get the cursor position based on logical coordinates from the upper-right corner.



A reference to a Point2I to store the coordinates

setCursorVisible(bool visible)

Set the cursor visibility on this window.



Whether the cursor should be visible or not


Get the cursor visibility on this window.


true if the cursor is visible or false if it's hidden

setMouseLocked(bool enable)

Lock the mouse to this window.

When this is set, the mouse will always be returned to the center of the client area after every mouse event. The mouse will also be hidden while it is locked.

The mouse cannot be moved out of the bounds of the window, but the window may lose focus (for instance by an alt-tab or other event). While the window lacks focus, no mouse events will be reported.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Is the mouse locked ?

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Should the mouse be locked at the next opportunity ?

This flag is set to the current state of the mouse lock on a window, to specify the preferred lock status of the mouse in a platform window.

This is important for situations where a call is made to setMouseLocked, and the window is not in a state that it can be cleanly locked. Take for example if it was called while the window is in the background, then it is not appropriate to lock the window, but rather the window should query this state at it's next opportunity and lock the mouse if requested.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

Public Types



WindowSystem_Unknown = 0

Public Friends

Protected Attributes

PlatformCursorController * mCursorController 

Cursor Controller for this Window.

bool mDisplayWindow 

This is set as part of the canvas being shown, and flags that the windows should render as normal from now on.

bool mEnableAccelerators 

When Torque GuiText input controls have focus they need to disable native OS keyboard accelerator translation.

bool mEnableKeyboardTranslation 

Are we enabling IME or other keyboard input translation services, or concerned about raw input?

bool mIsBackground 

Is Idle?

Point2I mLockedSize 

When the resize is locked, this will be used as both minimum and maximum window size.

Point2I mMinimumSize 

Minimum allowed size for this window.

When possible, we will communicate this to the OS.

bool mOffscreenRender 

Offscreen Render.

bool mResizeLocked 

When this is true, resizing is locked.

bool mSuppressReset 

Suppress device resets.

WindowId mWindowId 

An opaque ID used to resolve references to this Window.

WindowInputGenerator * mWindowInputGenerator 

Window Mouse/Key input Controller for this Window.

Protected Static Attributes

ScreenResChangeSignal smScreenResChangeSignal 

Protected Functions


Protected constructor so that the win.

_setFullscreen(const bool fullScreen)

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

_setVideoMode(const GFXVideoMode & mode)

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

Public Functions


To get rid of a window, just delete it.

Make sure the GFXDevice is done with it first!


Returns true if native OS keyboard accelerators are enabled.



Returns the locked window size.


Returns the current minimum window size for this window.


Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Get the platform specific object needed to create or attach an accelerated graohics drawing context on or to the window Win32 D3D and OpenGL typically needs an HWND Mac Cocoa OpenGL typically needs an NSOpenGLView Mac Carbon OpenGL typically needs a WindowRef.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window

getSystemWindow(const WindowSystem system)

Reimplemented by: PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Get the ID that uniquely identifies this window in the context of its window manager.

Reimplemented by: MacWindow, PlatformWindowSDL, Win32Window


Returns true if the window size is locked.

lockSize(bool locked)

Locks/unlocks window resizing.

setAcceleratorsEnabled(const bool enabled)

Used to disable native OS keyboard accelerators.

setInputController(IProcessInput * controller)

Get the WindowController associated with this window.

setMinimumWindowSize(Point2I minSize)

Sets a minimum window size.

We'll work with the OS to prevent user from sizing the window to less than this. Setting to (0,0) means user has complete freedom of resize.

setSuppressReset(bool suppress)

Set the flag that determines whether to suppress a GFXDevice reset.

Public Static Functions
